Jensen Ackles: The Heart and Soul of Supernatural
Isn’t it incredible how someone can constantly surprise and amaze you, even when you have been watching that person’s work for years?
In the day to day bustle of this site and other fandom activities, it’s rare anymore for me to take time to stop and appreciate the things that make “Supernatural” so great, like the acting. It’s become so familiar, so reliable that it’s comfort food, something I know will always be there to when we need to get through the day. After that gut-wrenching, kick you in the gut performance by Jensen Ackles though in the closing frames of “Holy Terror,” I was recently both inspired and challenged to express my “voice” so to speak about what Jensen means to me as an actor. The quick answer is pretty easy. A lot.
Naturally I’ve always adored Jensen’s amazing gifts for his craft, but I ran out of adjectives long ago to describe the extraordinary nuances and heart that he brings to our TV screen through each episode. I’ve met him in person and interviewed him several times, but those experiences have just fueled my appreciation and love of Jensen the man. No doubt about it, he’s one of the nicest, professional, and down to earth people you’ll ever meet. But what I haven’t addressed enough is what he brings as an actor. What he does and has done is quite extraordinary.
Earning legitimacy in the acting world is very hard when you’re a genre actor, especially when you’re a talented, very good looking one that attracts legions of loyal yet often overenthusiastic fans. Jensen has been playing Dean Winchester for nine seasons now and often times we don’t realize or remember what he (and Jared Padalecki) put into this show every week. When performances are that seamless, how can I possibly give such a brilliant actor his due in just a few pages? I’m not sure if I can, but I’ll at least try by starting from the beginning.
Okay, not the beginning, beginning. I’m talking about “Supernatural” season one. Jensen was fortunate to experience something that’s rarer than you think. A great actor was matched with the perfect role. To be honest, I didn’t think much of Jensen at all in “Smallville.” He never seemed comfortable as Jason, either that or the character was written too one-dimensionally (probably both). But as Dean Winchester, he struck gold from day one. He made in impression and won people over the second he was on the screen. We wanted to know and be Dean and our new weekly obsession was born.
Since his character was well established from the word “go,” that instantly gave Jensen a lot of room to progress Dean as a character. The writing wasn’t always the strongest in season one but that wasn’t a limitation for Jensen. It never has been. The best actors can introduce and convey deep complexity in their characters with mere expressions. One look in the eyes and the weary face tells the entire story, and with Dean Winchester, it’s been a long road. It’s compelling to watch, and Jensen pulls it off flawlessly, even to this day.
Each week he brought more to Dean, and we could see beneath that cocky, tough façade was someone who’s experienced deep trauma. We saw it when he connected with Lucas in “Dead in The Water,” and again when he left the shaken phone message for John in “Home.” His guilt and trust issues were best brought to light in “Faith,” and because Jensen did that so well writers often went to that theme again and again, knowing Jensen would kill it. He has every time.
The second half of season one highlighted Dean’s core being though, the guy that will do anything he must for family. He tried not to freak out when Sam’s powers manifested in “Home” and “Nightmare,” but we could see underneath that tough act someone very scared by what was happening. I’m not sure why, but my favorite Dean scene in season one was in of all episodes “Salvation.” I still believe it to be one of Jensen’s finest moments. It was so understated, but spoke volumes about Dean’s journey not only from that season but everything that has driven his actions so far. It was only one line, but it packed a punch that still affects me to this day. “Sam look. The three of us…that’s all we have…and it’s all I have. Sometimes I feel like I’m barely holding it together man…and without you or Dad….” Yep, family means everything.
By this time, what Jensen had carved out for Dean empowered the writers to take the character in bold directions because they knew they had the actor that could pull it off. Jensen’s versatility is a writer’s dream! He can handle intense drama, action, comedy, suspense, anything that’s required of him. He even does well with kids and dogs!
I thought about going season by season and writing volumes on Jensen’s best and brightest episodes, but when you have 182 episodes to choose from, it’s an impossible task. They’re all good, and I’ve never, even in season nine, felt like he’s been phoning it in. I attribute that to his dedication as an actor, as well as having a strong co-star that’s a good friend. Many of you don’t realize how rare that is on a TV show. A lot of time leads and cast members barely tolerate one another and certainly don’t have that kind of respect to boost one another. Jensen and Jared keep each other honest, and the results are something we’ve never seen before.
There are however a few episodes/scenes of Jensen’s that have left a huge impact on me. They go beyond what I’ve ever seen (or might ever see) on a TV show. To this day I’m haunted by the scene in the motel in “Point of No Return.” My heart falls to my stomach, feeling every ounce of the pain and sorrow. Jensen didn’t have any dialogue for a huge chunk of it if you remember. It all had to be expressed by a guy going through his mementos, the few things he had left in this world, boxing them up and silently saying goodbye. The somber state, the heavy drinking, the gut-wrenching resolve that he was meeting his end, it all tore me up before he even said a word after Sam’s arrival. How a lifetime tragic story could be told all through facial expressions and gestures in a few simple frames reminded me that when Dean Winchester hurts, we are the ones that bleed.
Another very perfect episode, my personal favorite for Dean, is season four’s “On the Head of a Pin.” This is one of the best scripts ever written in “Supernatural,” but it’s also one of the toughest I’ve ever seen for an actor. That’s because it’s so painful, and so hard to watch. A true testament to an actor isn’t just the way he approaches the comfortable scenes, but the way he handles the very unsettling stuff. We don’t want to see Dean in that intense, awful situation. He tries to be tough when torturing Alistair, but you can see the slow unraveling inside. The tough facade is gradually whittled away and by the end it’s Dean who’s the broken one. He tries so hard to fight it, but he can’t. That’s his humanity getting in the way. When Dean finds out he broke the first seal, his crushed reaction is one of the most stunning, heart-breaking, and perfectly acted scenes in the history of this show. In the end, devastation doesn’t begin to describe it. I burst into tears just thinking about it.
Just a year later and Jensen connected big time on another Edlund script. I have to admit, I can’t watch “Abandon All Hope” that often. Dean’s heartbreak over Jo’s impending death, including his very tender goodbye to her, well no wonder Eric Kripke admitted that was the first time an episode ever made him cry. I’m sure Jensen was a huge wreck over that but the scene will always be legendary. It’s gonna show up in the highlight reels someday when someone sits down and comes up with a salute Jensen’s long career. That reel will also contain his entire tearful speech over Sam’s dead body in “All Hell Breaks Loose Part II.” Considering how long that scene has been around and how many big Dean moments we’ve had since then, it’s still a staggering piece of work. Director Kim Manners just took down the lights and let Jensen do his magic. He knew exactly how to get the most out of that scene.
When I try to think of an example of his awesome versatility, one of my favorites is strangely “Clap Your Hands If You Believe.” Yes, another Edlund script. See what happens when great actor meets great writer? Every second with Dean was pure comedy gold, and what he did in that episode was unlike anything he’s done in the show before. Jensen always knew that once he got an Edlund script, he wasn’t going to get something typical. I love how he took that complete strangeness of that story and ran with it, making it 800 times funnier with nothing but exasperated expressions and incredulous reactions. He took strange Edlund lines and added his own outrageous touches, like a diabolical “ah ha!” after microwaving a fairy. A fairy that had just knocked him around the room, showing off how well he can do physical comedy. You want to know how many times I use “I can feel the crazy on me” in normal conversations? Oh, and he improvised a tagline. “Fight the fairies!” That took something funny and made it iconic. So few actors take advantage of those opportunities, but that goes to show how creative Jensen can be when approaching scenes.
Oh, there are so many nuggets to choose from, there is no way I can cover all of Jensen’s amazing work. Going off the top of my head though, the ending of “All Hell Breaks Loose Part I” still makes me cry. I also still wonder how Jensen pulled off the numerous and long dual role scenes with his current and future self in “The End.” The image of Dean on his knees bloodied, battered and broken, the devastated last man standing in “Swan Song” to this day haunts me so much. And yes, I was quite enamored with dirty and raw edged Dean in Purgatory. I don’t know dirtying up a hot guy only made him 800 times hotter. It’s, sigh…I’m sorry, where was I?
Of course a lot of Jensen’s success can be attributed to the amazing chemistry he has with Jared (and vice versa), but that’s what happens with good actors in general. They know how to feed off one another and produce something extraordinary just by building on one another’s strengths. Jensen and Jared have built a whole franchise on that chemistry. I smile though when I realize they’ve made each other better actors in the process too. It’s always been my opinion that Jared came into this show the weaker actor. He was younger and less experienced. But he grew to an equal standing in a short amount of time and I credit almost all of that to having someone like Jensen opposite him. I remember Jensen telling the story of filming the ending scene of “No Rest For The Wicked.” Not only was that a brutal scene for Jensen physically (the rigs and all that fake blood during the mauling was very uncomfortable), but he had to lie there very still while Jared did the emotional stuff. Of all things, he praised Jared for his work in that scene and talked about how he offered his co-star a lot of encouragement and advice in getting through it. He wants others to do better as well as himself. That really doesn’t happen a lot on these sets. Most actors don’t care that much.
I find one of Jensen’s greatest strengths though is his ability to take that gift for on screen (and off) rapport and extend it to other actors as well. The scenes between him and Jim Beaver (Bobby) are second to none. I still get all blubbery over the scene in the junkyard in “All Hell Breaks Loose Part II” when Bobby learns of Dean’s deal. When two actors are able to gel like that on screen and get into the moment, it helps both of them hit new heights. I attribute Jim Beaver’s powerful tearful reaction to Dean just by Jensen’s wounded, self-loathing expression. What they had never wavered in the entire series. Dean having his heart to heart with Bobby at the end of “The Curious Case of Dean Winchester” and his worried phone message after he and Sam discovered Bobby’s house torched in “Hello, Cruel World” are other examples. “You cannot be in that crater back there. I can’t… If you’re gone, I swear I am gonna strap my Beautiful Mind brother into the car and I’m gonna drive us off the pier.” (I know, another Edlund line. On an outside note, the scene in that episode with Dean talking Sam through his psychotic break in the warehouse should have been on an Emmy reel).
And who could forget what transpired between Jensen and Ty Olsson in season eight’s “Taxi Driver”? I’m still stunned how those two managed to pull that out of a script that didn’t remotely call for that kind of emotional exchange. The tears, the tender expressions of regret and guilt, and then the act itself. Something extraordinary like that is rare, and fans like us learn to cherish something so beautiful like a precious gift. It will stick with us forever, and we couldn’t be more grateful.
I’d be completely remiss though if we didn’t talk about Jensen and his scenes with Misha Collins. Oh how these two move mountains on the screen together. Their meeting in “Lazarus Rising” is still not only one of the most iconic moments in “Supernatural,” but in television. But the key to any on screen friendship is evolution. They both have managed to grow their characters to whole new levels, feeding off of each other’s inadequacies, mistakes, and struggles. Dean and Castiel moments belong in another article, but we can easily say that “Supernatural” wouldn’t be what it is today if these two hadn’t hit it off so extraordinarily.
Yes, I could again go on and on with the list of actors that Jensen has crossed paths with through the years, thus making very memorable scenes, but let’s just say many have come and gone and almost all hold Jensen in the highest regard. I’m especially enjoying lately the new big brother vibe he has going with Felicia Day’s Charlie. It’s yet another side of Dean that he’s gotten to explore and it feels new and exciting.
Speaking of the highest regard, there are many stories out there of suggestions and ideas that Jensen has brought with him to the set, several which ended up being used. It’s that creative vision that has also pushed Jensen into another arena of expertise, directing. He’s directed three times for “Supernatural” and each of those experiences have been met with very high praise. Many believe he has a big future as a director if he ever wanted to pursue it. I hope he does, because when I study the technical aspects of his directed episodes, they’re quite brilliant.
As I’ve said before, I’ve seen so many actors that by the time season eight or nine hits on their shows, they start phoning it in. I’ve never seen evidence of that with Jensen, even when story lines had lagged or become questionable, especially in the post-Kripke era. Just look at the end of the midseason finale, “Holy Terror.” Something connected with me at the end that I haven’t been able to shake ever since it aired. Sure, we’ve seen the single perfect man tear before. We’ve seen the close-up fade in on Dean’s agonized face before. But this time, something else happened. That close-up only played out for a few seconds, but this exceptional actor told nine seasons of story in a small amount of time. He’s done it many times before, but each lingering shot tells a very different story. This time, I worry for Dean very much. I fear we just saw a breaking point. There are only so many losses that this guy can take, and being the sole survivor is not something he can manage without unraveling. That’s how you leave an impression that gets viewers coming back for more. That’s why this show has lasted this long.
I know fans would like to see someone as talented as Jensen win scads of acting awards, but honestly, the best an actor can hope for is to be able to touch people’s lives through the roles they play. Jensen can easily make that claim and so much more. He’s part of our family, the SPN family. He’s evolved into our patriarch in a way, the one that inspires us to do better. He is the heart and soul. Sure, there are those that will look at us and say, “It’s only a TV show.” Those people have obviously never watched “Supernatural.”
Thank you Mr. Ackles for all you’ve given us. Thank you.
Thank you Alice that was beautiful.
Thank you Alice that was beautiful.
Great article, Alice.
I agree 100%. Great actor, indeed.
Great actor meeting great writer, combining with other great actors and chemistry that just won’t quit = pure gold.
What Jensen and Jared have been able to do together, even when scripts aren’t quite perfect, is unbelievable.
Supernatural and it’s cast should’ve won a gazillion awards by now, but at least they’re able to know the impact.
Kudos Mr. Ackles. And thanks to you and your buddies.
Great article, Alice.
I agree 100%. Great actor, indeed.
Great actor meeting great writer, combining with other great actors and chemistry that just won’t quit = pure gold.
What Jensen and Jared have been able to do together, even when scripts aren’t quite perfect, is unbelievable.
Supernatural and it’s cast should’ve won a gazillion awards by now, but at least they’re able to know the impact.
Kudos Mr. Ackles. And thanks to you and your buddies.
Jensen has created in Dean a really complex character and he has committed to the Deanness of Dean over the past 9 years. He has made of him an entertaining, lovable, moving and tragic character. Dean deals with everything with a grin, or a fist, and a terrible joke and by apparently ignoring things that don’t suit him. But because Jensen always lets us see who Dean is and why he behaves so we sympathize with his story. Jensen said at a convention at one point he had worked hard to make Dean likable – and if it were needed you have succeeded. Dean will do almost anything to help a friend and actually anything to help someone he considers family – in other words he is just like a real person only more so.
Dean’s center of being is his need for family and Jensen has produced such believable interactions with the brother he loves (literally) more than life itself (and who he doesn’t understand at all), the father he understands all too well, the crazed angel friend he tries to keep from making mistakes, the surrogate father who was willing to let him KNOW he was his favorite (instead of the father who would never say so) and who he mourned deeply. This Dean is so believable in his love for and insecurity about all these people.
I think it is wonderful when the script allows Dean to go from funny, to dangerous to tragic in the space of a few scenes it because it is always a revelation. The scenes at the end of Holy Terror when the whole charade Dean has been maintaining imploded so tragically being an excellent example.
Over the years I have loved so much that Jensen has done. All the big set pieces will be mentioned by other people so I want to mention some of the little interactions, like in season 3 where Dean was beginning to realize he was going to hell but also beginning to realize he didn’t have to carry all the burdens by himself. The scene where he can’t leave the hotel room in Yellow Fever and doesn’t want to be ‘a clue’, the bravado turning to genuine fear in Hunted when he realizes he is only giving Gordon more ideas about how to kill Sam, the dog impression in Dog Dean Afternoon, the absolute exasperation with explaining to Soulless!Sam how empathy works…there are examples in every episode.
I hope that Supernatural goes on being the interactive, character-driven show it has been all these years because it is the characters that make it so addictive – and the drive and enthusiasm Jensen has put into creating this wonderful example of one – that makes the show so unmissable for me.
Thank you Jensen!
Jensen has created in Dean a really complex character and he has committed to the Deanness of Dean over the past 9 years. He has made of him an entertaining, lovable, moving and tragic character. Dean deals with everything with a grin, or a fist, and a terrible joke and by apparently ignoring things that don’t suit him. But because Jensen always lets us see who Dean is and why he behaves so we sympathize with his story. Jensen said at a convention at one point he had worked hard to make Dean likable – and if it were needed you have succeeded. Dean will do almost anything to help a friend and actually anything to help someone he considers family – in other words he is just like a real person only more so.
