Supernatural Reviews In 500 Words or Less: 9.16 – “Blade Runners”
You’re busy, I’m busy, let’s get started, shall we? (Word count starts now).
Sam’s on the computer investigating things like “Cain and Abel, The First Brothers” and “Adam and Eve’s Second Son” while Crowley drunk dials Dean. Dean calls back and Dean is in Crowley’s phone as “Not Moose.” Hee, this has already gotten off to an incredible start!
Crowley gets laid and shoots up human blood like it’s smack in a luxury suite, cause when you start crying over Casablanca and have a total meltdown over what life has dealt, it’s best to do it at The Ritz. His Sheila demon though is a double-crossing Abaddon fan. It’s not like we didn’t see that coming. Best use of a Velvet Underground song EVER after Crowley kills her, shoots up and sees his haggard self in the mirror.
Sam and Dean seek intel at a crossroads, and we see exactly how short Snooki is when compared to Sam and Dean. Wow, she’s a midget demon! Nice snark BTW Nicole, you have my respect.
In the credits we see the episode is written by Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming. Groans are heard all across the country. Surprisingly (law of averages?) it doesn’t suck. The dialogue’s even amusing. Serge Ladouceur, long time “Supernatural” DP, plays director this week. That’s why the look and feel of “Blade Runners” is drastically superior.
Sam and Dean capture Crowley, put him in the dungeon for detox. Crowley appeals to his “moose.”
They work together to find a rogue MOL wizard who bought the First Blade. Dean’s “cougared” in the process, but the dark suit and shirt is impossible to resist!
Crowley gets his own “Busty Asian Beauties” moment and remembers Cuthbert Sinclair (say that name ten times fast) from 1956.
Cuthbert goes by Mangus now (see “As Time Goes By”). Sam and Dean, being MOL legacies, earn an a bizarre invite into Cuthbert’s invisible lair.
They talk to the monologuing little weasel, who hasn’t aged. He casts out Sam and captures Dean after he’s showed the Mark of Cain. Dean makes a nice collectible. I’ll say!
Dean finds out what happens when he holds the blade. It’s not good.
Sam finds his way back thanks to research (he’s good at that) and gets chained up because this always happens. Luckily he brought Crowley, who frees Dean, but keeps his distance while Dean goes all head hunter on Mangus with one vicious swipe after Mangus slices Sam’s pretty face. Yikes!
Sam’s tied to a post, Crowley lurks in the background, and Dean with mark and blade looks like he wants to massacre everything within earshot. Sam pleads with Dean to drop the blade, which he does eventually, after scaring the crap out of everyone. No one’s relieved.
Back at the Impala, SOME ABADDON DEMONS KEYED UP BABY!! NOOOOO!!! YOU BASTARDS! Good thing Dean isn’t holding the blade.
Sam is and wants Dean to off Crowley, but Crowley hears this, TK tosses the boys against Baby, and takes the blade. He’s all better now (even with Moose rejection).
Good episode!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
The phone listing for Dean in Crowley’s phone as “Not Moose” was a nice humorous touch; he wasn’t even listed as ‘Squirrel’…Ha!. Did you also notice that along with crying to Casablanca that Crowley was also reading “LIttle Women” while feeling his human feels? There were some really nice little touches in this episode.
Thanks Alice for the recap. Love that the pics tell the basic story. Still believe Crowley is a weasel and has a plan and is manipulating the boys. But what a great story. Enjoying the season tremendously.
Blade Runners was really enjoyable. Fun moments. Worried moments at the hidden lair, Dean and thhe First Blade. Can i ask a question? Everyone keeps calling the lady who flirted with Dean a cougar. But I dont think she is all that much older then Dean.
Anyway…..lovely review. Thanks!
Maybe the blade is the reason that Crowely has never killed Sam or Dean. It’s one long con.
Loved your review,Alice. Short and snappy!
Well, naturally Sam’s going to get tied up. That happens at least once per episode. Its one of his superpowers.:D
And hey, is his hair shorter?
Crowley is totally in love with “Moose”, but Sam ain’t havin’ it.
Nice review Alice, it made me smirk whole way trough.
Glad you enjoyed the episode! 🙂
Best review! Because it makes me smile. Thank you, Alice.
Loved this ep!
Drugged up Crowley was hilarious but candy stealing petulant child Crowley craving Sammy’s attention was pure gold.
I’m very worried about Dean. I know it’s obvious as hell that he’s going darkside but I think it’s going to be epically dark. Like, human turning into demon knight without dying dark. And then Sammy’s going to have to save him. Which makes for a nice role reversal for a change.
ALSO, just as an aside, did anyone else squee like a little girl at the fact that there were not one but TWO Stargate Atlantis peeps in this episode? (I know Kavan Smith was in SG-1 as well, but his role in Atlantis was much bigger) And Sgt Bates too! In spite of everything else that was great about this episode, both of the scenes where the Atlantis boys appear for the first time were probs the moments where I had the largest grin on my face. 😀