Nate’s Episode Review – Supernatural 13.12 “Various & Sundry Villains”
Nate Winchester is an aspiring author, blogger, and strangely the only male writer for The Winchester Family Business.
Nate Winchester is an aspiring author, blogger, and strangely the only male writer for The Winchester Family Business.
It’s spring break here in lovely central Ohio (at least for my kids) and this weekend I’m at a Taekwondo tournament in Kentucky, and next week I’m in the State of Delaware (don’t ask). So why do I bring up such a busy social agenda? Easy, it means episode reviews are running behind. It’s especially…
Hello and welcome to “Why _ works (or doesn’t)”, where I go over in detail why an episode of the show succeeded or failed. If you like or hate this, let me know and feel free to shout out suggestions for episodes that should go on the chopping block or praise podium. Today I’m analyzing…
“Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.” ― H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
On the surface, “Paint It Black” was not a particularly intense or memorable episode. It was quieter and slower, but that’s probably okay once in a while. Several tweeters commented that they were bored and I have to admit that it was difficult to think of anything exciting to live tweet! This story didn’t have…
Once upon a time there was a homicidal clown…Tell me if you’ve heard this one already. I do get where Eric Kripke and John Shiban were going with this. In reality, clowns are creepy as hell. They’re “funny” strange, not “funny” haha. But aside from a chuckle or two watching Sam’s worst childhood nightmare surface,…
As the Supernatural fandom eagerly awaits (and simultaneously dreads) the final chapters in season 12’s story, we have a one week break to consider what heartbreak might be in store for our heroes this year. A recent Supernatural convention participant reported that Jensen said this finale will be the hardest he and Jared have ever…
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