Spoilers for Supernatural Season Eleven From EW And TVLine Update with Trailer
We have several interviews with Jeremy Carver. He revealed spoilers for the second half of season 11. We also have a great new trailer.
In addition giving us more details on the already revealed Jodie/Claire/Alex episode and the Bobby/Rufus episode Jeremy Carver told us Supernatural will go back in time to spend an episode on a WWII submarine.
We will be going back in time for an episode and we will be essentially spending an episode on a World War II-era submarine with American soldiers of the time,” he says, explaining, “It’s basically our version of Das Boot. The whole production team has just done an absolutely astounding job, so that’s a really cool episode.”
Jeremy Carver talked to TVLine about upcoming storylines, including Amara and the Cage.
Before planting a smooch on the elder Winchester, Amara appeared to have aborted her plan to suck out his soul, leaving us — and many of our readers — wondering why she would suddenly have a change of heart.
Ahead of the show’s return this Wednesday (The CW, 9/8c), Carver addressed that mystery, as well as four others involving Adam, God, Death and Lucifer.
The crew of Supernatural has created another fantastic video for the second half of season eleven
The writers are really trying to give us some fresh stories this year. Are you looking forward to Sam, Dean and a submarine? Tell us in the comments or the discussion thread for rumors/spoilers.
I read that Cas is in the submarine episode, episode 14 apparently. Jared barely worked during that ep. I don’t think he goes back in time with Dean, it’s Cas. 🙁
And yay, God had nothing to do with Sam’s visions. Sigh. I don’t care who saves Sam or how he gets out of the cage, but there better be some follow-up to Sam having his hopes dashed. That would be a huge blow to him.
Thanks Percy.
I saw that too. Though I didn’t see the Cas bit – that could be one person’s wishful thinking based on a particular Destiel fic. I am really bummed by everything that I see coming down the pipe for part 2 of this season I have to say. And there is really no particular reason to believe that the rumor is wrong before you all start lecturing that we should ‘wait and see’ – this shit happens all the time these days, it would be more of a surprise if it didn’t happen. It sucks how often these sorts of episodes are Sam-light or Sam-exclusionary or just generally make Sam less important to the show except as a reason for the stuff Dean does and a source of blame when things go wrong. It must be great for the writers that they don’t need such a potentially large part of the audience since they don’t seem to care that they are losing us.
ETA: I took away the second paragraph of this since it didn’t apply to the story we were talking about
I’m trying to hold off judgement until I see the episode and until I see the rest of the season, but hearing that 14 is SamLite or Sam-nonexistent makes me very unhappy.
I do not look foward to anything on this show. I no longer buy without seeing the goods first esp with Sam , we shall see how involved he is in the second half on this season.
https://vimeo.com/152338334 very spoilery promo put out by the show.
I am guessing by that new promo (Keep Grinding) that we are not supposed to know for sure whether it is Lucifer or the Darkness (or something else?) that has Cas. The fact that ‘he’ is all over Rowena leads us towards Lucifer I guess? Could be a fake-out. Though Amara does still look pretty healthy (relatively speaking, I kinda want to feed her up a little). Ok, so, Casifer is trying to destroy Amara? With an angel blade. Why? She isn’t an angel. I think that scene is still Cas. But what has happened that has already happened to Sam AND Dean and ‘now Cas’? I don’t know because Dean has never been possessed in this sort of way. JC said that Demon Dean WAS Dean and MOC Dean seemed to be controllable by Dean too, and not a big deal, according to last season (after all he only killed/tried to kill/destroyed bad people – oh and Sam, but that hasn’t been mentioned even once this season).
Sam and Cas previously have been possessed by external forces. And maybe Dean and Cas (could be) possessed by the mark / darkness combo, but again the show has spent the last 9 episodes entirely ignoring the idea that the mark was powerful in itself and regardless it never directly had an effect on Sam.
Technically Sam has been possessed by a super strong entity that wanted to destroy the world (Lucifer), Cas has been the same by the Leviathans. All three of them have been dead numerous times. What applies to Sam and Dean that doesn’t apply to Cas until now?
I don’t know, I guess it is just another retcon? I can definitely predict that if Cas ends up ‘gone’ for some reason there will be blame to be laid at somebody’s feet …
All this cannon busting has me so confused right now. How can Luci posses Cas when Sam is his true vessel? Cas is a freakin angel, again, how is it possible for Luci to posses an angel? Have these writers even seen season 5 of the show?
Can someone please explain to me?
I’m trying not to count my chickens, but the promo did nothing for me either. If Cas is possessed by Lucifer, then it’s just another case of giving Cas, Sam’s storylines. It reminds of season 7 all over again. Castiel comes along at the last minute to take Sam’s crazy, basically ending Sam’s storyline for the season and making his whole ordeal in hell pretty moot. It’s what I’ve been afraid of since the beginning of the season. Things have been so good and I’ve been waiting for the rug to be pulled out. I am waiting, I promise, but we’ve been burned too many times to have any faith.
