Spoilers from EW on Supernatural Season 10
As we approach season 10 spoilers are starting to trickle out
Go to EW for more.
They’ve discussed bringing Abel on the show. As much as Carver insists that Supernatural would love to have Cain back this season, actor Timothy Omundson is a little busy on an upcoming ABC show called Galavant (which will premiere mid-season and is hilarious, by the way). The writers have, however, discussed the possibility of Abel. “That’s a great idea, and [it] has been bandied about in the writers room,” Carver said, adding, “You know, it’s funny. I teased some characters…that have been spoken of but not seen [on the show], and from what I’ve seen—I don’t check it out too much—[the guesses] have been incorrect.”
In good news
“Carry On My Wayward Son” WILL be in the 200th episode. So far, all we know about the show’s 200th episode is that it will be “musicalish,” and that it has something to do with a play possibly surrounding Chuck’s books. But when asked if one of the show’s biggest songs will be included in the episode, Carver caved. “Will ‘Carry on My Wayward Son’ be involved? How do I answer this? I can say, sure. There will be ‘Carry On My Wayward Son’ in one form or another. There it is. There’s your spoiler.” [Break for quick jam session] Carver also said that fans will see many of their favorite characters from the show represented in the 200th episode … in one way or another.
I am excited about Demon Dean and I knew it couldn’t go on too long but this confirms it will be all over by ep 5 so now I’m worried it will be another wasted purgatory like opportunity. Why couldn’t they have a show defining mythology episode for number 200.. This sounds so lame and I for one don’t want to see the return of Becky. Last year. I loved the first couple of eps then it was all downhill so I’m hoping this year that will not happen……please , please Carver give me a reason to keep loving my favourite show.
Carol – just speculating here, but it may be possible to cure Dean of being a demon, but not cure him of the Mark of Cain. In fact, I read some spoilers from Jeremy Carver that mentioned something along those lines…
I never found purgatory to be wasted, I thought it was awesome…. gritty, scary, raw…and we certainly learned far more about purgatory and Dean and Cas’s time there then we ever learned about what Sam was up to during that same time.
Will Dean actually be cured by episode 5? Carver & Co. might just be back-burnering the Demon Dean storyline for the landmark episode. At some point I know they need to get back to stories with the boys as partners, but I’m not sure when that is.
[quote]but this confirms it will be all over by ep 5[/quote]
Not necessarily. It’s possible Dean is working with Sam for some reason without them having the cure. Why… is a good question. But I’d be surprise if Dean is ‘tame’ by EP5.
SueB I’ll be thrilled if you are right but I just can’t imagine a scenario where DD would work with Sam. I think they are planning on keeping the MOC but Demon Dean , not so much.
I think most of the time they are teasing with a lot of things just to get us to side track and that we wouldn’t know everything.
Only few things are confirmed at the moment and those have made me exited. And most of that honor goes to Jared and Jensen. Their excitement is catching.
– Lilah
[quote]”In other words, the boys are very much focused on healing their relationship and healing one another.”[/quote]
YES! I flipping well LOVE this. After all the brotherly conflict last year I can’t wait to see them focussed on mending their relationship and each other. Let the healing begin. And let there be brotherly hugs. Please.
I’m still feeling twitchy about the ‘musical-ish’ 200 episode but everything else I’ve read so far has me excited for S10.
Thanks for posting this, Percysowner.
I think that keeping Dean an out of control demon for 5 or 6 episodes is enough. Having an amoral main character who can’t connect with anyone and doesn’t feel remorse of any kind presents a dramatic problem; I mean, just how many episodes can we have with Dean doing horrible things and enjoying it before we either 1) get tired of it or 2) find him irredeemable and not worth saving? TPTB found that out the hard way with Soulless Sam; having him be cold, ruthless, aloof and cut off from the brotherhood only worked for so long. He was originally scheduled to be like that all season, but they soon realized that they couldn’t sustain the drama with him like that, so they ‘cured’ him in the mid-season finale. And with Soulless Sam we had the added interesting twist of spending nearly 5 episodes not even knowing what was going on with him so the mystery of him managed to sustain that plot a little longer than if we had known what the problem with him was all along. With Dean we already know what the problem is; watching him kill people and be ruthless and demonic can only be interesting for so long. And it seems like they are only going to be able to cure the demon side of him; he’ll still have the Mark and probably be pulled by it at every turn. The core issue for him will not go away even if the demon part of him is cured. To me this sounds like a good sort of two tiered plot line for Dean that should play out really nicely; it seems well plotted to me and we haven’t even seen any of it yet! He’ll get some time getting to be awful and having fun and then spend some time wallowing in guilt (no one does it better!) so epic man pain ahead. What is this show without some quality angst?
I agree. Well stated. Dean needs to be Human for the brothers to continue on their journey. Also, I thought the whole soul-less Sam / Sam with a damaged soul arc was great on many levels. The writers explored the meaning of a soul and what defines being human. The characters, Sam, Dean and Castiel were all included and further developed. There was action, angst, emotion and humor (fairy episode- Dean being captured by fairies and Sam not worried – found in bed with Patchouli girl) and on an objectify level, we got Sam with GREAT hair and doing chin ups!
I think I am with E here. 5 or 6 episodes sounds about right to me. Plus I personally want to see them back and working together sooner rather than later. I know it will take a little time for the aftermath to be explored as well as the MoC issues. I don’t want to see Dean’s angst/manpain stretched out for a long time. I think I can live without that going on all season. OK maybe a little for E. 🙂 Abel will have to be part of the solution for the MoC problem don’t you think? I had hoped the 200th would be a serious mytharc episode but I am getting used to the musical idea actually. Could be good! They usually do pretty well with the Meta stuff.