Accepting Your Nominations – WFB Supernatural Season Ten Fan Choice Awards
Another “Supernatural” season has come and gone and you know what that means. It’s time for our annual awards! What in season ten grabbed us, what tore us to shreds, what made us mad as Hell or flail like the out of control fangirls/boys we are? We’re looking for all those standout moments.
We’ve done awards ever since season three, and then I went back and did retro awards for seasons one and two just for good measure. Ever since season seven we have chosen a list of award categories and put them to a fan vote. You get that chance to be heard – the good, bad, and the indifferent – because we care.
As in prior years, we have pre-selected 16 award categories where you will select the winner. Below are those categories. Just list your nominations for each category in the comments through 11:59 pm ET on Thursday, June 18th. The most popular nominations in each category will be chosen and used for the final fan vote (five to seven per category). If we don’t get enough nominations in a category, then it becomes admin’s choice! Do you really want me picking options? (Muhahaha…)
Fan vote results will be announced first as part of our “Supernatural Season Ten Awards” series (there will be several Editor’s Choice awards this year too).
Here are the categories. Remember, only nominations from season ten episodes will be accepted. Happy nominating!
Best Episode
Worst Episode
Funniest Scene
Most Tear-Jerking Moment
Best Brotherly Bonding Scene
Best “Kick it in the Ass” Moment
Best Guest Star
Best Ending to an Episode
Worst Ending to an Episode
Best Quote
Best Shout Out to Pop culture
Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers
Best Gratuitous/Totally Sexy Moment
Best Plot
Worst Plot
Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song in Season Nine

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
[b]Best Episode[/b] The Werther Project runner up The Executioner’s Song
[b]Worst Episode[/b] Paint It Black, runner up Halt and catch fire
[b]Funniest Scene[/b] Sam’s reaction to young Dean, First time
[b]Most Tear-Jerking Moment[/b] Sam getting through Dean with photos, Brother’s keeper
[b]Best Brotherly Bonding Scene[/b] Diner, Impala 67 …
[b]Best “Kick it in the Ass” Moment[/b] Dean vs Cole fight, Reichenbach runner up Dean vs Cole Girls, Girls, Girls.
[b]Best Guest Star[/b] Dylan Everett, young Dean Winchester runner up Cain, always awesome
[b]Best Ending to an Episode[/b] Werther project, Sam and Dean and the universe
[b]Worst Ending to an Episode[/b] Dark Dynasty, Charlie’s death. No, don’t want to talk about it.
[b]Best Quote[/b] Dean Winchester: “What did you think was gonna happen here, huh? You just stroll up here and say, “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” and I’d just fold?” runner up: “Come on in darling, the water’s warm.” – Sam 2nd runner up: “Why can’t you people just sit on clouds and play harps like you’re supposed to?” – Crowley
[b]Best Shout Out to Pop culture[/b] Castiel: The gate is behind door number… Bobby: …Forty-two.
“In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series of books by Douglas Adams, the number 42 holds great significance as “the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything” although the specific question it is the answer to was never specified.” – Super-Wiki
[b]Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers[/b] Stop killing recurring characters. I mean really. Because reasons (Charlie or Death)
[b]Best Gratuitous/Totally Sexy Moment[/b] Demon!Dean in Black without clothes in bed. Runner up, Sam using “the accent” in ask Jeeves to the women 2nd runner up Rowena painting the spell in front of the mirror without clothes. That was cool scene.
[b]Best Plot[/b] Werther Project or runner up Executioners song
[b]Worst Plot[/b] Paint It Black
[b]Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song in Season Nine[/b] Behind blue eyes, runner up Boys are back in town
– Lilah
Best Episode-Brothers Keeper
Worst Episode- Paint It Black
Funniest Scene- Fan Fiction where Sam is talking about Destiel, Samstiel, etc.
Most Tear-Jerking Moment- Brothers Keeper with “close your yes” and the pictures
Best Brotherly Bonding Scene- the boys on the beach in Paper Moon
Best “Kick it in the Ass” Moment- Dean cuts off Cain’s arm
Best Guest Star- teen Dean actor
Best Ending to an Episode- Brothers Keeper
Worst Ending to an Episode- The Things they left behind
Best Quote- “Come on in darlin, the water’s warm.”
