Supernatural Season Ten Spoilers From TV Guide 2014 Comic Con Edition
I just got in my hand on the new TV Guide Comic Con Edition. I got two copies, one with “Supernatural” on one side and “The Following” on the other and “Arrow” on one side and “The Flash” on the other. However, you’re probably here to read about the “Supernatural” spoilers! There is an interview with Jeremy Carver and Robert Singer, but it’s rather spoiler lite. It doesn’t reveal a whole lot more than the CW synopsis. There are a few interesting nuggets though:
Was that a bit of human emotion we glimpsed in Crowley as he sat by Dean’s body before that startling resurrection?
“That’s not just residue of human emotion,” Carver reveals. “When Crowley was shooting up human blood, whether they admit it or not, a kinship developed between these two. Call it humanity or call it friendship, it’s definitely there.”
“How will Sam feel about his older brother palling around with the King of Hell?”
“Crowley will have his hooks deep into Dean when the show returns,” Singer notes. “Once Sam finds out the truth about Dean, he’s just not going to have that!”
Can’t The Winchesters just get along?
“The boys are in a pretty unique place when they go into Season 10,” is all Carver will tease.
What’s happening up in Heaven?
“How Cas will deal with his impending death and where he sees himself in the firmanent of Heaven and angels will be addressed in the first episode of the season,” Carver promises. “Some angels are still down on earth. What those stragglers are doing could be interesting.” And what about Metatron, who is now incarcerated in Heaven’s dungeon? Have we seen the last of him? “Hell no,” says Carver. “As long as Metatron is alive, I don’t think his story is over yet.”
So what’s the big theme for the season?
“This might sound mysterious,” says Carver, “but to me, Season 9 was about choosing the kind of person you wanted to be, like Cas deciding whether to stay human or become an angel again. I think Season 10 will be about everyone looking up and saying, ‘You know what, I am what I am.’ We’ll see that play out in each and every character.”

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business.Β She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time.Β Thatβs on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Carver interviews make me angry. He does not give enough away, and he also seems to be watching another show.
Like, what was his response to the Winchesters getting along question? We all know the brothers’ relationship is the central/main & most important relationship on the show, and that’s all the tease he can give us? Come on.
Also, kinda irritated by the “theme” question. It seems the “choosing who you want to be theme” in Season 9 REALLY only applied to Cas. Please tell me how that applies to Sam or Dean or Crowley or anyone else.
That said, I’m super excited to see the the Dean & Crowley dynamic play-out. I have no doubt that those two will be an entertaining duo.
Also psyched that it sounds like Sam will be spearheading the “save Dean” campaign. He is (over)due to save his brother.
I have to agree with Maeβ¦.this spoiler is kind of irritating.
[quote]Was that a bit of human emotion we glimpsed in Crowley as he sat by Dean’s body before that startling resurrection?
“That’s not just residue of human emotion,” Carver reveals. “When Crowley was shooting up human blood, whether they admit it or not, a kinship developed between these two. Call it humanity or call it friendship, it’s definitely there.” [/quote]
Perhaps Carver would like to elaborate on why Crowley shooting up Sam’s blood lead to a “friendship” with Dean. I mean, what happened to the connecting that Crowley supposedly had with Sam in Sacrifice? Not that I think it’s such a good thing to be palling around with the Kind of Hell, but geez, Sam has so few people to connect to that I’d rather see him with Crowley than with nobody, which is who he has right now. Is there ANYTHING planned for Sam in season 10?
and this bugs me tooβ¦.
[quote]How Cas will deal with his impending death and where he sees himself in the firmanent of Heaven and angels will be addressed in the first episode of the season,” Carver promises. “Some angels are still down on earth. What those stragglers are doing could be interesting.” [/quote]
So Metatron is defeated and suddenly Heaven’s door is open again? Why is that exactly. I really hope there is some actual detailed set up for that and that they don’t just wash away the how’s and why’s in the hopes we’ll accept something like that without explanation.
π Oh Carver… Anyway I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of relationship Demon!Dean and Crowley will have. I hope we also see Sam fighting, and fighting, and fighting some more for his brother.
if you listened to what Carver said prior to Season 8 and 9, most of it was a pile of crap. I’d take the contents of this article with a grain of salt.
Or maybe the whole salt lickβ¦.
Hahaha! I couldn’t agree more. I read this article and realized Carver has no clue what the next season will be about just like he had no clue what Seasons 8 or 9 were about.
Now THERE’S a comedy/drinking game article for you and I to do! Compile the S9 spoilers Carver said and we’ll all take a shot every time he was wrong. XD
Are we watching the same show as the one Carver and Singer are? I find that a little hard to believe, or they simply aren’t doing a good enough job getting their points across. Crowley shooting up blood shouldn’t bond him to Dean, in particular. That made not a lick of sense. It should humanize him in general, maybe. Is that what Carver meant? Oh, who knows.
