There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done – The Full Details Updated!
Today marks the release of another milestone #SPNFamily book, with a title near and dear to all our fan hearts, “There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done.” The book features contributions from both SPN actors and fans sharing the impact that “Supernatural” has on their lives. It is edited by uber fan Dr. Lynn Zubernis, who has written numerous well known books and journals about “Supernatural” and founded the Fangasm website. It is the follow-up to “Family Don’t End in Blood,” the very popular book that featured a chapter from our own Nightsky.
On Wednesday, May 6th at 9pm EST, 6pm PST there is a big virtual Book Launch Party planned on YouTube.
If you missed the party, here is the 2 hour recording of the party! In the first hour, the actors share their thoughts on what they wanted to express in their chapters. They also share behind-the-scenes and personal stories about Supernatural! In the second hour, fan contributors talk about their experiences writing their chapters and their relationships with the fans and cast of the show.
Here are the links about the “There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done” release from Fangasm’s website:
FAQ – How There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done Came Together.
A Supernatural Celebration! Book Launch Party for There’ll Be Peace When You are Done
@FangasmSPN has been sharing lots of information about the contributors on Twitter. Here’s a summary of what has been shared so far:
Artists and Photographers
- So beyond thrilled to have gorgeous cover art by @cgriffinart for There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done (she also did the beautiful cover of Family Don’t End With Blood).
- Thrilled to have #SPNFamily‘s own @Paleonut_‘s beautiful photography in There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done.
- Talented artist @shr2da1’s gorgeous art helps bring all the writing in There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done to life. LINK to our interview with Sherri
- Thrilled to have another gifted #SPNFamily photographer, @OldPalPhoto, contributing her work to There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done!
Supernatural Cast
- Grab tissues for @jarpad & @JensenAckles‘ chapters in #PeaceWhenYouAreDone – they include some of the most heartfelt and emotional things they’ve said over the past year about #Supernatural that they want fans to always remember, plus some new thoughts about Sam & Dean’s legacy.
- Emerson Lopez Odango Wrote about #Supernatural’s exploration of modern Indigeneity and being ‘Other’ — and the significant impact that had on him personally.
- I interview the always adorable @GabrielTigerman about #Supernatural and its legacy. [He] also manages to mention the 6-legged steer story because HOW COULD I NOT??
- @ChadLindberg’s chapter is called “The Magic of the Mullet” and that tells you exactly how awesome it is! Throwback to our ghosthunting and #Supernatural chat in 2015.
- @TahmohPenikett wrote such an insightful chapter about Gadreel, #SPNFamily and what’s so special about the #Supernatural cast.
- @AndreaDrepaul wrote a very personal and inspiring chapter about representation, media and playing Melanie the werewolf on #Supernatural.
- @LeeMajdoub writes beautifully about portraying Hannah on #Supernatural
- #RickWorthy wrote a fascinating chapter on playing the Alpha Vamp and I love @MagiciansSYFY too so thrilled to have his chapter.
- @ToddStashwick (Dracula) wrote a beautiful chapter about his lifelong love of fandom (& #Supernatural)- he GETS it.
- @LaurenTom9000 wrote an inspiring chapter about playing Linda Tran on #Supernatural and her own equally inspiring life journey
- @Shoshannah7 wrote an eloquent & inspiring chapter.
- @Juliemcniven (Anna) wrote a beautiful chapter.
- @LeeRumohr and @HugoAteo wrote moving about their roles as the “hunter husbands” on #Supernatural. That episode was personally important to so many fans — and to Lee and Hugo too.
- @fangirlingjess wrote a fascinating chapter tracing #Supernatural‘s evolution in terms of women, diversity and all sorts of representation, from the perspective of a passionate fan.
- @patba1968 wrote a compelling chapter about how @RobBenedict‘s chapter in Family Don’t End With Blood helped save her life when she too had a stroke. So glad you’re both with us!
- @WyldeFandom wrote a beautiful and personal chapter about how Charlie Bradbury and #Supernatural inspired her through her own coming out journey and rediscovering her own voice.
- @subtextiel wrote a very personal and powerful chapter in There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done about his transition journey and how the #SPNFamily – and @mishacollins – supported him through and celebrated with him!
- @farawayeyes4 wrote an insightful chapter about how #Supernatural and fandom sparked her creativity and set her on a new path – now she’s about to finish her first semester of grad school.
- Epic & urban fantasy author @GailZMartin @MorganBriceBook wrote her chapter on how #Supernatural laid old ghosts to rest and revealed new directions for her.
- @waywrdaughter67 wrote a beautiful chapter on being inspired by the ‘hunter husbands’ in There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done. She’s also a gifted bookbinder at @fineblankbooks – I love this one, the Impala at Stull Cemetery at night. you already included the tweet. This is Tedra.
- @AKNerdFighting wrote a moving chapter about how #Supernatural inspires fans to do good in the world (Gender, Activism and SPN’s Legacy)
- @dgray3994 wrote ‘Wayward And The Way I Want To Be’ with gratitude to @kimrhodes4real for inspiring her.
- Talented writer @AmyinSydney traces her unique journey & how #Supernatural gave her the courage to be herself and pursue her goals.
Here’s the official synopsis of the book per Ben Bella Books, who are the publishers:
Fifteen years. Two brothers. Angels and demons. A story like no other. And one of the most passionate fan bases of all time.
That’s Supernatural.
There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done: Actors and Fans Celebrate the Legacy of Supernatural is an emotional look back at the beloved television show Supernatural as it wraps up its final season after fifteen unprecedented years on air.
With heartfelt chapters written by both the series’ actors and its fans—plus full-color photos and fan illustrations—There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done traces Supernatural’s evolution, the memorable characters created by its writers and brought to life by its talented actors, and the many ways in which the show has inspired and changed the lives of both its viewers and cast.
Both a celebration of Supernatural and a way of remembering what made it so special, this book is a permanent reminder of the legacy the show leaves behind and a reminder to the SPN Family to, like the series’ unofficial theme song says, “carry on.”
Including contributions from:
- Jared Padalecki (“Sam Winchester”)
- Jensen Ackles (“Dean Winchester”)
- Misha Collins (“Castiel”)
- Andrea Drepaul (“Melanie”)
- Carrie Genzel (“Linda Bloome”/”Linda Berman”)
- Julie McNiven (“Anna Milton”)
- Tahmoh Penikett (“Gadreel”)
- Shoshannah Stern (“Eileen Leahy”)
- Brendan Taylor (“Doug Stover”)
- Lauren Tom (“Linda Tran”)
- And many more!
Edited by Lynn S. Zubernis, a clinical psychologist, professor, and passionate Supernatural fangirl, There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done is the ultimate send-off for this iconic show that has touched and changed the lives of so many fans across all walks of life.
So order today! And check out the launch party. Everyone is invited. After all, we are family!
Here are the other books from Lynn Zubernis of Fangasm:

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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