Monday Roundup of Articles on the 200th Episode of Supernatural
The 200th Episode of Supernatural has produced a flury of interviews, videos and articles on our show. Spoilers are marked.
From KSite and the 200th episode Fan Party (Vancouver) we have an interview with Sebastian Roche (no spoilers)
Jensen Ackles (no spoilers)
BuddyTV posted this interview with Jensen (spoilers)
TVLine covered the Vancouver Party (no spoilers includes a video)
There is this report from Hitfix including interviews with Eric Kripke, Robert Singer and Adam Glass (no spoilers)
EW has a behind the scenes preview of the 200th episode (SPOILERS!)
TV Guide has Jensen and Jared talking about the episode (mild spoilers)
GiveMeMyRemote has posted interviews from the Vancouver party with Jared, Jensen, Jeremy Carver, Adam Glass and Robert Singer about 200th episode. and asked all of them what their favorite monster are.
GiveMeMyRemote posted the only interview I have seen with Sera Gamble
Mark Sheppard was not at the party, because he was at the Hal-Con. Jared, Jensen and Misha texted him about missing the party. He shared these texts with the audience. (no spoilers)
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