Memorable Moments: Supernatural 13.12 Various & Sundry Villains
Welcome back to the Supernatural “Memorable Moments” series! For episode 13.12, ” Various and Sundry Villains”, I once again put together a list of what I felt were the best and most memorable moments from the story. The list varies from episode to episode depending on what transpired. I hope you enjoy it and share what your picks would be!
Best Broment
I have two moments for this category.
First one…..
Dean brings Sam more books that mention ‘Alternate Realities’.
Dean: So there’s got to be something in it that talks about the apocalypse world right?
Sam: Yeah maybe.
Dean: Dude!
Sam: I’m just saying Dean, Jack was our way over there, obviously, so with him gone…
Dean: Ok well Jack’s been gone before. We found him once, we can find him again.
Sam: No, he didn’t run away. He’s literally in an alternate reality.
Dean: Ok so we’ll just come up with a Plan B ok? You said it yourself- we just keep our heads down and we do the work.
Sam: You said that.
Dean: And I was right. So you read, do your Sam thing. I’m gonna go for a beer run.
The second one…..
Dean is sitting at the kitchen table as Sam brings them each a beer.
Dean: Hey, you know Rowena is not our friend.
Sam: Yeah I know that.
Dean: Then what’s that? You gave her the page. She got in your head man.
Sam: She didn’t get into my head.
Dean: What happened to Rowena was messed up ok, but you just let the deadliest witch in the world walk away with a page from this book.
Sam: Yeah and if Rowena breaks bad, I will hunt her down myself and put a bullet in her. I will Dean. What if she’s right and she does see Lucifer again? I hope she makes him suffer.
Dean: You got to get out of the dark place -you know – what ever is going on in your head.
Sam: Dean.
Dean: What?
Sam: You know what. Honestly.
Dean: Yeah how about honestly.
Sam: I know what Rowena is dealing with. She’s not the only one who feels helpless.
Dean: What do you mean?
Sam: I mean, I had a plan – help Jack, bring Mom back. It wasn’t much, but it was something. It kept me from spinning off the rails, but now. Jack is gone, Mom is still in hell basically and I just…
Dean: We’ll figure it out.
Sam: Dean, we don’t have a plan, we don’t know what to do, so how?
Dean: I don’t know, but we will. You and me.
Sam: Yeah. Night.
Best Sam Moment
While Dean goes to track down any information on the two witches, Sam waits in the car with Rowena.
Sam: Rowena, even if you pull off whatever plan you’re trying to pull off. Even if you manage to get the book back.
Rowena: I’ve been on my best behaviour.
Sam: Ok sure. Let’s say you get the book. It’s not gonna change anything .Your still gonna feel helpless. Whatever Lucifer did to you.
Rowena: I told you I don’t.. Before he crushed my skull Lucifer showed me his face, his true face. I’m scared Sam, all the time.
Sam: I see it too, what he really looks like behind whatever vessel. It still keeps me up at night.
Rowena: How do you deal with it?
Sam: I guess I don’t deal with it, not really. I push it down, and the world kept almost ending, so I keep pushing it down and I don’t know, I don’t really talk about it, not even with Dean. I mean I could and he would listen. It’s not something I know how to share. Even if you do get the book, even if you do get your powers back, it won’t matter. You won’t ever be able to change what happened. You won’t ever be able to change how helpless you felt or how helpless you feel. Your still gonna get scared and that feeling never does go away.
Rowena: Never?
Sam: Never.
Dean’s Best and Not so Best Moment
After being hit with a Love Spell, Dean returns to the bunker all happy and dancing.
Sam asks if he’s ok. Dean replies that he’s in love and that he’s all ‘Twitter-pated’.
Dean pulls out the book of spells.
Sam: Dean what are you doing with the Black Grimoire?
Dean: It’s a gift for Jamie.
Sam: For Jamie?
Dean: My soul mate.
Sam: Sure, right and did she happen to ask for the book by name?
Dean: Yeah, I mean it’s that kind of cosmic fate….
…. that we actually have, like, boom…
…cosmic fate.
Sam: Ok, ok I think I know what’s going on here. Do you remember Becky in Vegas, the love spell.
Dean: No.
Sam: Ok I think Jamie must be a witch or a demon.
Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Sam: What?
Dean: Be nice because she’s got a sister and if you play your cards right you guys might fall for each other. Less attractive siblings they fall in love, that s kind of cute right?
Sam: Hold on a second.
Dean: I can’t wait because she’s waiting for me at the market. I’m just gonna…(grabs for the car keys, but Sam snatches them first). Ok, alright that’s fine. You know what, I’ll walk, because it’s a gorgeous outside.
Sam tries to stop him but Dean punches him and knocks him out.
Dean: Oh, right on the butt. Look when I get back from my date I’m gonna help you ice that, Ok?
Alright, thanks, good talk Pal, good talk.
Best Castiel Moment
After Cas and Lucifer battle their way out of their captivity, Lucifer tries to get Cas to give him some of his grace. Cas refuses.
Lucifer lunges at Cas and cuts him with the Angel blade.
Instead of backing down Cas stabs Lucifer with his Angel blade.
Wounding Lucifer.
Best Lucifer Moment
Dipper approaching Lucifer’s bars thinking he’s safe. Only to find out that Lucifer found a way to overcome the warding,
And opens the cell door.
Most Surprising Moment
Rowena has returned from the dead….again.
Most Nostalgic Moment
The brothers wrestling for the gun reminded me of….
…..way back in season two’s “Tall Tales”… wrestling for Dean’s money clip.
Funniest Moment
Rowena drops a hex spell on the brothers stopping them in their steps, while she escapes.
As Sam tries the reach the hex bag Dean comments ‘Come on, you’re like eight feet tall. You can’t reach that?’
Sam: I’ve almost got it.
Sam: Got it!
Sam hands Dean the hex bag and he lights it up.
Once the hex has been lifted, Dean comments ‘ Alright let’s kill some witches.’ Dean then tosses the hex bag in front of Sam.
‘You want that?’ Dean asks as he storms off.
Sam’s only reply is giving Dean his signature ‘Bitch face’
Best Make Up
The sister mother.
Best Angle View
The sisters being viewed from the mirror.
Same as Rowena being viewed from the rear view mirror.
The long view of Cas and Lucifer in their cells.
Best CGI/VFX scene
Rowena being wrapped in the sigil veil.
I hope you enjoyed this “Memorable Moments” review! Please share what your picks would be for these categories, or offer categories of your own!
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