Welcome to “Memorable Moments”. Each week I will visually recap what I felt were the best and most memorable moments from that episode. The list may vary from week to week, depending on what has transpired in that particular episode.
Best Broment(s)
Dean cluing in that Sam wants to do this case because of his ‘Serial Killer’ fetish.
And Sam denying it, that it’s just a case ‘It’s not a fetish.
…and Sam and Dean discussing the case and whether to tell Len about being soulless.
Best Sam Moment
Sam trying to connect with Jordie after he lost his parents.
Best Dean Moment
Dean trying to console a confused Len.
Best Puppy Dog Moment
Sam finding out the Lizzie house isn’t haunted and that he won’t be staying in her room.
Best Guest Actor
I have to go with Len, hands down. He was such a likeable and relatable character.
Scariest Moment(s)
Suddenly seeing the dark figure behind the girl just before she gets axed.
Then seeing the ax all bloodied.
Grossest Moment
The bloodied victims in the basement.
Creepiest Moment(s)
The picture of Lizzie being shown after Sam goes into the attic. I thought for sure those eyes were going to move.
The boy’s face when hit by the ax and slowly collapsing to his death.
Len having a life size mannequin of Lizzie Borden in his home.
Best Nostalgic Moment
Dean tapping the light, just like Mary had done so many years ago in the Pilot.
Funniest Moment(s)
Sam and Dean’s reaction to the decor of Lizzie Borden’s bedroom. Sam is elated while Dean is mortified. ‘I don’t know where to put my eyes. I think I’m gonna be sick’
Sam and Dean’s reaction to Len’s new desires. ‘I couldn’t shake a man’s hand before. God that wetness. Now I could lick a strangers….’
Dean mouthing to Sam ‘Tell Him’ (about being soulless).
Sam testing out the ‘toilet water’ spray bottle ‘ I just wanted to see if the squeezy thing still worked’
Best/Worst “What the…?” Moment
Dean finding out that Amara is behind all the killings and that she’s now a tween .
Best VFX scene
Sucking out the soul. I know we’ve seen this before but it is so cool.
Best Set Design
Lizzie’s flowered bed room.
Best Musical Cue
Playing the old phonograph of “Daisy Bell” by Harry Dacre and Mark Gasbarro just before the lights go out and the killings begin.
I hope you enjoyed this week’s “Memorable Moments” review! Please share what your picks would be for these categories, or offer categories of your own!
I really liked all of your choices. I think my favorite funny moment was Sam and the “squeezy thing”. Dean and Len were great together. Len really was heartbreaking. I still have to close my eyes whenever anyone gets killed. Sound is enough for me. I really enjoyed this episode.
Hi cheryl42
I really enjoyed this episode as well. Len was a great character, I was hoping to see more of him. If a scene is too violent or gross I will shut my eyes, I just can’t watch stuff like that.
Thank you for your comment…cheers!
Coolest camera angle.
To me the grossest moment was Len ripping his thumb off off screen. That makes me shiver. Him telling it was enough. :p
– Lilah
Hi Lilah_Kane
I love your ‘coolest camera shot’. It is a fantastic shot. The idea of Len ripping his thumb off gives me shivers as well, I’m just happy they had that as an off screen scene, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to watch it..:D
Thank you for sharing your moments…cheers!