The WFB Supernatural Season 15 Fan Choice Awards – The Results!
Finally, the results are here! It would figure that with the 2020 vote things would go so awry that the vote would have to be done twice. We’ve never had a problem with the vote until now. After all, “Supernatural” season 15 was unexpectedly delayed, so why not the vote too? It’s just been that kind of year.
Thank you to all of you who voted and maintained the spirit of the vote. I so appreciate all your support through this process. I can assure, the results will be satisfying. I hope they were worth the wait! As I’ve done every year I’ll present the Winner, Runner Up, and of course my Editor’s Choice for each of the 16 categories.
Without further delay, I present the results of the WFB Supernatural Season 15 Fan Choice Awards!
Best Season 15 Episode
Winner (By a landslide)
“Carry On”
“Last Holiday”
Super Close Runner-Up
“Inherit the Earth”
Super Super Close to the Runner-Up
Editor’s Choice

“Carry On”
No contest for me. This was by far the best acted, directed, scored, produced, all around knock you in the gut episode. No episode in season 15 came anywhere near as memorable or epic. This episode left me wrecked for a few weeks, something that hadn’t happened to me with this show in years. Despite the tragic overtones, this was a fitting ending for the Sam and Dean story. In the end, there was peace when they were done.
Worst Season 15 Episode
“Carry On”
Editor’s Choice
“Raising Hell”
It’s kind of funny how the top two choices also made the best list, isn’t it? Talk about a polarizing season.
Trust me, it was a literal coin toss between “Raising Hell” and “The Trap” for me. Depending on the day, I might give you a different answer. “Raising Hell” was just bad all over, while I liked the Sam and Eileen scenes in “The Trap”. “Raising Hell” was virtually cringeworthy the entire hour. The plot of the lockdown was illogical (how did they explain what happened to those homeowners that went back?), the return of Kevin Tran was sheer heresy, but the villains, aka the ghosts from Hell, were the absolute worst. They were also spreading their terror in broad daylight, grunting and whining in the process? This was not Eric Kripke’s “Supernatural” by a long shot.
Funniest Scene in “Supernatural” Season 15
Meet the AU Winchesters (Sam with a man bun!) – “Destiny’s Child”
Runner Up
Dean showing off his purple nightgown and hat (and what’s underneath!) – “Last Holiday”
Editor’s Choice
Dean’s strange dream under laughing gas (dancing!)/Sam taking cayenne pepper cold remedy – “The Heroes’ Journey”
I have a slanted sense of humor. For one, I love surrealism and these combined scenes don’t get more surreal. The fact is, quite a bit of production had to go into Dean and Garth’s dance and it was brilliant! I call it one of the grander cinematic achievements of the season. And yes, I was laughing my ass off in the process. Sam’s predicament woven into all of that, him on the floor while the babies (Sam and Castiel!) were in their cribs crying and Garth’s wife was casually hanging out in the kitchen like nothing was happening, it was just so off and added to the spectacle. It was nuts.
Best Brotherly Bonding Scene in “Supernatural” Season 15
Dean’s death scene in the barn – “Carry On”
Runner Up
The brothers celebrating being free, then riding in Baby to remember those they lost to “Running on Empty” – “Inherit the Earth”
Close to the Runner Up
The brothers reuniting in Heaven – “Carry On”
Editor’s Choice
Sam tearfully pleading to Dean to trust him and give up on killing Jack and Chuck – “Unity”
I suppose I should explain this choice. I loved “Carry On,” but asking me to choose between one brotherly scene or another is kind of like asking me which kid I love more. This particular scene resonated to me because Dean was probably in one of his darkest places that we’ve seen in the entire series. He even pulled a gun on Sam! He was in a rage, out of control, and the only person that could pull him out of that state was Sam. Plus I loved how Sam was on his A game in this episode and stuck to his guns when Dean was acting unreasonably. This entire scene spoke to me more than the ending of “Inherit the Earth,” probably because the latter was more sentimental than melodramatic and I’m a sucker for the drama a lot of the time.
Best Guest Star in “Supernatural” Season 15
Adam/Michael – Jake Abel
Miracle the Dog – Lexi
Editor’s Choice
I cannot decide between the Winner and Runner-Up. I loved Jake Abel more in this season than I ever did in season 4 and 5. He’s definitely improved as an actor and he nailed the Michael we know from this universe. It made me love the character again. But honestly, I’m a real sucker for animals. I have two dogs and a cat myself and Miracle stole the show! But comparing what a human and an animal brings to a role? Apples and oranges. They were both just that good.
