ScreenFad: The Best 25 Supernatural Episodes
Instead of our usual roundtable this year at ScreenFad where we pick apart the season gone by, an exercise of late that has resulted in some pretty harsh criticism, our panel of Supernatural bloggers (which includes yours truly) got together and decided to do something more fun. We listed our favorite Supernatural episodes of all time!
Yes, the list of episodes is heavily skewed toward earlier seasons. At least 3 from season six and one from season eight made the list. The writer that has the most entries on this list is the most legendary Ben Edlund, although Eric Kripke and Sera Gamble come in at a close second. Anyway, here’s the list (in no particular order). Tell us what you think is missing!
Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
The three that leap to mind that I would have included are Dark Side of the Moon, Houses of the Holy, and Sacrifice. One of the group’s choices that would not have made my list is Nightshifter. I liked it but it’s not close to being one of my favorites. I don’t know if I could ever narrow it down to my top 25. After my top 8-10 favorites, there are so many that are great that it’s hard to whittle down the list.
I agree that the pilot would be in my top 25.
Nice work. I put together my 25 – well, I actually only got it down to 28 – and only had 13 in common with you all. The 2 I was most surprised were not included were the Pilot and Point of No Return. If I could only pick 3 episodes, it would be those 2 and Swan Song.
OMG – THE PILOT is a TOP 25 MUST HAVE. Geez, I’ve watched that episode at least 15 times. AMAZING every time.
I think you guys missed the most important episode for your Top 25 list; where it all began THE PILOT!! This episode is timeless. “Home” and “Dead Man’s Blood” are awesome as well. “No Rest for the Wicked” and “Lucifer Rising” are classics. “Scarecrow”, “Faith” and “Fan Fiction” would have made my list.
I would have not included “The French Mistake” (didn’t like this meta ep at all) or “On the Head of a Pin”
My favourite is Croaton. When I watch it I feel the helplessness of the brothers as they are stuck in a town where things go bad to worse and they have no idea how to fix it. No other episode comes close, not even ones that revolve around Sam!