Big Sky Season Three Episode Thirteen Recap – Jensen Ackles Edition
Beau drives into a huge empty warehouse with about three stories of empty space above them and lots of windows. He and Jenny get out; Sunny is in the car. Beau doesn’t like it, and Jenny wonders what his play is. Beau says that Buck thinks he’s got all the cards. “We have one thing he wants!” Jenny says, nodding toward Sunny, but Beau thinks she’s a wild card and is not doing this just to help them.
Jenny’s not buying it either. A pick up truck drives in toward them. “Where’s the trailer?” Beau observes. “They’re not even here!” He pulls his gun but keeps it at his side.
He asks Buck where they are, and Buck, standing at a distance near his truck, says they’re safe – for now.” “Buck,” whispers Sunny inside the Jeep. “I thought we had a deal!” calls Beau. “We’ll get to that, but first let Sunny go.” He won’t tell them where Denise and Emily are until they let him talk to his wife. “And why would we let you do that?” Beau asks. “Why? Cause I got nothing to lose, Sheriff,” Buck says, patting the gun holstered at his belt. “If I shoot myself, you’ll never find them. Now let me see my wife!” “Allright,” Beau tells him, “but you need to tell me where you put my daughter.” His tone is controlled, but his eyes are anguished.
Buck laughs, baring strong white teeth. “Well, I guess we got a little chicken and egg problem here, Sheriff! Hell, why don’t you just TAKE ME OUT? That’s what you want to do.” He spreads his arms wide.
“Just give him Sunny,” whispers Jenny. Beau opens the door for Sunny and tells her not to try anything funny but just stick to the plan.
“We need a location for the girls,” Jenny tells her quietly. “That’s our number one priority.” “I’ll get them back safe and sound,” Sunny says in a low tone, her eyes on Buck. Sunny walks across the open space toward Buck.
Quietly, he asks if she’s OK, and she responds that she’s far from OK. He needs to do the right thing and end this now. “I’ve been trying to do that all my life,” Buck tells her. “Times up!” Beau calls. “Where are they?” “Come here,” whispers Buck, taking Sunny’s arm and guiding her so she stands next to him. His other hand rests on his gun. He tells the law officers that he’s going to take Sunny with him and he’ll call later and tell them where the missing women are. “No!” barks Beau hoarsely, pulling his gun and striding forward.
“No!” Jenny paces at his side, reaching for her weapon as well. “Be smart about this, son!” calls out Buck, holding his hand out. “NO!” yells Beau, aiming his gun, still approaching.
“What other choice do you have?” Beau freezes, still aiming the gun. “That’s what I thought,” nods Buck. Beau grits his teeth but lowers his gun as Buck opens the passenger door for Sunny. “I’ll be in touch, Sheriff,” he calls back. Beau stares after him, looking slightly dazed. Buck backs the pickup up and drives off. “Let’s go,” whispers Jenny to the sheriff, who stands stunned with disappointment.
Cormac and Cassie find the gate which is locked with a large padlock marked BB for Buck Barnes. They climb the fence and begin walking down the private road.
In the pickup, Buck nearly causes an accident, trying to search Sunny for a tracking device he’s sure is on her. Sunny gives it up and tells him she’s scared of him. He says there’s no reason to be: he loves her. He tosses the tracker out the window. He tells Sunny that she’s his world. She’d saved him once before, and he’d hoped that, if he could see her one more time, they could be them again. Sunny says that can’t happen. He has brought all this mess down on the both of them. Buck thinks they can start over. He just got a little crossed up is all. “Do you think you could ever forgive me?” he asks. “If you do the right thing, and give those women back, I’ll consider it,” Sunny says. When he says it’s not that simple, she demands he pull over and let her out. She’s serious so he gives in and tells her to call them. She gets Beau on the phone and holds the phone toward Buck. “You ready for the coordinates?” he asks.
Beau and Jenny zoom down the road. Beau wants response teams ready, SWAT, K-9, Search & Rescue. “On it,” says Jenny. “What about Buck?” “We can deal with him later,” Beau tells her. “This is about getting the girls back alive.” The GPS on Jenny’s phone show them getting closer.
Buck says he did what Sunny asked and now tells her to throw her phone out the window. She does. He says the world doesn’t mean anything to him without her in it. It doesn’t make any sense. Sunny tells him that she wants to go the their spot where he asked her to marry him. He says they don’t have time, but she asks, “How do you know I don’t have a plan?” “You mind telling me what it is?” “One thing at a time,” she says. “Ok, Sunny Barnes,” he replies.
Cops cars with sirens blaring pull up to a deserted industrial site. The gray trailer sits abandoned. Guns drawn, cops approach the trailer, and Beau and Jenny get out of their vehicle and hurry forward too.
“Emily!” calls Beau. “Do you here that?” asks Jenny. There’s a tick-tick-tick. Then an officer’s foot crosses a laser beam. The beeping increases. “Beau, wait!” yells Jenny. With a sudden boom and a flash of orange flame, the trailer explodes, hurling a deputy through the air. Jenny and Beau stagger back as the trailer is engulfed in flames.