Best Shout Out to Pop culture- Inigo Montoya quote in Reichenbach
Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers- sidelining Sam for the entire middle of the season
Best Gratuitous/Totally Sexy Moment- Sam with wet hair, but I forget which episode it was.
Best Plot- Sam finding and curing demon Dean
Worst Plot- Crowley mooning over Dean
Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song in Season Nine- Behind Blue Eyes
Best Episode: Ask Jeeves
Worst Episode: The Things They Carried
Funniest Scene: Sam on the sofa being mauled by ‘cougars’ – Ask Jeeves. (there wasn’t much funny in this season, which is why I keep reverting to this episode)
Most Tear-Jerking Moment: Sam looking at the scythe then up at Dean. Dean saying ‘close your eyes’
Best Brotherly Bonding Scene:
[quote]DEAN Who mixes their blood and bones into paint? No woman’s ever done that for me. [Chuckles]
SAM Is this you thanking me for not doing what you told me to do?
DEAN You know, if you would have burned the journal, then we wouldn’t know how to kill it, would we?
[SAM chuckles]
SAM Yeah you’re welcome.
[They both chuckle.]
You know… you were in that confessional a long time. Look, man, I’m just saying, I’m your brother, Dean. If you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got somebody right here next to you.
DEAN Okay.
SAM I heard what Sister Mathias was saying about, you know, hiding pain by taking on a mission, and I-I know that’s what you’re doing a little bit. And it’s okay. I mean, it’s fine. I get it. I’ve done it before, too. But… I don’t buy for one second that the mark is a terminal diagnosis, so don’t go making peace with that idea. There has to be a way. There will be a way, and we will find it. That’s what we do. So, believe that.
DEAN Okay, Sammy.
SAM You want to… Uh, try that again like you mean it?
DEAN [More determined] Okay. [/quote]
Best “Kick it in the Ass” Moment: Dean and Cain in The Executioner’s Song
Best Guest Star:Cain
Best Ending to an Episode: The Executioners Song. (Sam, Cas and Dean in the kitchen)
Worst Ending to an Episode:The Things They Carried – Sam being afraid of, and apologizing to, Cole (apologizing because Cole’s friend died). Dean and Cole becoming buddies. (for many, many reasons, mostly because it is AWFUL in-world storytelling).
Best Quote:[quote] Beverley: You know they say women just get better with age, like a fine wine or a cheese.
Sam: I-I, um, I’m lactose intolerant, so…[/quote] (apparently Jared IS lactose intolerant – I just discovered reading Superwiki)
Best Shout Out to Pop culture: Charlie’s tshirts.
Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers: Making a focus of the season teenage girl soap opera.
Best Gratuitous/Totally Sexy Moment: Dean staring at himself half-naked in steamy mirrors.
Best Plot: The Werther Project.
Worst Plot: Where they decided to go with Demon!Dean (Actual demon Demon!Dean would have been fine (and probably would have gotten on the gratuitous list above), Karaoke/misogynist Dean? Not so much)
Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song in Season 10:the a-capella version of Wayward Son
I see your typo there 😀
Best Episode – The Werther Project or the only episode where the brother’s seemed like brothers.
Worst Episode – Paint it Black, hands down. In my top five worst episodes of all time not just this year.
Funniest Scene – The cougars hitting on Sam in Ask Jeeves.
Most Tear-Jerking Moment – Sam’s single man tear in Inside Man. Runner up, “Close your eyes….. Sammy, close your eyes.”
Best Brotherly Bonding Scene – Were there any? Car scene is Paper Moon I guess…. there was a dearth of BM’s this season.
Best “Kick it in the Ass” Moment – Dean vs. Cain Executioner’s Song. Runner up, Dean shooting Smarmy Styne in The Prisoner
Best Guest Star – Timothy Olyphant as Cain in every episode he was in.
Best Ending to an Episode – The surprise that Sam was hallucinating Rowena in The Werther Project.
Worst Ending to an Episode – Anything to do with Paint it Black. Runner up, anything to do with The Things we Left Behind.
Best Quote – Dean’s Princess Bride reference to Cole in Reichenbach.
Best Shout Out to Pop culture – Again the Princess Bride reference.
Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers – Making Sam superfluous, obsolete and inept for most of the season. Runner up – making Charlie an irritating Mary Sue.
