Don´t Trick the Trickster
What day is better than April Fools Day for a little bit from our Archangel Gabriel also know as Loki and The Trickster?
I´d like to share my favorite Episodes and some of my favorite quotes with you.
What does a campus ghost, an alien abduction or an alligator in a sewer have in common?
Yeah, you´re damn right. Our favorite Trickster. (Tall Tales 2×15)
I just have to say “Heat of the Moment“ and Tuesdays and you know which episode i mean.
A time loop where Dean dies every day in so much different ways.
And why? It´s a lesson from the Trickster for Sam. (Mystery Spot, 3×11)
The episode where we find out that the Trickster in truth is the Archangel Gabriel.
But before we do that, we have fun and he take us on a trip through various TV series. (Changing Channels, 5×08)
“Gabriel kills Loki“ (Unfinished Busisness, 13×20)
Some of my favorite Quotes:
Trickster: Sorry I’m dragging a little ass today, boys. Had quite the night last night. Lots of sex, if you catch my drift. (2×15 Tall Tales)
Trickster: You’re right. I was just screwing with you. Pretty good, though, Sam. Smart. Let me tell you, whoever said Dean was the dysfunctional one has never seen you with a sharp object in your hands. Holy Full Metal Jacket. (3×11 Mystery Spot)
Sam: It was you on the police scanner, right? This is a trick.
Trickster: Hello? Trickster.
(5×08 Changing Channels)
Trickster: Oh, you know. Sam starring as Lucifer. Dean starring as Michael. Your celebrity death match. Play your roles. (5×08 Changing Channels)
Gabriel: Lucifer, you’re my brother. And I love you. But you are a great big bag of dicks. (5×19 Hammer of the Gods)
Gabriel: You think I’m behind this? Please. I’m the Costner to your Houston. I’m here to save your ass. (5×19 Hammer of the Gods)
Lucifer: They are broken. Flawed! Abortions.
Gabriel: Damn right they’re flawed. But a lot of them try. To do better, to forgive. And you should see the Spearmint Rhino! I’ve been riding the pine a long time. But I’m in the game now, and I’m not on your side, or Michael’s. I’m on theirs.
(5×19 Hammer of the Gods)
Gabriel: I used most of my juice to get back into porn. That came out wrong. So did that! (9×18 Meta Fiction)
Castiel: What do you want from me?
Gabriel: Your help, Columbo. I’m getting the band back together. We’re going on the “Kill Metatron” tour, and you’re looking at the new frontman.
(9×18 Meta Fiction)
Sam: Welcome to the team.
Gabriel: Uh… yeah. Not so much. I mean, thank you for the rescue and for the redemption arc. But, uh, I’m not really a team guy, so… I’m gonna bounce, okay? Um, but, you know, it’s been, um… What’s the opposite of fun? That.
Sam: No, Gabriel, don’t you can’t just walk away. If Michael comes here he will end this world.
Gabriel: And the last time the world was ending, I put my money on you. I think you can pull it off again.
Castiel: No. You cannot turn your back on your Father’s creation.
Gabriel: Castiel… My Father turned His back on His creation. Guess it just runs in the family.
(13×18 Bring ´em Back Alive)
Gabriel: Come on. I felt your witch’s tracking spell the second she laid it on me. Tasted like haggis.(13×20 Unfinished Business)
Gabriel: A few thousand epochs ago, I was out for a hike in the fjords. Came across Loki bound in a cave, snake dripping venom into his eye. Ugh. Apparently, he had some spat with his pops. Anyhoo, I freed him. Saved his life. Then my real brothers started going at it. I wanted out. Loki owed me one, so… he helped me ditch Gabriel and become him. (13×20 Unfinished Business)
Gabriel: A deal is a deal. And if I’m being perfectly honest, tricks are for kids. (13×20 Unfinished Business)
Lucifer: So I was just shaking up the old family tree for, uh, young Jack here. You know, talking about the good old days. How tough Pop was. Right, G? I mean, we — we butted heads a lot, you know. But, uh… you know, I think — I think, in hindsight, I should’ve given Him some slack ’cause, He’s, uh. You know, being a dad is tough.
Gabriel: Okay, you think Dad was a ‘bad guy,’ and you were a victim? You were not a victim. That was just your excuse.
Lucifer: My excuse for what?
Gabriel: For it all, Lucifer. For it all
(13×22 Exodus)
Gabriel: Dude, it’s me. I’ve known you since the stars were made. You can’t change. You’re incapable of empathy or love. You live to be worshiped or feared. Or both.
Lucifer: Okay. I-I see that you’ve — you’ve drunk the Kool-Aid. Fine.
(13×20 Unfinished Business)
What´s your favorite Trickster episodes, moments, quotes or tricks? Let me know.
Please share your comments, questions, and reactions below!
Thanks for reading.
Bettina Bier
-Using Words, Telling Stories, The Writer Business-
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