Dean’s center of being is his need for family and Jensen has produced such believable interactions with the brother he loves (literally) more than life itself (and who he doesn’t understand at all), the father he understands all too well, the crazed angel friend he tries to keep from making mistakes, the surrogate father who was willing to let him KNOW he was his favorite (instead of the father who would never say so) and who he mourned deeply. This Dean is so believable in his love for and insecurity about all these people.
I think it is wonderful when the script allows Dean to go from funny, to dangerous to tragic in the space of a few scenes it because it is always a revelation. The scenes at the end of Holy Terror when the whole charade Dean has been maintaining imploded so tragically being an excellent example.
Over the years I have loved so much that Jensen has done. All the big set pieces will be mentioned by other people so I want to mention some of the little interactions, like in season 3 where Dean was beginning to realize he was going to hell but also beginning to realize he didn’t have to carry all the burdens by himself. The scene where he can’t leave the hotel room in Yellow Fever and doesn’t want to be ‘a clue’, the bravado turning to genuine fear in Hunted when he realizes he is only giving Gordon more ideas about how to kill Sam, the dog impression in Dog Dean Afternoon, the absolute exasperation with explaining to Soulless!Sam how empathy works…there are examples in every episode.
I hope that Supernatural goes on being the interactive, character-driven show it has been all these years because it is the characters that make it so addictive – and the drive and enthusiasm Jensen has put into creating this wonderful example of one – that makes the show so unmissable for me.
Thank you Jensen!
A thousand things I’d like to say are running through my mind right now but let’s keep it focused on the most important… THANK YOU Jensen!
And thank you Alice, for writing this! For summing up perfectly the outstanding talent of this amazing man who cares so much about his character, and it shows in every moment of his touching performance. To me, Dean is the most fascinating & beautiful-in-every-way fictional character ever created and I consider him a precious gift from Jensen to us. Yeah, I know I’m a little biased here as a Deangirl, but that’s not the point.
Anyway, thank you for speaking right from my heart. Now excuse me please; it looks like I’m crying but I just got something in my eye… an article, maybe 😉
A thousand things I’d like to say are running through my mind right now but let’s keep it focused on the most important… THANK YOU Jensen!
And thank you Alice, for writing this! For summing up perfectly the outstanding talent of this amazing man who cares so much about his character, and it shows in every moment of his touching performance. To me, Dean is the most fascinating & beautiful-in-every-way fictional character ever created and I consider him a precious gift from Jensen to us. Yeah, I know I’m a little biased here as a Deangirl, but that’s not the point.
Anyway, thank you for speaking right from my heart. Now excuse me please; it looks like I’m crying but I just got something in my eye… an article, maybe 😉
Thank you so very much for this Alice. I have loved this actor since his Dark Angel days. He was such a young man but when he did the emotional scenes, he was so powerful. I remember thinking that he was going to go places. He was charming to boot! Then came Supernatural and here he was again playing the brash cocky person who uses that facade to cover his damage and pain. Jensen does that so extraordinarily well.
Every scene that you have mentioned is also a cherished favorite of mine. He manages to make every gut-wrenching scene that he has done in the past 8 1/2 yrs just different enough that it still has impact. He has taken a character with many flaws and managed to imbue him with so much heart that I can’t help but love him and fight for him when I feel that he is being judged too harshly.
Jared and Jensen have indeed made each other better. You can see it as the years have progressed. The love they have for each other as friends permeates their performances and makes it so real that we love them also. Those two wonderful and special actors and those two beautiful and rich characters who make us laugh, cry and care so much!
Thank you so very much for this Alice. I have loved this actor since his Dark Angel days. He was such a young man but when he did the emotional scenes, he was so powerful. I remember thinking that he was going to go places. He was charming to boot! Then came Supernatural and here he was again playing the brash cocky person who uses that facade to cover his damage and pain. Jensen does that so extraordinarily well.
Every scene that you have mentioned is also a cherished favorite of mine. He manages to make every gut-wrenching scene that he has done in the past 8 1/2 yrs just different enough that it still has impact. He has taken a character with many flaws and managed to imbue him with so much heart that I can’t help but love him and fight for him when I feel that he is being judged too harshly.
Jared and Jensen have indeed made each other better. You can see it as the years have progressed. The love they have for each other as friends permeates their performances and makes it so real that we love them also. Those two wonderful and special actors and those two beautiful and rich characters who make us laugh, cry and care so much!
A very lovely article, Alice. I think you pretty much said it all. A treat for me was some favorite scenes that you reminded me of again.
One that particularly stands out in my mind that you touched on was the Alistair/Dean scene in On The Head of a Pin, with Dean getting right up in Alistair’s personal space. That scene between the two actors was simply powerful.
In my mind, Jensen is one of the finest actors on TV today. I also think the SPN fans are very lucky that both of these actors committed their talent to ten years with this show. I’m all in favor of it going on as long as the two of them are willing to do it.
A very lovely article, Alice. I think you pretty much said it all. A treat for me was some favorite scenes that you reminded me of again.
One that particularly stands out in my mind that you touched on was the Alistair/Dean scene in On The Head of a Pin, with Dean getting right up in Alistair’s personal space. That scene between the two actors was simply powerful.
In my mind, Jensen is one of the finest actors on TV today. I also think the SPN fans are very lucky that both of these actors committed their talent to ten years with this show. I’m all in favor of it going on as long as the two of them are willing to do it.
What a lovely tribute to Jensen. I had the honor of telling him in Chicago in 2012 that I love how he can do both comedy and drama so well and sometimes in the same scene flawlessly and that it meant a lot to me. It was one of the most humble smiles I ever saw break across his face and he was genuinely touched by my remark.
I think you’ve nailed what makes Jensen so special in so many ways. He’s not the typical actor we see on TV and I think he does make everyone around him that much better just because he wants to do the best work that he can.
Thanks for sharing what makes him so special in this piece. Jensen’s certainly one of the best actors I’ve had the honor to watch on TV.
What a lovely tribute to Jensen. I had the honor of telling him in Chicago in 2012 that I love how he can do both comedy and drama so well and sometimes in the same scene flawlessly and that it meant a lot to me. It was one of the most humble smiles I ever saw break across his face and he was genuinely touched by my remark.
I think you’ve nailed what makes Jensen so special in so many ways. He’s not the typical actor we see on TV and I think he does make everyone around him that much better just because he wants to do the best work that he can.
Thanks for sharing what makes him so special in this piece. Jensen’s certainly one of the best actors I’ve had the honor to watch on TV.
What a beautiful tribute to an extraordinary actor! Those of us in the know, who feel all Dean feels because of Jensen’s total immersion into the role, know how exceptionally gifted he is and how hard he works and the dedication he brings to Supernatural. Unfortunately so many dismiss him because of his looks and also because of the genre label. How wrong they are!
Jensen has the power to reach through the screen and grab you instantly. I was one who initially dismissed him as a pretty boy when he first hit the press on Days of Our Lives. I never gave him a chance, just wasn’t interested. Then flipping channels I paused in the middle of a Dark Angel episode. Yes, I’d tried the show in S1 & didn’t care for it, knew this Ackles guy had been cast in S2 & still wasn’t interested…that is until I saw Alec and within seconds I was hooked! That’s how quickly Jensen can mesmerize you with the ‘secrets’ that his characters have and you simply must know more!
Jensen acts with every fiber of his being, through those luminous eyes and the modulation of his voice, but also just in the way he moves, the shift of his body, the ‘essence’ of his character oozing out of his pores! He [i]becomes[/i] the character. There is no acting…or at least, it is undetectable!
I love how while many actors go big (which Jensen is perfectly capable of doing when necessary) Jensen more often chooses to go smaller, to tunnel inward and reveal the tender hurts and wounds through more subtle and yet powerful means. It is why he can turn a nothing scene into something and why he can make doing nothing something you can’t draw your eyes away from!
The highest praise I can give Jensen is I never, ever think “Wow, what a great job he’s doing acting,” instead I’m observing Dean Winchester (or his other intriguing characters). I forget he is acting which is why if I were to enter a room with Jensen, Dean, Alec & Priestly all having a confab, it would take great concentration to realize what was amiss, because I believe in all those characters and I totally do not see Jensen in those roles.
Jensen elevates all his material, but pair him with Edlund and magic happens! Same with his acting partners on the show. I love that all the actors on Supernatural are supportive and engaged and thrilled to be working on the show and revealing more secrets about our Winchesters and their friends.
We’ve been blessed to see the emotional side of Dean Winchester, the tender, broken little boy who still feels the loss of his mom and fears for more loss. Dean is also a bold, cocky, endearing hero. Very few actors could walk that tightrope and keep it all so very believable and relatable! Few actors can master the dramatic tension, kickass action, goofy humor and the sincere, heartfelt, never-too-much emotional sensitivity like Jensen can!
Kripke did strike gold in his casting and the writers were wise enough to truly watch what Jensen brought to the role and then expand upon all his insight to show a fully-developed character, capable of being so much more than what we initially thought we were getting.
Jensen is a creative, thoughtful guy and I love that he is expanding into directing, I just hope we never lose him as an actor. Jensen is certainly his own man, but IF I were to compare him to another actor it would have to be Paul Newman. Another very handsome man with mesmerizing eyes and neither of them settled for the easy route of just cashing in on their looks. Both bring a powerful presence to their roles but the focus is always on the character, on defining what makes this guy tick and then pulling us into the inner sanctums and making us care.
I once thought Alec would be Jensen’s defining role. Then the perfect role came along with Dean Winchester and I thought [i]that[/i] would be his signature role. Now I know Jensen will be giving us more unique characters throughout his career. This is only the beginning, but oh, what a glorious beginning it is!
Thanks again, Alice, for making me smile in fond remembrance of so many awesome moments with Dean Winchester. I love them all. In fact, there isn’t a single episode of Supernatural (including the rare few I don’t particularly like) where I can’t find some moment to smile over and be in awe of. Jensen and Supernatural are just that good!
What a beautiful tribute to an extraordinary actor! Those of us in the know, who feel all Dean feels because of Jensen’s total immersion into the role, know how exceptionally gifted he is and how hard he works and the dedication he brings to Supernatural. Unfortunately so many dismiss him because of his looks and also because of the genre label. How wrong they are!
Jensen has the power to reach through the screen and grab you instantly. I was one who initially dismissed him as a pretty boy when he first hit the press on Days of Our Lives. I never gave him a chance, just wasn’t interested. Then flipping channels I paused in the middle of a Dark Angel episode. Yes, I’d tried the show in S1 & didn’t care for it, knew this Ackles guy had been cast in S2 & still wasn’t interested…that is until I saw Alec and within seconds I was hooked! That’s how quickly Jensen can mesmerize you with the ‘secrets’ that his characters have and you simply must know more!
Jensen acts with every fiber of his being, through those luminous eyes and the modulation of his voice, but also just in the way he moves, the shift of his body, the ‘essence’ of his character oozing out of his pores! He [i]becomes[/i] the character. There is no acting…or at least, it is undetectable!
I love how while many actors go big (which Jensen is perfectly capable of doing when necessary) Jensen more often chooses to go smaller, to tunnel inward and reveal the tender hurts and wounds through more subtle and yet powerful means. It is why he can turn a nothing scene into something and why he can make doing nothing something you can’t draw your eyes away from!
The highest praise I can give Jensen is I never, ever think “Wow, what a great job he’s doing acting,” instead I’m observing Dean Winchester (or his other intriguing characters). I forget he is acting which is why if I were to enter a room with Jensen, Dean, Alec & Priestly all having a confab, it would take great concentration to realize what was amiss, because I believe in all those characters and I totally do not see Jensen in those roles.
Jensen elevates all his material, but pair him with Edlund and magic happens! Same with his acting partners on the show. I love that all the actors on Supernatural are supportive and engaged and thrilled to be working on the show and revealing more secrets about our Winchesters and their friends.
We’ve been blessed to see the emotional side of Dean Winchester, the tender, broken little boy who still feels the loss of his mom and fears for more loss. Dean is also a bold, cocky, endearing hero. Very few actors could walk that tightrope and keep it all so very believable and relatable! Few actors can master the dramatic tension, kickass action, goofy humor and the sincere, heartfelt, never-too-much emotional sensitivity like Jensen can!
Kripke did strike gold in his casting and the writers were wise enough to truly watch what Jensen brought to the role and then expand upon all his insight to show a fully-developed character, capable of being so much more than what we initially thought we were getting.
Jensen is a creative, thoughtful guy and I love that he is expanding into directing, I just hope we never lose him as an actor. Jensen is certainly his own man, but IF I were to compare him to another actor it would have to be Paul Newman. Another very handsome man with mesmerizing eyes and neither of them settled for the easy route of just cashing in on their looks. Both bring a powerful presence to their roles but the focus is always on the character, on defining what makes this guy tick and then pulling us into the inner sanctums and making us care.
I once thought Alec would be Jensen’s defining role. Then the perfect role came along with Dean Winchester and I thought [i]that[/i] would be his signature role. Now I know Jensen will be giving us more unique characters throughout his career. This is only the beginning, but oh, what a glorious beginning it is!
Thanks again, Alice, for making me smile in fond remembrance of so many awesome moments with Dean Winchester. I love them all. In fact, there isn’t a single episode of Supernatural (including the rare few I don’t particularly like) where I can’t find some moment to smile over and be in awe of. Jensen and Supernatural are just that good!
Thank you Alice, and thanks to Jensen for eight and a half years of amazing work. There is not another actor working in any medium who has touched me more. He can say more with a look than most actors say with two pages of dialogue. There is a depth to his performances – in those amazing dramatic scenes, but also in the comic scenes, and the quiet scenes when he is reacting to another actor’s performance. It is often something’s so subtle – a motion with his hand, the way he changes his body language, etc. – that brings that depth to the performance and makes you realize he has thought out the scene through several layers, ensuring that we are not seeing an actor reading lines, but watching Dean Winchester living in those moments.
I agree with you on every scene you mentioned, Alice. Every one of them shows his amazing talents and range – and watching them can tear me apart. I could add dozens more, but indulge me for a bit as I mention a few. First, in No Rest for the Wicked, there is the scene where Dean tries to comfort his brother by getting him to sing Dead or Alive with him. He does so, and then there are those few frames where the viewer watches Dean’s face – his eyes – and sees the terror there. The intensity of feeling Jensen conveyed to the audience there, without saying a word, was stunning. Second, at the end of Fresh Blood, Dean was fixing his car, and suddenly decided to teach his brother to fix it, since he would need to know how, after Dean died. It was a beautifully written scene, and both Jared and Jensen knocked it out of the park – and next time you catch the scene on TNT, watch Jensen’s expressions and body language, in addition to hearing the words. Dean once called his father a master at hunting (Scarecrow) – Jensen is a master at character depiction and story telling. Third, a reminder about his work in the Pilot. All that charm, showing the audience this tough soldier, who could say pretty jerky things – but do it with humor and charm so the audience liked him – and understood why his brother indulged him too. Also – from that first episode, Jensen actually changed his voice when Dean was worried about his brother. He nailed that performance in episode one, and built on that foundation in every episode that followed.
Thank you again, Alice. Both of the lead actors are amazing on this show, and I am so glad you have given folks a forum to pay tribute to Jensen as we catch our breath before the second half of the season.
Thank you Alice, and thanks to Jensen for eight and a half years of amazing work. There is not another actor working in any medium who has touched me more. He can say more with a look than most actors say with two pages of dialogue. There is a depth to his performances – in those amazing dramatic scenes, but also in the comic scenes, and the quiet scenes when he is reacting to another actor’s performance. It is often something’s so subtle – a motion with his hand, the way he changes his body language, etc. – that brings that depth to the performance and makes you realize he has thought out the scene through several layers, ensuring that we are not seeing an actor reading lines, but watching Dean Winchester living in those moments.
