Official CW Press Release for Supernatural 10.14
The CW has released the synopsis for episode 14.
SUPERNATURAL “The Executioner’s Song” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) THE RETURN OF CAIN — Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Castiel (Misha Collins) deal with Cain’s (guest star Timothy Omundson) return. Crowley (Mark Sheppard) and Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) continue to grow closer but when Crowley bails on plans with his mother to help the Winchesters, Rowena lets him have it. Phil Sgriccia directed this episode written by Robert Berens (#1014). Original airdate 2/17/2015.
The return of Cain! Will he have the answers to how to rid Dean of the Mark? Or is he just cashing in on Dean’s promise to kill him? And we get more domestic troubles between Crowley and his mother. How will that change Crowley’s relationship with Sam and Dean? Will Rowena manipulate Crowley into becoming more of an adversary to the boys? Or will she push him into allying with them?
I wonder if we’ll learn more about Abel or maybe he will even appear in this episode. Abel might be sad that something he had been doing had led to his brother making a deal whereby Cain condemned his soul in Hell so Abel’s soul could go to Heaven. Abel could also be angry because what right did Cain have to end Abel’s life? Even if it was with the intention of saving Abel from becoming corrupted, the level of Cain’s corruption makes the whole thing suspect. Dean wasn’t able to go through with killing Sam.
i had really hoped early on that Abel would enter the picture at some point but, given the direction this season is taking, am not very optimistic now. Let’s also keep in mind that we only got Cain’s version of events as to why he killed Abel; Cain is the father of murder, after all; not the most trustworthy of sources. And he would have a good reason for lying – to have someone else take on the MoC so they could kill him. My guess is Cain is back to make Dean honor his promise to kill him and, for whatever reason, Dean can’t or won’t.
Nice twist on the biblical story though; like Nate’s remix on the Nazi’s
and Eva Braun. He is coming for the pact he made with DEAN
unless someone got word to him.
The only reason they’d have Abel show up at this point is to have him admit to Cain that he did the right thing and thank him for killing him for his own good in a completely unsubtle tie in to how Sam should realize the same thing about Dean. It won’t tho because this show is practically pathological about making sure that Dean looks good at all costs; even to the point that the other characters associated with him can’t look in any way like they’ve made a mistake. What I’d LIKE to see is that Abel shows up and informs Cain that he was wrong, that Lucifer wasn’t after Abel at all, he was after Cain and Cain fell for Lucifer’s trickery and became the father of murder by being duped. I won’t hold my breath though, cause that’s about as likely as Sam getting some POV.
Oh E….how i would love to see that play out. Course in that respect wouldn’t that mean Lucifer actually always wanted Dean and used the other angels and Deans low self esteem to get him by pretending he wanted Sam all along. It would make sense as a long, slow burn for Lucifer to corrupt the favored 1st born. Meanwhile Lucifer is laughing himself silly because he could have been stopped for want of a simple conversation.
I admit I have my reservations about Cain’s story. “Abel was talking to Lucifer. I don’t know what they were saying, but I decided Abel couldn’t possibly resist Lucifer. So I don’t even TRY to resist Lucifer. I just hand myself over. Admittedly I have to murder my brother, without even checking if he was going to say yes to Lucifer or if just maybe he was holding out. Then I get to be the strongest biggest Knight of Hell and pretty much totally unstoppable. AND I can say it’s all my brother’s fault. WOO! HOO!”
OH JOY……:):D:o:p;)
As a piece of logic (Cain’s) it lacks a certain amount of sanity doesn’t it?
[quote] [b] Can you give us anything on Supernatural‘s Sam? —Maria [/b]
“We probably will not see flashbacks” from the Winchesters’ time apart, executive producer Jeremy Carver admits. But there’s still a big Sammy story brewing. “What starts as a desire to help Dean [sends] Sam on very much his own journey by season’s end. But the starting off point is most definitely, ‘How am I going to help my brother?’” [/quote]
Hah! Before the season started, they tried to make such a big deal out of Sam going to the depths to find Dean but all of it boils down to a couple of flashbacks about Lester and the crossroads demon. The rest, like Sam dealing with other hunters, remains completely off-screen. I want to know what went down between Castiel and Sam because it seems like they hadn’t seen eye to eye when Sam had been looking for Dean and hurt his arm. Why hadn’t Castiel stayed at the bunker with Sam?
[quote] [b] Will Supernatural‘s Word of God tablet storyline be revisited this season? –Tom [/b]
When we delivered your Q to showrunner Jeremy Carver, he had an intriguingly cryptic reply: “There are a couple tablets out there… I can’t say right now. Good question.” [/quote]
Could ghost Kevin still translate the demon tablet and find out what the mark really means?
And what about closing the Gates of Hell? Would a big move like that cause some not so desirable consequences beyond the person finishing the trials sacrificing his life? (Metatron could have been lying about that part though…)
:D:D:D Does The Carver even watch the show?
Jensen has given a new interview to The Hollywood Reporter:
[i] ‘Supernatural’s’ Jensen Ackles on Dean Getting Back to “Business as Usual” [/i]