Best Gratuitous/Totally Sexy Moment – A real dearth of these too this season!! Gr. Um…..Wet haired Sam in The Things They Left Behind. Runner up – Dean in bed with random waitress.
Best Plot – Anything BUT the MoC.
Worst Plot – The MoC.
Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song in Season Nine – Uh.. you mean season 10? Behind Blue Eyes. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for them to use that song. Too bad the reason that they inserted it wasn’t stronger.
Best Episode Inside Man
Worst Episode Halt & Catch Fire
Funniest Scene Angel Heart – Jensen and Claire playing mini golf
Most Tear-Jerking Moment Brothers Keeper – Bro scene when Jared excepted his fate and nodded his head at Dean – Dean “Forgive Me ” sob, sob
Best Brotherly Bonding Scene Executioners Song. After Dean’s fight with Cain – Dean collapsing into Sam’s embrace – Spoke volumes
Best “Kick it in the Ass” Moment Executioners Song – Cain’s fight with Dean
Best Guest Star Timothy Omundson Runner up Aaron Wade
Best Ending to an Episode Werther Project
Worst Ending to an Episode Angel Heart
Best Quote Inside Man – Learn it Live it Love it
Best Shout Out to Pop culture – Charlie’s T Shirts
Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers Anything and all things done to Sam, making him one of the WORST WALL FLOWERS IN HISTORY
Best Gratuitous/Totally Sexy Moment WET HAIR SAM mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Best Plot Baby Brother Sam saving big bro Dean from Demon Dean & The MOC
Worst Plot Angel Heart
Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song in Season Nine – Boys are Back in Town ( Really got me going I thought the MOC was going to go )
Best Episode Executioner’s Song
Worst Episode Paint it Black
Funniest Scene Sam’s reaction to young Dean in About a Boy
Most Tear-Jerking Moment Brothers Keeper when Sam refused to back down from saying Dean was a good man, accepted his fate, and pulled out the pictures
Best Brotherly Bonding Scene End of About a Boy when Sam tells Dean that he’d wanted him back
Best “Kick it in the Ass” Moment Reichenbach – Dean & Cole’s fight
Best Guest Star Timothy Omundson
Best Ending to an Episode Brother’s Keeper
Worst Ending to an Episode Dark Dynasty (Noooo! Not Charlie!!)
Best Quote Dean’s Princess Bride quote
Best Shout Out to Pop culture Charlie’s T Shirts
Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers Castiel’s boring storyline most of the season. It finally picked up during & after Inside Man
Best Gratuitous/Totally Sexy Moment Sam running through the bunker shoeless and hair flying when Dean woke him up during his nightmare
Best Plot Sam saving Dean
Worst Plot Castiel hunting down the rogue angels
Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song in Season Nine – Behind Blue Eyes
Best Episode – Brothers Keeper. Or The Werther Project. Or Ask Jeeves. I can’t decide. Sorry.
Worst Episode – The Things We Left Behind.
Funniest Scene – The ‘cougars’ hitting on Sam in Ask Jeeves.
Most Tear-Jerking Moment – That scene in Brothers Keeper – Sam’s zig zag tear, Dean’s ‘Sammy, close your eyes’. Sob. Also Sam reading Bobby’s letter in Inside Man.
Best Brotherly Bonding Scene -The scene in Paper Moon when Sam talked about how he carried Dean’s body into his room and Dean talked about being a demon.
Best “Kick it in the Ass” Moment – Dean vs Cain
Best Guest Star – Jim Beaver
Best Ending to an Episode – Sam (and Sam tear) reading Bobby’s letter in Inside Man. Also the Behind Blue Eyes scenes/Sam meeting with Rowena in Book Of The Damned.
Worst Ending to an Episode – The Things We Left Behind
Best Quote – “Learn it, live it, love it.”
Best Shout Out to Pop culture – “This is the Scribe of God? He looks like a Fraggle.” Bobby in Inside Man
Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers – Not doing anything much with Sam for large middle part of season. Runner up – too much teen girl stuff. Other runner up – making Crowley boring.
Best Gratuitous/Totally Sexy Moment- Wet hair Sam.
Best Plot – Sam saving Dean.
Worst Plot – The Claire Novack storyline
Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song in Season 10 – Behind Blue Eyes.