Beau stares for a moment, the fire reflecting on his face, then starts forward.
Cassie and Cormac enter the cabin. They see bloody bandages but no sign of the captives.
A shrouded body is being strapped onto a gurney. Jenny and Beau confer.
One of the deputies hit a trip beam that set off the explosion. There was just one body: they think it was the man whom Buck killed outside the bar. That means Buck still has the girls stashed somewhere. “I bet you they’re still alive,” says Jenny. “We’re wasting time,” says Beau, in sheriff mode. Poppernak calls with a report that they found Buck’s empty pickup. The Barnes aren’t in sight, but there is a nearby trail. Beau and Jenny are on their way to find out.
Buck and Sunny arrive at the spot, a sunny hillside. “Now what?” asks Buck. “You remember that promise you made me? Well, you broke it. Everything we had is broken. I gave you everything. I thought i knew what kind of a man you were, but I was wrong.” “Come on, Sunny.” “We were both lying. But that’s going to stop.” Buck says he’s sorry and he can change, but Sunny says that’s not going to cut it. “You turned me against Walter. And all those bad things you did? I can’t abide that!” “I don’t know what I was thinking,” Buck admits. “Come here,” Sunny says, reaching up and kissing him. “That was my goodbye kiss.” He tips his head confused. She looks to the side and nods. Walter steps into view, holding a huge knife.
“I told you I had a plan,” says Sunny. “You were the monster all along!” says Walter. “I should’ve disposed of you a long time ago,” responds Buck. With a cry of rage, Walter rushes towards his stepfather, crashing into him and causing him to drop his gun. Walter straddles the fallen man, trying to drive the knife into him, but Buck holds onto his wrist. Walter hits him with his left hand twice, but Buck is able to grab a fist-sized rock and smashes it into the side of Walter’s head. Walter falls as Sunny cries out, and Buck hits Walter again. “Put it down!” yells Beau as he and Jenny approach, guns drawn.
Instead, Buck batters Walter’s face again. Sunny whimpers tearfully. Beau’s eyes get hard and he hurls himself forward, throwing himself at Buck and hurtling them both from the hilltop down the wooded slope below. Jenny runs to the edge to see them still tumbling and turns back to where Sunny is crouching by Walter’s body. His face is bloody and still. “He killed my boy!” Sunny says tremulously.
The two men finally land on flat ground, only a few yards from each other. Staggering to his feet, Beau reaches for his gun, but it’s not there. He approaches Buck who’s still on the ground but is secretly reaching for a knife stick into his boot. The older man gets up and lunges at the sheriff, swinging the sharp blade at him, but Beau grapples with him.
Buck falls backward onto the ground, but he is still driving the knife toward Beau’s neck.
Beau grabs his arm, trying to force the knife away. Finally, he gets in a blow which stuns Buck enough that Beau can slap the knife away. Grabbing the man by the front of his shirt, Beau pulls him up then slams him back onto the dried, brown grass. “Where is she? Where’s my daughter?” he yells. “It’s too late,” says Buck. “What’d you do to her?” grits out Beau. His fingers close on Buck’s throat. The man begins to gasp for air and starts uselessly flailing at Beau’s arm.
“Let him up, Beau,” yells Jenny, running up. “BEAU!” She grabs his arm and tries to pull him back. “Think of your daughter!” she yells in his ear.
Beau releases Buck and falls back, while Buck rolls away, coughing. “Where are the girls, Buck?” asks Jenny. Buck just starts laughing. A gun clicks. Jenny spins. Beau looks over from where he lies on the ground. Sunny is pointing a gun at them.
“Get up, Buck. On your feet. It’s time.” Buck pushes himself to his feet, panting. “No, Sunny, don’t,” says Beau. “Sunny, think about what you’re doing,” warns Jenny is a low voice. Her hand is at her gun, but she hasn’t pulled it since Sunny is already drawn. “I know exactly what I’m doing,” says Sunny. Buck walks between the two law officers toward his wife. “Shoot ’em, Sunny,” he says. Sunny moves the gun a few inches to the right and fires. Buck falls, a bullet hole in his chest. Jenny pulls her gun and points it at Sunny. “Drop the gun!” Sunny throws it to the side. Buck is crawling toward his wife. “No, no, no!” calls Beau, who’s standing now and rushing toward the fallen man. Jenny handcuffs Sunny as Beau crouches to check on Buck then looks up, despair written across his face.
In the cabin, Cassie gets a call. She tells Cormac, “That was Jenny. You’re dad. He’s dead.” He looks away then asks, “How?” “Your mother shot him,” she says simply. He pauses a moment, then asks if they found Denise and Emily. “He never gave the location,” says Cassie. “Then we need to keep looking,” says Cormac finally meeting her eyes. Cormac remembers that there is an old mine shaft on the property. They approach, then hear cries. They rip the boards away from the entrance and enter to find the missing women tied inside.
They cut them free. Cassie hugs Denise, and Cormac gives Emily back the knife he’d confiscated from her at the camp.