I agree with you on every scene you mentioned, Alice. Every one of them shows his amazing talents and range – and watching them can tear me apart. I could add dozens more, but indulge me for a bit as I mention a few. First, in No Rest for the Wicked, there is the scene where Dean tries to comfort his brother by getting him to sing Dead or Alive with him. He does so, and then there are those few frames where the viewer watches Dean’s face – his eyes – and sees the terror there. The intensity of feeling Jensen conveyed to the audience there, without saying a word, was stunning. Second, at the end of Fresh Blood, Dean was fixing his car, and suddenly decided to teach his brother to fix it, since he would need to know how, after Dean died. It was a beautifully written scene, and both Jared and Jensen knocked it out of the park – and next time you catch the scene on TNT, watch Jensen’s expressions and body language, in addition to hearing the words. Dean once called his father a master at hunting (Scarecrow) – Jensen is a master at character depiction and story telling. Third, a reminder about his work in the Pilot. All that charm, showing the audience this tough soldier, who could say pretty jerky things – but do it with humor and charm so the audience liked him – and understood why his brother indulged him too. Also – from that first episode, Jensen actually changed his voice when Dean was worried about his brother. He nailed that performance in episode one, and built on that foundation in every episode that followed.
Thank you again, Alice. Both of the lead actors are amazing on this show, and I am so glad you have given folks a forum to pay tribute to Jensen as we catch our breath before the second half of the season.
WOW!! To steal Dean’s line, “Awesome!”. It is soo great to see an article of appreciation for Jensen’s acting skills. He is the most amazing actor I’ve seen in my entire life. I’m no spring chicken (50). I’ve also watched WAY to much TV and movies in my life. No other actor has ever made me cry; or feel things the way he does. As you pointed out. He can say more with no dialog, than most actors can with pages of it!
The 1st time was “All Hell Breaks Loose II”. That scene with Sam’s body. I couldn’t stop sobbing. And it kind of freaked me out. It had never happened to me before. I always thought tears were wasted on a “pretend” TV show. I now know; no one had ever moved me to tears before Jensen.
It is so hard to explain to family and friends what it is about Jensen; Jared; and Supernatural in general that moves me so much every week.I am proud to say I have 10 converts. Anyone I get to actually watch the show gets hooked!
So thanks for this wonderful article on the man I most admire and respect on television. I had the honor to meet him at the con in Dallas. Even though it was the typical ten second fan interaction; he does not disappoint. On any level.
WOW!! To steal Dean’s line, “Awesome!”. It is soo great to see an article of appreciation for Jensen’s acting skills. He is the most amazing actor I’ve seen in my entire life. I’m no spring chicken (50). I’ve also watched WAY to much TV and movies in my life. No other actor has ever made me cry; or feel things the way he does. As you pointed out. He can say more with no dialog, than most actors can with pages of it!
The 1st time was “All Hell Breaks Loose II”. That scene with Sam’s body. I couldn’t stop sobbing. And it kind of freaked me out. It had never happened to me before. I always thought tears were wasted on a “pretend” TV show. I now know; no one had ever moved me to tears before Jensen.
It is so hard to explain to family and friends what it is about Jensen; Jared; and Supernatural in general that moves me so much every week.I am proud to say I have 10 converts. Anyone I get to actually watch the show gets hooked!
So thanks for this wonderful article on the man I most admire and respect on television. I had the honor to meet him at the con in Dallas. Even though it was the typical ten second fan interaction; he does not disappoint. On any level.
Alice, this is a beautiful tribute to an amazing actor.
#8 I am totally with you in that Dean Winchester is so much more than a character. He is believable in every way as REAL!! That is such a true gift that Jensen (and Jared) have given us.
Alice, this is a beautiful tribute to an amazing actor.
#8 I am totally with you in that Dean Winchester is so much more than a character. He is believable in every way as REAL!! That is such a true gift that Jensen (and Jared) have given us.
This is a beautiful tribute, Alice, and I agree with every word. Thank you for sharing this delightful article.
And for those rare individuals who would mock Alice’s words- obsessing, and squeeing and living our enjoyment to the fullest for whatever our fannish pursuits is what a fan does best. I have taken Jared’s words from the most recent con I was at, Burcon, to heart- basically that Fandom is a space for fans to be their most authentic selves, however that manifests. I’m paraphrasing, but that’s the gist.
I would hate to be the person who would rag on a fan for being their most fannish self. And that’s all I’ll say on that.
This is a beautiful tribute, Alice, and I agree with every word. Thank you for sharing this delightful article.
And for those rare individuals who would mock Alice’s words- obsessing, and squeeing and living our enjoyment to the fullest for whatever our fannish pursuits is what a fan does best. I have taken Jared’s words from the most recent con I was at, Burcon, to heart- basically that Fandom is a space for fans to be their most authentic selves, however that manifests. I’m paraphrasing, but that’s the gist.
I would hate to be the person who would rag on a fan for being their most fannish self. And that’s all I’ll say on that.
I may lean Sam-wards but I adore Jensen’s Dean. Such a lovable, badass, larger-than-life jerk (and I mean the ‘jerk’ bit in an affectionate Sammish way) 😀
Keep it up Jensen!
I may lean Sam-wards but I adore Jensen’s Dean. Such a lovable, badass, larger-than-life jerk (and I mean the ‘jerk’ bit in an affectionate Sammish way) 😀
Keep it up Jensen!
Thanks for this excellent article–you have me crying just recalling these amazing scenes. I agree with all of your choices and would like to add one.
I am continually stunned at the performance Jensen delivers at the end of Adventures in Babysitting in the Impala when Sam switches on Dear Mr. Fantasy and goes to sleep leaving Dean trying to be professional with a smile as Frank has advised him. The way Jensen smiles and tries so hard to hold the smile and can’t but just keeps trying as the lights from the road move over his face is extraordinary. It’s so devastatingly human; it gets me every time.
Thanks for this excellent article–you have me crying just recalling these amazing scenes. I agree with all of your choices and would like to add one.
I am continually stunned at the performance Jensen delivers at the end of Adventures in Babysitting in the Impala when Sam switches on Dear Mr. Fantasy and goes to sleep leaving Dean trying to be professional with a smile as Frank has advised him. The way Jensen smiles and tries so hard to hold the smile and can’t but just keeps trying as the lights from the road move over his face is extraordinary. It’s so devastatingly human; it gets me every time.
If Jensen is the ‘Heart and Soul’ of the show then what is Jared exactly?
Its lovely that you prais Jensen’s work and while you dont bash Jared or Sam directly you basically imply that he means nothing to the show because Jensen is the ‘Heart and soul’ and Dean has often been described as the same by fans, reviewers and the creators/writers.
I’m just curious as to what people see Jared/Sam as to the show? And saying there would be no show without him is a cop out.
If Jensen is the ‘Heart and Soul’ of the show then what is Jared exactly?
Its lovely that you prais Jensen’s work and while you dont bash Jared or Sam directly you basically imply that he means nothing to the show because Jensen is the ‘Heart and soul’ and Dean has often been described as the same by fans, reviewers and the creators/writers.
I’m just curious as to what people see Jared/Sam as to the show? And saying there would be no show without him is a cop out.
Alice, A beautiful article outlining Jensen’s strength as an actor.Jensen is undoubtedly one of the reason we have a wonderful show.
[quote name=”reedmac”]If Jensen is the ‘Heart and Soul’ of the show then what is Jared exactly?
[/quote]Jared is my favourite and i did not think he came into the show a weaker actor but I do agree with the writer that he has grown stronger.
I also don’t agree that Jensen is “THE” heart and soul of the show but I don’t have problems with others believing so.But I think Jared is the blood and body of the show if Jensen is the heart and soul of the show ( I don’t actually think this .It is just a musing).
Alice, A beautiful article outlining Jensen’s strength as an actor.Jensen is undoubtedly one of the reason we have a wonderful show.
[quote]If Jensen is the ‘Heart and Soul’ of the show then what is Jared exactly?
[/quote]Jared is my favourite and i did not think he came into the show a weaker actor but I do agree with the writer that he has grown stronger.
I also don’t agree that Jensen is “THE” heart and soul of the show but I don’t have problems with others believing so.But I think Jared is the blood and body of the show if Jensen is the heart and soul of the show ( I don’t actually think this .It is just a musing).
I have to say, I’m not a normal visitor to the site, but I saw this article on IMDb and had to check it out. Thank you so much for writing this, Alice. Beautiful article! It’s very nice to see one recognizing Jensen’s work on the show – one of his greatest strengths is that he consistently delivers great work and has for nine seasons, which is no small task!
He continues to wow me with his range & nuance. He can do heavy drama, no doubt, and he can do the full-on comedy just as easily. When I watch other shows I am often reminded… you don’t see that too often in TV, where both the drama and comedy seem to come so naturally to a character & actor.
You mentioned some amazing moments for Dean. I’ll also add his performance in What Is And What Should Never Be as one of my favorites. Also, more recently, I thought he was just fantastic in this seasons’ premiere “I Think I’m Going To Like It Here”. But as you say, there are just too many wonderful moments to mention them all.
Dean has, perhaps unintentionally, become the pillar the series seems to stand on (for some at least). He’s the constant, the strength, and the emotion that the show leans on, especially when Sam is not Sam (like Souless Sam or Zeke/Gadreel). I think his characters consistency allows for Sam’s to explore a myriad of storylines and even characters in Jared’s case.
Not to say Sam isn’t important as well, but where Sam is often the focus the plot spins around Dean is the character that keeps the show grounded (to me) while craziness erupts around them.
So thank you Jensen Ackles for bringing this wonderful & layered character to life, and thank you Alice for this article! 🙂
I have to say, I’m not a normal visitor to the site, but I saw this article on IMDb and had to check it out. Thank you so much for writing this, Alice. Beautiful article! It’s very nice to see one recognizing Jensen’s work on the show – one of his greatest strengths is that he consistently delivers great work and has for nine seasons, which is no small task!
He continues to wow me with his range & nuance. He can do heavy drama, no doubt, and he can do the full-on comedy just as easily. When I watch other shows I am often reminded… you don’t see that too often in TV, where both the drama and comedy seem to come so naturally to a character & actor.
You mentioned some amazing moments for Dean. I’ll also add his performance in What Is And What Should Never Be as one of my favorites. Also, more recently, I thought he was just fantastic in this seasons’ premiere “I Think I’m Going To Like It Here”. But as you say, there are just too many wonderful moments to mention them all.
Dean has, perhaps unintentionally, become the pillar the series seems to stand on (for some at least). He’s the constant, the strength, and the emotion that the show leans on, especially when Sam is not Sam (like Souless Sam or Zeke/Gadreel). I think his characters consistency allows for Sam’s to explore a myriad of storylines and even characters in Jared’s case.
Not to say Sam isn’t important as well, but where Sam is often the focus the plot spins around Dean is the character that keeps the show grounded (to me) while craziness erupts around them.
So thank you Jensen Ackles for bringing this wonderful & layered character to life, and thank you Alice for this article! 🙂
I can’t even tell you how perfectly you articulated everything I love about Jensen and his absolute commitment to Dean Winchester. You hit the nail on the head with this article and all your examples were just great. Thanks so much for the Friday morning pick-me-up!
Why has this man not received an Emmy yet?
I can’t even tell you how perfectly you articulated everything I love about Jensen and his absolute commitment to Dean Winchester. You hit the nail on the head with this article and all your examples were just great. Thanks so much for the Friday morning pick-me-up!
Why has this man not received an Emmy yet?
Thank you Alice, that was absolutely beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. He is such a talented actor, it’s a privilege just to watch him every week. Thank you Mr. Ackles.
Thank you Alice, that was absolutely beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. He is such a talented actor, it’s a privilege just to watch him every week. Thank you Mr. Ackles.
Yes…(100% I agree), Jensen IS an amazing actor… No, He’s NOT the heart and soul of Supernatural.
I get it, Alice, you’re a Jensen’s fan.. but your title screams: Ok Jared, Misha and cast…Go home, Jensen is responsible for the success of supernatural. Come ooooonnn.!!!!
It’s funny, this article appears just when tv critics, reporters, bloggers and Jeremy Carver praise Jared’s job in the show.
Great article, tho.
Yes…(100% I agree), Jensen IS an amazing actor… No, He’s NOT the heart and soul of Supernatural.
I get it, Alice, you’re a Jensen’s fan.. but your title screams: Ok Jared, Misha and cast…Go home, Jensen is responsible for the success of supernatural. Come ooooonnn.!!!!
It’s funny, this article appears just when tv critics, reporters, bloggers and Jeremy Carver praise Jared’s job in the show.
Great article, tho.
Yes…(I agree), Jensen IS an amazing actor… No, He’s NOT the heart and soul of Supernatural.
I get it, Alice, you’re a Jensen’s fan.. but your title screams: Ok Jared, Misha and cast…Go home, Jensen is responsible for the success of supernatural. Come ooooonnn.!!!!
It’s funny, this article appears just when tv critics, reporters, bloggers and Jeremy Carver praise Jared’s job in the show.
Great article, tho.
Yes…(I agree), Jensen IS an amazing actor… No, He’s NOT the heart and soul of Supernatural.
I get it, Alice, you’re a Jensen’s fan.. but your title screams: Ok Jared, Misha and cast…Go home, Jensen is responsible for the success of supernatural. Come ooooonnn.!!!!
It’s funny, this article appears just when tv critics, reporters, bloggers and Jeremy Carver praise Jared’s job in the show.
Great article, tho.
Thank you for a lovely article. I think Jensen Ackles is an exceptional and talented actor and the reason I became so invested in the show.
Thank you for a lovely article. I think Jensen Ackles is an exceptional and talented actor and the reason I became so invested in the show.
[quote name=”pappy”]Jensen ackles is a good actor but definitely not the best one out there. You do realize that, right? ….
But I do agree that he is the heart and soul of Supernatural, and the only reason is He is Super pretty. Even that is gone now because he became old.[/quote]
Of course he’s not the best actor out there, but he’s shown he has talent and is much more than just another pretty face. And, too old?!?!? Good lord! He’s barely in his 30’s and maybe he’s not as “pretty” as he used to be, but that’s because he’s making that shift from “Pretty Boy” to a very handsome man. IMHO, he only gets better looking as he matures!
[quote]Jensen ackles is a good actor but definitely not the best one out there. You do realize that, right? ….
But I do agree that he is the heart and soul of Supernatural, and the only reason is He is Super pretty. Even that is gone now because he became old.[/quote]
Of course he’s not the best actor out there, but he’s shown he has talent and is much more than just another pretty face. And, too old?!?!? Good lord! He’s barely in his 30’s and maybe he’s not as “pretty” as he used to be, but that’s because he’s making that shift from “Pretty Boy” to a very handsome man. IMHO, he only gets better looking as he matures!
Thank you. As a Dean fan I very rarely find reason to visit this site but this was a good reason so thank you.
Thank you. As a Dean fan I very rarely find reason to visit this site but this was a good reason so thank you.
[quote name=”reedmac”]If Jensen is the ‘Heart and Soul’ of the show then what is Jared exactly?
Its lovely that you prais Jensen’s work and while you dont bash Jared or Sam directly you basically imply that he means nothing to the show because Jensen is the ‘Heart and soul’ and Dean has often been described as the same by fans, reviewers and the creators/writers.
I’m just curious as to what people see Jared/Sam as to the show? And saying there would be no show without him is a cop out.[/quote]
Obviously, Jared/Sam is expendable to the writers (as evidenced by the severe lack of Sam of late). Jensen is the writers pet and they write scenes to showcase Dean/Jensen adn all his thoughts and emotions and his relationships often to the detriment of Jared/Sam.
I agree jensen is a really good actor but I wqonder just how good he would be if the writers gave the same love and effort to Sam/JAred. If they showed even gave a tenth of the effort in showing Sams thoughts/feelings/emotions/pov on a weekly basis like they do jensen/Dean would be be having this Dean is the heart and soul crap?
I think not
[quote]If Jensen is the ‘Heart and Soul’ of the show then what is Jared exactly?
Its lovely that you prais Jensen’s work and while you dont bash Jared or Sam directly you basically imply that he means nothing to the show because Jensen is the ‘Heart and soul’ and Dean has often been described as the same by fans, reviewers and the creators/writers.