Episode with the Best Ending in “Supernatural” Season 15
Winner (by a landslide again)
“Carry On”
“Inherit the Earth”
Editor’s Choice
“Carry On”
That final shot on the bridge was just too epic for words. First Sam and Dean are reunited, something that felt like a short time to Dean but it was 40-50 years for Sam! The relieved hug said it all. But that was the predictable part. That gorgeous location, the camera pulling slowly away to the show’s trademark Sam and Dean theme, closing with the epic tranquil scenery of the BC mountains, I was breathless. But then, they went back to that bridge for a thank you from Jared, Jensen and the entire crew? I just wanted to jump into the TV and give them all thank you hugs. This is something no other show on TV has done. Bless you all and what you did for us all these years.
Episode with the Worst Ending in “Supernatural” Season 15
Winner (by a lot)
Runner Up
“Carry On”
Editor’s Choice
I’m a big Castiel fan and always have been since his big entrance in “Lazarus Rising.” I’ve also had numerous fun interactions with Misha through the years. I cannot believe this was Castiel’s end. I’m furious! Castiel and Misha both deserved better. He should have been with Sam and Dean fighting to the end, or at least a little before Dean met his. His demise was even more pointless considering he sacrificed himself to save Dean only for Dean to die early anyway! I know he got a happy ending, helping Jack off screen build the new Heaven, but we didn’t get to see any of it?? That is so wrong. He was one of the three main characters, even though it was fitting that the final episode be about the brothers since that’s the way it started. They just could have come up with something else than a weepy, melodramatic, pointless end. After enduring all that though, we find out we’re getting an “Avengers: Endgame” scenario? Sam, Dean and Jack are the only ones on Earth? That’s our setup for the season finale? Please.
Best Quote in “Supernatural” Season 15
“Carry On”
Sam: Don’t leave me. I can’t do this alone.
Dean: Yes you can.
Sam: Well, I don’t want to.
Runner Up
Castiel: Everything you’ve ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love. You raised your little brother for love. You fought for this whole world for love. That is who you are. You are the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know.
Editor’s Choice
“Carry On”
Sam: Don’t leave me. I can’t do this alone.
Dean: Yes you can.
Sam: Well, I don’t want to.
A significant call back to the Pilot in reverse. Aww man, these guys just know me. They knew I would start bawling after hearing that, especially in the re-watches when the outcome was known.
Best Shoutout to Pop Culture in “Supernatural” Season 15
“Atomic Monsters”
Shot of the Sam and Dean Funko Pop! Figures on Chuck’s desk.
Runner Up
One of the objects that Sam finds in the bunker in the Holy Grail from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Very close to the Runner Up
“Last Call”
The “Roadhouse” rules and the bar name of “Swayze’s”.
Super close to the Runner Runner Up
“Raising Hell”
So, how about that “Game of Thrones” ending? Pretty great, right?
Super close to the Runner Runner Runner Up
“Drag Me Away (From You)”
“We saw your car when you checked in. Who’s you dad…”Knight Rider?”
Editor’s Choice
One of the objects that Sam finds in the bunker in the Holy Grail from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
This was probably the closest category in the vote. All but two of the options were in the running. I had a hard time choosing, but I love Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I think it all boils down to, what are you the biggest fan of? I loved the “Knight Rider” line too and the BusBoys “Ghostbusters” inspired montage. I’m most surprised that we didn’t get a big reaction from the Buffy fans. Those references are usually winners.
Best Plot in “Supernatural” Season 15
It’s a tie!!!!
“Carry On”
Dean dying tragically during a routine hunt, leaving Sam to have a family and live a normal life until he dies of old age, where both are reunited in Heaven.
“Last Holiday”
A wood nymph appears in the bunker, giving the boys many fun holidays, great food, and some interesting magic.
A Close Runner-Up
Sam’s visions of Sam and Dean killing one another thanks to his connection with Chuck.
Editor’s Choice
“Last Holiday”
A wood nymph appears in the bunker, giving the boys many fun holidays, great food, and some interesting magic.
I love how “Carry On” was acted and shot, but plot wise, it was pretty much a no brainer. There certainly wasn’t much to it. Dean’s early demise and Sam living a normal life has been prophecized for most of the series. We didn’t get much more than that. “Last Holiday” was pretty clever and it was so nice to finally see Sam and Dean get all those holidays, and celebrations, and someone actually caring for them. You know, something that they saved for one episode in the entire series. But the backstory was interesting and unpredictable too!
Worst Plot in “Supernatural” Season 15
“Raising Hell”
Cheesy, not scary ghost wreak havoc in the daytime?
Eileen and Sam’s romance with full lack of chemistry
Editor’s Choice
“Raising Hell”
Cheesy, not scary ghost wreak havoc in the daytime?
I don’t really need to say much more here. I summed it up in the “Worst Episode” category. Bad plot, bad episode.