I was never convinced that Sam’s storyline had anything to do with God, TBH, that wouldn’t fit with Sam’s role as whipping boy since JC and RT took over. The storyline was, as I said at the time, WYSIWYG (as it usually is) – the point was to get Sam into the cage with Lucifer, nothing more. Sam’s story except to beat himself up (again) and have a new misdemeanor added to Dean’s list, is most likely over for the season. At least we will get to see Dean crying OPT for Cas which is more than he did for any of the stuff that he did to Sam last season.
I will be pleased to take all this back if I am wrong but I haven’t been wrong yet so I am fairly confident I won’t have to. It would be worth being wrong just to have the story be less crappy than it appears at the moment.
Double Post. site is weird tonight.
I am still faintly hopeful that the story goes (and at this stage this is the best possible scenario from what we are seeing):
1) Cas (and Dean) find Amara, Cas realises that Dean has been not telling the truth about the spell he is under and they fail to make any impression on Amara. They escape. Dean is clearly not going to defeat her in this situation.
2) They discover Lucifer has Sam. Rowena points out that Amara has to be stopped and Lucifer is the one to do it. Oh and Lucifer has Sam at the moment.
3) Cas says ‘it might be for the best’ meaning someone allowing Lucifer to take over. However when they get to hell they realize that Lucifer will continue to torture Sam if allowed to take charge. Plus Sam puts his foot down ‘absolutely NOT’. Because it would be a stupid thing to do.
4) Cas decides off his own bat and against all advice to the contrary to say yes to Lucifer – possibly with the help of a supposedly protective spell from Rowena *eyeroll at the idea of falling for that one twice*
5) Lucifer takes over Cas and they have all been fooled again. Lucifer is out.
*end of best case scenario*
*new event*: Show being what it is Lucifer will end up being the good guy in all this. Sam will have to apologize to him at some point for something. Being rescued instead of Adam probably.
Sounds plausible. Still not following the Casifer storyline. Didn’t the writers spend the entirely of S5 reinforcing the the idea that Sam is Luci’s true vessel? How can an angel be possed by Luci? What am I missing?
Cas has been linked to Lucifer (with the visions). It is possible that link is relevant? And the book is a plot device that is good for all requirements.
We were told in season 9 by Hael that Cas has a good, strong vessel. In the Claire storyline we learned that Jimmy is dead and yet Cas still can inhabit that vessel. For me, the implication is that someone (God, maybe) made and extra special vessel just for little old Cas. It is the stongest, bestest vessel that there ever was and it can hold Lucifer because it is just that wonderful, because Cas deserves only the best.
This totally blows. No idea what Cas’ powers are anymore. Does anyone know?
I’m relatively sure that Sam will get the entire blame for poor, brave, sweet, perfect Cas having to say yes to Lucifer. It will all be Sam’s fault because he was stupid and weak. I won’t be shocked if Dean blames Sam verbally. I know fandom will blame him. Even if Lucifer does “turn good” then he won’t be expected to give up the vessel and it will be Sam’s fault that Cas is dead.
In some ways I don’t mind Casifer. They don’t seem able to write a story for Cas anymore, Misha is a regular and they need him to give the Js time off, or at least to give Jared time off, since they seem to think Jared is dispensable. So making Misha Lucifer makes a certain sense. I just wish it didn’t rest on blaming Sam and making him wrong yet again.
About blaming Sam, if that happens, I would say that Cas owes this to Sam after he took down the wall in season 6. He’s an angel, he can handle it. But I still think that it’s dumb for Cas to say yes to Lucifer, and let him loose on the world again. I guess we’ll see what happens.
I didn’t want Sam to be possessed by Lucifer and us losing him as a character for however long the story lasts, so I’m ok if it becomes Cas’ role. That last video has some really hateful looks from Sam to whoever is in Cas (Lucifer I think), so we might get some great stuff. I’ll be upset if Lucifer/Cas has a majority of scenes with Dean though. Sam has such a rich and painful history with Lucifer that I expect some great scenes going forward, and that brings me to Lucifer luring Sam to the Cage pretending to be God. If there’s no aftermath to that, I’ll be majorly upset.
Cas also knew that Lilith was the last seal and neglected to mention that little factoid to anyone. To this day he has let Sam shoulder the entire burden for starting the apocolypse. Still having trouble forgiving Cas for that. So yeah, now that I think about it, I’m okay with Cas being Luci’s meat suite (is meat suit even the right term when talking about Cas?) I’m just not okay with no storyline for Sam.
He told Dean that (when it was way too late) so I guess that no longer rests entirely on Cas – he didn’t keep it entirely secret. He didn’t tell Dean in order to help Sam in any way mind you.
Though come to think of it he was very good at blaming Sam for not realizing literally everyone around him (from before he was born even) was manipulating his entire existence. So yeah, he can atone for that a bit more.
Cas letting Sam out of the panic room – after Sam had been tortured with unsupervised and dangerous withdrawal for days – and thereby ensuring that he wouldn’t be able to resist Ruby is a major sin in my book As a result of it Sam was almost guaranteed to start part B of the apocalypse and nobody knows who let him out but Cas. And, yes, Cas owes Sam for that.