As he helps her from the mine shaft, Beau and Jenny arrive, and father and daughter cling to each other. “Thank you,” Beau mouths to Cassie as Jenny hugs Denise. Relieved tears fill Beau’s eyes as he has his daughter safe at last.
At the sheriff’s department, Sunny is being finger printed. Jenny tells her it’s a miracle that Walter is still alive. Sunny wants to know how he is legally speaking. Jenny says he’ll be OK. “He’s a good boy,” says Sunny. Then she asks Cassie to keep an eye on Cormac and to tell him she’s sorry. Also, if he and Walter ever do get to meet up, she should make sure they behave themselves. “I will,” says Cassie. “I want you all to know I did what had to be done,” declares Sunny. “Some bills you just gotta pay yourself no matter what the cost.” Jenny and Cassie don’t reply. “Well, I guess it’s the end of the road,” says Sunny, putting her hands behind her so Poppernak can handcuff her. “You all be good. I’ll be seeing you,” she says as the deputy leads her off. “Anything for family, right?” remarks Cassie. “Honestly, I’d probably do the same thing,” says Jenny, then nudges Cassie. “You would too.” “Yeah,” whispers Cassie.
“There we go!” says Tonya in a chipper voice, pushing Donno in a wheelchair into their empty diner. “Right back to your happy place!” She burbles on about grilling him a sandwich and shows him a white horse plushy she bought him: “Just like you always wanted. Gandalf! Right?” Donno hasn’t said a word but he reaches for the toy and smoothes back its mane. “You were right,” Tonya adds softly. “Is that what you want to hear? You told me to leave it alone and I didn’t and I got greedy and it nearly got you killed.” Her voice is teary. “I don’t know what I’d do if it ever happened. I’m so sorry,” she adds in a whisper. Donno doesn’t reply. “Say something,” she sobs. “You, um, you sorta kissed me,” he says. He wants to know what that means, and she laughs, happy that he’s talking. “Well, I thought you were gonna die,” she smiles. “Pity. End of times kiss. OK,” he nods. ‘Let’s just call it a kiss and leave it at that,” she smiles. ‘It’s just – I felt something,” he admits. “You’re supposed to,” Tanya replies. “It was like my first time at Tim Horton’s. Maple glazed, and then Bavarian Cream.” “That was your first time?” she asks softly. “NO!” he quickly asserts. “That’s a lie, Donno.” “OK, it’s a lie, but not the donuts part.” She smiles, then sits and shrugs. “Like I said, just a kiss!” “Shame that after all of that we don’t got the money,” he says. She smiles. “No way,” says Donno, in his even, unruffled tone. “I transferred it while you were laid up. It’s ours, Donno,” Tanya whispers. “That’s a lot of money!” says Donno. They smile at each other. “We make a good team,” she says.
Inside the hospital, in a corridor, Cassie tells Cormac that his mother is asking about him. Cormac isn’t ready to see her, but that’s OK because she isn’t going anywhere. Cormac tells Cassie that he’s real happy she’s here with him. They smile at each other, and then she kisses him. She steps away, allowing him to enter the room alone. Hands in his pockets, he walks up to the bed, eying Walter curiously. Walter turns his head and opens his eyes. Cormac smiles. “Hello, friend,” smiles Walter through his battered visage. Through the hallway window, Paige, hair slicked back and looking professional, kisses her fingers and presses them against the glass, then walks away.
Jenny is drying dishes when a knock sounds at her door. It’s Beau.
“What’s wrong?” she asks. “What? It has to be an emergency every time I show up?” he asks disarmingly. “Name one time it hasn’t,” she replies. He tips his head to the side, contemplating, then concedes her point, then asking what she’d think if he said he wasn’t there for work. She looks away, then looks back with a smile. “Then I would invite you in for a beer.” He tells her that Carla is moving back to Houston. She thinks it’s going to be best for Emily. adding, “She probably right. She usually is.” Jenny hands him a beer and asks him if he’s moving back too. “I don’t know,” he replies, sitting down on the couch next to her. “This town does need a sheriff.” “Temporary acting sheriff,” she clarifies, and they chuckle. ‘I got a lot of ghosts in Houston,” he says, looking at the fire. Jenny sits up closer to him, but also looks at the fire. “Are you finally ready to tell me about them?”
“Oh, I’m gonna need to finish this,” he holds up his bottle, “and probably a few more before we get into that!” ‘I would like that,” she says quietly. He looks at her, then nods. “So why are you here?” she asks. “Because I wanted to thank you. Thank you for – ” he pauses and huffs a laugh. “For everything.” “You would have done the same for me,” she whispers. “Yeah, I would,” he replies, with a small, gentle smile. “Any damn day.” He rests his hand on her knee and she puts her hand over his.
- What did you think of the culmination of this story? Did the characters get the endings you expected?
- Who is your favorite character this season and why?
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Illustrated by Nightsky. Jensen/Beau Screencaps by Raloria on LJ. Images courtesy of ABC.
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