Best Use of Classic Rock in “Supernatural” Season 15
“Brother’s in Arms” by Dire Straits – “Carry On’
Runner Up
“Running on Empty” by Jackson Browne – “Inherit the Earth”
Editor’s Choice
“Brothers in Arms” by Dire Straits – “Carry On’
There wasn’t too much to choose from this season, was there? It was obvious the chunk of the classic rock budget was saved for the last two episodes. For me, there is no contest. “Brothers in Arms” by Dire Straits is one of my favorite songs. When I hear it now, I think of my poor, poor, heartbroken Sammy mourning over Dean’s death. It get even more emotional now when I hear it! Thanks show. I couldn’t think of a more perfect choice for that moment.
Best Callback to Prior “Supernatural” Seasons in Season 15
“Carry On”
Sam: Don’t leave me. I can’t do this alone.
Dean: Yes you can.
Sam: Well, I don’t want to.
Runner Up
Castiel leaving a handprint on Dean
Editor’s Choice
“Carry On”
Sam: Don’t leave me. I can’t do this alone.
Dean: Yes you can.
Sam: Well, I don’t want to.
So perfect. However, my close second choice was the return of the grenade launcher and Mjölnir in “Last Holiday.” I marveled over both those items when they made their initial appearance in season 12 and season 8 respectively and I squealed when I saw them again.
Worst Crime Against “Supernatural” by the Writers in Season 15
Forgetting for the entire season (except “Carry On”) that this was the Sam and Dean story by focusing on other characters.
Runner Up
Bringing back a popular fan favorite, Chuck, and turning him into a mustache twirling villain, thus totally ruining his character.
Honorable Mentions
Castiel wasn’t part of the finale??? He was a main character! Sam’s wife was just a blurry figure? No Eileen in the finale?? They were dropped and forgotten after 15.18 for no reason.
The lack of continuity and utter disregard for canon (ex, Lilith and Lucifer can be randomly pulled from the empty and brought back? Kevin went to Hell?)
Editor’s Choice
Bringing back a popular fan favorite, Chuck, and turning him into a mustache twirling villain, thus totally ruining his character.
My heart is flipping broken over what they did to Chuck. I do take this personally. I did an article for Variety for the 100th “Supernatural” episode ten years back where I praised the choice of bringing Chuck into the story and I interviewed Eric Kripke about it. I swear the damage they did this amazing character was just so they could say screw you to Eric Kripke. No, I know that probably isn’t true, it just feels that way to me. Chuck was a mouthpiece for the writer and Andrew Dabb acted as an angry destroyer, not a creator. I’m at least convinced of that because why else in the last few seasons did we get nothing but everything Kripke did in the first five years be completed unravelled rather than introducing something new and original? It was lazy and I keep trying to remember that Chuck was a benevolent God, even if he was an absent one. I’ll probably rant in some future article of how the original vision of “Supernatural” we grew to love was totally destroyed out of lack of creativity, but that is for another time. For now, I’ll wallow in my bitterness.
Recurring Character with the Best Sendoff in “Supernatural’s” final season
Runner Up
Editor’s Choice
Tie – Rowena and Jack
Come on, Jack fulfilled his destiny! He became the new God and set things right. He became everything that Kelly and Castiel believed he would be, even when Sam and Dean doubted him constantly (still mad about that). Even Adam, THE Adam from the Bible, knew Jack would save the world. It was awesome. But honestly, Rowena ended up getting what she wanted too and that was a real surprise. Who would have thought she would take the mantle of Queen of Hell? Still, she wanted to be the hero too, killing Crossroads deals because she “believed” that people would end up getting what they deserved. Smart woman.
Recurring Character with the Worst Sendoff in “Supernatural’s” final season
Runner Up
Editor’s Choice
I feel for how horribly Kevin got screwed over, but I have this fanwank that Jack or Castiel tracked him down and brought him to Heaven. Of course Castiel was freed from the empty by Jack, so he fared well too, didn’t he? Nope, that doesn’t fly for me. Castiel was a main character and was in many episodes since the first episode of season four. I hate that he was disposed of in a manner that ended up not being all that heroic. We should have seen him go out swinging with both Sam and Dean there. We should have seen him there, greeting the brothers in Heaven. His goodbye at the beginning of season seven was more appropriate, and that was actually terrible.
Well, that’s it! Thanks again to everyone who cast and vote and sent nominations. Coming up next, I’ll present my remaining Editor’s Choice Awards for Season 15. Then, per a great suggestion from Nate Winchester, a “Supernatural” series Mega Vote! I’ll pit all our award winners from the previous years against one another and see who gets the top prizes! That will be a fascinating exercise!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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