But that was a long time ago in a show far, far away… That is not going to happen on this show …
Couldn’t agree more!
I worry about Casifer (if it happens) having scenes with Dean and not Sam, as it looks like will happen in episode 14. Lucifer should interact with Sam and the writers have worked pretty hard to keep Dean and Cas apart the last few years. OTOH, they may be hoping that having Misha play Lucifer will finally quiet a certain shipping group and they will then have Lucifer interacting with Dean. I’m not feeling hopeful right now, but I’m still going to try and not prejudge.
The writers have also worked pretty hard to keep Sam and Dean apart the past few years.
I’m just hoping that these spoilers are a red herring to get folks talking and these writers will surprise us with an interesting story for the second half. The first half has been pretty freakin decent for the most part.
I worry about Casifer (if it happens) having scenes with Dean and not Sam, as it looks like will happen in episode 14. Lucifer should interact with Sam and the writers have worked pretty hard to keep Dean and Cas apart the last few years. OTOH, they may be hoping that having Misha play Lucifer will finally quiet a certain shipping group and they will then have Lucifer interacting with Dean. I’m not feeling hopeful right now, but I’m still going to try and not prejudge.
Yes I agree with you about most of this. And yes giving Sam a win once in a while wouldn’t actually kill the writers (except apparently it would). But Misha playing a new character might just POSSIBLY allow the show to reset to being about the characters and not about non-show related nonsense.
I worry about Casifer (if it happens) having scenes with Dean and not Sam, as it looks like will happen in episode 14. Lucifer should interact with Sam and the writers have worked pretty hard to keep Dean and Cas apart the last few years to quiet a certain shipper contingent. OTOH, they may be hoping that having Misha play Lucifer will finally quiet a certain shipping group (because they want the ship with Cas, not Lucifer) and they will then have Lucifer interacting with Dean. I’m not feeling hopeful right now, but I’m still going to try and not prejudge.
I think that is likely (about dousing the flames, but they could have done that years ago by just SAYING it … and they didn’t because … whatever stupid reason). But honestly it won’t work because what that small corner of the fandom wants really has nothing to do with Cas, or Dean (just the actors who play them). Anyway I guess Ruth Connell is about to come in for a share of what Amara’s actress has been getting. I hope she has some bullet proof armor.
Oh hell, I didn’t think of that but you’re right. Just look at the poor actress that played Hannah, (can’t remember her name).
Yeah and THEY made a cute pair, in a Benny and Joon sort of a way. As did Cas and Meg.
Yeah this is my fear too. Sam’s great story was a setup for Castiel’s story and the fans that already hate him will have more fuel. and I really hate the thought of Sam having been wrong, his visions meant nothing to help stop the darkness and the rest of the season featuring Dean and his man pain. I feel sick just typing that.
What applies to Sam and Dean that doesn’t apply to Cas until now?
Extended stay in hell? Maybe?
Good point! Yes you are right! But that wouldn’t be easy to work into the plot though.
It seems possible that Cas might be enjoying an extended vaycay in hell cause the next few eps don’t sound like they have Cas in them – into the mystic, don’t you forget about me, wrestling ep…
Somehow that notion cheers up the bit of me that likes story. Poor Cas’s meatsuit (since Cas is an angel and has no soul there is no particular reason why he needs to share the meatsuit with Lucifer – he can just vacate – one angel is the same as another). So at that I am going to give it up for the evening while feeling a little better about things 😀
Sorry to burst anyone’s bubble, but Cas is listed as part of the cast for Into the Mystic on IMDB for this episode.
Well it was a fairly low-tension bubble anyway. It mostly only solved the riddle, didn’t fix any other problems. 😉
Though IMDb is not always reliable since lots of people edit it. One time they posted an entire synopsis saying destiel (there they are again) was going to happen in the next episode. And it stayed up quite a while until the real synopsis for that episode was published.
I have really enjoyed the first part of this season and I was excited for the second half but then I started reading all the spoilers and interviews and now…not so excited. The pic of Dean with a bloody Sam in the cage got me a bit tingly ( love me some Protective, big brother Dean) and it will be good to see Rufus again but otherwise not so interested anymore. Hopefully all my concerns will prove to have just been me fretting needlessly.
I am really gutted by the thought that Sam might not get to go back in time. And God having nothing to do with Sam’s visions makes my heart break for Sam.
Do we know for certain that Sam doesn’t make an appearance in the submarine ep? Or is it just wishful thinking on the part of some Destielers?
No it is all just guesswork. Sam won’t NOT be in it because there has never been an episode without him. But he doesn’t have to be in very much of it
[quote]Sam won’t NOT be in it because there has never been an episode without him.[/quote]
Um……In the Beginning was completely Samless. There’s another episode too that has Sam completely written out and The End had about 4 minutes of Sam. It’s entirely possible that Sam is totally sidelined. They’ve done it before.
