★Happy Birthday Sam Winchester★
On May 2nd, 1983, somewhere in Lawrence, Kansas, a boy was born to Mary and John Winchester. At the time of his birth, no one thought he would have to fight ghosts, demons, ghouls, vampires, and all the other natural and “supernatural” creatures of the world. Neither did they know how important he would be in the fight to stop the apocalypse and other calamities of the future.
Sam Winchester, today we celebrate your 37th birthday!
What is the best way to celebrate the day you were born?
By showing you how much you mean to other people!
I chose a few of fans’ best wishes and gifts to share with you.
Let´s start with Cori
”Sam Winchester taught me that it was okay to not be okay because tomorrow is another chance to do better, to be better. He taught me to keep fighting, to not give up. I have rare autoimmune diseases, depression and anxiety. He taught me that it’s not who you are that matters, it’s what you do and that you always fight for family. That’s what Sam taught me. He means compassion and humanity to me.”
A drawing and some words from Cat
“Sam, I always admire that beautiful big smile, your strength, faith, loyalty and always trying to do what’s right. Happy Birthday xxx “
more about her and her Art can be found here
The lovely Bex wrote a poem about you Sam.
Sam had the whole world in front of him when Dean showed up that day.
He said Dad´s on a hunting trip, it´s too long that he´s been away.
So he packed up and headed out, his brother by his side.
Seeking out the monsters, looking for where the demons hide.
He´s so much more than Dean’s little bro, he´s got so much love in his heart.
He flashes those puppy dog eyes and we all fall apart!
We love our great big nerdy Moose, he makes us laugh and cry,
he´s such an awesome hunter and the sweetest type of guy.
Sam Winchester is fierce, strong, loyal to a fault,
with him around we know that evil will come to a screeching halt.
He fights to save this world and his family,
Sam is just the greatest guy, as you can plainly see.
An edited image & some words from Brittney
“Sam Winchester, you came into my life at a time when I needed you the most. I have always felt connected to you but it became more profound the moment you said “I’m a whole new level of freak!” That’s how I’ve always felt. I’ve always struggled with depression and anxiety, I was never confident in myself. But when I found you, something changed. I told myself if Sam could go on despite going to Hell, then so could I. If Sam could manage his hallucinations, then I could manage my anxiety. If Sam could go through the trials, then I can make it through my day. Sam, you have helped me in so many ways I never thought possible. With that being said, there would be no Sam Winchester without Jared Padalecki. So, Jared, thank you for your portrayal of Sam and for helping me through everything. Happy Birthday Sam Winchester”
From Sam to Sam
“Sam Winchester is the greatest hero that ever lived”
And edit and some words from Stephanie
“Thank you Sammy for showing us what it’s like to be a hero. Without you, our lives wouldn’t be the same. Thanks for everything ??”
Here’s what Sherri has to say.
“Supernaturally hunk
Awesome brother
Mysterious man
He means so much more than that. He’s awesome at what he does, has taught me what family means – to work together even in disagreements – and so much more.”
Some words and a drawing from Claudia
“Sam is like a little brother to me. Comes with age. I can, therefore, identify very well with Dean. I often want to hug Sam and give him encouragement and comfort, and other times he annoys me so much that I want to kick him in the butt. Happy Birthday, little brother“
Svenja also wanted to send you wishes.
“Happy birthday, Sam! For me Sam stands for the will to keep on fighting, even if it’s sometimes not easy, or even impossible. Not to give up and to believe in the good in people until the end – that is what Sam does. He is loyal to his brother and his friends and always ready to help. He also sometimes goes further for them than it would have been necessary. I admire and appreciate these characteristics in him. And even if there comes the time where we can’t see Sam any longer, I think he’ll always remain a part of us.”
Some greetings from Mags
“Happy Birthday to the little brother that I didn’t know I wanted. Thank you for keeping your heart of gold even after everything you have gone through and still showing compassion to everyone you meet.”
Gio portrays her feelings through art. Here´s one of her drawings for you. Happy Birthday, Sam!
more about her and her art can be found here
Some words from Chrisha
“Happy happy birthday, Sam Winchester! Your story has not always been easy for me… sometimes I relate to your struggles so strongly that it actually hurts to watch or analyze too closely. But I will forever be thankful for you and to you for showing us… …that awkward little siblings can grow up strong and confident and no longer need to prove anything to anyone… …that knowledge IS power, and that digging into the lore is every bit as heroic as slaying the dragon… …and that shy, nerdy, awkward geeks can grow up to be strong leaders who face their demons and save the world, again and again and again. Love you forever, Sammy. <3”
Now some words from me:
Sam, I’ve been following everything you do for almost 15 years now.
There were moments when I cried with you and laughed with you.
Sometimes I’d ask myself, “What’s the heck is he doing?”
And then I’d be proud of you again.
There were times when I just wanted to take you in my arms
and tell you that everything is going to be okay and that you just have to hang on.
You’ve taught me:
-Follow your dreams.
– Even if you have arguments with your family and sometimes need distance, you’re still always there for them.
– There’s always hope, so you don’t give up.
Happy Birthday, Sam!
Please share your birthday wishes, comments, questions, and reactions below!
Thanks for reading and to everyone who sent me wishes to include here.
Bettina Bier
-Using Words, Telling Stories, The Writer Business-
You can read more of my articles by going to my Writer´s Page!
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