Eh ignore this post. Totally didn’t see this was about S10
[b]Best Episode[/b] The Werther Project
[b]Worst Episode[/b] Paint It Black
[b]Funniest Scene[/b] Ask Jeeves – Sammy getting mauled by the cougars.
[b]Most Tear-Jerking Moment[/b] Inside Man – Sam reading Bobby’s letter
[b]Best Brotherly Bonding Scene[/b] Paper Moon – relaxing at the beach/lake
[b]Best “Kick it in the Ass” Moment Executioners Song[/b] Dean and Cain’s fight
[b]Best Guest Star[/b] Tim Omundson
[b]Best Ending to an Episode[/b] Inside Man – Sam reading Bobby’s letter
[b]Worst Ending to an Episode[/b] Paint It Black, and worst beginning… and middle…
[b]Best Quote[/b] Demon Dean’s Inigo Montoya speech to Cole.
[b]Best Shout Out to Pop culture[/b] Inside Man – the gateway is room 42
[b]Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers[/b] Everything ever written, or thought of by Ross-Leming/Buckner
[b]Best Plot[/b] The Werther Project
[b]Worst Plot[/b] Paint It Black
[b]Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song[/b] Paper Moon – Warren Zevon, Werewolves of London . Not a particularly strong episode but great song. Honorable Mention to Behind Blue Eyes because it’s The Who.
-Best Episode : 1.The Executioner’s Song 2.Brother’s keeper 3.Reichenbach
-Worst Episode : Paint It Black
-Funniest Scene : 1.when teenage wanted to drive and pulled the seat to the front and Sam’s reaction(plus Dean’s smile after Shake It Off:) ) 2.Dean messing with Sam’s room and his answer to Sam:totally 3.Dean’s hustling 4.Sam’s : nice screen name Dean,Impala ’67.
-Most Tear-Jerking Moment : 1.Close your eyes Sammy and the look on the brothers’ face after Sam showed the pictures 2.Dean just before killing Cain 3.Sam’s speech to Charlie about his life 4.Charlie’s funeral 🙁
-Best Brotherly Bonding Scene : 1.Dean saving Sam in The Werther Project 2.Sam and Dean’s talk about being part of the powerful force in Hunter Games 3.the end of About a Boy 4.”Sand between our toes Sammy” scene
-Best “Kick it in the Ass” Moment : 1.Demon!Dean and Cole fight in Reichenbach 2.Dean killing daddy Styne 3.Sam and Cas running toward heaven’s gate
-Best Guest Star : 1.Tim Omundson 2.Dylan Everett
-Best Ending to an Episode : 1.Brother’s Keeper 2.The Book of the Damned 3.The Inside Man 4.Fan Fiction
-Worst Ending to an Episode : Dark Dynasty
-Best Quote : 1.Dean:a wise man once told me family don’t end in blood,but it doesn’t start there either. 2.Dean’s Princess Bride reference 3.Sam’s come on in darling…
-Best Shout Out to Pop culture : Scarface looking dude (well I’m an Al Pacino fan:) )
-Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers : 1.only 3 episodes for Demon!Dean 2.Killing Charlie
-Best Gratuitous/Totally Sexy Moment : Demon!Dean in Black
-Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song in Season Ten : 1.The Boys Are back in Town 2.Heart Breaker 3.Behind Blue Eyes
Exactly, can’t agree more …
Best Episode: Reichenbach
Worst Episode: Halt & Catch Fire
Funniest Scene: Demon!Dean and Crowley drinking cocktails together in Reichenbach
Most Tear-Jerking Moment: “Sammy, close your eyes”
Best Brotherly Bonding Scene: the Samulet moment at the end of Fan Fiction
Best “Kick it in the Ass” Moment: Dean and Cole fighting in Reichenbach
Best Guest Star: Rowena
Best Ending to an Episode: About A Boy
Worst Ending to an Episode: Dark Dynasty
Best Quote: “Learn it, live it, love it” in Inside Man
Best Shout Out to Pop culture: “Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya” in Reichenbach
Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers: Turning Charlie into an annoying, one-dimensional prop in all three episodes she appeared in, so that I was honestly grateful when she finally died.