Not impressed by what I am seeing at all. Sam was a fool and a dupe as per usual and his foolish rash actions are going to get Cas gutted; so a reiteration of Sam is dumb, he does dumb things and other people pay for it. Hate the impending Cas as Lucifer story; it makes ZERO sense that the vessel especially created just for Lucifer out of the specific lineage dating back to Cain and Able can instead be accommodated by Jimmy Novack’s left over meat suit with seemingly no fuss whatsoever. It’s stupid, it negates all of season 4 and 5 and undermines the foundation of the show. So, Sam was stupid and now he’s unnecessary to boot. Can’t help but notice that Sam is barely in the promo and has absolutely nothing to say in it at all. That pretty much sums up how I expect the remainder of the season to go. And yes, I am speculating on episodes I haven’t seen, so sue me. It’s happened consistently for the past 3 years. A trend is a good indicator of things to come. And the start of this season looked so promising too. 🙁
Well, TECHNICALLY Sam was in In The Beginning for about 20 seconds and he clocke 5 minutes as Lucifer and 30 seconds as Sam in The End. I can’t think of any episode where he was totally gone. He’s always gotten a shot or two and a line or two.
Sam has never not been in an episode.
Series cast summary:
Jared Padalecki Sam Winchester / … (230 episodes, 2005-2016)
Jensen Ackles Dean Winchester / … (230 episodes, 2005-2016)
*this has been a PSA to the SPN writers*
Sam was in in the beginning. He was in it in the beginning. 🙂
Let’s just remember that if it were Sam not bothering answer the phone after bossing [i]Dean[/i] around all episode and telling him not to make any decisions and basically treating him like an incompetent child and Dean decided to beggar off to talk to Lucifer alone everyone would be blaming Sam for not answering the phone. And for being mean to Dean and causing Dean to make bad decisions… So yes, the show will punish Sam for what he did, but at least [i]we[/i] can remember it would have been different if the boot were on the other foot.
The people in Vancouver who watch them shoot Supernatural reported that Jared wasn’t there for almost all of the shooting of episode 14. They’ve been accurate before, so I’m expecting they are accurate about this. I’m not happy, but I’m expecting it. I do expect Sam to have a 30 second scene in there somewhere because I don’t think they will leave him out altogether.
I’m so bummed right now. If Sam is not in the Submarine ep, then I hope Cas isn’t either. I have to wonder now, when Carver makes a reference to ‘the boys’, which pairing of characters is he referring to?
I really wish the writers would binge watch the early seasons of this show on Netflix. WTF, writers?
I’m sorry ladies i don’t see what you see at a?l There maybe a good reason Sam isn’t in the submarine ep. Maybe his height or maybe his afraid of confined spaces if so maybe they should have not done the ep. I also feel the rest of the season will be fine Ok Cas may take on Lucifer better him than Sam 5he boys have said neither will be possed by anything this season its back to business
I have faith that Sam will have a good story and won’t be blamed. I also found the clip to be very strong and emotional
Well I will be very happy for you to come back after tomorrow’s episode and say ‘I told you so’. 😉
I doubt that the episode was actually filmed in a submarine. That’s what soundstages are for – though I am willing to stand corrected on the presence or absence of a real sub. I seem to remember they filmed an episode of The X-files on a real sub (because they had one) and it took forever and cost a fortune. I am almost willing to put money on the sub episode not having any Sam being because Robbie Thompson wrote it (as far as I know we haven’t been told who wrote it).
I will say that anything the guys say about the season at the beginning ONLY applies to the first few episodes. And JC hedged everything Jensen said at comic con anyway. J2 don’t know what is happening more than say 6 or so episodes down the line at any point. Jared tends to read ahead more – I imagine he has more time available to him on set to do that …
I second that. I will happily eat crow in order to be wrong. I WANT TO BE WRONG.
I can’t recall all the eps that Robbie Thompson wrote (I’m not as good as the rest of you girls are about knowing all the details of every ep. Y’all put me to shame). Does Robbie Thompson not know how to write for Sam? Genuinely curious.
I have an entire thesis (rant) about that but I think I will leave it simmer until tomorrow and take another look at it. At which point I will likely add further grievance to it rather than toning it down but whatever. 😀 RT is lucky he has never been stuck beside me on an airplane …
Anyway into the Mystic (which is the song episode) is RT’s next one so it is unlikely that 14 is his as well, it’s too soon in the rotation.
RT wrote every episode with Charlie. Here’s the list of his episodes
7.06 Slash Fiction
7.12 Time After Time
7.20 The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
8.04 Bitten
8.11 LARP and the Real Girl
8.17 Goodbye Stranger
8.20 Pac-Man Fever
9.04 Slumber Party
9.11 First Born
9.18 Meta Fiction
10.05 Fan Fiction
10.11 There’s No Place Like Home
10.18 Book of the Damned
10.20 Angel Heart
11.04 Baby
You can judge what you think of his Sam writing skills. Certainly he isn’t the worst writer for Sam, but not the best either. The Charlie episodes tended to be about Charlie and Charlie bonded more closely with Dean, so… He does do interesting stories and writes decent dialog, IMHO.
