Supernatural Weekly World News December 8, 2018

So beyond excited to announce my upcoming work on “Sneaky Pete”!!
Stay Sneaky. Stay tuned my friends. @DEADLINE @SneakyPeteTV
— ChadLindberg (@ChadLindberg) November 30, 2018

@jumblejim introduces his character, Joe/The Boss.#hospitalityfilm #kandoofilms #kandooreleasing #SupportIndieFilm
In theaters and on demand in 4 days!
Preorder on iTunes:
Theater Listings for U.S. & Canada with Ticket Info:— Hospitality (@hospitalityfilm) December 4, 2018
Congratulations @sebroche for his BEST ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE nomination in the @smfilmfestival! Come out and see his stellar performance as Chef Felix Blazer TOMORROW 12/8 @ 5pm in #SMFF! Tickets: #shortfilm #LASTMEALfilm #indiefilm
— Last Meal (@lastmealshort) December 7, 2018
Misha Collins Nominated for CelebMix ‘Philanthropist Of The Year’ @mishacollins @RandomActsOrg
— (@nerdsandbeyond) December 4, 2018

#Supernatural Xmas raffle. Our cast and crew gearing up to help another very worthy charity. #RippedSantaBaby
— Jason Fischer (@JasonFischer77) December 8, 2018

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Where ever jack goes Diane follows. ♥️ . . . . #vegan #friendsnotfood #animalrescue #emu #donkey
Hey there… read the story… if you are looking for a forever home for jack and diane? Happy to take them, and keep them together at our farm. They would be a welcome addition to our menagerie of happy creatures. Xojd
— Jeffrey Dean Morgan (@JDMorgan) November 11, 2018
.@JensenAckles trusts no one on this cover, particularly @jarpad #Supernatural #SPNFamily
— Samantha Highfill (@samhighfill) December 6, 2018
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