I’m just curious as to what people see Jared/Sam as to the show? And saying there would be no show without him is a cop out.[/quote]
Obviously, Jared/Sam is expendable to the writers (as evidenced by the severe lack of Sam of late). Jensen is the writers pet and they write scenes to showcase Dean/Jensen adn all his thoughts and emotions and his relationships often to the detriment of Jared/Sam.
I agree jensen is a really good actor but I wqonder just how good he would be if the writers gave the same love and effort to Sam/JAred. If they showed even gave a tenth of the effort in showing Sams thoughts/feelings/emotions/pov on a weekly basis like they do jensen/Dean would be be having this Dean is the heart and soul crap?
I think not
I can’t thank you all enough for the positive comments and feedback. This article was meant to be an outpouring of love, something to positively lift the often sour mood of the fandom these days. I wrote this for various reasons, but I started toying with the idea after the PCA vote. Considering we had recently a high profile article for Jared and his amazing work (Nightsky’s “Dear Jared”) I figured something showing Jensen’s talents was due as well.
I just love how some though have translated Jensen being the “heart and soul” to be that Jared means nothing. Of course he means everything! He is the spirit and without him there is no show. I do believe this article does focus a bit on what Jared and Jensen do for each other. I was hoping that would inspire. It’s certainly not knocking Jared down at all! I think if he read this, he would definitely agree with everything said.
I especially chuckled at the comment that this was from a Dean/Jensen fan. I’m an equal fan of all three guys, but I found that funny given the years of criticism I’ve endured as being the most unapologetic, blatant Sam fan there is.
I was hoping not to pull out the rules, citing specifically our cherished rule of no Sam vs. Dean, No Jared vs. Jensen, but I guess I’ve got to. This isn’t a contest people. It never has been.
Now, back to the gushing about our boy!
I can’t thank you all enough for the positive comments and feedback. This article was meant to be an outpouring of love, something to positively lift the often sour mood of the fandom these days. I wrote this for various reasons, but I started toying with the idea after the PCA vote. Considering we had recently a high profile article for Jared and his amazing work (Nightsky’s “Dear Jared”) I figured something showing Jensen’s talents was due as well.
I just love how some though have translated Jensen being the “heart and soul” to be that Jared means nothing. Of course he means everything! He is the spirit and without him there is no show. I do believe this article does focus a bit on what Jared and Jensen do for each other. I was hoping that would inspire. It’s certainly not knocking Jared down at all! I think if he read this, he would definitely agree with everything said.
I especially chuckled at the comment that this was from a Dean/Jensen fan. I’m an equal fan of all three guys, but I found that funny given the years of criticism I’ve endured as being the most unapologetic, blatant Sam fan there is.
I was hoping not to pull out the rules, citing specifically our cherished rule of no Sam vs. Dean, No Jared vs. Jensen, but I guess I’ve got to. This isn’t a contest people. It never has been.
Now, back to the gushing about our boy!
Sorry….the brothers are the heart and the soul of the show and it is this type of blatant favouritism that causes huge uproar and divides this fractured fandom. Hope it’s worth it to you.
Sorry….the brothers are the heart and the soul of the show and it is this type of blatant favouritism that causes huge uproar and divides this fractured fandom. Hope it’s worth it to you.
Alice: “He’s (Jared) the spirit” LOL.. how considerate of you..
I understand…you need to praise Jensen (he deserves it, too ) but call him “the heart and soul of supernatural”, is an unfair exaggeration.
“Spirit” lololol
Alice: “He’s (Jared) the spirit” LOL.. how considerate of you..
I understand…you need to praise Jensen (he deserves it, too ) but call him “the heart and soul of supernatural”, is an unfair exaggeration.
“Spirit” lololol
Thanks again, Alice! I wish we could all put aside our personal preferences, minor gripes about what character got slighted this week, and simply focus on the glory of Supernatural, on becoming the awesome force of SPNFamily that we all were in the very beginning when it truly was us against the whole wide world that had no clue about our amazing Winchesters! Our biggest fear and concern back then was cancellation. It was the glory days of praise for all and boundless glee that we were blessed with Jensen and Jared and writers who knew how to draw us in and make us care so deeply for fictional characters.
It was a time of discovery, for Jensen fans to get to know Jared, and for Jared fans to be introduced to Jensen. It was two actors who had never met bonding and becoming lifelong friends and supporters. It was family, a family that should be loved by all because isn’t it like true family that none are replaceable?
Jared and Jensen are as close as brothers. They delight in praising each other, it would be super nice if their fans all felt the same way. This isn’t a competition and if other shows’ fans were sniping about one or the other, I guess I could see it more, they’re jealous because we have the Js and they don’t! Both are awesome, both are integral to the show, and both are brilliantly talented actors who elevate the other’s performance constantly. This is what a team is, this is what brothers are, this is Jensen and Jared!
Thanks again, Alice! I wish we could all put aside our personal preferences, minor gripes about what character got slighted this week, and simply focus on the glory of Supernatural, on becoming the awesome force of SPNFamily that we all were in the very beginning when it truly was us against the whole wide world that had no clue about our amazing Winchesters! Our biggest fear and concern back then was cancellation. It was the glory days of praise for all and boundless glee that we were blessed with Jensen and Jared and writers who knew how to draw us in and make us care so deeply for fictional characters.
It was a time of discovery, for Jensen fans to get to know Jared, and for Jared fans to be introduced to Jensen. It was two actors who had never met bonding and becoming lifelong friends and supporters. It was family, a family that should be loved by all because isn’t it like true family that none are replaceable?
Jared and Jensen are as close as brothers. They delight in praising each other, it would be super nice if their fans all felt the same way. This isn’t a competition and if other shows’ fans were sniping about one or the other, I guess I could see it more, they’re jealous because we have the Js and they don’t! Both are awesome, both are integral to the show, and both are brilliantly talented actors who elevate the other’s performance constantly. This is what a team is, this is what brothers are, this is Jensen and Jared!
I’m with you there, bjxmas. There are enough poll sites trying to pit SamVsDean or JaredVsJensen. It’s time we all say ‘enough’.
As a regular poster on this site, and a rather vocal (ahem) Sam!fan, I’m going to chime back in again and say there is no competition in my mind.
Praising one member of the team is not the same as disrespecting another. Jared’s had an article written to praise him on the site. It’s Jensen’s turn, and rightfully/deservedly so. And I think Alice has done a nice job of it.
I’m with you there, bjxmas. There are enough poll sites trying to pit SamVsDean or JaredVsJensen. It’s time we all say ‘enough’.
As a regular poster on this site, and a rather vocal (ahem) Sam!fan, I’m going to chime back in again and say there is no competition in my mind.
Praising one member of the team is not the same as disrespecting another. Jared’s had an article written to praise him on the site. It’s Jensen’s turn, and rightfully/deservedly so. And I think Alice has done a nice job of it.
Jared’s article nowhere said: Jared Padalecki is the heart AND soul of Supernatural.
Alice describes Jared and Jensen as an team, but at the same time, call Jensen “The heart and soul of Supernatural” spirit? really??
The article is A+ (Jensen is a terrific actor)..the title..SO WRONG.
Jared’s article nowhere said: Jared Padalecki is the heart AND soul of Supernatural.
Alice describes Jared and Jensen as an team, but at the same time, call Jensen “The heart and soul of Supernatural” spirit? really??
The article is A+ (Jensen is a terrific actor)..the title..SO WRONG.
*as a team … sorry
*as a team … sorry
This was a beautiful article written about a much beloved character on our favorite show. We are unbelievably lucky to have had actors of this quality to enjoy for almost 9 years. Jared and Jensen are each others greatest fans. I am sure that Jensen did not begrudge Jared for having an article written about him and I am pretty Jared feels the same way. Please know Alice that the vast majority of true fans of the show understand and appreciate this lovely tribute to a wonderful actor.
This was a beautiful article written about a much beloved character on our favorite show. We are unbelievably lucky to have had actors of this quality to enjoy for almost 9 years. Jared and Jensen are each others greatest fans. I am sure that Jensen did not begrudge Jared for having an article written about him and I am pretty Jared feels the same way. Please know Alice that the vast majority of true fans of the show understand and appreciate this lovely tribute to a wonderful actor.
[quote name=”st50″]
There are enough poll sites trying to pit SamVsDean or JaredVsJensen. It’s time we all say ‘enough’.
There’s not much more to be said. I’m sorry you took offense at the title. The article body is so much more than that.
There are enough poll sites trying to pit SamVsDean or JaredVsJensen. It’s time we all say ‘enough’.
There’s not much more to be said. I’m sorry you took offense at the title. The article body is so much more than that.
*as a team…. sorry
Wow! Alice. You, who have been accused so many times of being a Sam girl, got some really nasty replies. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I am going to be in trouble now by calling some of those mean spirited posts nasty? So be it!
Your beautiful article praising Jensen, a wonderful actor and an awesome human being, was perceived as a biased article. I hope you can ignore them as I can’t seem to. I guess they’ve never read the many articles praising Jared/Sam on this site, by you and by others.
You had me tearing up again at the mention of the numerous amazing scenes showing Dean’s character growth. There are so many that when re-watched I still can’t help but cry over them again and again. My mind was blown, for instance for his performances in “Faith” , “Head of s Pin”.”Devil’s Trap”, “The End” and so on and so on.
Thank you thank you thank you, for this wonderful article that I will cherish forever. I love the love between the Winchesters and I love the love between Jensen and Jared. They have made this show head and shoulders above any other dramatic series ever aired! May it continue forever!
Wow! Alice. You, who have been accused so many times of being a Sam girl, got some really nasty replies. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I am going to be in trouble now by calling some of those mean spirited posts nasty? So be it!
Your beautiful article praising Jensen, a wonderful actor and an awesome human being, was perceived as a biased article. I hope you can ignore them as I can’t seem to. I guess they’ve never read the many articles praising Jared/Sam on this site, by you and by others.
You had me tearing up again at the mention of the numerous amazing scenes showing Dean’s character growth. There are so many that when re-watched I still can’t help but cry over them again and again. My mind was blown, for instance for his performances in “Faith” , “Head of s Pin”.”Devil’s Trap”, “The End” and so on and so on.
Thank you thank you thank you, for this wonderful article that I will cherish forever. I love the love between the Winchesters and I love the love between Jensen and Jared. They have made this show head and shoulders above any other dramatic series ever aired! May it continue forever!
Thanks for such a warm tribute to such a great actor! I stuck with this show for Jensen through rocky times: he has always been the heart, soul and backbone of the show for me. And I thank you too for your kind words in regard to his scorching chemistry with Misha as well as his lovely, easy vibe when playing opposite Jared.
Thanks for such a warm tribute to such a great actor! I stuck with this show for Jensen through rocky times: he has always been the heart, soul and backbone of the show for me. And I thank you too for your kind words in regard to his scorching chemistry with Misha as well as his lovely, easy vibe when playing opposite Jared.
Edited by Alice – Gee Mindy25, you really only have to give your opinion once. Repeating yourself over and over again is annoying, not to mention a violation of our rules.
If you have outrage, send me a personal message. Otherwise, you’ll have to accept that the title was intended to be nothing more than some clever search words for SEO. You are reading way too much into it.
Edited by Alice – Gee Mindy25, you really only have to give your opinion once. Repeating yourself over and over again is annoying, not to mention a violation of our rules.
If you have outrage, send me a personal message. Otherwise, you’ll have to accept that the title was intended to be nothing more than some clever search words for SEO. You are reading way too much into it.
Alice – thank you for a wonderful article about an amazing actor and a wonderful, sweet and humble man.
Jensen puts his heart and soul into the show, he loves his character, the show, the cast and crew and the fans. He’s a generous actor and he is always complimenting his fellow actors.
Thank you for putting into words how I feel about this amazinging talented man.
Alice – thank you for a wonderful article about an amazing actor and a wonderful, sweet and humble man.
Jensen puts his heart and soul into the show, he loves his character, the show, the cast and crew and the fans. He’s a generous actor and he is always complimenting his fellow actors.
Thank you for putting into words how I feel about this amazinging talented man.
This. article was supposed to be a tribute to Jensen. It is starting to be a battleground. Jared had an article in the recent past praise him and the majority of the comments were loving and respectful of Jared. I do not for a moment think that Alice meant to slight Jared or imply that he wasn’t equally important to the show. I know how she feels about Jared/Sam. I have been visiting this site for many year and have read every article she has written. She would not do that. People are getting very upset over the title. This is a wonderful article that is trying to honor Jensen, not belittle Jared. It would be nice to have Jensen be able to read the article as Jared did his, but some of the comments are so unpleasant I would hope he never sees them. Please consider the article as it was intended.
This. article was supposed to be a tribute to Jensen. It is starting to be a battleground. Jared had an article in the recent past praise him and the majority of the comments were loving and respectful of Jared. I do not for a moment think that Alice meant to slight Jared or imply that he wasn’t equally important to the show. I know how she feels about Jared/Sam. I have been visiting this site for many year and have read every article she has written. She would not do that. People are getting very upset over the title. This is a wonderful article that is trying to honor Jensen, not belittle Jared. It would be nice to have Jensen be able to read the article as Jared did his, but some of the comments are so unpleasant I would hope he never sees them. Please consider the article as it was intended.
The title of this article is SO wrong… It is one thing to praise Jensen’s talent and another to say that Jensen is the heart and soul of the show. So, no matter how good the article is, the title alone destroys it.
The title of this article is SO wrong… It is one thing to praise Jensen’s talent and another to say that Jensen is the heart and soul of the show. So, no matter how good the article is, the title alone destroys it.
Lovely article.
We’re so lucky to have such quality actors on the show.
However, I understand some fans being upset about the title, probably because it’s so true these days. Dean IS the heart and soul of the show. He’s the only one who’s three-dimensional, he’s been given all the perspective, all the comedy, all the relationships and Sam is the object of his angst, and a pretty empty character is we’re being honest.
So, it’s a bit depressing to read all of that during the most Dean-centric stretch in a Dean-centric SPN when I’m missing Sam so much.
I may be struggling a lot with Dean’s actions this season, but I agree with everything you said.
Lovely article.
We’re so lucky to have such quality actors on the show.
However, I understand some fans being upset about the title, probably because it’s so true these days. Dean IS the heart and soul of the show. He’s the only one who’s three-dimensional, he’s been given all the perspective, all the comedy, all the relationships and Sam is the object of his angst, and a pretty empty character is we’re being honest.
So, it’s a bit depressing to read all of that during the most Dean-centric stretch in a Dean-centric SPN when I’m missing Sam so much.
I may be struggling a lot with Dean’s actions this season, but I agree with everything you said.
Jensens portrayal of Dean Winchester moves me in a way no other actor in tv or film ever has. I cry with Dean, laugh with him, feel his pain, his fear, his joy, his love for his brother, his humanity. My heart breaks for him regularly. I believe in him. Jensen brings Dean to life – be it in a subtle glance of his eyes or through the emotion that flickers across his face in an instant.
Every week I’m absorbed into the Supernatural world. There are many reasons for this (Jared, Misha, the writers, the crew) but Jensen, for me, is the heart and soul of Supernatural. An incredible actor and we are lucky to have him in our SPN family!
Thanks for the lovely tribute and for somewhere for us to put our appreciation for the wonderful and talented Mr. Ackles!
Now I’m off to re-watch some of those scenes you mentioned!
Their ain’t no Dean if their ain’t no Sam.
Goodness, I wish everyone understood how it is the synchronicity of these two and their personal commitment to this show that makes SPN fantastic. Both are fantastic alone but it is the brotherhood that is lightning in a bottle here. So, thank you for last year’s letter to Jared and thank you for your missive on Jensen. Both deserve this kind of praise.
Onto your comments:
– Reading this caused me to re-watch all the referenced scenes last night. Because apparently I needed to cry?? IDEK. All I can say is that it was a joyful re-watch.
– I was a Smallville fan and took no particular notice of Jensen except that he seemed like his character was a good guy who made the female lead much more enjoyable for me. And I thought his character got a bizarre exit. It wasn’t until Supernatural that I was blown away.
– I think you are right — the writers figured out what they had with Jensen and leveraged it to the hilt. Just like they did with Jared. And you know that while this is not uncommon, I gotta say this elevated the material. I don’t think Kripke, Gambel or Carver would have even THOUGHT of some of this stuff if they didn’t have the actors that could pull it off.