I can’t recall all the eps that Robbie Thompson wrote (I’m not as good as the rest of you girls are about knowing all the details of every ep. Y’all put me to shame). Does Robbie Thompson not know how to write for Sam? Genuinely curious.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think that previous poster was referring to the fact that a gigantor like Sam being on a WWII sub would be problematic height wise. Didn’t they have a height and weight restriction for subs back then? Technically if you think about it Deans height is probably a stretch too, just not as much as Sam’s would be. I wonder what reason Dean would have to go back in time like this? The only time a sub has come up was regarding retrieval of the First Blade. Cas hid it, does that mean once (if) Lucifer takes over Cas he will want to possess it? Long shot speculation. I just can’t imagine a reason why Dean? would need to go back to that time.
The height restriction for subs is. 6’8″. Also Sam and Deans heights are not the same thing as J2s because all of this is fiction. According to the only reference we have seen on the show both brothers are 6’4″
Well obviously there’s a height difference between the brothers so unless Sam is actually 6’8 then I’d say it’s save to say 6’4 is his characters height. Dean logically 3 or 4 inches shorter.
I thought WWII height restrictions were shorter than 6’4′ back then.
As I said fictional characters do not have to be exactly the same height as the actors who play them. Hobbits for example … The show often used to work perspective to make the brothers the appear the same height – and get other people in the same scene. And according to ‘The Benders’ the brothers are both the same height: Here, see for yourself ([url]”http://www.homeofthenutty.com/supernatural/screencaps/displayimage.php?album=15&pid=142787#top_display_media”[/url])
Also why are you assuming that Dean is going to apply to be on a submarine? He is going to supernaturally appear in it one assumes. They can’t do much about his height when he is already on a sub unless they want to cut his feet off. I saw one comment (which was not verified by anyone else) that said you had to be under 4’8″ to be on a sub in WW2 – and if anyone can believe that Jensen is 4’8″ I guess they can believe Jared is too.
What I am saying overall is that, in the case of SPN, the argument that Jared is not in the episode at all because Sam is too tall is nonsense.
If Casifer does happen, Misha will have some pretty big shoes to fill because Jared and Mark killed it as Lucifer.
The video is fantastic; well done; incites my curiosity and excitement about the back half. The concept of the parallel investigations by SAM/ DEAN – BOBBY/ RUFUS is clever. Always glad to see Bobby. I love the idea of the WWII era episode- check mark on my wishlist- you can really say tough guy with US Navy! I would have preferred a ship but I see the creep factor in a claustrophobic inducing submarine on the bottom of the ocean. I toured one…. I had to get out. I am optimistic that all the main characters will see some dire conditions and development. JC’s tidbit about trusting Lucifer only referred to the visions not the dream so I’M holding on to my fantasy that Sam’s faith will pay off. I will bypass my usual expression about how I think the Claire character and encompassing ABC family drama (Tune in when Sam and Dean drop in on Jodi who informs the boys that she has her hands full especially since Claire is acting out and blaming it on the supernatural …. could it be something real? Can the boys help?????!!!!!!!) is unimaginative, tedious, unsuitable …… by simply stating that I intend to just bypass the episode in the same manner Dean would throw out an Ipod from the Impala.
I agree with the bulk of your post spnlit. I was just sharing with some other fans that I think Sam’s faith which may be shaken now will be rewarded in due time. I am kind of curious to see the Jodi & Co episode however. If for nothing else than to see her kick some teenage butt. I would never skip a Jodi episode, don’t know how much longer she’ll be around.
I love this web site and everybody who posts here we all have our own opinions and we all love our sometimes passionate and heated debates. I try to be knowledgable and follow as much as I can anything to do with SPN. But I am in know way as experienced as the WFB writers, I’m disappointed that there is nothing positive here. Everybody has decided that the second half of the season is going to be below par. With bad writers ignoring Sam & making Cas & Dean the main characters. You maybe right you all understand the differnet writers and how they write and you know what to expect.
If I don’t understand something or if I have something to say I come here and get wonderful answers or equally interesting speculations. If I’m feeling down about a character ‘specially my Sammy I can come here and read something positive which will lift my spirits.
But if you read through all these comments on the recent promo “Keep Grinding” Not anyone is impressed, nobody has anything positive to say. You all appear to have decided Sam’s out — Cas & Dean is in.