And if “Choosing who we are” was last season’s theme, well, that rather tanked, didn’t it? Okay, so Crowley chose to keep shooting up human blood and Cas has chosen to fight for Heaven and (temporarily) regain grace, but the Winchesters? Especially Sam? He was allowed to choose not a damned anything this past season. (And if anyone dares say “Well he chose not to be Dean’s brother”, I will…well…I will think that person is an idiot douche canoe and let that be that.)
These teases simply reaffirm to me either how little these guys seem to know of their own show OR how poor a bunch of storytellers they are.
All that being said, I’m still in it for the long haul because I MUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS TO THE BOYS. However, I am prepared for broken characters and dry angel politics. I’m crossing my fingers for better…
[quote]And if anyone dares say “Well he chose not to be Dean’s brother”…[/quote]
Well, glad you knew your answer! (Edited by Alice. Disrespect to other fans, specific or not, is a violation of our rules.)
[quote](And if anyone dares say “Well he chose not to be Dean’s brother”, I will…well…I will think that person is an idiot douche canoe and let that be that.)[/quote]
Alice, you didn’t notice I quoted @quickreaver up there? I didn’t disrespect, it was a nudge to both that user and the site to be careful what is written here. Please pay more attention.
the theme of s9 was obviously “i did what i had to do.” that’s not choosing who you want to be; that’s bringing about a means to an end. regardless of consequences, they did what they had to do to make something else happen. i’m sorry, but to me, that’s just one action (for each action and each time someone uses that excuse). i really don’t think that’s making a choice about who you want to be. that’s an attempt at problem-solving.
Omg, thank you! You are so right. Season 9’s theme was clearly, “I did what I had to do.” It was repeated over and over for central characters, side characters and one-shot characters. It’s a good theme, given there is resolution in season 10 that explains that that mentality isn’t good enough, and the characters need to do what is right.
I agree, good point- theme was I did what I had to do” And now they all live with the consequences.
I am.. cautiously optimistic for season 10? I don’t know yet. I don’t like the sound of Cas’s “impending death” but surely if it were going to happen, they wouldn’t just say it outright. My hope is that he leaves the other angels in heaven and comes back to where he really belongs, with the Winchesters (and helping Sam save Dean). Looking forward to seeing what Crowley has in store for Dean, and how Sam will save the day. As long as I have Team Free Will for the duration of the series, I guess I can’t complain – but I hope there’s more interaction with the three of them this season.
Cosigned – as long as I have Dean, Sam, and Cas then all is good. Bring on s10!!
I don’t understand this mentality at all. I love Cas, but he is an angel & his world is with the angels & heaven. It is where he belongs, with his angel “brothers & sisters.” I love the badass!angel-warrior Cas, especially the Cas in circa Seasons 4 & 5.
Yes, he has befriended the Winchesters & became a part of their extended family, but he (along with all angels) will never really belong on Earth.
I’m happy with him popping in & out of the Winchesters world, but I don’t believe he belongs hanging & hunting & helping with the Winchesters full time. His world is bigger than that.
So Sam and Dean get a couple sentences and the angels get paragraphs? I’ll pass on that.
And does Carver even watch his own show? Ugh.
More Metatron! NO!! I’m totally lost about what Carver thought the theme for S9 was. I thought it was about the consequences of your actions. Or maybe “I did what I had to do”.
More Metatron?! And more of the angel storylines? Oh dear. π The angel wars storyline bored me rigid last season so I am not at all excited/interested for more in S10. Like others here I too am rather lost about Carver’s notion about the ‘choosing who you want to be’ theme last season. I can’t have been watching the same show.
I must remember to not read any more Carver interviews. This one has started to drain my excitement for S10 and I want to stay excited for the Frantic!Sam and Demon!Dean.
[quote]Like others here I too am rather lost about Carver’s notion about the ‘choosing who you want to be’ theme last season. I can’t have been watching the same show.[/quote]
I agree Gwenβ¦ I guess that means that Sam choose to be an angel condom, and he choose to become a tool for his brother’s whims and he choose to become an instrument of death for the angel riding shotgun inside him. What show are the writers even watching? Are they even watching at all? My sense is that not only have this current crop of writers NOT seen every episodeβ¦ but they don’t even watch the finished product of what they are currently writing. I mean these errors are GLARINGβ¦.anyone with eyeballs and half a brain can see the problems, but they just keep blithely going along, writing their crap, digging their plot holes deeper and deeper until almost nothing makes any sense.
[quote] . . .This one has started to drain my excitement for S10 . . .[/quote]
I must say I was never excited for S10 myself but I get your point! Carver is clueless about this show and its characters, IMO.
I agree with you. More Metatron- please no! That character was boring and dull and the fact he was the one that slid the knife through Dean just sickened me.
