Alice’s Review: Walker Episode 1.03, aka The One With the Beautiful Car
Okay, I see some improvement. I definitely liked this week’s installment, “Bobble Head.” The use of the Texas Rangers (the baseball team) bobble head on the dash was a great metaphor for the challenges to the characters in this week’s episode. “He’s always smiling, no judgement. Puts your mind at ease.” Hoyt seemed to fit that description, always smiling and putting up a front, even though there is real apprehension and trouble beyond that, much like Cordell struggling with the stick shift in the beginning. Linear storytelling!
Okay, let’s talk about the real beauty of this episode, that gorgeous candy apple red Ford Mustang. I am a Mustang aficionado myself, growing up in a Ford family in the Detroit area. One of my favorite past times is ogling over the collection of classic Mustangs on display in the city of Ferndale during the annual Woodward Dream Cruise. So let me tell you a bit about this car.
It is a 1967 Ford Mustang, which is a really sweet shoutout to “Supernatural’s” counterpart 1967 Impala. Originally, Eric Kripke wanted Sam and Dean to travel around in a 1965 Mustang, but was convinced otherwise. So yeah, it’s really nice that not only have they decided to introduce a classic Mustang to this family, but a ’67 to boot. It completes a circle.
This car is definitely the base model and not a GT. It does, though, have a special Exterior Decor Group package visible by the blinkers on the hood, pop open gas cap and chrome across the trunk lid (those are the visible signs I could make out). Other fun facts about the 1967 mustang? That year Ford did a significant redesign of the car, the first since the Mustang was introduced in 1964. That year the Mustang came with a big block V8 engine with dual exhausts. The overall size, both inside and out, was increased. The front suspension was redesigned for a better ride and the car was better insulated for improved sound inside and out. There were plenty of style feature changes like a square rear view mirror, large grill bars on the front on each side of the trademark pony ornament, twin simulated intakes on the rear side panel, inverted taillights with chrome bezels, and a three spoke steering wheel with cushion in the center.
(A nice interior shot)
Here’s a great article that differentiates a 1967 from a 1968, just for fun, to point out visually some of the sweet features.
(Gorgeous from the back too. Yes I mean the car.)
So yeah, it really, really bothers me that Emily would let Cordell lose that car in a poker game! WTF?? She wanted to save their money? It was a classic car, she could have sold it for some nice change, even back then. The entire act makes no freaking sense. Ah well, it was a weird scene overall to reveal she was pregnant, but it was nice that they ended up naming the baby after the impromptu name Cordell gave the car, Stella.
Okay, now that I have that off my chest, let’s explore the rest of the episode. The story seemed more fluid this time and light hearted as well. I like that Cordell was trying to get to know Micki better on their stakeout, and even used the bobble head to break the ice. One big attraction to me was the dynamic with the Texas Rangers, that they’re all family looking out for one another. Cordell’s old partner, aka the Captain now, already knew that when Hoyt blew into town Cordell was going to show that soft spot. I love how he instantly pushed the job of watching out for Hoyt on Micki and gave her some pointers, knowing that Cordell would have his blinders on. He didn’t make life easy for her because she is a rookie. She got this job for a reason! She did the job admirably, even if it meant ruffling feathers. When it was all over, she took the time to square things with Geri, who was revealed in this episode to be Hoyt’s love interest. I like those two sharing a drink and sharing jabs. They need to go on an adventure in the future for sure.
Since I’m talking about Micki, I’ve warmed to her character much faster than most. I really like her and how she’s written. She’s smart and seems to adapt quickly. A lot of my familiarity though comes from watching Lindsey Morgan on “The 100” for several years. Her character, Raven, in “The 100” had big confidence and she’s carried a lot of that into this show, much like Jared is channeling his inner Sam Winchester when it comes to Cordell. In both cases, there are differences in the characters, but there’s a lot of similar nuances as well.
My favorite scene in this episode strangely enough was the meeting of Bonham and Micki. Those two hit it off so well and it was nice to see the two bounce off of one another like that. It symbolized that they were outsiders to the inner drama at the house created by Hoyt and could see his true colors. It made them kindred spirits and I want to see more of them enjoying each other’s company like that. Who knows, maybe she’ll get the acceptance from him that she hasn’t gotten from her own family. Yeah, I’m probably reading too much into that.
I’m not sure how I feel about that wedge in between Bonham and Abilene Walker in this episode. They’re having marital trouble? That seemed out of the blue given the first two episodes. What is it about Hoyt that pitted these two against each other? I know that Bonham thought he was no good and wasn’t looking forward to his return, while Abilene treated his arrival better than when Cordell came back. There’s a history there that we’re missing, and more than Hoyt saving Cordell’s life. Or, maybe not.
But yeah, I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of Hoyt, and given his introduction with all that fine…um…beefcake…I’m good with that. I’m sure the actor read the script, saw the word “glitter” for that scene and thought, “I’m in.” Hoyt was an interesting character, and I got the impression that he was there to give his buddy the win and make his get away with a clear conscience, the big clues being he gave the car back to Cordell after all this time and knew his buddy would figure out where the real heist was going down. Hoyt wanted to protect his family too, his adopted family, but only when his interests and those of the Walkers collided. Otherwise, he is what he is and can’t get past that. So yeah, complicated character, that may or may not go anywhere. I’m sure he’ll be back.
(What nice…chaps)
Cordell stepped up with the role of father too, being there to support Stella during her court date, but not wearing his Texas Ranger uniform to exert any influence. She had to step up and accept her consequences, but Cordell being there sent the message she wouldn’t have to go through this alone. This time Uncle Liam wouldn’t be the one to help her, even though he tried. That hard lesson earned her something special though, the right to learn how to drive the stick shift Mustang. A nice parental lesson? Yes. Too little too late? Maybe, but it was a nice closing scene. Like the rest of the series, it is a start. I’m also really glad to see some personality come into August. Stealing grandpa’s liquor for a party and drinking it? Damn, he has some wicked breakdancing moves. There are cracks under that good son facade. I honestly thought he was the older sibling until this week.
Sure, this show needs some more action and deeper plotting, but given episode three, we are still in the introduction stage. “Supernatural” wasn’t burning barns by episode three either. What is there is setting the framework and there are possibilities. The pandemic restrictions aren’t making creative license very easy as well. I’m willing to give “Walker” an entire season to find it’s footing. This episode was a step in the right direction. Overall grade, B+.
Here’s some more glorious screen shots from this episode. All screen caps have been courtesy of Raloria. Enjoy the pretty!
(These two feature the trademark Kim Manners close up shots)
(That’s a Sam Winchester bitchface!)
(Nobody leaves Stella in a corner!)
(Micki earned her victory here, thwarting Hoyt’s trademark getaway.)
(Profile from the other side!)
Please share your impressions of Walker‘s “Bobble Head” below!
Read Alice’s Recap and Review of Walker‘s “Pilot” episode, or select from her long list of Supernatural reviews and insights!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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