This is very sad and disappointing. you have made these decisions on a 30sec video / whose writing which ep./ and other sources on the internet. I as a veiwer only can go on what I see and the clip looks great / very dark / sad / gripping — and Dean’s voice over the clip sounds strong and determined and oddly sad. As I said before didn’t see anything that says Sam’s out Cas is in. I really don’t mind Cas taken “over” Sam’s roll with Lucy — at least it won’t be a repeat of S4 — S5 they had to give Cas something to do And Cas would do this for his “brothers” Sam & Dean. Dean rescuing Sam well how elses is he going to get out. It taook magic to put him there, and magic to get Dean & Cas in. I think the story is in how well Sam does in standing up to Lucy. His strength and resilience. And from what I can see Dean is nothing but supportive not condecending. He appears to be trying to support Sam in his disappointment that it was Lucy not god
Come on my friends think positive give it the benefit of the doubt. Cheer up — watch and wait and see, I’m a average working person not a millionaire. But I will pledge $50.00 (Australian) to the AKFC if by Ep16 I am totally wrong Love Jen xxoo
Agree about the Debbie Downer atmosphere. It’s hard to read. They are basing it on their frustrations with past viewing experience, a ? second clip and an interview from Jeremy Carver which as we know in order to truly know what that man is on about, a doctorate in Carverspeak is almost a prerequisite. Season Eleven has been pretty good so far, I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt regarding the second half. For all characters concerned.
And people around there actually have said that the trailer has been moody and great like the O’ Death trailer (Done by same group). I am exited and that is why I have not read almost all posts here because it is depressing. The cast seems to have fun and the trailer made me interested in the episodes I actually wasn’t at first. So keep your head up Jen. Because above reason I have not written my excitement here and I am not alone. Luckily I have other outlets for it. There are many questions to be answered too but we will see how everything folds in the next episode. I don’t prejudge so at least one happy camper here. 🙂
– Lilah
I think this is the usual nervous talk before an episode compounded by a very long break. Everyone is just anxious I think. After the episode we will see how everyone feels. Don’t take it too seriously. If we didn’t care we wouldn’t be here.
This is difficult..I want AKFC to be $50 rich but at the same time want myself to be wrong…
I’m in the same boat. But in this case I’d prefer that I’m dead wrong and that Jen decides to donate the money anyway out of the goodness of her heart!
Quite the effort rallying the troops. By the way I did write something positive (with the exception of Claire). I get the concern over Sam. All the strong development of Sam this season looked like it may disintegrate with the last episode of Sam locked in the cage and tricked by Lucifer’s visions. I wanted to throw out the entire last script. But you are right when you stated I think the story is in how well Sam does in standing up to Lucy.” I agree his strength and resilience is key. Sam went there, he faced up to it. If he just let Lucifer take him as a vessel now it would be a repeat of season 4-5. Sam did that already and won- he threw Lucifer in the cage. I see nothing in this promo that says Sam is put on the shelf with no story, no redemption, no character development. I agree, I will wait and see how the story unfolds.
Reading the new discussions above this morning and OHHHH BOY I hope I didn’t cause a problem. I too Love all discussions good and indifferent. I think the problem is me personnally I’m am a negative person a side affect to my depression and I can see the problems with Sam and his story line/ character development ect. I ‘m not silly & everybody has taught me so much.
I think when I’m down and worried (particularly about Sam) I come here hoping to see a Ray of Sunshine. But everybody was mirroring my concerns that it made me feel worse. I wanted something positive,
I should try and leave my emotions at the door. LOL Sorry everybody if my post has caused a problem I will be more careful in future. Anyway tonights the night GO SAM xxoo :p:p:p:p:p
Hi Jen, don’t worry. This is a regular occurrence, it sometimes just blows up all over the place. There are underlying tensions and annoyances that go back years and are a bit of a minefield for the unwary. As I discovered when I first started posting here. Basic rule is if you don’t know what it was that you did wrong, well it probably wasn’t you that did something wrong! (unless someone outright tells you it was, and even then ask yourself are you wrong, or are they, or is there no wrong to be had just different shades of right) Ignore it completely is probably the best thing – and keep on posting about what you want to post about. Don’t let people tell you you can’t talk about what you want to talk about (within reason :D). In general, despite all appearances, we mostly pretty much get along … one big SPN family right? 😀
The crew promo which appears to be from multiple episodes, looked great! I rarely pay much attention to Mr. Carver when he is talking or doing an interview. Awesome writer. Not so awesome as promoter of the show. In that clip Sam makes just as many appearances as Dean. I counted.:) It was kind of hard because some scenes flash by fast. Some are side views and some are views from above and some are back views. I may be off by 1 because once I came up with 9 appearances for each and once 10 but roughly the same amount. I don’t think Sam will be absent or sidelined. Let’s watch the one tomorrow and see how it shakes out.
Hi Leah thanks for your take on all this. I hope you are correct!
For me I like to see your posts as i appreciate knowing your pov even though you know that possibly not everyone will agree with you! I know i post assuming some people will argue with my opinion. We can’t discuss someone’s point of view if they withold it. So thanks 🙂
Thanks eilf. I guess we are just all speculating here at the moment anyway. I have no more idea than anyone else what’s going to happen but it’s been a pretty good season so far. I do understand the concerns of other people however.
naive nancy vs debbie downer,who wins? only season 11 second half will tell
So people who are optimistic or excited about the second half are naive?