– As you mentioned, what Jensen really does so exquisitely is in the facial acting. Based on interviews, I think he’s found a way of letting himself experience the scene at a profound depth that then shows up for us all to see. If he didn’t interpret the material at this level of sophistication, we wouldn’t HAVE the show at this level of sophistication.
This year Jensen has talked about how difficult the emotional scenes have been. I think TV acting is particularly difficult because you don’t know “the end”. You don’t know how much to put on the screen and how much to hold in reserve. So rather than view it this way, it seems to me he just plays it “straight”. What would Dean be thinking at this moment? And like Dean’s character, it creates a CONSTANT level of uncomfortable uncertainty. Bless Jensen for living with that for so long. When I look at Dean in S9 I see a man who has attempted to inure himself to pain and yet can’t. After S4/S5, how do you convey even MORE pain? Because that is where Dean is at right now. So Jensen has almost gone “quieter” with the reactions. It’s kind of a gutsy call. The Emmy reels he will never get to submit would be full of scene chewing manpain for most shows. But that isn’t true to the character. He’s been there, done that. So Jensen portrays him as barely keeping it together but in a very subtle fashion. It’s down to facial ticks and small gulps. REALLY subtle but very effective. I feel like I’m watching a pot that’s about to boil over and it’s going to be a mess when it does.
– I also love how he’s made his character’s series-long relationship with God really complicated. It’s VERY SUBTLE but they keep bringing it back up. First God didn’t exist (S1-3), then he actually put some hope in God (S4-5), only to have God come across as a deadbeat dad (S5-8). Now… I don’t know where he is (God exists and he’s pissed at him…but it feels like there’s more there). Anyhow, my point is that I feel like Jensen knows this is a long term relationship issue and handles it very well (especially as it could get touchy).
Bottom line: I’m glad you gave this so much thought. I think you’ve hit upon so many of the reasons why he’s such a powerful force on this show. Thanks for putting this together.
Their ain’t no Dean if their ain’t no Sam.
Goodness, I wish everyone understood how it is the synchronicity of these two and their personal commitment to this show that makes SPN fantastic. Both are fantastic alone but it is the brotherhood that is lightning in a bottle here. So, thank you for last year’s letter to Jared and thank you for your missive on Jensen. Both deserve this kind of praise.
Onto your comments:
– Reading this caused me to re-watch all the referenced scenes last night. Because apparently I needed to cry?? IDEK. All I can say is that it was a joyful re-watch.
– I was a Smallville fan and took no particular notice of Jensen except that he seemed like his character was a good guy who made the female lead much more enjoyable for me. And I thought his character got a bizarre exit. It wasn’t until Supernatural that I was blown away.
– I think you are right — the writers figured out what they had with Jensen and leveraged it to the hilt. Just like they did with Jared. And you know that while this is not uncommon, I gotta say this elevated the material. I don’t think Kripke, Gambel or Carver would have even THOUGHT of some of this stuff if they didn’t have the actors that could pull it off.
– As you mentioned, what Jensen really does so exquisitely is in the facial acting. Based on interviews, I think he’s found a way of letting himself experience the scene at a profound depth that then shows up for us all to see. If he didn’t interpret the material at this level of sophistication, we wouldn’t HAVE the show at this level of sophistication.
This year Jensen has talked about how difficult the emotional scenes have been. I think TV acting is particularly difficult because you don’t know “the end”. You don’t know how much to put on the screen and how much to hold in reserve. So rather than view it this way, it seems to me he just plays it “straight”. What would Dean be thinking at this moment? And like Dean’s character, it creates a CONSTANT level of uncomfortable uncertainty. Bless Jensen for living with that for so long. When I look at Dean in S9 I see a man who has attempted to inure himself to pain and yet can’t. After S4/S5, how do you convey even MORE pain? Because that is where Dean is at right now. So Jensen has almost gone “quieter” with the reactions. It’s kind of a gutsy call. The Emmy reels he will never get to submit would be full of scene chewing manpain for most shows. But that isn’t true to the character. He’s been there, done that. So Jensen portrays him as barely keeping it together but in a very subtle fashion. It’s down to facial ticks and small gulps. REALLY subtle but very effective. I feel like I’m watching a pot that’s about to boil over and it’s going to be a mess when it does.
– I also love how he’s made his character’s series-long relationship with God really complicated. It’s VERY SUBTLE but they keep bringing it back up. First God didn’t exist (S1-3), then he actually put some hope in God (S4-5), only to have God come across as a deadbeat dad (S5-8). Now… I don’t know where he is (God exists and he’s pissed at him…but it feels like there’s more there). Anyhow, my point is that I feel like Jensen knows this is a long term relationship issue and handles it very well (especially as it could get touchy).
Bottom line: I’m glad you gave this so much thought. I think you’ve hit upon so many of the reasons why he’s such a powerful force on this show. Thanks for putting this together.
It still amazes me how much the anonymity of the internet lets people forget their manners. If you walk into someone’s home and they and others are sharing warm memories about a particular person and what they feel he has contributed to their lives, do you start picking fights with them? There is a place for debate and there is a place to share positive thoughts. This is one of the times when the old adage, “If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all” really fits. Alice, I am a SamGirl, and I love your article and I love that you have shared such wonderful warm DeanFuzzies. Thank you. #MannersCount
It still amazes me how much the anonymity of the internet lets people forget their manners. If you walk into someone’s home and they and others are sharing warm memories about a particular person and what they feel he has contributed to their lives, do you start picking fights with them? There is a place for debate and there is a place to share positive thoughts. This is one of the times when the old adage, “If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all” really fits. Alice, I am a SamGirl, and I love your article and I love that you have shared such wonderful warm DeanFuzzies. Thank you. #MannersCount
[quote name=”TeresaPezzino”]It still amazes me how much the anonymity of the internet lets people forget their manners. If you walk into someone’s home and they and others are sharing warm memories about a particular person and what they feel he has contributed to their lives, do you start picking fights with them? There is a place for debate and there is a place to share positive thoughts. This is one of the times when the old adage, “If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all” really fits. Alice, I am a SamGirl, and I love your article and I love that you have shared such wonderful warm DeanFuzzies. Thank you. #MannersCount[/quote]
Nicely put TeresaPezzino.
[quote]It still amazes me how much the anonymity of the internet lets people forget their manners. If you walk into someone’s home and they and others are sharing warm memories about a particular person and what they feel he has contributed to their lives, do you start picking fights with them? There is a place for debate and there is a place to share positive thoughts. This is one of the times when the old adage, “If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all” really fits. Alice, I am a SamGirl, and I love your article and I love that you have shared such wonderful warm DeanFuzzies. Thank you. #MannersCount[/quote]
Nicely put TeresaPezzino.
You all want to know why I used that title? It’s memorable. Jensen fans in years to come when they want to look for the title in Google Search just have to say “Jensen, heart, soul.” Yes, forgive me, I was thinking about SEO practices. Shame on me!
I can’t imagine people think that by me saying Jensen is the “heart and soul” that Jared isn’t or has none of that. It’s a title. It means nothing. The article body is what’s important so I must say again, get over it.
I’m not changing the title either. Because, it is great in search engines. That is all.
Edited – I want to thank all of you again who’ve been supportive and level headed about this. I know a majority see this as an outpouring of love and nothing more. Big hugs!
You all want to know why I used that title? It’s memorable. Jensen fans in years to come when they want to look for the title in Google Search just have to say “Jensen, heart, soul.” Yes, forgive me, I was thinking about SEO practices. Shame on me!
I can’t imagine people think that by me saying Jensen is the “heart and soul” that Jared isn’t or has none of that. It’s a title. It means nothing. The article body is what’s important so I must say again, get over it.
I’m not changing the title either. Because, it is great in search engines. That is all.
Edited – I want to thank all of you again who’ve been supportive and level headed about this. I know a majority see this as an outpouring of love and nothing more. Big hugs!
Alice, thank you for a beautifully written piece. If I would have to pick out some of my favorite scenes with Dean/Jensen it would be all of those that you touched on and then a few more but lets face it, he is an amazing actor and every scene is pretty dang special.
There was an article written for Jared a while back with equal kudos and this just happens to be Jensens moment. I bet you any money, if Jared would have an opportunity to read and respond to this article he would be in agreement and that is not to take anything away from Jared because he is pretty dang awesome too.
As for the negative commenters: GET OVER IT!!! 🙁 If they cannot even get past the title then they missed a really great read but IMO, they should have just moved on and left the hate comment go. Like TeresaPezzino stated #MannersCount.
I agree that Smallville did not give Jensen much meat to work with but his time on Dark Angel gave a glimpse of just what that young man was capable of way back then. Same goes for Gilmore Girls for Jared but those were their early career days and all actors have to start somewhere and build on it from there and these two have done that in such an enormous way. I feel they both bring out the best in each other and a lot of that has to do with the off-screen friendship that has developed between them.
I don’t feel that stating “Jensen Ackles is the heart and soul of supernatural” means to lessen Jared Padalecki’s place in this show in anyway. There is no SPN without Dean and Sam but each deserves their individual acknowledgements and I feel that is what this article is all about. Last year’s letter to Jared was equally moving and praising so I feel this is just another individual acknowledgement and appreciation article. Thank you again Alice for a wonderful article.
Alice, thank you for a beautifully written piece. If I would have to pick out some of my favorite scenes with Dean/Jensen it would be all of those that you touched on and then a few more but lets face it, he is an amazing actor and every scene is pretty dang special.
There was an article written for Jared a while back with equal kudos and this just happens to be Jensens moment. I bet you any money, if Jared would have an opportunity to read and respond to this article he would be in agreement and that is not to take anything away from Jared because he is pretty dang awesome too.
As for the negative commenters: GET OVER IT!!! 🙁 If they cannot even get past the title then they missed a really great read but IMO, they should have just moved on and left the hate comment go. Like TeresaPezzino stated #MannersCount.
I agree that Smallville did not give Jensen much meat to work with but his time on Dark Angel gave a glimpse of just what that young man was capable of way back then. Same goes for Gilmore Girls for Jared but those were their early career days and all actors have to start somewhere and build on it from there and these two have done that in such an enormous way. I feel they both bring out the best in each other and a lot of that has to do with the off-screen friendship that has developed between them.
I don’t feel that stating “Jensen Ackles is the heart and soul of supernatural” means to lessen Jared Padalecki’s place in this show in anyway. There is no SPN without Dean and Sam but each deserves their individual acknowledgements and I feel that is what this article is all about. Last year’s letter to Jared was equally moving and praising so I feel this is just another individual acknowledgement and appreciation article. Thank you again Alice for a wonderful article.
Thank you for writing this article! I’m sure it took a lot of time and thought on your part. You did a fantastic job!
I don’t know that we fans can ever express enough to the cast and crew of Supernatural how much we love them for all the hard work and long hours and just pure dedication they put into the show. It shows in every frame.
Thanks for sharing that love once again on behalf of all of us who can’t say it as well as you did.
I hope Danneel shares this article with Jensen even if he blushes all kinds of red. He deserves to hear it! Maybe it’ll help him through some challenging days of shooting as the Dear Jared article helped Jared.
Thanks again! And, hang in there, Alice, and keep your chin up. You knew your intentions in writing this article and that is the most important thing. 🙂
Thank you for writing this article! I’m sure it took a lot of time and thought on your part. You did a fantastic job!
I don’t know that we fans can ever express enough to the cast and crew of Supernatural how much we love them for all the hard work and long hours and just pure dedication they put into the show. It shows in every frame.
Thanks for sharing that love once again on behalf of all of us who can’t say it as well as you did.
I hope Danneel shares this article with Jensen even if he blushes all kinds of red. He deserves to hear it! Maybe it’ll help him through some challenging days of shooting as the Dear Jared article helped Jared.
Thanks again! And, hang in there, Alice, and keep your chin up. You knew your intentions in writing this article and that is the most important thing. 🙂
I’ve been supportive here, and I still think it’s a great article for a worthy reason….but to cling to an inflammatory title because “it’s great in search engines”?
Damn. It’s my birthday, and I’ve had too much wine tonight, but I am literally in tears. I may regret saying this tomorrow, but I think that is just a horrible reason to put the fandom through this shit.
Apologies, but I can’t support that.
If that is what we’ve come to, I am done.
I’ve been supportive here, and I still think it’s a great article for a worthy reason….but to cling to an inflammatory title because “it’s great in search engines”?
Damn. It’s my birthday, and I’ve had too much wine tonight, but I am literally in tears. I may regret saying this tomorrow, but I think that is just a horrible reason to put the fandom through this shit.
Apologies, but I can’t support that.
If that is what we’ve come to, I am done.
What a wonderful article for a very deserving and brilliant actor and man.
I agree with so many of the compliments you give Jensen, so well deserved. I love how Jensen becomes Dean, he isn’t acting as Dean, he is Dean.
What a wonderful article for a very deserving and brilliant actor and man.
I agree with so many of the compliments you give Jensen, so well deserved. I love how Jensen becomes Dean, he isn’t acting as Dean, he is Dean.
Great article! Don’t change the title either, Alice! Anyone that thinks that this article means that you think Sam and, to a slightly lesser degree, Cas aren’t equally as important are reading too far into it. There’s nothing wrong with doing an article focusing on one character and there have been other articles on both Sam and Cas so there’s nothing wrong with it! Yeah, I have my favorite but doesn’t mean I only care about the one character, I care about them all!
Great article! Don’t change the title either, Alice! Anyone that thinks that this article means that you think Sam and, to a slightly lesser degree, Cas aren’t equally as important are reading too far into it. There’s nothing wrong with doing an article focusing on one character and there have been other articles on both Sam and Cas so there’s nothing wrong with it! Yeah, I have my favorite but doesn’t mean I only care about the one character, I care about them all!
This is amazing. Thank you so for much for writing this, I honestly hope Jensen gets a copy of this, because you just said what we’re all thinking and why we’re all so invested in Supernatural. I’ve been watching Jensen since 2002, and you’re right, THIS is his perfect role. He’s nailed every other role he’s been in, but Dean Winchester was made for him.
Thank you again for this, it’s just amazing. Simply amazing.
This is amazing. Thank you so for much for writing this, I honestly hope Jensen gets a copy of this, because you just said what we’re all thinking and why we’re all so invested in Supernatural. I’ve been watching Jensen since 2002, and you’re right, THIS is his perfect role. He’s nailed every other role he’s been in, but Dean Winchester was made for him.
Thank you again for this, it’s just amazing. Simply amazing.
I just wanted to say that you are brilliant. You expressed everything we think and feel on not only Jensen, but the other cast and writers. I have friends who don’t understand my dedication to Supernatural and the SPN family, if only the watched, they would see it.
I just wanted to say that you are brilliant. You expressed everything we think and feel on not only Jensen, but the other cast and writers. I have friends who don’t understand my dedication to Supernatural and the SPN family, if only the watched, they would see it.
I love this article (and the title!) Thank you for saying so elequantly what so many of us know and feel!
I love this article (and the title!) Thank you for saying so elequantly what so many of us know and feel!
[quote name=”st50″]Alice,
I’ve been supportive here, and I still think it’s a great article for a worthy reason….but to cling to an inflammatory title because “it’s great in search engines”?
Damn. It’s my birthday, and I’ve had too much wine tonight, but I am literally in tears. I may regret saying this tomorrow, but I think that is just a horrible reason to put the fandom through this shit.
Apologies, but I can’t support that.
If that is what we’ve come to, I am done.[/quote]
First of all, Happy Birthday.
Secondly, I did not like the title.But It (the title) is an opinion, an opinion which I do not share.Please do not regret what you have said.It is your opinion and some will not agree with your opinion.
Jensen is a superb actor and is one half of the magic on screen that is supernatural.
Maybe it will not matter after a good night sleep.Many time sleeping has helped me.
But at this moment just enjoy your birthday.
I’ve been supportive here, and I still think it’s a great article for a worthy reason….but to cling to an inflammatory title because “it’s great in search engines”?
Damn. It’s my birthday, and I’ve had too much wine tonight, but I am literally in tears. I may regret saying this tomorrow, but I think that is just a horrible reason to put the fandom through this shit.
Apologies, but I can’t support that.
If that is what we’ve come to, I am done.[/quote]
First of all, Happy Birthday.
