Promotional Photos for Supernatural Episode 11.13
Here are the promotional pictures for the next episode.
I have to admit the biggest take away I get is “boy are these guys gorgeous! I’m guessing the girl with the long hair is the Person In Peril for this week and the boys are protecting her? A medical examiner is showing Sam something on a victim’s back? We do have a headline “Girl Dies of a “Broken Heart”, so the monster is killing people by doing something to their hearts? Give us your thoughts in the comments or in the discussion thread for episode 13.
Those puppy dog eyes. Hnnng… so adorable 😮
My second thought is “Boy is that motel room ugly”. In a series where most of the motel rooms are bad that one stands out.
Are those NASCAR logos on the walls? I thought I saw tires in another photo. Yeah….ugly is right.
Yes, the room divider appears to be racing tires and lug wrenches. Ah well…. the room may be ugly but the boys look great!
Those lovely curtains add that extra touch of elegance. :p Not to mention the plastic flowers which match absolutely nothing. Must be that “pop” of color that they are always talking about on HGTV.
[quote]Those lovely curtains add that extra touch of elegance[/quote]:D:D:D
double post
Jared tends to perch at that sort of awkward angle with his hands like that when he is having a ‘serious’ conversation 🙂 (or talking about Sastiel … *unimpressed sigh*) it looks like a brother conversation of some sort – not connected to heartless people – is in the offing.
I know what the monster of the week is! Rogue cherubs (third-class)! They drive Ubers instead of taxis and can get guys into …. um …. Valhalla …. for a quaffing and wenching visit.
Fifth picture looks like Dean might be confessin’ something… about Amara perhaps?
Pretty bland picture to go along with a bland CW promo and a completely spoiler free vid from the Supernatural crew.
Collective fingers crossed that this is just TPTB not wanting to tip their hand early and that the episode will have some surprises in store for us!
Not giving away much by the pictures but Leah is right, that is one ugly motel room. I think the last valentine themed episode was Season 5’s My Bloody Valentine, and that was a good one so fingers crossed.
oh oh oh! I just saw a thing! So, minor spoilers – since if you want to know who it is you will have to go to the Creation website for the Houston con to find out – but not spoilers for this episode (most likely). I will try to be cryptic!
An actor (gender neutral here) who plays certain character on SPN – who is currently dead – is going to be late to the SPN convention this weekend because of filming commitments. And I just looked up their IMDB and they don’t seem to be in any other show at present.
It is an actor (and character) I like a lot so I hope they are going to be back 😀
You never know. I guess we will find out tomorrow.
Finally a photoset with more Sam.Hope this is the trend in the episode.