The WFB Supernatural Season 12 Editor Choice Awards – Part Two
My choices for part one were revealed, so without further delay, here are the Supernatural Season Twelve Editor’s Choice Awards, Part Two! Seventeen more categories of Awards that in the end have little relevance in the grand scheme of things, but they still make a diversion-y and fun read as we hit the real doldrums of Hellatus. Enjoy!
Best Supernatural Season 12 “Rock Star Alias”
“The Foundry”

Behold, it’s the Partridge Family! I grew up watching Partridge Family reruns after school so yes, I was pretty tickled by agents Shirley Partridge, Bonaduce, and Cassidy. Fun fact, David Cassidy, who played Keith Partridge, is the father of actress Katie Cassidy, aka our season three Ruby, who is now with “Arrow.”
Honorable Mention – The Same Episode
I love that Castiel gets pop culture references now but really doesn’t understand them. Like how R&B pop stars do not count as classic rock aliases. Or how female R&B legends like Beyonce definitely don’t offer a believable alias for a plain looking guy in a trenchcoat. But Crowley decided to play along.

“I guess that makes me Agent Jay Z.”
Best Visual Effect
“Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox”
Dean being thrown through the warded door by Billie. I thought visually it was freaking wicked, even if was a result of an overused plot driver, relying too much on Billie’s intervention to get what they wanted. No wonder she was angry at them all the time.
Best Use of Misplaced Optimism that Fell Apart an Episode Later
“The Future”

Castiel: No human form can step through that gate and survive. Your souls will ascend to Heaven, and every cell of your beings will return to the universe. I am sorry, Kelly. It’s the son of Lucifer… this is a human/archangel hybrid. That power… it’s beyond comprehension. Your child could bring the universe to its knees.
Kelly: Or lift it to its feet. This baby, nothing is born evil.
Nature vs. nuture, good vs. evil, it was all really fascinating…until the remaining episodes forgot about all that. I loved that this episode raised some hope while also raising suspicion. Were Kelly and Castiel duped? Was that power that was given to them by this child a miracle or a diabolical act? Kelly refused to give up faith and she restored that lost faith in Castiel as well. It was quite refreshing to see Castiel with hope again. I’ve got to admit, I found the whole idea of something good coming into this world interesting. For years it’s really been too much crap.
Then the rest of the season aired and it was time to throw all that hope of a savior out the window. Fine, I’ll forgive “Who We Are” since it was tying up so many other loose ends as it was, but the rest, shame of you all for not running with what you were given from “The Future.” I’m left only with the hope that season thirteen will take care of all that.
Most Ludicrous Plot Straight Out of Fan Fiction
Oh, so many! Sam captured and tortured by a pretty lady who’s part of an evil organization that’s focused on total domination, Mary Winchester coming back from the dead, Mary being brainwashed to kill other hunters and her own sons, Lucifer gets someone pregnant creating a Nephilim, Crowley doesn’t let Lucifer go back to the cage and decides to keep him prisoner for payback instead (only a fan could come up with that totally ludicrous plot) and…oh, everything this season just didn’t make sense. The winner though was one that just wasn’t necessary by any means.
“Ladies Drink Free”

Why did they have to bring back Claire Novak? Instead of showing any growth or learning from her experiences, her character continued to be the same cocky, annoying brat. Better yet, why not turn her into a werewolf, and then watch her be rescued by an “unproven” cure conveniently provided by the British Men of Letters? Oh wait, it’s a parallel! She’s turned and cured as a werewolf just like her “sister” Alex was turned and cured as a vampire. Can’t there be better parallels…or better characters to bring back? There’s a lot to choose from.
Dishonorable Mention
“The British Invasion”

Every single bit of it, but then again I’ve screamed about that until I’m blue in the face ever since it aired. I figured it was time I focused on something else with this award. But…think about it, why would Mick be all helpful and good in “Ladies Drink Free” and then the very next episode start flipping out about “the code” that was ingrained in him since a young age via a Harry Potter ripoff school? I mean, Draco Malfoy at his worst wasn’t killing classmates because Umbridge told him to. Compare notes writers!
Best Iconic Moment/Scene That Will Be Talked About For Years
“Who We Are”
This episode gave us so much that I could say pretty much all of it. It was the crown jewel in this dearth of stellar episodes in this mediocre season. Still there’s one visual that will stick with me for years. Not only is it emotionally powerful, but it reminds us just how impressive Sam’s wing span is!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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