Secondly, I did not like the title.But It (the title) is an opinion, an opinion which I do not share.Please do not regret what you have said.It is your opinion and some will not agree with your opinion.
Jensen is a superb actor and is one half of the magic on screen that is supernatural.
Maybe it will not matter after a good night sleep.Many time sleeping has helped me.
But at this moment just enjoy your birthday.
A poster on another board mentioned this article with a link, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for acknowledging Jensen’s work in this wonderfully honest tribute to a great yet under the radar talent. I enjoyed Jared’s article a few months back enormously too. These articles remind us fans how fortunate we are to have this little show in our lives at all.
I find your title to be very accurate in that it is in keeping with the show IMO. Dean is meant to be the human story to Sam’s hero role, he [i]is[/i] the heart and soul of the show. To me this weird brother bond works because we see it through Dean’s eyes and we experience his emotions and Jensen keeps this heartbreakingly real. This is how I interpret your heart and soul. (I love Sam just a tad more than Dean because he reminds me that failing doesn’t equate to being unworthy of love although he tries and tries, my heart aches for the character) but I can appreciate what Dean does because of his love for his brother, and I appreciate the exquisite subtlety that Jensen uses to make Dean’s character sparkle and fizz.
The article above was about Dean, and this is where the discussion should have stayed focussed. I cannot understand how anyone can see it as a jab at Sam/Jared as it was a tribute to Jensen the actor.
Now that this tribute has veered off course, I will contribute in the same vein. You can argue all you like but the evidence is there that Jensen is the better actor, that is the simple truth IMO. I haven’t yet found anyone stating that Jared get an emmy, he just simply isn’t that good IMO. He has got better and he has some great performances (oh my word sacrifice (and some others) is right up there with the best of Jensen’s), but he has no consistency and finds it difficult to interpret the essence of Sam when the writers write Sam slightly off. Jensen doesn’t have this problem. He has kept Dean believable and honest and vulnerable. Even when we shouldn’t, we (most fans) find ourselves routing for him purely because Jensen has imbued the character with subtle emotion and nuance, that hasn’t necessarily even been written into the script, because Jensen has made Dean utterly believable…now THIS is what Alice is alluding to. This is the hallmark of a great actor. Now Sam fans can argue that he hasn’t been Sam in years, so it’s not Jared’s fault. But there you fall foul of your own argument because it was Jared’s acting chops that should have kept him real and believable, this is where Jared has fallen short IMO. I am so sorry that some of you find this offensive, but this is [i]critique[/i], and this is how it works, it discusses all things from many perspectives even if it goes against your own. It drives me completely crazy that Sam/Jared fans don’t critique the actor or the character on this site. No offence and peace to Sam/Jared fans who do.
To those fans who feel this article doesn’t reflect the true nature of the show in that it sidelines Sam’s role, this is precisely the reason why I don’t chat here anymore as there is just no space for real discussions outside of Sam … or variety for that matter, it is all so one-sided as to become obsequious. I would so love to come on and chat about Bobby ‘the dick’ and John Winchester ‘the dick’ and Sam ‘the dick’ like other sites do, but it just doesn’t happen here.
What has happened to Sweetondean?
I would love to see more articles like the one that Alice has written above. It sparks lively debate and you will attract far more posters with pert opinions, it is so much fun believe me.
Sorry but I just find the above deterioration from good discussion to this boring Sam/Dean war typical of this site. I haven’t posted here in a long while and I come on responding to a posters recommendation and it is still the same old same old.
I don’t mean to sound preachy or condescending and peace to all my old friends on this site.
A poster on another board mentioned this article with a link, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for acknowledging Jensen’s work in this wonderfully honest tribute to a great yet under the radar talent. I enjoyed Jared’s article a few months back enormously too. These articles remind us fans how fortunate we are to have this little show in our lives at all.
I find your title to be very accurate in that it is in keeping with the show IMO. Dean is meant to be the human story to Sam’s hero role, he [i]is[/i] the heart and soul of the show. To me this weird brother bond works because we see it through Dean’s eyes and we experience his emotions and Jensen keeps this heartbreakingly real. This is how I interpret your heart and soul. (I love Sam just a tad more than Dean because he reminds me that failing doesn’t equate to being unworthy of love although he tries and tries, my heart aches for the character) but I can appreciate what Dean does because of his love for his brother, and I appreciate the exquisite subtlety that Jensen uses to make Dean’s character sparkle and fizz.
The article above was about Dean, and this is where the discussion should have stayed focussed. I cannot understand how anyone can see it as a jab at Sam/Jared as it was a tribute to Jensen the actor.
Now that this tribute has veered off course, I will contribute in the same vein. You can argue all you like but the evidence is there that Jensen is the better actor, that is the simple truth IMO. I haven’t yet found anyone stating that Jared get an emmy, he just simply isn’t that good IMO. He has got better and he has some great performances (oh my word sacrifice (and some others) is right up there with the best of Jensen’s), but he has no consistency and finds it difficult to interpret the essence of Sam when the writers write Sam slightly off. Jensen doesn’t have this problem. He has kept Dean believable and honest and vulnerable. Even when we shouldn’t, we (most fans) find ourselves routing for him purely because Jensen has imbued the character with subtle emotion and nuance, that hasn’t necessarily even been written into the script, because Jensen has made Dean utterly believable…now THIS is what Alice is alluding to. This is the hallmark of a great actor. Now Sam fans can argue that he hasn’t been Sam in years, so it’s not Jared’s fault. But there you fall foul of your own argument because it was Jared’s acting chops that should have kept him real and believable, this is where Jared has fallen short IMO. I am so sorry that some of you find this offensive, but this is [i]critique[/i], and this is how it works, it discusses all things from many perspectives even if it goes against your own. It drives me completely crazy that Sam/Jared fans don’t critique the actor or the character on this site. No offence and peace to Sam/Jared fans who do.
To those fans who feel this article doesn’t reflect the true nature of the show in that it sidelines Sam’s role, this is precisely the reason why I don’t chat here anymore as there is just no space for real discussions outside of Sam … or variety for that matter, it is all so one-sided as to become obsequious. I would so love to come on and chat about Bobby ‘the dick’ and John Winchester ‘the dick’ and Sam ‘the dick’ like other sites do, but it just doesn’t happen here.
What has happened to Sweetondean?
I would love to see more articles like the one that Alice has written above. It sparks lively debate and you will attract far more posters with pert opinions, it is so much fun believe me.
Sorry but I just find the above deterioration from good discussion to this boring Sam/Dean war typical of this site. I haven’t posted here in a long while and I come on responding to a posters recommendation and it is still the same old same old.
I don’t mean to sound preachy or condescending and peace to all my old friends on this site.
Quote:[b][The writing wasn’t always the strongest in season one but that wasn’t a limitation for Jensen. ] [/b]
Actually S1 I found Jared to be the more anchored actor, I think that Jess and Sam’s ‘normal’ life helped Jared find Sam and he portrayed him well as the quiet genius trying to escape his father. I think it was only in S2 that we began seeing some maturity in Dean and less of the snarky bravado from Jensen. IMO I think Jensen only ‘found’ Dean in S2 (even though it wasn’t my favourite season, too many fails). Interestingly though the episodes S1 where Kim Manners directed I found Jensen played Dean with more depth and subtlety.
Quote:[b][Jensen’s versatility is a writer’s dream!] [/b]
Not the racist truck people, I hate the way they write Dean, especially in Route 666 aargh even worse than FWB S8 and that is saying something, but they redeemed themselves with Dean in Holy Terror
Quote:[b][To this day I’m haunted by the scene in the motel in “Point of No Return.”][/b]
Arrgh my aching heart. Funny JC wrote that episode, so he does kind of get Dean, even though his interviews say otherwise, Phil Sgriccia directed and I love his directing in this scene. It is so simple and unfussy, which allowed you to really focus on Dean and Jensen delivers an amazing performance.
Quote:[b][I’d be completely remiss though if we didn’t talk about Jensen and his scenes with Misha Collins] [/b]
mmm. I read somewhere the other day that states fans are starting to get antsy about this relationship in light of the fact that Sam is so far out of the brother relationship already. The fear is that Sam could now safely be out of the picture permanently and be replaced by Cas. This just irks me because Misha has such a following outside of the character Cas, that I can’t see Cas anymore, I see Misha the actor (same with Tom Cruise… I only see TC acting as so and so and that is a deathknell for an actor IMO). It just seems that Twitter/and Cas stans have made Misha a permanent fixture, which is starting to affect how they write him on the show (hazards of lurking around internet chat rooms I guess) but I am starting to get a little nervous of Dean and Sam getting separated and Cas filling in the gap. I love Cas, but not with a story of his own, I was not remotely interested in his human journey.
Quote:[b][The writing wasn’t always the strongest in season one but that wasn’t a limitation for Jensen. ] [/b]
Actually S1 I found Jared to be the more anchored actor, I think that Jess and Sam’s ‘normal’ life helped Jared find Sam and he portrayed him well as the quiet genius trying to escape his father. I think it was only in S2 that we began seeing some maturity in Dean and less of the snarky bravado from Jensen. IMO I think Jensen only ‘found’ Dean in S2 (even though it wasn’t my favourite season, too many fails). Interestingly though the episodes S1 where Kim Manners directed I found Jensen played Dean with more depth and subtlety.
Quote:[b][Jensen’s versatility is a writer’s dream!] [/b]
Not the racist truck people, I hate the way they write Dean, especially in Route 666 aargh even worse than FWB S8 and that is saying something, but they redeemed themselves with Dean in Holy Terror
Quote:[b][To this day I’m haunted by the scene in the motel in “Point of No Return.”][/b]
Arrgh my aching heart. Funny JC wrote that episode, so he does kind of get Dean, even though his interviews say otherwise, Phil Sgriccia directed and I love his directing in this scene. It is so simple and unfussy, which allowed you to really focus on Dean and Jensen delivers an amazing performance.
Quote:[b][I’d be completely remiss though if we didn’t talk about Jensen and his scenes with Misha Collins] [/b]
mmm. I read somewhere the other day that states fans are starting to get antsy about this relationship in light of the fact that Sam is so far out of the brother relationship already. The fear is that Sam could now safely be out of the picture permanently and be replaced by Cas. This just irks me because Misha has such a following outside of the character Cas, that I can’t see Cas anymore, I see Misha the actor (same with Tom Cruise… I only see TC acting as so and so and that is a deathknell for an actor IMO). It just seems that Twitter/and Cas stans have made Misha a permanent fixture, which is starting to affect how they write him on the show (hazards of lurking around internet chat rooms I guess) but I am starting to get a little nervous of Dean and Sam getting separated and Cas filling in the gap. I love Cas, but not with a story of his own, I was not remotely interested in his human journey.
[quote]You can argue all you like but the evidence is there that Jensen is the better actor, that is the simple truth IMO.[/quote]Yeah no.[quote]but he has no consistency and finds it difficult to interpret the essence of Sam when the writers write Sam slightly off.[/quote]Sam also has evolved as a character unlike Dean who has recently been evolved.[quote] Even when we shouldn’t, we (most fans) find ourselves routing for him purely because Jensen has imbued the character with subtle emotion and nuance[/quote]Because Dean has been given POV’s and friends not otherwise.[quote]Now Sam fans can argue that he hasn’t been Sam in years, so it’s not Jared’s fault. But there you fall foul of your own argument because it was Jared’s acting chops that should have kept him real and believable, this is where Jared has fallen short IMO.[/quote]You are confusing yourself .It is YOU who find these faults in Jared’s acting not us.For me Sam is a believable character but without a constant voice.He has sporadic bursts of vocalization but otherwise we only here Dean’s grief,angst etc.Jared has shown us brilliantly how when he is not Sam how different he is from Sam.We are complaining about not getting Sam on the screen i.e screen time not Jared’s portrayal.You have got it thoroughly mixed up.
[quote]It drives me completely crazy that Sam/Jared fans don’t critique the actor or the character on this site.[/quote]You mean that we don’t agree with you.yeah ok.
Jared was perfect as the geeky college going guy and then his reintroduction into hunting life evolved him…which a character normally does and jared portrayed it brilliantly.If you find fault in that don’t expect me/us to agree with that because it is [b]your [/b][i]critique[/i] of Sam/Jared.[quote]it is all so one-sided as to become obsequious. I would so love to come on and chat about Bobby ‘the dick’ and John Winchester ‘the dick’ and Sam ‘the dick’ like other sites do, but it just doesn’t happen here.[/quote]Because in other sites there is no dean the dick?Dean is THE dick of the show.There is this urge in those sites to brand others as dicks too as dean was called one in the show which is kind of a turn off for me.[quote]Sorry but I just find the above deterioration from good discussion to this boring Sam/Dean war typical of this site. I haven’t posted here in a long while and I come on responding to a posters recommendation and it is still the same old same old.[/quote]You are always welcome .
Oh and I have not seen jensen get an emmy (which is only thing that matters right?)
[quote]You can argue all you like but the evidence is there that Jensen is the better actor, that is the simple truth IMO.[/quote]Yeah no.[quote]but he has no consistency and finds it difficult to interpret the essence of Sam when the writers write Sam slightly off.[/quote]Sam also has evolved as a character unlike Dean who has recently been evolved.[quote] Even when we shouldn’t, we (most fans) find ourselves routing for him purely because Jensen has imbued the character with subtle emotion and nuance[/quote]Because Dean has been given POV’s and friends not otherwise.[quote]Now Sam fans can argue that he hasn’t been Sam in years, so it’s not Jared’s fault. But there you fall foul of your own argument because it was Jared’s acting chops that should have kept him real and believable, this is where Jared has fallen short IMO.[/quote]You are confusing yourself .It is YOU who find these faults in Jared’s acting not us.For me Sam is a believable character but without a constant voice.He has sporadic bursts of vocalization but otherwise we only here Dean’s grief,angst etc.Jared has shown us brilliantly how when he is not Sam how different he is from Sam.We are complaining about not getting Sam on the screen i.e screen time not Jared’s portrayal.You have got it thoroughly mixed up.
[quote]It drives me completely crazy that Sam/Jared fans don’t critique the actor or the character on this site.[/quote]You mean that we don’t agree with you.yeah ok.
Jared was perfect as the geeky college going guy and then his reintroduction into hunting life evolved him…which a character normally does and jared portrayed it brilliantly.If you find fault in that don’t expect me/us to agree with that because it is [b]your [/b][i]critique[/i] of Sam/Jared.[quote]it is all so one-sided as to become obsequious. I would so love to come on and chat about Bobby ‘the dick’ and John Winchester ‘the dick’ and Sam ‘the dick’ like other sites do, but it just doesn’t happen here.[/quote]Because in other sites there is no dean the dick?Dean is THE dick of the show.There is this urge in those sites to brand others as dicks too as dean was called one in the show which is kind of a turn off for me.[quote]Sorry but I just find the above deterioration from good discussion to this boring Sam/Dean war typical of this site. I haven’t posted here in a long while and I come on responding to a posters recommendation and it is still the same old same old.[/quote]You are always welcome .
Oh and I have not seen jensen get an emmy (which is only thing that matters right?)
Thanks, AnonymousN! I completely agree w/you.
Sam is quite real, relatable, and believeable to me. I find nothing bad about Jared’s performance of him. What Sam needs – and has always needed – was a POV.
And I find it strange that Kaz1 doesn’t like Sam v. Dean wars, but then just contributed – at least in my opinion – to the very thing she says she doesn’t like.
Thanks, AnonymousN! I completely agree w/you.
Sam is quite real, relatable, and believeable to me. I find nothing bad about Jared’s performance of him. What Sam needs – and has always needed – was a POV.
And I find it strange that Kaz1 doesn’t like Sam v. Dean wars, but then just contributed – at least in my opinion – to the very thing she says she doesn’t like.
Thanks, AnonymousN! I completely agree w/you.
Sam is quite real, relatable, and believeable to me. I find nothing bad about Jared’s performance of him. What Sam needs – and has always needed – was a POV.
And I find it strange that Kaz1 doesn’t like Sam v. Dean wars, but then just contributed – at least in my opinion – to the very thing she says she doesn’t like.
Thanks, AnonymousN! I completely agree w/you.