I understand why everyone is worried about what may happen in the second half but Carvers recent interview was really interesting and had a lot of Sam in it. I don’t think Jared/Sam is going anywhere.
Cheryl, which interview was that? I don’t recall reading one where he said much that was particularly about Sam, as opposed to about the brothers. I would love it if Sam continued to have his own story line, so it would be great if that was indicated by Carver.
http://www.ew.com/article/2016/01/20/supernatural-jeremy-carver-season-11 sneak peek
My reaction to some of these spoilers is in the skeptics discussion thread https://www.thewinchesterfamilybusiness.com/lets-discuss/the-skeptics-page-warning-may-include-spoilers
Thanks so much Cheryl. That interview (which I must have missed) alleviated SOME of my concerns.:)
If people who are skeptical of the second half contribute to the debbie downer atmosphere , then yes, People who are optimistic or excited about the second half are naive.
Some can be accused of being Debbie Downers but it is not like the show does not have a history with Sam.
Ohhh most definatly Sharon totally agree. I’m hoping they have learnt from previous seasons. :(:(:(:(:(:(
Or Dean for that matter. Keep in mind Show having history isn’t exclusively Sams territory when it comes to that. It’s not like Dean fans haven’t been shortchanged or disappointed with storylines too. So far Season Eleven is delivering on a lot of different fronts. Let’s see where we’re at after tonight. We may all be pleasantly surprised.
Never said they had or Dean has not but that was not really the point . And if I can say it is not just sl,s but other factors with Sam that Dean is not subject to and they are approached differently as well.
I really do hope that the proof is in the pudding tonight and we are not all left wondering what the whole Sam sl was the first half? outside of getting rescued and Castiel possibly taking the uniqueness of the Lucifer aspect away from him .
Yes, I think our fears come from the fact that, up until this season, Carver can’t seem to give both boys a good storyline at the same time. So, because the beginning of the season has been so good for both of them, especially Sam having POV and being part of the action as well, I’m afraid that his part is over now that his visions “seem” to be coming from Lucifer and it’s going to be the Dean half of the season. He’s has a really bad habit of this. Season 8, Dean and his purgatory issues, then Sam and the trials. Season 9, Sam as Gadreel (which only lasted a short time comparatively), then Dean and the MOC, although I guess you could say that season 10 was basically about Dean and the MOC with a minor sideline of Sam working himself to literally death trying to save him. Unfortunately, experience makes us wary.
But I haven’t given up hope that it will keep on as it has. I think after looking at the trailer again, the problem I had is that it looks like Dean is doing a lot of interesting things, whereas Sam is just walking around investigating. Plus, it’s Dean’s voiceover, and we got those shots of Dean’s sad face, about Castiel I presume. I’m hoping that they spend some time with Sam’s reactions to whatever is going down because he and Castiel have become great friends in the last few years and he’s not just Dean’s Angel anymore. The story doesn’t have to be all Sam all the time for me to enjoy it, but it loses something when they don’t manage to give them both interesting stories to tell.
My two cents. They say that history tends to repeat itself twice, the first time as a tragedy, the second time as a farce. It seems to me from trailers, photos and spoilers that Carver decided to follow this pattern and is going to repeat a tragic and dramatic story of the first five seasons as a farce. I would be happy to be mistaken, but alas, I’m losing the interest in the story completely. By the way, how Carver is going to deal with the demon blood issue in case Cas is Luci’s vessel, not to mention Cain/Abel lineage? Will Cas be drinking demon blood?
I share the worries of all of the concerned Sam fans, although obviously we all hope that we’re wrong about the direction the plot might take regarding Sam. But as far as being Debbie Downers, I must have missed the intro to the article where it specified “optimistic, happy thoughts only.” And to the point that we should all just “wait and see,” sure, that’s true, but then why bother posting a comment of any kind? Why say how excited and thrilled you are by the clip when maybe you’re wrong and the second half of the season may be a disappointing letdown? Well, we post comments because that’s what the site is for and that’s what we are always invited to do in each article. I wasn’t even going to post a comment but it irks me a tad when the primary rebuttal to the concerns expressed by some is “stop being a downer.” I would love to hear more concrete information to alleviate my worries, which some posts have provided. I loved Leah’s count of Sam vs Dean scenes in the clip because my impression had been that Sam was barely in it. I’m happy to be wrong. But the context of all of the concern is two and a half seasons of largely crap writing for Sam. The whole first half of this season has been amazing, because Sam’s story has been great for the first time in forever. I’ve been waiting all year for the rug to be jerked out from under me, while desperately hoping that it will never happen. And I would love it if tonight’s episode has me eating crow, great big steaming piles of crow. I would even be happy if the optimists bury me under a mountain of “I told you so!” But until then, I have 13 more hours to worry (hopefully needlessly) about the direction the show will take. 🙂
[quote]I must have missed the intro to the article where it specified “optimistic, happy thoughts only.” And to the point that we should all just “wait and see,” sure, that’s true, but then why bother posting a comment of any kind? Why say how excited and thrilled you are by the clip when maybe you’re wrong and the second half of the season may be a disappointing letdown? Well, we post comments because that’s what the site is for and that’s what we are always invited to do in each article.[/quote]
What is fascinating to me is that there IS actually such a place on this site. Where ONLY optimistic, happy thoughts are allowed. Percy even linked to it at the bottom of this very article. So presumably all these people who don’t want to post their excitement here – because it will get somehow ‘tainted’ by some people here having perfectly reasonable doubts, (based on considerable previous experience) – are posting over there? Sorted!
