TV Fanatic Roundtable: Supernatural 11.02 “Form and Void”
Yes, we were really flying high after getting two great episodes in a row at the TV Fanatic roundtable. “Form and Void” really opened up the discussion. Is Death really dead? What were those visions that Sam saw? What is Crowley’s plan for Amara and what is up with Dean’s bond with Amara? Myself, Nightsky, and Christine Laskodi and Sean McKenna from TV Fanatic as usual had a lot to say!
Also, here’s Sean McKenna’s review. He gave the episode a 4.2 out of 5.0.
Just wanted to say I always enjoy the Roundtable discussions. I like the format. Nightsky I liked your suggestion for Cas’s next Netflix binge watch! 🙂 Thanks ladies.