Sam is quite real, relatable, and believeable to me. I find nothing bad about Jared’s performance of him. What Sam needs – and has always needed – was a POV.
And I find it strange that Kaz1 doesn’t like Sam v. Dean wars, but then just contributed – at least in my opinion – to the very thing she says she doesn’t like.
You can argue all you like but the evidence is there that Jensen is the better actor, that is the simple truth IMO.
[b]Yeah no.[/b]
Hence IMO
[b]Sam also has evolved as a character unlike Dean who has recently been evolved[/b]
As an example SS, different writers versions created different SS versions, the effect is you get no emotion in one episode and then too much in the next episode. For eg Jared shouldn’t have imbued Sam with so much emotion at the end of YCHTT S6. Way too much emotion for SS, IMO Jared should have toned that down. I just find a lack of consistency when Jared plays different roles. I acknowledge it must be difficult to interpret different versions of a character, but this is what an actor does for a living and I am entitled to critique his portrayal, please understand this is not a personal attack on Jared, he is an actor and like all individuals in the workplace, effort and contribution to the job description is assessed, why should it be any different with actors.
[b]Because Dean has been given POV’s and friends not otherwise.[/b]
This is precisely my argument in this article. That is why Dean is central (or hear and soul) this is the way the story has been told from the get go. I don’t have a problem with it even though I scream for Sam’s POV, that doesn’t mean the story should cowtail to my demands. I find the character infinitely more sympathetic simply [i]because[/i] he has not agency or pov. This IMO is what SPN has always been about.
[b]For me Sam is a believable character but without a constant voice.He has sporadic bursts of vocalization but otherwise we only here Dean’s grief,angst etc.[/b]
There are times with Sam, where there is absolutely no POV (drinking the nurse LR?) and I sympathise with him more than I should because he demonstrates believable angst and fear which Jared has portrayed through doubt and confusion, physically portrayed through facial expression. That scene where he tries to convince Dean to get behind him to destroy Lilith is SO convincing the acting is sublime, but it isn’t consistent with Jared, so yes he can do it without a POV, I just wish I could see a thread of the original Sam that stays constant. Perhaps I don’t explain myself very well, but with Dean you can see growth (I disagree that it is only recent), but he still remains quintessentially the same. Jensen has made Dean iconic, and it goes beyond good writing or directing, and Jared has had the same advantages. It cannot be possible that lack of POV is the sole reason for Sam’s devolution.
sorry AnnonymousN I have to go, but promise to come back and finish discussion. Peace
You can argue all you like but the evidence is there that Jensen is the better actor, that is the simple truth IMO.
[b]Yeah no.[/b]
Hence IMO
[b]Sam also has evolved as a character unlike Dean who has recently been evolved[/b]
As an example SS, different writers versions created different SS versions, the effect is you get no emotion in one episode and then too much in the next episode. For eg Jared shouldn’t have imbued Sam with so much emotion at the end of YCHTT S6. Way too much emotion for SS, IMO Jared should have toned that down. I just find a lack of consistency when Jared plays different roles. I acknowledge it must be difficult to interpret different versions of a character, but this is what an actor does for a living and I am entitled to critique his portrayal, please understand this is not a personal attack on Jared, he is an actor and like all individuals in the workplace, effort and contribution to the job description is assessed, why should it be any different with actors.
[b]Because Dean has been given POV’s and friends not otherwise.[/b]
This is precisely my argument in this article. That is why Dean is central (or hear and soul) this is the way the story has been told from the get go. I don’t have a problem with it even though I scream for Sam’s POV, that doesn’t mean the story should cowtail to my demands. I find the character infinitely more sympathetic simply [i]because[/i] he has not agency or pov. This IMO is what SPN has always been about.
[b]For me Sam is a believable character but without a constant voice.He has sporadic bursts of vocalization but otherwise we only here Dean’s grief,angst etc.[/b]
There are times with Sam, where there is absolutely no POV (drinking the nurse LR?) and I sympathise with him more than I should because he demonstrates believable angst and fear which Jared has portrayed through doubt and confusion, physically portrayed through facial expression. That scene where he tries to convince Dean to get behind him to destroy Lilith is SO convincing the acting is sublime, but it isn’t consistent with Jared, so yes he can do it without a POV, I just wish I could see a thread of the original Sam that stays constant. Perhaps I don’t explain myself very well, but with Dean you can see growth (I disagree that it is only recent), but he still remains quintessentially the same. Jensen has made Dean iconic, and it goes beyond good writing or directing, and Jared has had the same advantages. It cannot be possible that lack of POV is the sole reason for Sam’s devolution.
sorry AnnonymousN I have to go, but promise to come back and finish discussion. Peace
59 & 60
Just how many lala’s are there?
59 & 60
Just how many lala’s are there?
[quote name=”kaz1″]It just seems that Twitter/and Cas stans have made Misha a permanent fixture[/quote]
I’m trying to parse your point here. You seem to be implying that Misha’s popularity is a bad thing? I would suggest it’s actually a good thing for the show. You also seem to be implying that he is somehow different from the Js due to him being in the show for the sake of that popularity. But the Js are both in the show because they too are popular with their respective fans. At the baseline, their inclusion in the show’s cast is as much fanservice to their fans as Misha’s inclusion is fanservice to his fans. That applies to any actor in any show.
If we’re going to look at Misha’s inclusion from a narrative/story POV, then Cas has contributed much from S4 onwards. Some fans may not have liked what he brought, but he has been a vital factor in several storylines.
[quote name=”kaz1″] I am starting to get a little nervous of Dean and Sam getting separated and Cas filling in the gap. I love Cas, but not with a story of his own, I was not remotely interested in his human journey.[/quote]
I’m not sure what you mean here? You seem to be saying you don’t want Cas being any kind of emotional support or practical help to Dean in a time of need (and that I sorta don’t get – why would anyone who loves Dean want him to deal with this alone?), but at the same time you’re saying you don’t want a separate storyline for him either?
[quote]It just seems that Twitter/and Cas stans have made Misha a permanent fixture[/quote]
I’m trying to parse your point here. You seem to be implying that Misha’s popularity is a bad thing? I would suggest it’s actually a good thing for the show. You also seem to be implying that he is somehow different from the Js due to him being in the show for the sake of that popularity. But the Js are both in the show because they too are popular with their respective fans. At the baseline, their inclusion in the show’s cast is as much fanservice to their fans as Misha’s inclusion is fanservice to his fans. That applies to any actor in any show.
If we’re going to look at Misha’s inclusion from a narrative/story POV, then Cas has contributed much from S4 onwards. Some fans may not have liked what he brought, but he has been a vital factor in several storylines.
[quote] I am starting to get a little nervous of Dean and Sam getting separated and Cas filling in the gap. I love Cas, but not with a story of his own, I was not remotely interested in his human journey.[/quote]
I’m not sure what you mean here? You seem to be saying you don’t want Cas being any kind of emotional support or practical help to Dean in a time of need (and that I sorta don’t get – why would anyone who loves Dean want him to deal with this alone?), but at the same time you’re saying you don’t want a separate storyline for him either?
[quote name=”Kate 2″][quote name=”kaz1″]It just seems that Twitter/and Cas stans have made Misha a permanent fixture[/quote]
I’m trying to parse your point here. You seem to be implying that Misha’s popularity is a bad thing? I would suggest it’s actually a good thing for the show. You also seem to be implying that he is somehow different from the Js due to him being in the show for the sake of that popularity. But the Js are both in the show because they too are popular with their respective fans. At the baseline, their inclusion in the show’s cast is as much fanservice to their fans as Misha’s inclusion is fanservice to his fans. That applies to any actor in any show.
If we’re going to look at Misha’s inclusion from a narrative/story POV, then Cas has contributed much from S4 onwards. Some fans may not have liked what he brought, but he has been a vital factor in several storylines.
[quote name=”kaz1″] I am starting to get a little nervous of Dean and Sam getting separated and Cas filling in the gap. I love Cas, but not with a story of his own, I was not remotely interested in his human journey.[/quote]
I’m not sure what you mean here? You seem to be saying you don’t want Cas being any kind of emotional support or practical help to Dean in a time of need (and that I sorta don’t get – why would anyone who loves Dean want him to deal with this alone?), but at the same time you’re saying you don’t want a separate storyline for him either?[/quote]
Aw Kate 2 you find me on my way to a wedding. I LOVE your argument and will come back (hopefully in a sober state to debate eh eh) and discuss
[quote][quote]It just seems that Twitter/and Cas stans have made Misha a permanent fixture[/quote]
I’m trying to parse your point here. You seem to be implying that Misha’s popularity is a bad thing? I would suggest it’s actually a good thing for the show. You also seem to be implying that he is somehow different from the Js due to him being in the show for the sake of that popularity. But the Js are both in the show because they too are popular with their respective fans. At the baseline, their inclusion in the show’s cast is as much fanservice to their fans as Misha’s inclusion is fanservice to his fans. That applies to any actor in any show.
If we’re going to look at Misha’s inclusion from a narrative/story POV, then Cas has contributed much from S4 onwards. Some fans may not have liked what he brought, but he has been a vital factor in several storylines.
[quote] I am starting to get a little nervous of Dean and Sam getting separated and Cas filling in the gap. I love Cas, but not with a story of his own, I was not remotely interested in his human journey.[/quote]
I’m not sure what you mean here? You seem to be saying you don’t want Cas being any kind of emotional support or practical help to Dean in a time of need (and that I sorta don’t get – why would anyone who loves Dean want him to deal with this alone?), but at the same time you’re saying you don’t want a separate storyline for him either?[/quote]
Aw Kate 2 you find me on my way to a wedding. I LOVE your argument and will come back (hopefully in a sober state to debate eh eh) and discuss
Seriously! This discussion has devolved into not only Sam v Dean but Jared v Jensen? How the hell did a lovely tribute to a great actor turn so weird? Jared and Jensen are treasures. We are not going to have them around much longer. Is there any way that we can appreciate one without slamming the other? I know rainbows and unicorns. I hope if Jensen gets to see this article it is with out the comment section.
Seriously! This discussion has devolved into not only Sam v Dean but Jared v Jensen? How the hell did a lovely tribute to a great actor turn so weird? Jared and Jensen are treasures. We are not going to have them around much longer. Is there any way that we can appreciate one without slamming the other? I know rainbows and unicorns. I hope if Jensen gets to see this article it is with out the comment section.
[quote name=”cheryl42″]Seriously! This discussion has devolved into not only Sam v Dean but Jared v Jensen? How the hell did a lovely tribute to a great actor turn so weird? Jared and Jensen are treasures. We are not going to have them around much longer. Is there any way that we can appreciate one without slamming the other? I know rainbows and unicorns. I hope if Jensen gets to see this article it is with out the
comment section.[/quote]
Cheryl, this is what I really want from this site again. It hasn’t devolved into a Sam V Dean J2 thing. It is just strong opinion. I love it when opinions are questioned and vetoed, it makes for great debate and fantastic pov come out of it, trust the system.
I just want this site to get back to attracting Dean fans again. But I have to go. Literally my husband is in the car waiting. Take about rabid fans 😆
[quote]Seriously! This discussion has devolved into not only Sam v Dean but Jared v Jensen? How the hell did a lovely tribute to a great actor turn so weird? Jared and Jensen are treasures. We are not going to have them around much longer. Is there any way that we can appreciate one without slamming the other? I know rainbows and unicorns. I hope if Jensen gets to see this article it is with out the
comment section.[/quote]
Cheryl, this is what I really want from this site again. It hasn’t devolved into a Sam V Dean J2 thing. It is just strong opinion. I love it when opinions are questioned and vetoed, it makes for great debate and fantastic pov come out of it, trust the system.
I just want this site to get back to attracting Dean fans again. But I have to go. Literally my husband is in the car waiting. Take about rabid fans 😆
Sorry kaz1 I have to disagree. It turns into dead horse, a lot of heated words that with a cooler head would probably not be said and pointless discussion. No one is going to change the mind of another so why try. Praise your favorite and leave it at that. There is no need, as far as I can see, to tear down one to make your favorite look better. If Jensen needs that kind of validation then maybe he isn’t as great an actor as you think he is (which by the way I do think he is brilliant as is his co-star).
Sorry kaz1 I have to disagree. It turns into dead horse, a lot of heated words that with a cooler head would probably not be said and pointless discussion. No one is going to change the mind of another so why try. Praise your favorite and leave it at that. There is no need, as far as I can see, to tear down one to make your favorite look better. If Jensen needs that kind of validation then maybe he isn’t as great an actor as you think he is (which by the way I do think he is brilliant as is his co-star).
[quote]59 & 60
Just how many lala’s are there?[/quote]
Just one. I had trouble logging onto the site.
[quote]It hasn’t devolved into a Sam V Dean J2 thing. It is just strong opinion.[/quote]
Sorry, Kaz1, but I think this is a Jared v. Jensen thing, as well as a Sam v. Dean thing, and you made it that way.
It is completely pointless to discuss acting skills b/c everyone has a different opinion. I’ve never had a problem w/Jared’s acting. I’ve always thought he and Jensen were evenly matched in their skills. Does that make me right? No. Does it make me wrong? No. It’s just my opinion, which you do not share. And that’s fine, but there is not much for us to discuss when it comes to something that is essentially subjective.
As far as the comments here are concerned, I know it may be upsetting that some people don’t share your views on Jensen, but that is the way of the Internet. You can go onto Supernatural’s IMDb page and find tons of posters that detest both Sam AND Jared. Everyone has a different perspective.
You chose – in my opinion – to praise Jensen by putting down Jared’s acting skills, etc. I’m not sure what one has to do w/the other. You also chose to make some generalized statements about Sam (i.e., that is is unreal and unbelievable). That may be how you feel, but others are free to disagree w/you.
I happen to think that Jared has handled the inconsistency in the writing for his character extremely well. Each year, he literally has no idea what he will be doing. Will he be deathly ill? Is he hallucinating? Is he soulless? Is he an angel? Is he a demon? He, in my opinion, does really well w/the material he’s been given.
I assume you disagree, which is perfectly fine. You are entitled to your opinion, so I will leave it there. We can just agree to disagree on Jared and Sam.
[quote]59 & 60
Just how many lala’s are there?[/quote]
Just one. I had trouble logging onto the site.
[quote]It hasn’t devolved into a Sam V Dean J2 thing. It is just strong opinion.[/quote]
Sorry, Kaz1, but I think this is a Jared v. Jensen thing, as well as a Sam v. Dean thing, and you made it that way.
It is completely pointless to discuss acting skills b/c everyone has a different opinion. I’ve never had a problem w/Jared’s acting. I’ve always thought he and Jensen were evenly matched in their skills. Does that make me right? No. Does it make me wrong? No. It’s just my opinion, which you do not share. And that’s fine, but there is not much for us to discuss when it comes to something that is essentially subjective.
As far as the comments here are concerned, I know it may be upsetting that some people don’t share your views on Jensen, but that is the way of the Internet. You can go onto Supernatural’s IMDb page and find tons of posters that detest both Sam AND Jared. Everyone has a different perspective.
You chose – in my opinion – to praise Jensen by putting down Jared’s acting skills, etc. I’m not sure what one has to do w/the other. You also chose to make some generalized statements about Sam (i.e., that is is unreal and unbelievable). That may be how you feel, but others are free to disagree w/you.
I happen to think that Jared has handled the inconsistency in the writing for his character extremely well. Each year, he literally has no idea what he will be doing. Will he be deathly ill? Is he hallucinating? Is he soulless? Is he an angel? Is he a demon? He, in my opinion, does really well w/the material he’s been given.
I assume you disagree, which is perfectly fine. You are entitled to your opinion, so I will leave it there. We can just agree to disagree on Jared and Sam.
[quote name=”kaz1″]Alice
A poster on another board mentioned this article with a link, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for acknowledging Jensen’s work in this wonderfully honest tribute to a great yet under the radar talent. I enjoyed Jared’s article a few months back enormously too. These articles remind us fans how fortunate we are to have this little show in our lives at all.