ETA: You should note that unlike when this used be the other way around, I am NOT saying they SHOULD feel obliged to only post over there I am saying that [i]here[/i] everyone has the option to post.
I unpublished the comments from this point forward. I’ll give a small warning, try not to let the topic stray, but I do understand that little break outs like this happen from time to time. I just prefer to keep arguments offline when they stray too far.
My take as admin is, post wherever you feel most comfortable on this site. Article threads are usually meant to be limited to the article topic. I introduced the discussion page so that the like-minded could gather and discuss what they wanted with topics of their choosing. Lilah started those Discussion threads and it is her right to make the rules over there. I’m okay with those Discussions being an optimistic place. HOWEVER, we used to have a bitterness thread on this site too. Would anyone like for me to start up a Bitterness Thread over on the Discussion Page? Or at least something for skeptics? Because some of these spoilers are raising the inner skeptic in me!
I would appreciate something called a ‘sceptics’ thread Alice, particularly instead of the concept of ‘bitterness’ because at this stage I think we have had more than enough evidence that there is more to this than us just being unhappy.
I am willing to concede ( for me anyway) that there isn’t much more to be said until we see this episode.
I have created a skeptics page is here https://www.thewinchesterfamilybusiness.com/lets-discuss/the-skeptics-page-warning-may-include-spoilers All those who have concerns about spoilers or what has happened in an episode are welcome.
Thanks Alice. I still like to say that if it is leaning to optimistic in some eyes the discussion is still pretty balanced there. All has been welcome and if there are hiccups (like twice or so) I tried to explain the situation the best I could. The discussion has been great from all sides that I have seen and that has been great. Good that things calmed down.
– Lilah
I understand your point S&D but do you think people would even try when they see that wall? I mean I could have said a lot of things, explain stuff that I think how this is possible or that. Mostly it turns, what is the use? Half the time I think people don’t read what I write anyway or I am tossed to “You know she is not Sam fan pile so nothing she says matters” So, I have just given up + the way Dean has been ripped a part as of late doesn’t make me jump for joy.
But alright, I would say to you. You have enjoyed the start, keep that feeling and don’t let the past shadow what it is to come. This is from Carver so maybe it lifts your spirits a bit. I posted it also to the spoiler page. 🙂
So, SPOILERS – spoilerssssss… Carver interview from EW.
[quote]Poor Sam had so much trust that these visions were from God, and now he’s stuck in the cage with the real manipulator. Is this experience going to be the thing that finally causes Sam to lose faith in God?
That’s an excellent question and it’s something definitely that we will continue to have Sam sort of dwell on. I would think if this experience is going to alter Sam in any way, it might move him a little bit more from optimist to realist in the coming weeks. That’s best understood by what unfolds.[/quote]
I see that his story continues from this. Maybe not in a direction that some will like but sounds like growth for me. Anyway, I do hope it continues to be good for you. 🙂
And remember, it doesn’t rule out you not liking what is to come and me liking it, but it is how it is.
– Lilah
[quote]but do you think people would even try when they see that wall?[/quote]
Yep, I do think they would try as evidenced by the comments of Leah, Cheryl, spnlit, AlyCat, Jen and you yourself. Maybe I missed it, but nowhere did I see anyone complain about the tone or content of any post by someone simply because the poster is excited and happy about the spoilers/previews. I myself enjoy reading their comments and I wish I shared their excitement. So why happy posters might be feeling that a “wall” (if I understood your meaning correctly) is somehow dissuading them from commenting is beyond me. What has been blatantly said by some of those posters is that they don’t like what a downer many of the comments are, because it’s diminishing their own happiness and excitement. IMO, they are therefore the ones who would like to silence those of us who have a different opinion. I guess I just don’t understand what the problem is, because on those occasions/issues in which I am in the minority in terms of my opinion of a character or an ep, I honestly don’t give a crap about swimming against the tide of opinion. As long as nobody attacks me personally for my views, I’m fine. I have even on quite a few occasions had my feelings or opinions change based upon someone else’s perspective. So I welcome the happy, optimistic comments. At times there have been whole threads of comments that have bored or annoyed me, so I just stopped reading them. Problem solved! Similarly, I think if anyone doesn’t like the tenor of my comments they should just skip to the next comment when they see my name. I don’t mind at all.:)
Even though I hope your worries are unfounded I agree that you have every right to express them Samandean. 🙂
Thanks, Leah. I’m glad my depressing, downer posts haven’t sent you into a tailspin and ruined your day. At least I’m assuming they haven’t!:)