The Boys Are Back in Town: Supernatural Episode Seventeen
The Boys Are Back in Town
(Probably Time To Flee)
Episode seventeen might not be a finale, but definitely it has some action and some propelling motion when it comes to the final chapter of the season. Characters die, players begin to make their moves, plans start to unfold: episode seventeen is where it finally starts to take shape towards the end.
Season: 1 “Hell House”
Local de Hunt: Richardson, Texas Featured Creature: Tulpa
REVEAL/TWIST? The power of the internet.
Season: 2 “Heart”
Local de Hunt: San Francisco, California Featured Creature: Werewolf
REVEAL/TWIST? Self-sacrifice rears its ugly head – and Sam’s heartbroken.
Season: 4 “It’s a Terrible Life”
Local de Hunt: Ohio Featured Creature: Ghost, Angel
REVEAL/TWIST? Sam and Dean will find their way to hunting – no matter what.
Season: 5 “99 Problems”
Local de Hunt: Blue Earth, Minnesota Featured Creature: Whore of Babylon; Demons
REVEAL/TWIST? Dean says his goodbyes and makes some promises.
Season: 6 “My Heart Will Go On”
Local de Hunt: Chester, Pennsylvania Featured Creature: Atropos
REVEAL/TWIST? The difference a ship makes.
Season: 7 “The Born-Again Identity”
Local de Hunt: Colorado; Indiana; Montana Featured Creature: Hallucifer, Demons, Ghosts
REVEAL/TWIST? Castiel absorbs Sam’s broken mind and Meg becomes Castiel’s guardian.
Season: 8 “Goodbye Stranger”
Local de Hunt: Lincoln Springs, Missouri Featured Creature: Demons, Naomi
REVEAL/TWIST? Cas breaks Naomi’s hold & goes solo to protect the Tablet.
Season: 9 “Mother’s Little Helper”
Local de Hunt: Milton, Illinois Featured Creature: Demons
REVEAL/TWIST? The boys have a renewed connection over a shared enemy: Abaddon.
Season: 10 “Inside Man”
Local de Hunt: Heaven; Fall River, Massachusetts Featured Creature: Angels, Rowena
REVEAL/TWIST? It all comes down to choices.
Season: 11 “Red Meat”
Local de Hunt: Grangeville, Idaho Featured Creature: Werewolves
REVEAL/TWIST? Love trumps death – especially when you’re a Winchester.
Season: 12 “The British Invasion”
Local de Hunt:Falls River, Massachusetts; Lebanon, Kansas Featured Creature: Dagon
REVEAL/TWIST? RIP Mick. Hunters Beware.
Season: 13 “The Thing”
Local de Hunt: Portsmouth, Rhode Island; Fall River, Massachusetts Featured Creature: Asmodeus, Glythur, Yokoth
REVEAL/TWIST? Ketch and Dean through the rift.
It’s hard to know what has been the best moment of the thirteen years worth of episode seventeen’s. For the most part they’ve nearly all had a high emotional factor in one form or another: the rollercoaster of “Red Meat”, the drama of “Goodbye Stranger” and even the humour of “It’s a Terrible Life” – punchy and exceptional.
Which episode had the most emotional impact for you? Which had the most impact in its season? Which character surprised you the most?
Reflect, reminisce and share below!
Catch up on the entire “Boys R Back” series to get a perspective of #Supernatural episodes in order, from the beginning! You’re just two clicks away! Start with episode 1 with the links on my Writers Page!
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