Well I love these spoilers.
On last years’ theme: who do you want to be — I think Cas WANTS to be human, choose to be an Angel, and at the end he said he wanted to be an Angel. Does he? I think that was really explored. I think Sam doesn’t want to be a victim anymore. I think he’s chosen to be a hunter (with or without Dean) and he’s chosen to hunt with Dean even if they have relationship issues. Dean, OTOH, is the one with the real existential crisis IMO. He wants family but ‘chose’ to find meaning in what he THINKS he is (poison). He chose to take on the Mark and take out Abaddon. He’s always felt he’s a killer and the Mark made him an uber-killer. But at the VERY END — he chose to die (it’s better this way) than permanently BE a killer. So yes, I can see a journey for all three characters. Now Crowley is in there as well and Crowley WANTS to be King of Hell and a badguy — it’s what he chose. But I’m not sure that’s where he ends up.
Which leads me to Singer’s comments: So this is the FIRST real spoiler indication that Crowley has hooks into Dean. And that there is a relationship there to be explored. I’m excited to see where this goes. To me, Crowley has a tiger by the tail. He’s going to be more changed by the process I suspect than Dean at the end of the day. I’m really keen on seeing how this goes down.
On Sam’s reaction: YAY! I really think Sam is going to drive the narrative this year with his STRONG commitment to getting Dean back. Dean in whatever form Dean is going to be. Sort of a parallel to Dean saying he’ll take Sam “as is” at the end of S4. I’m very excited for the potential for Sam’s story.
Cas: Well we have one picture of a beaten up Cas from EP3. So I’m guessing he’s back on earth. Sam and Dean and Cas in the same room — that’s heaven for me. I hope we get it.
Metatron: I never expected him to go away. Supernatural needs to finish cleaning up Heaven AND Hell and oh BTW — let’s get earth sorted out to being less full of angels and demons so humans can just get along. Lot’s to clean up here.
I’m super-pumped for S10. I think they have a vision and can’t wait to see it play out.
I’m with you in the love it camp. I didn’t love season nine, but I was at least able to judge off of a finished product. I’m just happy to be getting any teasers and Sam’s reaction intrigues me. As for everything else, I’m not making any judgements until I see the episode.
[quote]Metatron: I never expected him to go away. Supernatural needs to finish cleaning up Heaven AND Hell and oh BTW — let’s get earth sorted out to being less full of angels and demons so humans can just get along. Lot’s to clean up here.
I agree. Can we please go back to not killing all the humans that are possed/vessels? Can we have a pissed off ghost or a wendigo? How many people have been murdered while a supernatural being was the one calling the shots?
Ok…if i understanbd CARVER correctly about everyoine choosing to be who they are…….Dean has choosen to be a demon. Dean will also choose to be BFF’s with crowley. Dean has chosen his family and it isn’t Sam or humanity. Apparently this is what Carver is telling us.
And since Sam wont haver any role in any this (does anyone actual;ly think Carver will allow Sam to save Dean? Hell he’d rather give that to anyone else even if he has to create a new charector). Sam may as well cxut his losses and find his own family. The brotherhood is truely dead.
I don’t believe Dean chose to be a demon or pal around with Crowley amyh. If there is even a atom in DD body that is still Dean he would always choose Sam (and Cas) as his family. No one (except Crowley) knew this was a possibility.
I am optimistic about Sam having a huge part in the story next year amyh. In fact I will predict Sam will tirelessly work to save Dean. With a few forays into hunting. Every episode can’t be about the saving of Dean.
I certain;y dont think that either Leah but judging from what Carver said it makes it sound like Dean did and if (i don’t but then I dont trust Carver one bit) he does then Dean will be…well….this is really who i am. None of this makes any sense for either Sam or Dean.
Ah I see. Gotcha! It WAS an odd thing for Carver to say. π
[quote]does anyone actual;ly think Carver will allow Sam to save Dean? Hell he’d rather give that to anyone else even if he has to create a new charector[/quote]I am worried about how much of Sam’s POV we are going to see let alone Sam saving Dean
I don’t think we’ll get much of Sam’s POV either. We’ll be lucky if we see him doing much of anything under this regime.
I do not know I would hope if they have garnered at least some of the feedback that it would be clear that there were issues with Sam last season but they might not think there was . And in truth the show is not geared to Sam’s narrative and pov and pov has been issue for a very long time with him so I just do not know as a Sam fan I have been here before .
Yeah . . . the writers seem a bit obtuse to the issues re: the show, esp. Sam. For me, it is best to assume there will be no Sam POV than to have my hopes dashed when it doesn’t come.
