Supernatural Bingo – Do You Believe In Miracles?
Well we’re here…the season finale. I’m not sure how things are going to end up. I hope the brothers will defeat Metatron and that Team Free Will come out of this unscathed.
I’ll definitely have my Emergency Survival Kit ready.
Cheers and enjoy the episode!
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Angel VS Humanity! Dean and Metatron battle it out |
Cas ‘s stolen grace burns out |
A TV or movie reference is made |
Crowley frees Dean from his lock down |
Sam and Dean have a heart to heart discussion |
Gadreel offers his grace to Cas as he is dying |
Gadreel dies |
Dean becomes fully consumed by the First Blades powers |
A death occurs to one of the Team Free Will |
Cas recovers his own grace from Metatron |
Cain is referenced and or makes an appearance |
The Brothers relationship is tested |
Metatron is defeated |
Dean is put in lock down by Sam and Cas |
A devils trap is seen and or used |
Cas becomes human again |
Some of Castiel’s followers realize their mistake and rejoin him |
Crowley provides Dean some answers |
Gadreel provides important information |
Dean summons Crowley |
Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and or insults |
Items are retrieved from the Impala |
Dean is seriously hurt |
A Betrayal occurs |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Items are retrieved from the Impala |
Dean summons Crowley |
A Betrayal occurs |
Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and or insults |
Dean is seriously hurt |
Cas becomes human again |
Some of Castiel’s followers realize their mistake and rejoin him |
A devils trap is seen and or used |
Gadreel provides important information |
Crowley provides Dean some answers |
The Brothers relationship is tested |
Metatron is defeated |
Dean is put in lock down by Sam and Cas |
A TV or movie reference is made |
Sam and Dean have a heart to heart discussion |
Crowley frees Dean from his lock down |
Cain is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Angel VS Humanity! Dean and Metatron battle it out |
Cas ‘s stolen grace burns out |
Dean becomes fully consumed by the First Blades powers |
A death occurs to one of the Team Free Will |
Gadreel offers his grace to Cas as he is dying |
Gadreel dies |
Cas recovers his own grace from Metatron |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Gadreel offers his grace to Cas as he is dying |
Dean becomes fully consumed by the First Blades powers |
Cas recovers his own grace from Metatron |
A death occurs to one of the Team Free Will |
Gadreel dies |
Crowley frees Dean from his lock down |
Cain is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Sam and Dean have a heart to heart discussion |
Cas ‘s stolen grace burns out |
Angel VS Humanity! Dean and Metatron battle it out |
Metatron is defeated |
Dean is put in lock down by Sam and Cas |
A TV or movie reference is made |
A Betrayal occurs |
Dean is seriously hurt |
Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and or insults |
The Brothers relationship is tested |
Items are retrieved from the Impala |
Dean summons Crowley |
A devils trap is seen and or used |
Gadreel provides important information |
Cas becomes human again |
Some of Castiel’s followers realize their mistake and rejoin him |
Crowley provides Dean some answers |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Cas becomes human again |
A devils trap is seen and or used |
Crowley provides Dean some answers |
Gadreel provides important information |
Some of Castiel’s followers realize their mistake and rejoin him |
Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and or insults |
The Brothers relationship is tested |
Dean is seriously hurt |
Dean summons Crowley |
Items are retrieved from the Impala |
Dean is put in lock down by Sam and Cas |
A TV or movie reference is made |
A Betrayal occurs |
Cas recovers his own grace from Metatron |
Gadreel dies |
A death occurs to one of the Team Free Will |
Metatron is defeated |
Gadreel offers his grace to Cas as he is dying |
Dean becomes fully consumed by the First Blades powers |
Sam and Dean have a heart to heart discussion |
Cas ‘s stolen grace burns out |
Crowley frees Dean from his lock down |
Cain is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Angel VS Humanity! Dean and Metatron battle it out |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Crowley frees Dean from his lock down |
Sam and Dean have a heart to heart discussion |
Angel VS Humanity! Dean and Metatron battle it out |
Cas ‘s stolen grace burns out |
Cain is referenced and or makes an appearance |
A death occurs to one of the Team Free Will |
Metatron is defeated |
Gadreel dies |
Dean becomes fully consumed by the First Blades powers |
Gadreel offers his grace to Cas as he is dying |
A TV or movie reference is made |
A Betrayal occurs |
Cas recovers his own grace from Metatron |
Crowley provides Dean some answers |
Some of Castiel’s followers realize their mistake and rejoin him |
Gadreel provides important information |
Dean is put in lock down by Sam and Cas |
Cas becomes human again |
A devils trap is seen and or used |
Dean is seriously hurt |
Dean summons Crowley |
Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and or insults |
The Brothers relationship is tested |
Items are retrieved from the Impala |
Download the Bingo cards here: Supernatural Bingo – Do You Believe In Miracles.pdf
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