Best Gratuitous/Totally Sexy Moment: Demon!Dean ruffling his hair before going after Sam with a hammer
Best Plot: The Executioner’s Song
Worst Plot: Salt & Catch Fire
Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song in Season Ten: Behind Blue Eyes at the end of Book of the Damned
Best Episode: The Executioners Song
Worst Episode: Paint It Black
Funniest Scene: Young Dean pulling the seat up and crushing Sam.
Most Tear-Jerking Moment: The Prisoner – During Charlie’s funeral pyre Dean telling Sam that it should be him up there. The heartbroken look on Sam face broke my heart.
Best Brotherly Bonding Scene: Fan Fiction – Dean putting the ‘Samulet’ on his rear view mirror, the way they looked at each other as they drove away, said it all.
Best “Kick it in the Ass” Moment: The Executioners Song – Dean cutting off Cain’s arm/The Prisoner – Dean killing Eldon Styne
Best Guest Star: Cain and young Dean (Tim Omundson and Dylan Everett)
Best Ending to an Episode: The Book of the Damned
Worst Ending to an Episode: Dark Dynasty
Best Quote: ‘the universe is trying to tell us something we both should already know, were stronger together than apart’
Best Shout Out to Pop culture: The Princess Bride
Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers: Killing Charlie
Best Gratuitous/Totally Sexy Moment: The Hunter Games – Sam with wet hair/ Every time Dean’s wearing that Red shirt.
Best Plot: Sam saving Dean from both Demon and MOC
Worst Plot: Castiel and Hannah hunting rogue Angles
Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song in Season Ten: Behind Blue Eyes- The Book of the Damned/Carry On Wayward Son – Fan Fiction
1-200th episode; Inside Man; Soul Survivor
2-None comes to mind
3-Sams reaction to 14 year old Dean and their antics in the car; Crowley and Dean wearing cowboy hats
4-Sam looking at Demon Dean as Cass holds Dean back from killing Sam in Soul Survivor
5-Dean cuts off Cains hand
6-Jim Beaver as Bobby
7-MoC is taken finally from Deans arm and he can be the “real” Dean again; Inside Man with Sam reading Bobby’s letter
8-Dark Dynasty and the death of Charlie
9-Inigo Montoya quote from Dean as he whips Travis.
10-Not sure
11-Not sure
12-Sam with wet hair-10 seconds of complete joy to see him so lovely; Dean shirtless in bed-always a winner.
13-MoC, with Sam finding the cure despite Dean
14-Castiels story
15-Episode 200-Carry On My Wayward Son. The song was written for the Winchester story.
Best Episode” 200th episode ties with Executioner’s song and in second the finale
Worst: Halt and Catch Fire
Funniest moment: Dean’s puberty problems played by Dylan Everett in the car
Tearjerking: “close your eyes, Sammy” in the finale when Dean is about to kill Sam ties with the photos of family in same scene
Brotherly bond- End of executioner’s song when Dean falls into Sam’s arms after battle
Kick it in the Ass Moment: Dean and Cole clearing out the Khan worm, Sam detoxifying Dean comes in second
Guest star- Dylan Everett twice
Best Ending- Sammy reading the letter from Bobby
Worst ending- Dark Dynasty- Charlie’s dead
Best quote- Indigo Montoya Dean to Cole
shout out to pop culture- Shake it off- seems to have outlived the episode into the parody
Worst crime- not giving Cas much good dialogue with Hannah- oh the places they could go but alas….waste of acting talent until Cas got his grace back
Best gratuitous moment: n BLack, Dean in bed with Anne-marie doing that thing he does with that thing
best plot- monsters within especially the killing of Cain
Worst plot- Cas hunting rogue angels truncated
Classic rock- Pat Benetar- makes up for the mysogeny but Behind Blue eyes made me cry so BBE #1
[b]Best Episode[/b] – Solid Tie: Werther Project and Inside Man
[b]Worst Episode[/b] On re-watch, I have changed my nomination: Angel Heart
[b]Funniest Scene[/b] Inside Man: Oliver Pryce’s reactions to meeting Sam and Castiel
Sam: Mr. Pryce, this is Sam-
Oliver: Winchester. You’re Sam Winchester – Man of Letters.
Sam: Yeah, how-how did you-
Oliver: Mind reader, remember. And you’re… what are you?
Castiel: I’m an angel.
