It’s that time of year, the time where we look back at all “Supernatural” has offered us over the last season and think, “I should rank all the episodes for fun!” You aren’t thinking that? Well, you should!
This season was particularly difficult, so much so that I changed the parameters of the exercise. You no longer have five minutes to rank the episodes like in prior seasons. You get a whole ten! It took me a record 10 minutes and 10 seconds to rank these episodes. Why? Because I only enjoyed a handful of them, and there’s only one that made the really awesome list. The rest had to be ranked in their forgettable mediocrity and it was hard! I do confess to just randomly ranking on a couple of occasions based on which episode had a better title. To say that Season 13 was lacking in the excitement department is a bit of an understatement.
The rules are simple: start with the below list of season 13 episodes, listed in order of airing, and rank from best to worst. Do this in ten minutes or less. Don’t change your picks once you’re done. The idea is to capture your initial gut feel. Deep analysis is not needed here. If you cheat, well, we won’t know, but karma will!
It is best if you use our episode guide as reference material when you generate your list. It helped me loads. Too many of these episodes this season didn’t stand out from one another and our guide provides both the title and the description as a handy-dandy refresher.
The season 13 episodes are:
Lost and Found
The Rising Son
The Big Empty
Advanced Thanatology
War of the Worlds
The Scorpion and the Frog
The Bad Place
Wayward Sisters
Various and Sundry Villains
Devil’s Bargain
Good Intentions
A Most Holy Man
The Thing
Bring ‘em Back Alive
Unfinished Business
Beat the Devil
Let The Good Times Roll
As usual, for posterity purposes, I’ll share my picks first from best to worst. They are:
(Massive gaping chasm the size of the Grand Canyon)
The Big Empty
Advanced Thanatology
A Most Holy Man
Lost and Found
(Massive gaping chasm the size of the Montana)
The Thing
The Scorpion and the Frog
The Bad Place
Good Intentions
Unfinished Business
The Rising Son
War of the Worlds
Various and Sundry Villains
Devil’s Bargain
Bring ‘em Back Alive
Wayward Sisters
Let the Good Times Roll
Beat the Devil
Your turn! Feel free to offer some comments about why you picked the way you did after you picked them, or just do a list and leave it at that. We aren’t picky. Every year, we make some amazing discoveries about what people liked and what they didn’t. We usually find an episode that we thought “everyone” loved turned out not to be the case and vice versa. The rankings are usually a huge source of disparity as well. So what you’re doing isn’t just fun, it makes good scientific research! We think. We aren’t exactly scientists. We want you to have fun though so that’s all that matters. Have fun!
Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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