I’m hoping that Jared’s insistence that Sam save Dean will have results. OTOH, Sam hasn’t been well treated during the Carver regime, so if it doesn’t happen I won’t be shocked. Angry, yes, shocked not so much. I do know that other parts of fandom are just as determined that Cas has to be the one to save Dean. I hope that won’t happen, but the pressure is on from that side as well.
If Cas saves Dean I have real bricks to throw at my TV.
Not real bricks! ( I would use cannon balls though which is worse and a cannon) π
And I agree, Cas can help Sam to save Dean but Sam will need to be on the helm for that. Or Sam will do it alone which in my book would be weird… By weird meaning why Cas wouldn’t help Sam? As I think Sam would ask and Cas would help. Just to clear what I wrote. Migraine is not good when you are writing…
– Lilah
Cas has already saved Dean when Sam should have been the one to do itβ¦. so it’s a big NO to Cas saving Dean for me. I don’t even want Cas to help. This show is about the brotherhood, so IMO it should be Sam and no one else. Dean saved Sam in season 2 and then basically saved him again in season 6 when he put Sam’s soul back and then AGAIN in season 9 when he forced Gadreel into Sam (a controversial save for sure, but a save nonetheless). Sam has never saved Dean; he failed to do so in season 4 and Cas saved him instead, and then again in season 8 it was the one-off character, Benny who got the save because Sam was off doing something so totally OOC that it still rankles today. Sam needs this, Sam deserves this, and I am of the opinion that Dean will never see Sam as an equal until it happens and Sam will never be able to shake the feeling that he’s let his brother down, that he’s a disappointment until it happens.
I honestly dont think Sam will save Dean, Percy. Carver simply wont allow him to….oh…Sam will suddenly do questionable stuff in an EFFORT to save Dean. But mostly Sam will spin his wheels in the mud and in the end Dean will save himself with the help of Castiel, the newly human Crowly or one of the specially created charectors who are all searching for Demon Dean. And then Dean will tell Sam all those people are so much better as family then Sam ever was or ever will be. And to top it off..whatever Sam does will put humanity om the edge of near self destruction again. And then next season Carver will have Dean, Cas, Benny, Crowly, Ghost Bobby, ghostKevin, random ghost #3 as well as Garth and whomefer he can think off…stand in line to tell Sam how selfish he was in doing what he did.
ironically I was watching The End today and Dean was telling Sam that they should pick a hemisphere and stay far far away from each otheer, that they were weaker together then apart and all i could think is… Dean was right. They should never have gotten bak together. be family. be brothers. Just be brothers long distance cause they truely are oil and water. All we ever see is how being with each other creates misery for one or both of them. …certainly for the world at large. Not once in 6 years have we seen good come from their relationship. )I’m referring to good that wasn’t a result of them fixing the bad THEY made in the first place) Dean always seems happier when he is not around Sam. He certainly doesn’t need Sam as a hunting partner, doesn’t need ANYONE really. And Sam is a far better hunter when he’s on his own as well.
I do worry that Sam won’t save Dean at all as well. I must say it’s ironic, all those people who were screaming about Sam pushing Dean away last season had like ZERO problems when Dean told Sam to choose another hemisphere. Heck they had ZERO problems when Dean said he could never trust Sam again, or when he said Benny was more of a brother than Sam had EVER been. No it’s only important if Dean’s feelings are hurt and Carver looks like he’s going to continue playing into that. I do expect all those people PLUS Ellen and Mary and John to somehow tell Sam he is horrible, evil and awful. All my hope for the next season has been put on hold for now. I’m going to watch, at least at first, but I’ll really have to see where more of a monster Sam goes.
they can’t have been watching the same show. choose who you want to be? are you kidding me? if anything last season was all about necessary evils or something to that nature. choice had [i]nothing[/i] to do with it. sam didn’t have a choice in being possessed by an angel. cas became an angel again and dean got the mark because they both that it was the only thing that could be done. they didn’t want to be these things, they became them due to circumstance- because they thought they had to. and honestly, i couldn’t care less about metatron, or the angels. and i do not see an ounce of friendship between dean and crowley, and can we stop with this overused conflict of the brothers? can we finally see them actually get back to a good place instead of ignoring their problems and being aggressive and bitter at each other for 90% of each season until the very end where one is near death and they decide to forget the whole thing, leading to it happening all over again? can they actually care about their characters for once instead of just acting like thier plot devices and warping them to fit their whims? why does cas have to continually be separated from the brothers? all i hear is too many questions and too little answers. these people don’t even know their own show anymore.
Wasn’t this just a whole bunch of nothing? I don’t think any conclusions can be made from a few sentences. Who saw angel possession for last season? Whatever they do I don’t think we will see it coming.
Honestly the fandom is so starved for news/spoilers right now that we tend to go ape**** over every spoiler no matter how vague. That’s just what we do! π
OMFG, you guys are HILLLL-LAR-RI-OUS. π
Oh goodness. I give up on this show. was there any doubt.