Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 10.07 “Girls, Girls, Girls”
The fast and furious version of “Girls, Girls, Girls”! I loved it!
Running woman. . .man chasing her. . .his name is Raul and he’s not a man. She stabs him in the eye with the heel of her shoe. He breaks her neck, stating there’s plenty more where she came from.
Dean and Sam eat in a diner. Yummy Porterhouse steak. Dean’s got himself a dating APP. He’s Impala67 and the girl is Shaylene and hot. Is she a prostitute? Too good to be true? “She may not even be a girl”, teases Sam. Shaylene shows up–she’s all girl.
They detoured just so Dean could get laid.
Cas and Hannah have found most of their flock of angels. They must find them all, insists Cas. Hannah strips down in front of Cas. He’s uncomfortable. She’s taking a shower, even though they don’t need to. She grins at his embarrassment.
Shaylene wants Dean to pay for the sex–with his SOUL! “No cash for ass”, says Dean. “I just sign over my life?” She loves her job. Dean sees no love here. He’s pissed off.
Hannah runs into her vessel’s husband. Uh oh.
Sam and Dean set a trap for Shaylene’s pimp, who recognizes them as Winchesters. This guy is a demon from hell. There’s a whole brothel of girls involved, reveals Shay. When he calls her a ho, Shay grabs Dean’s DKK and stabs him to death. Luckily, they find a card with the address of the brothel on it in the pimp’s pocket.
At the brothel, a new girl is to be killed for refusing to wear the clothes Raul ordered her to wear. Before that happens, the redheaded witch enters. Raul insults her age and she kills him, leaving him with black goo falling from his mouth. His henchman demon leaves his body. The witch invites the two girls to come with her. They go, eagerly.
Hannah convinces Caroline’s husband, Joe, she’s in love with Cas by giving him a passionate kiss. She and Cas leave Joe, who is devastated.
Dean and Sam find the dead Raul. Pure demon, says Sam. What could kill a demon like this? They find a hex bag–a witch.
The witch, Rowena, has taken the hookers to a fancy restaurant for a meal. The girls don’t belong there. A waiter agrees. The witch performs a spell which soon has waiters bringing them food and drink–for free.
Crowley learns Gerald opened a whore house in the king of Hell’s name, through Raul. They hoped to get up the number of souls sold. Tacky, says Crowley. Some witch knocked out the operation easily, and he possessed the nearest meat suit ASAP, to let Crowley know.
The brothers track the spell used on Raul to the one witch who created it–Rowena.
Rowena informs the girls that she is one of those witches born with the gift of powers. The coven threw Rowena out for being too extreme, but she’s going to teach the two of them anyway. The headwaiter drops his plates in slo-mo and his head explodes from the inside. Rowena urges the girls to leave.
Cole is torturing a demon to get info on Dean.
Hannah feels guilty about her vessel’s husband. Cas recalls how he had to take Jimmy Novak from his family–twice. It was hard but necessary. The mission comes first–always.
Sam and Dean get the story of the headwaiter’s weird death. They learn the witch was there, with two friends. The witch has been murdering at five star hotels in the area. They will investigate.
Hannah is done. She is going to let her meat suit go, and the mission, too. Humans were their original mission. She’s felt passions, hungers, working with Cas. All of that was nothing like she felt when she felt Caroline screaming for her husband. It’s time to step aside. She kisses Cas’ cheeks and says goodbye.
Her grace flies away and Caroline falls against Cas. She knows Cas.
The girls are ready for their first spell. It’s demons who gag Rowena. They run into Sam and Dean. There’s a fight. Stabbing. Rowena turns one girl into a beast, who attacks Sam and Dean. Rowena runs away with the other girl. Sam sends Dean after Rowena and the other girl. The other girl is upset her friend is going to die. She punches Rowena. Dean aims a gun at Rowena. Cole aims a gun at Dean. Dean is forced to drop the gun and let the witch escape. Dean tries to tell Cole he isn’t a demon. Holy water elicits no smoke. Dean isn’t a demon and wasn’t when he killed Cole’s father, who was a liver eating creature when Dean killed him years ago. They beat the crap out of each other, but with Dean being human, it’s a fairer fight. Dean wins again. He explains to Cole exactly what he is, a monster-hunter, and that Cole’s father was a monster. Dean gives Cole the option of killing him after he hears the story. The father could have killed Cole or his mother; that was NOT his father anymore.
Sam tries to get the other prostitute to fight being an animal, but she can’t. She dies with boiled brains, like the others. Sam goes to Dean and is all set to kill Cole, but Dean orders Sam to put down the gun. Sam finally does.
Dean says the people who love him pulled him back from the edge, that darkness, but it never goes away. “I’m past saving.” I know how my story ends–barrel of a gun or the edge of a knife–is it going to be today? Sam reminds Cole that he has a family–they need him to come back, and come back whole. Cole is in tears as he hands Dean back his gun. It’s a powerful scene. Does Dean really believe this?