Oliver: That-no, you can’t be.
Castiel: Why not?
Oliver: Because I’m an atheist.
Sam: Not anymore.
Oliver: All I’m getting from you (Castiel) is… colors. But the hippie over here, (Sam) I’m seeing some creep-ass hobbit fella, in a prison cell.
[b]Most Tear-Jerking Momen[/b]t Solid Tie : Brother’s Keeper- Close your eyes Sammy….. and Inside Man- Sam’s reaction reading Bobby’s letter
[b]Best Brotherly Bonding Scene[/b] Tie: Fan Fiction- brother’s seeing a review of their whole life in a play- and as they stand side by side
Siobhan/”Dean”: You’re right Sammy, out on the road, just the two of us.
Marie/”Sam”: The two of us against the world!
Sam: What she said.
AND Papermoon
Dean: It’s embarrassing you know.
Sam: What’s embarrassing?
Dean: All of it. The note. Crowley. Everything.
Sam: Dean, you were a demon.
Dean: Oh I was a demon, I didn’t realize.
Sam: Shut up.
Dean: Not to mention, I never said thank you. So…
Sam: You don’t ever have to say that, not to me.
[b]Best “Kick it in the Ass” Moment[/b] Inside Man- Sam and Castiel’s tag team against Metatron. Castiel slices Metatron’s neck, stealing his Grace; Sam point blank shoots Metatron in the leg; followed by:
Castiel: We have your grace, Metatron. You’re mortal now. So you will answer our questions, or Sam will, um… What’s the phrase? Blow your fricking brains out. It’s called leverage, Metatron.
Sam: Learn it, live it, love it.
[b]Best Guest Star[/b] Tie: Jim Beaver as Bobby and Ty Olsson as Hallucination Benny
[b]Best Ending to an Episode[/b]: Brother’s Keeper- Still celebrating. The Bloody Mark of Cain is not a part of Dean!
[b]Worst Ending to an Episode[/b] Dark Dynasty : The contrived and unnecessary nature of the death of Charlie.
[b]Best Quote[/b] (Serious) Tie: Reichenbach: Sam: ” I don’t care. Because you are my brother and I’m here to take you home.”
Werther Project : Dean: “The universe is trying to tell us something we both should already know. We’re stronger together than apart.
(Fun) Tie : Inside Man: Bobby via letter: “Kick it in the Ass”
Book of the Damned: Dean: Sand between our toes, Sammy. Sand between our toes.
[b]Best Shout Out to Pop culture[/b]: The gate is behind door number… Forty-two. The answer to the ultimate question of life- “In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
[b]Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers[/b]: Making much of season 10 a mundane soap opera. Replacing horror, action, epic issues, intensity and suspense with plots based on romance, cheap jokes, and every day whining and bickering. Some examples: Castiel’s aimless road trip with Hannah that at times seemed like a cute high school romance; Castiel bonding with girl over a dream about snot, Aimless limp Castiel’s quest to be a surrogate father to whiny selfish Teen Claire Novack and then her stunning morph into warrior hunter; Crowley’s pathetic mooning over Dean Winchester, his boredom with running hell and then his bickering saga of mommy issues with Rowena; Having Charlie die because she needed to escape working with Rowena because they were having a ridiculous bickering high school girl fight. Charlie: I am doing my best, but with her criticizing, breathing down my neck, trying to sign me up for team witch — oh, oh, and moaning how the one good year for music was 1723 — I — I am going crazy.” AND the wacky harlequin romance in Paint It Black.
[b]Best Gratuitous/Totally Sexy Moment[/b]: Dean Action: Book of the Damned: Crawling backwards on his back as he shot at a Styne. Dean Classic: Fan Fiction: Walking around and working on the Impala. Sam Action: Running down the hall after waking up to Dean’s yelling/ nightmare. Sam Classic: Wet hair.
[b]Best Plot[/b] Sam’s desperate and relentless determination to cure Dean.
[b]Worst Plot[/b] Too hard, too many. Okay the whole Claire Novack story and having Lester Morris be the big story/issue center of which brother was the bigger monster (Sam luring Lester) and Dean (killing Lester). They both have done worse.
Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song in Season Nine (Ten) Use of Fan Fiction Carry on Wayward Sons in the Road So Far Recap.
