Interview #2 with Misha Collins – Comic Con 2019 (SDCC19)
This is my favorite interview out of all of Comic Con this year. Why? Well, because I’ve had this running gag with Misha for about 12 years now, ever since I met him at his first con in New Jersey. Every time he sees me, which has been a couple dozen times now, he recognizes me, he says hello, but he can’t remember my name. He’s resorted to tricks before, like claiming that he knows my name but doesn’t say it, then asks the person next to me what my name is and then says “Bye Alice!” as I walk away. When I saw him on Friday night at Comic Con, where he again didn’t remember my name, he told me a cute story that his memory is so bad, he couldn’t remember the lock code on his phone. He hadn’t been able to get into it all day.
So yes, when I was in my place at the roundtable all prepared to speak to our fandom overlord, I was floored by the fact that he looked around the table, saw me and then said “Alice.” Better yet, I got it all on film!!! It’s truly a breakthrough for Misha and myself, yet at the same time a bittersweet ending to our game since this is the last Comic Con for “Supernatural.” Misha was a little more serious this time, the gravity of the situation possibly hitting him that day, especially after the emotional panel. All I can say is that over the years Misha has been one of my favorites to interview, but this is the one I will remember most.
No spoilers in this interview. Just a guy who reflects back on what is clearly one of the most unexpected experiences of his life. There’s also a really cute moment in the beginning where Jensen during the table switch cross checks Misha into the wall. It’s rather priceless.
Listen to all of The WFB’s SDCC 2019 interviews, featuring Jared, Jensen, Misha and Alex plus executive producers Andrew Dabb, Bob Singer, Brad Buckner, Eugenie Ross-Leming and Robert Berens!
Please post your follow-up questions and reactions below, in the comments!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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