Caroline returns to her husband, who welcomes her back joyfully as Cas watches from the car.
He goes on a laptop computer and looks up Jimmy Novak, who comes up missing.
Cole drives away. He’s going home. Rowena is in the wind. Sam asks Dean about what he said earlier about being past saving. Did he mean it? “No, I was just telling Cole what he needed to hear”, insists Dean. Sam doesn’t look entirely sure he believes his brother.
Gerald proudly reports to Crowley that they captured Rowena and have been torturing her. They can finish her off, if he wants. Crowley is pissed off–does he want a medal for cleaning up the mess HE made??? Everyone working for him is an incompetent infant! He enters his dungeon to see Rowena, who is hanging up, blood dripping down her lip. She opens her eyes. “The king at last!” she taunts upon seeing him–“the king of what?–Lilliput?–I heard you were short, but. . . ” They stare at each other, Crowley completely flummoxed. “Well?” she demands–“get to it–time for the coup de grace!–sweet boy, somethin’ the matter with ya?–cat got your tongue, hm?–meow!”.
“Mother?” says Crowley.
1. OMG! Rowena is Crowley’s mother? What do you all think of that? The accent should have given it away, right?
2. So now we know why Dean killed Cole’s father. Liver eating monster, huh? Gross! Do you think we’ll be seeing Cole again? Maybe he’ll want to take up the hunting life.
3. So Hannah left Cas. Will she take on a new meatsuit? What do you think? Was she just feeling sorry for Caroline? Will she return to heaven?
4. What about Cas and Jimmy? Will he give second thoughts to his meatsuit?
5. Do you think Dean means what he said to Cole? Was he lying to Sam? The scene made me so sad.
I liked this ep very much, and give it a 9. How about you?
Love, Robin
Photos Courtesy of
I thought the veil was open…so Hannah is going to heaven not take another body.
DEAN was lying to Sam and telling Cole the truth.
Jimmy accepted his fate so only checking on the ex-wife and Claire.
I give this a 6. witches/hookers gotta go, gotta go, gotta go.
The FIGHT SCENE was the best human/human Dean fight EVAH.
I could feel and hear the punches. Never has Dean been so physically
hurt by just a human before. Luci and Cas kicked his butt, no other human
I loved this episode as well. I think Crowley and Rowena are going to have one heck of a family reunion. I also hope that Coles story isn’t over. I liked him a lot (even though he did beat the crap out of Sam). My though on Hannah is that she remembered what their real mission was. They were supposed to protect Gods creation. Hannah felt that when Caroline saw how hurt her husband was. Castiel now has the same dilemma. What is he doing on earth? His mission originally was to stop Lucifer. Then he went on to stop Raphael, Leviathans, put angels back in heaven. Somewhere along the way (what Naomi tried to tell him) he forgot what his real mission was. I think when he looked up Jimmy Novak he was realizing that he destroyed a good man’s life. So we know who he hooks up with now what will he do about it.
I think Dean meant every word he said. He knew that Sam was listening and that was as close as he is going to get to telling Sam how much he loves him and how sorry he is. But for Dean he thinks he has gone too far this time. What he did, what he became for Dean it is about as unforgivable as it gets. Trying to kill his brother was the final nail in the coffin. Sam is going to have to dig very deep to pull Dean back from this. Yes it was very sad.
I liked Hannah and I thought she got a proper send off. She did the right thing and gave back her meat suit and I hope she went back to heaven some how. This is definitely a moral dilemma for Cas who has had control of Jimmy Novak for a long time. Is Jimmy even still in there since Cas himself was human last year? This could get confusing canon wise.
I think Dean meant what he said but not in the sense of feeling hopeless or giving up on his life. More as a warning to Cole that once you go so far down his road you can never go back to normal. Dean has lived as a hunter and he will die as a hunter. It is inevitable. I think Dean can accept that for himself but doesn’t want to believe it is the same for Sam, although I think it is.
Rowena hates demons and her son is the king of hell. This should be an interesting reunion!
This episode was good. It closed some doors and opened others. I think the second half of the season is going to be a lot darker for Sam and Dean.
Nice “Fast and Furious” review, Robin. I liked this episode and gave it a 7. Hannah had a nice and unexpected send off – didn’t see that coming. I did think Dean was being honest in that scene with Cole and Sam, but this is really nothing new for him – he has said some variant of the same thing many times over the seasons. In that same scene, when Sam was telling Cole he had a family and they needed him to come back whole, I thought he was also speaking to Dean. Maybe that’s the only way Sam and Dean can communicate now; through a third party proxy 🙂
Taking a wait and see approach on Rowena; a little campy and over the top but waiting to see how it plays out between her and Crowley/Fergus. Since this season appears to be about family, they’ve got to be bringing back Gavin McLeod at some point.