My own categories:
Best New Character: Oliver Pryce
Worst New Character: Claire Novack
Worst Quote: Sam to Claire: Yes. I can also show you how to set-up fake credit cards, it will make life on the road a lot easier.
[quote]Castiel bonding with girl over a dream about snot[/quote] you know I had actually successfully managed to erase that conversation from my memory…Was that only this season? You are right it was awful.
I LIKE your own add-on categories… I think those should be added in. I’ll play!
Best new character: Oliver Price. I’d forgotten all about the psychic guy until you mentioned him… he was pretty awesome. And in a season where we got characters like “hot nun” and “random killers for hire that a young girl can just meet in a bar,” he’s far and away the best. And he lived.
Worst new character: Lester the jerk or possibly any one of the Stynes, none of whom lived. Both those nuns were pretty bad too.
Worst quote: Eldon Styne- “The real family tree. The name was altered out of necessity. You have chanced upon a lineage with a long and proud tradition… And some unwanted notoriety. One of Europe’s oldest families. The house of…… (dun, dun duuuuun!) Frankenstein! (queue thunder and lightening).
“Its Frankensteen” “You’re joking!” “No, it’s pronounced Frankensteen.”
I love your embellishments… that may be the funniest quote! 😀
Thanks! The whole Frankenstein thing was just preposterous. The quote was delivered with all the subtly of a bad B horror movie; at first I thought it was some kind of joke, but then I realized that they (the show) was actually expecting us to take the whole thing seriously. Ugh, no way. Why go all the way [i]there[/i] if they weren’t going to do anything with this 1,000 year old menace except kill them all off? Maybe the European branch of the family will be back in season 11? Let’s hope not unless the plan is to ground them in some kind of reality that I can take seriously. It’s hard to believe that with inept morons like Eldon in their midst that they managed to keep their giant, world shaking, globally interfering enterprise a secret for so long.
Why didn’t they go with the Nazi necromancers and the Thule Society from season 8? They had a built in nemesis created by the crazy genius Ben Edlund that was far better set up, far more menacing and more real than the Stynes. I had written in a post after Book of the Damned that it would have worked SOOOOO much better if the “family” that the Stynes were connected to was the Mengele Family of infamous Nazi medical horror Joseph Mengele (aka The Angel of Death). Can you imagine how much creepier it all would have been? How much more compelling if they had grounded them in that kind of reality and made the family a little less slick, a little less “Big Brother?” They could have changed their name to Styne after the war because of Mengele’s experimentation and choose Styne as an inside joke to Frankenstein fame. Clever and more interesting IMO.
Best Episode: The Werther Project, close second – The Executioner’s Song
Worst Episode: Paint it black, no second thoughts about this one
Funniest Scene Sam’s reaction on witnessing the school kids show fake FBI badges when they were doing the same.
Most Tear-Jerking Moment Close your eyes Sammy…
Best Brotherly Bonding Scene The hug (kind of) after Cain’s death. Best “Kick it in the Ass” Moment: The Prisoner, “I’m the guy who is gonna get outta here in about…” elimination (I hope to god) of Styne family.
Best Guest Star Dylan Everett, close second Katie Sarife
Best Ending to an Episode Werther project Worst Ending to an Episode: Whatever they were thinking killing off Charlie! Dark Dynasty.
Best Quote: Even if it is not the first time its been said, Dean: Family don’t end in blood and amidst all the chaos, Cas’s perfectly timed “you are not in my contacts list” and the initial exchange between Pryce, Cas and Sam culminating in Pryce: I’m an atheist, Sam: Not anymore!
Best Shout Out to Pop culture: Inside Man, perfect inclusion… Door number 42!
Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers: For Chuck’s sake, continuity w.r.t arcs and character traits and if you are going to kill off characters make them extremely unlikable atleast!
Best Gratuitous/Totally Sexy Moment: Not sure about the sexy part but Cas jumping into the portal after Bobby’s distraction was damn cool -Inside man.
Best Plot Werther Project, close second Inside Man and Executioners song
Worst Plot: It has to be Paint It Black
Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song in Season Nine: Fan (fiction) version of Carry on transitioning into Kansas and Boys are back in town
Apologies about the lack of “space” and “enter” in my earlier response. My tablet seems to have an aversion to it. 🙁