Updated with Jensen’s Video! The Best Supernatural Prank EVER!
ETA: Here’s Jensen’s prank!
The fact that they got this on video is just too perfect for words. This is aptly titled, “Workplace Harrassment.”
I think we are all in need of a good laugh right now!
We have a very over eager new director at #supernaturalpic.twitter.com/cu3ZU805f4
— Tara Larsen (@taraslarsen) January 23, 2014
Worst employees Evah! Why haven’t they been fired?
Worst employees Evah! Why haven’t they been fired?
Oh Misha should have known by now not to let his guard down…..ever. Especially when he was directing! GRIN. Too funny!
Oh Misha should have known by now not to let his guard down…..ever. Especially when he was directing! GRIN. Too funny!
That was so cute! I love these guys and I want to work on that set! I don’t care if it means pie in the face. 😆
That was so cute! I love these guys and I want to work on that set! I don’t care if it means pie in the face. 😆
Love it. 😆
Love it. 😆
these guys have too much fun too bad the show is not fun but still its fun too see them happy doing there job.
these guys have too much fun too bad the show is not fun but still its fun too see them happy doing there job.
They got Misha again with…pie. This next one is Ackles getting him from behind. It’s on the web. Everyone seems okay with it but then again they are good actors. No, really, It had to be pie.Cheeseburgers are just not that funny.
They got Misha again with…pie. This next one is Ackles getting him from behind. It’s on the web. Everyone seems okay with it but then again they are good actors. No, really, It had to be pie.Cheeseburgers are just not that funny.
#6 I love how Jensen immediately ran over to Jared. The moose is a bigger target.
#6 I love how Jensen immediately ran over to Jared. The moose is a bigger target.
Jarpad just tweeted the CW just picked SPN for season 10!!
Jarpad just tweeted the CW just picked SPN for season 10!!
OK, guys? I think this may even be funnier than any of us actually realized . . .
Look [i]closely[/i] at what everyone is wearing in the vid Alice posted above for us. Pay particular attention to what Misha is wearing when Jared hits him with the first pie.
Now look [i]closely[/i] at what everyone is wearing in the vid I have listed below. Misha is carrying the [u]exact same blue plaid shirt[/u]. Jensen is in the same outfit. Jared just took off his jacket but has the same shirt on.
Doesn’t that signify that Jensen waited until Misha had cleaned up from the first pie, put on a clean shirt, and [b]THEN[/b] he intentionally hit him with the second pie?!
Poor Misha! I think they double teamed him, one right after the other!
(Edited by Alice, I put this up in the article. Thanks for letting me know it was out there).
OK, guys? I think this may even be funnier than any of us actually realized . . .
Look [i]closely[/i] at what everyone is wearing in the vid Alice posted above for us. Pay particular attention to what Misha is wearing when Jared hits him with the first pie.
Now look [i]closely[/i] at what everyone is wearing in the vid I have listed below. Misha is carrying the [u]exact same blue plaid shirt[/u]. Jensen is in the same outfit. Jared just took off his jacket but has the same shirt on.
Doesn’t that signify that Jensen waited until Misha had cleaned up from the first pie, put on a clean shirt, and [b]THEN[/b] he intentionally hit him with the second pie?!
Poor Misha! I think they double teamed him, one right after the other!
(Edited by Alice, I put this up in the article. Thanks for letting me know it was out there).