Given the number of times Castiel has been killed and resurrected, he’s the sole occupant of his vessel and Jimmy has “left the building”, hasn’t he? If that’s the case, he can’t just vacate his vessel because he is his vessel. Castiel is going to try to make things right for Jimmy’s family now; since Claire was briefly possessed by Castiel is S5, and has some angelic grace left in her (if they stick with what was established in S9), that will probably be a key component in Castiel’s “fix” and maybe even undoing Metatron’s spell.
I agree that Dean’s unrelenting pessimism has been done before; many, many times, and I for one am tired of it. I’d like to see something else from him for a change. When it comes to dealing with himself and his problems Dean is so passive that he’s practically inert. “Oh well, I’m no good, I guess I’ll just wait around for someone to kill me.” Ugh. How incredibly dull and undramatic. (ps I found that confrontation scene in the alley dramatic because of Cole and Sam, not really because of Dean). It’s high time that we see this much promised and lauded “maturity” that Carver keeps talking about. I am currently having a hard time finding any sympathy for Dean he’s so passively pessimistic. Who wants to watch one of the main protagonists in a drama sitting around at an endless pity party? Not me. He took on the MoC willingly and now he’s moping about the effects and feels that he’s no good. Well tough! You brought this on yourself dude, now do something about it if you’re so unhappy. Why don’t you try fighting to get your life back? Have you thought about trying to find Cain and see if he’ll take the mark back? Have you asked Sam, your most valuable resource for his help? Have you asked Cas? No, no and no. Zzzzzz booooooriiiiiiing. It’s time to man-up Dean.
I also agree about Rowena. Her introduction was too campy and cartoonish. The writing in that part of the episode wasn’t very strong, but for me the actress was a problem. She was way over the top with her exaggerated speech patterns and inane physical mannerisms. What was with her prissy pinched fingers poised up in the air like that during the Raul death scene ? There was no character basis for a gesture like that; it had no meaning and was completely distracting. It’s almost like the actress was saying “See audience? I’m weird and otherworldly…I must be a witch because I hold my hand up and pinch my fingers together unnecessarily like this!” It took me right out of the scene. And she was too campy to be menacing really, demon killing spell notwithstanding. Thankfully she got better later on in the episode and hopefully she will continue to improve as the actress learns who her character is, but it was a rough start. I am curious to see if she and Crowley actually team up together; I think that the two of them could do some damage as a pair and might make an interesting big bad combo; her spells paired with his power could make for an interestingly difficult foe for the Winchesters. It’s also time Crowley had something else to do but sit around with his lackeys and complain about the bureaucracy of hell anyway… that’s passive too. With Dean sitting around and doing nothing but bemoaning his fate, Crowley sitting around and complaining about Hell, Cas sitting around and worrying about Jimmy and Sam sitting around worrying about Dean there isn’t really much going on that’s active or dramatic at the moment. Not many of the main characters seem to have a plan that involves forward thinking, active planning or forward movement. I hope that changes soon. Hannah was the only one who actually DID anything in this episode and she’s gone now.
Hi Robin. Thanks for your “fast and furious” recap and thoughts. I agree with many of the posts here and have some feelings of my own on some things. I feel like Dean is resigned to not being able to be “saved”, which to me is slightly different than his normal “I’m not worth it” and his “it all ends bloody” lines. I think he is quietly accepting that there is no hope for him because of his murderous actions towards Sam while a demon and because he feels trapped by the MoC and it’s effects. Yes, he did bring it all on himself, which probably adds to the whole mindset.
I am in the minority here but I really liked Hannah. I enjoyed the actress who played her. She did have a quick and honorable send off. Which to me is a foreshadowing of future events with Cas. I have a bad feeling about this because I love Cas. I will talk more about this on a speculation thread.
I think Cole will be back. The fact that Dean didn’t know what kind of monster his dad was seemed, to me, to be an obvious subject that may be explored later. Otherwise it would seem to be sloppy writing.
Rowena was just too OTT for me, in a distracting way. I like my big bads to be quietly menacing not blowhards. That’s just me. I saw an interview with the actors who play Cole and Rowena and they were both lovely. They were both soft spoken and thoughtful. I came away really liking them very much.
ETA: I am always so glad that Sam is there for Dean. Not because it is what Dean “needs and deserves” but because no matter what discord has been between them, Sam has always had Dean’s back. I think the reverse is also true. They have been each others lifeline many many times. This is one of the reasons I watch this show. I think there will be much more to the story this year than Sam being the “dutiful” brother and has in fact up to now been more than that. As much complaining as I have heard about Sam not being presented by the show in a sympaththetic way the last few years (which I don’t agree with) I would think this would be seen as a good thing.