Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles Talk About Ending Supernatural
“We wanted to communicate to you guys this was a community decision. The network and the studio did not say, ‘Hey, guys, get outta here! You’re done.'”
“We wanted to communicate to you guys this was a community decision. The network and the studio did not say, ‘Hey, guys, get outta here! You’re done.'”
Today Warner Brothers released their annual San Diego Comic Con lineup and just like in years past “Supernatural” is a headliner! The panel will take place on Sunday, July 12th at 11:15 am (PDT) in Hall H. Official guests listed are Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, and executive producer/showrunner Jeremy Carver….
Granted I’m a little late in sharing this info, but that’s what happens with a gmail spam filter! My good friends, Heather and Lindsay at Support Supernatural, have found an incredible way to for fans and even non-fans to help the earthquake victims in Haiti. And they’ve gotten help from Eric Kripke himself. Below is…
This week on TV Fanatic – Sean McKenna, Carissa Pavlica and myself try to figure out what happens when mediocre to bad episodes happen to good shows. Either that, or we try and decide if we liked James and Portia and what the hell is going on with the brothers now? http://www.tvfanatic.com/2013/02/supernatural-round-table-mans-best-friend-with-benefits/ Here’s Sean…
This was originally on our Discussion page, but they’ve been moved here. Behold, pictures of Jared and Jensen at Tough Mudder! Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSaveAlice JesterAlice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications…
As announced earlier, Ardeospina had little Rowan on October 12th at 10:20 pm. I’ve checked all the baby pool entries, and coming in with the closest guess at October 12th at 2:45 pm is madhockey6! It should be noted Jasminka was actually closer with the time, October 13th at 5:20 am, but guessing the actual…
Voting is open for Canada’s sixth annual science fiction Constellation Awards which focuses on rewarding excellence in science fiction film and television. The awards celebrate and honor the actors, writers, and technical artists behind the best of today’s science fiction film and TV works. This year as in the past, “Supernatural” is represented in a…
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