I find your title to be very accurate in that it is in keeping with the show IMO. Dean is meant to be the human story to Sam’s hero role, he [i]is[/i] the heart and soul of the show. To me this weird brother bond works because we see it through Dean’s eyes and we experience his emotions and Jensen keeps this heartbreakingly real. This is how I interpret your heart and soul. (I love Sam just a tad more than Dean because he reminds me that failing doesn’t equate to being unworthy of love although he tries and tries, my heart aches for the character) but I can appreciate what Dean does because of his love for his brother, and I appreciate the exquisite subtlety that Jensen uses to make Dean’s character sparkle and fizz.
The article above was about Dean, and this is where the discussion should have stayed focussed. I cannot understand how anyone can see it as a jab at Sam/Jared as it was a tribute to Jensen the actor.
Now that this tribute has veered off course, I will contribute in the same vein. You can argue all you like but the evidence is there that Jensen is the better actor, that is the simple truth IMO. I haven’t yet found anyone stating that Jared get an emmy, he just simply isn’t that good IMO. He has got better and he has some great performances (oh my word sacrifice (and some others) is right up there with the best of Jensen’s), but he has no consistency and finds it difficult to interpret the essence of Sam when the writers write Sam slightly off. Jensen doesn’t have this problem. He has kept Dean believable and honest and vulnerable. Even when we shouldn’t, we (most fans) find ourselves routing for him purely because Jensen has imbued the character with subtle emotion and nuance, that hasn’t necessarily even been written into the script, because Jensen has made Dean utterly believable…now THIS is what Alice is alluding to. This is the hallmark of a great actor. Now Sam fans can argue that he hasn’t been Sam in years, so it’s not Jared’s fault. But there you fall foul of your own argument because it was Jared’s acting chops that should have kept him real and believable, this is where Jared has fallen short IMO. I am so sorry that some of you find this offensive, but this is [i]critique[/i], and this is how it works, it discusses all things from many perspectives even if it goes against your own. It drives me completely crazy that Sam/Jared fans don’t critique the actor or the character on this site. No offence and peace to Sam/Jared fans who do.
To those fans who feel this article doesn’t reflect the true nature of the show in that it sidelines Sam’s role, this is precisely the reason why I don’t chat here anymore as there is just no space for real discussions outside of Sam … or variety for that matter, it is all so one-sided as to become obsequious. I would so love to come on and chat about Bobby ‘the dick’ and John Winchester ‘the dick’ and Sam ‘the dick’ like other sites do, but it just doesn’t happen here.
What has happened to Sweetondean?
I would love to see more articles like the one that Alice has written above. It sparks lively debate and you will attract far more posters with pert opinions, it is so much fun believe me.
Sorry but I just find the above deterioration from good discussion to this boring Sam/Dean war typical of this site. I haven’t posted here in a long while and I come on responding to a posters recommendation and it is still the same old same old.
I don’t mean to sound preachy or condescending and peace to all my old friends on this site.[/quote]
I am not going to get involved in this article but I have to say I found this post in parts quite unnecessary . And as I recall when the Dear Jared article was written there was no dismantling of Jensen as a actor or his portrayal of Dean .
Your post could easily encourage the very thing you claim to hate . I am all for genuine critique of both characters and the actors that play them because neither actor is perfect however I do believe Jared can stand next to Jensen as his equal and when and if that situation ever arises then I will be happy to participate in said debate’s.
However this article is for Jensen and his performances so I shall not comment futher .
A poster on another board mentioned this article with a link, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for acknowledging Jensen’s work in this wonderfully honest tribute to a great yet under the radar talent. I enjoyed Jared’s article a few months back enormously too. These articles remind us fans how fortunate we are to have this little show in our lives at all.
I find your title to be very accurate in that it is in keeping with the show IMO. Dean is meant to be the human story to Sam’s hero role, he [i]is[/i] the heart and soul of the show. To me this weird brother bond works because we see it through Dean’s eyes and we experience his emotions and Jensen keeps this heartbreakingly real. This is how I interpret your heart and soul. (I love Sam just a tad more than Dean because he reminds me that failing doesn’t equate to being unworthy of love although he tries and tries, my heart aches for the character) but I can appreciate what Dean does because of his love for his brother, and I appreciate the exquisite subtlety that Jensen uses to make Dean’s character sparkle and fizz.
The article above was about Dean, and this is where the discussion should have stayed focussed. I cannot understand how anyone can see it as a jab at Sam/Jared as it was a tribute to Jensen the actor.
Now that this tribute has veered off course, I will contribute in the same vein. You can argue all you like but the evidence is there that Jensen is the better actor, that is the simple truth IMO. I haven’t yet found anyone stating that Jared get an emmy, he just simply isn’t that good IMO. He has got better and he has some great performances (oh my word sacrifice (and some others) is right up there with the best of Jensen’s), but he has no consistency and finds it difficult to interpret the essence of Sam when the writers write Sam slightly off. Jensen doesn’t have this problem. He has kept Dean believable and honest and vulnerable. Even when we shouldn’t, we (most fans) find ourselves routing for him purely because Jensen has imbued the character with subtle emotion and nuance, that hasn’t necessarily even been written into the script, because Jensen has made Dean utterly believable…now THIS is what Alice is alluding to. This is the hallmark of a great actor. Now Sam fans can argue that he hasn’t been Sam in years, so it’s not Jared’s fault. But there you fall foul of your own argument because it was Jared’s acting chops that should have kept him real and believable, this is where Jared has fallen short IMO. I am so sorry that some of you find this offensive, but this is [i]critique[/i], and this is how it works, it discusses all things from many perspectives even if it goes against your own. It drives me completely crazy that Sam/Jared fans don’t critique the actor or the character on this site. No offence and peace to Sam/Jared fans who do.
To those fans who feel this article doesn’t reflect the true nature of the show in that it sidelines Sam’s role, this is precisely the reason why I don’t chat here anymore as there is just no space for real discussions outside of Sam … or variety for that matter, it is all so one-sided as to become obsequious. I would so love to come on and chat about Bobby ‘the dick’ and John Winchester ‘the dick’ and Sam ‘the dick’ like other sites do, but it just doesn’t happen here.
What has happened to Sweetondean?
I would love to see more articles like the one that Alice has written above. It sparks lively debate and you will attract far more posters with pert opinions, it is so much fun believe me.
Sorry but I just find the above deterioration from good discussion to this boring Sam/Dean war typical of this site. I haven’t posted here in a long while and I come on responding to a posters recommendation and it is still the same old same old.
I don’t mean to sound preachy or condescending and peace to all my old friends on this site.[/quote]
I am not going to get involved in this article but I have to say I found this post in parts quite unnecessary . And as I recall when the Dear Jared article was written there was no dismantling of Jensen as a actor or his portrayal of Dean .
Your post could easily encourage the very thing you claim to hate . I am all for genuine critique of both characters and the actors that play them because neither actor is perfect however I do believe Jared can stand next to Jensen as his equal and when and if that situation ever arises then I will be happy to participate in said debate’s.
However this article is for Jensen and his performances so I shall not comment futher .
While I appreciate the desire for balanced dialog — and think kaz1 and others are not wrong in their sense of imbalance, IMO (In MY Opinion…in case there was confusion), this particular thread is not the place for a balanced discussion of acting talents. It just isn’t. Save that discussion for a “strengths and challenges” thread on another day.
And keeping with IMO:
– both actors have said there are thousands of extremely talented actors out there who don’t have jobs. (let alone a shot at an Emmy)
– we have two talented actors whose work stands up against the Emmy winning work of others. Winning an Emmy is luck, politics, vibe, buzz, genre, etc… and only partially attributable to “deserving”. I find the Oscars to be slightly more “pure” but only by a hair. Oscars are only slightly “pure” post-nomination — getting nominated is a totally different issue and far less clean.
Anywho… my point…*insert Rodney King if he was still with us*
While I appreciate the desire for balanced dialog — and think kaz1 and others are not wrong in their sense of imbalance, IMO (In MY Opinion…in case there was confusion), this particular thread is not the place for a balanced discussion of acting talents. It just isn’t. Save that discussion for a “strengths and challenges” thread on another day.
And keeping with IMO:
– both actors have said there are thousands of extremely talented actors out there who don’t have jobs. (let alone a shot at an Emmy)
– we have two talented actors whose work stands up against the Emmy winning work of others. Winning an Emmy is luck, politics, vibe, buzz, genre, etc… and only partially attributable to “deserving”. I find the Oscars to be slightly more “pure” but only by a hair. Oscars are only slightly “pure” post-nomination — getting nominated is a totally different issue and far less clean.
Anywho… my point…*insert Rodney King if he was still with us*
[quote name=”kaz1″]Quote:
You can argue all you like but the evidence is there that Jensen is the better actor, that is the simple truth IMO.
[b]Yeah no.[/b]
Hence IMO
[b]Sam also has evolved as a character unlike Dean who has recently been evolved[/b]
As an example SS, different writers versions created different SS versions, the effect is you get no emotion in one episode and then too much in the next episode. For eg Jared shouldn’t have imbued Sam with so much emotion at the end of YCHTT S6. Way too much emotion for SS, IMO Jared should have toned that down. I just find a lack of consistency when Jared plays different roles. I acknowledge it must be difficult to interpret different versions of a character, but this is what an actor does for a living and I am entitled to critique his portrayal, please understand this is not a personal attack on Jared, he is an actor and like all individuals in the workplace, effort and contribution to the job description is assessed, why should it be any different with actors.
[b]Because Dean has been given POV’s and friends not otherwise.[/b]
This is precisely my argument in this article. That is why Dean is central (or hear and soul) this is the way the story has been told from the get go. I don’t have a problem with it even though I scream for Sam’s POV, that doesn’t mean the story should cowtail to my demands. I find the character infinitely more sympathetic simply [i]because[/i] he has not agency or pov. This IMO is what SPN has always been about.
[b]For me Sam is a believable character but without a constant voice.He has sporadic bursts of vocalization but otherwise we only here Dean’s grief,angst etc.[/b]
There are times with Sam, where there is absolutely no POV (drinking the nurse LR?) and I sympathise with him more than I should because he demonstrates believable angst and fear which Jared has portrayed through doubt and confusion, physically portrayed through facial expression. That scene where he tries to convince Dean to get behind him to destroy Lilith is SO convincing the acting is sublime, but it isn’t consistent with Jared, so yes he can do it without a POV, I just wish I could see a thread of the original Sam that stays constant. Perhaps I don’t explain myself very well, but with Dean you can see growth (I disagree that it is only recent), but he still remains quintessentially the same. Jensen has made Dean iconic, and it goes beyond good writing or directing, and Jared has had the same advantages. It cannot be possible that lack of POV is the sole reason for Sam’s devolution.
Again this article is about Jensen not Dean .When there is an article about Dean being the centre or something to that effect i will comment about that.
sorry AnnonymousN I have to go, but promise to come back and finish discussion. Peace[/quote]
The words “evidence” and IMO don’t gel together.
Every time SS showed “over” emotion (because it was for SS) it was a manipulation.How a android might try to imitate a person showing emotion to impersonate him/her.SS was manipulative.[quote]but it isn’t consistent with Jared, [/quote]Yeah you are not clear as in you have not told why Jared is inconsistent.[quote]so yes he can do it without a POV,[/quote]No he cannot .he is a protagonist.If the actions are his then I want the motives too and not just Dean’s POV on Sam’s actions.[quote]Jensen has made Dean iconic,[/quote]Debatable.I have lost my connection to Dean for some time maybe its the writing or its Jensen.[quote]and Jared has had the same advantages.[/quote]no.He has not.I could have done without the Dean talking to the waitress thing and focused a little on Sam.
You can argue all you like but the evidence is there that Jensen is the better actor, that is the simple truth IMO.
[b]Yeah no.[/b]
Hence IMO
[b]Sam also has evolved as a character unlike Dean who has recently been evolved[/b]
As an example SS, different writers versions created different SS versions, the effect is you get no emotion in one episode and then too much in the next episode. For eg Jared shouldn’t have imbued Sam with so much emotion at the end of YCHTT S6. Way too much emotion for SS, IMO Jared should have toned that down. I just find a lack of consistency when Jared plays different roles. I acknowledge it must be difficult to interpret different versions of a character, but this is what an actor does for a living and I am entitled to critique his portrayal, please understand this is not a personal attack on Jared, he is an actor and like all individuals in the workplace, effort and contribution to the job description is assessed, why should it be any different with actors.
[b]Because Dean has been given POV’s and friends not otherwise.[/b]
This is precisely my argument in this article. That is why Dean is central (or hear and soul) this is the way the story has been told from the get go. I don’t have a problem with it even though I scream for Sam’s POV, that doesn’t mean the story should cowtail to my demands. I find the character infinitely more sympathetic simply [i]because[/i] he has not agency or pov. This IMO is what SPN has always been about.
[b]For me Sam is a believable character but without a constant voice.He has sporadic bursts of vocalization but otherwise we only here Dean’s grief,angst etc.[/b]
There are times with Sam, where there is absolutely no POV (drinking the nurse LR?) and I sympathise with him more than I should because he demonstrates believable angst and fear which Jared has portrayed through doubt and confusion, physically portrayed through facial expression. That scene where he tries to convince Dean to get behind him to destroy Lilith is SO convincing the acting is sublime, but it isn’t consistent with Jared, so yes he can do it without a POV, I just wish I could see a thread of the original Sam that stays constant. Perhaps I don’t explain myself very well, but with Dean you can see growth (I disagree that it is only recent), but he still remains quintessentially the same. Jensen has made Dean iconic, and it goes beyond good writing or directing, and Jared has had the same advantages. It cannot be possible that lack of POV is the sole reason for Sam’s devolution.
Again this article is about Jensen not Dean .When there is an article about Dean being the centre or something to that effect i will comment about that.
sorry AnnonymousN I have to go, but promise to come back and finish discussion. Peace[/quote]
The words “evidence” and IMO don’t gel together.
Every time SS showed “over” emotion (because it was for SS) it was a manipulation.How a android might try to imitate a person showing emotion to impersonate him/her.SS was manipulative.[quote]but it isn’t consistent with Jared, [/quote]Yeah you are not clear as in you have not told why Jared is inconsistent.[quote]so yes he can do it without a POV,[/quote]No he cannot .he is a protagonist.If the actions are his then I want the motives too and not just Dean’s POV on Sam’s actions.[quote]Jensen has made Dean iconic,[/quote]Debatable.I have lost my connection to Dean for some time maybe its the writing or its Jensen.[quote]and Jared has had the same advantages.[/quote]no.He has not.I could have done without the Dean talking to the waitress thing and focused a little on Sam.
deleted as not necessary–by anonymousN
deleted as not necessary–by anonymousN
Aww man, this wasn’t a speech I wanted to do on this thread, but okay.
I see a lot of names back here that I haven’t seen in a while. That’s great! I welcome you all back with open arms. But yes, this has veered into Jared vs. Jensen territory and I don’t like it one bit. Sue B just said EXACTLY what I feel about this thread:
[quote]IMO (In MY Opinion…in case there was confusion), this particular thread is not the place for a balanced discussion of acting talents. It just isn’t. Save that discussion for a “strengths and challenges” thread on another day.[/quote]
The talk should be of Jensen and Jensen only. This is the only warning.
People have been asking where is sweetondean. She quit. Bardicvoice can’t write anymore either because of all the negativity in the comments, and Ardeospina is pretty much gone too. The problem is, in my busy life, I’ve lost control of this site. It’s turned too negative, and veered away from the lively constructive discussions we used to have.
I’m working on a server switch and then this site is going back to basics. We are going back to being purely happy fans we were when this site started. That means I’m going to have change too, because I haven’t been following that either. Any criticism will be constructive, and if you don’t know what that means read sweetondean’s reviews. Chances are very good I’m going to have to start approving all comments before posting them too.
So, the ground rules are set. If you aren’t in this thread to talk about Jensen (the title talk is off limits too) your comment will be edited or unpublished.
Thank you. Back to happy thoughts.
Aww man, this wasn’t a speech I wanted to do on this thread, but okay.
I see a lot of names back here that I haven’t seen in a while. That’s great! I welcome you all back with open arms. But yes, this has veered into Jared vs. Jensen territory and I don’t like it one bit. Sue B just said EXACTLY what I feel about this thread:
[quote]IMO (In MY Opinion…in case there was confusion), this particular thread is not the place for a balanced discussion of acting talents. It just isn’t. Save that discussion for a “strengths and challenges” thread on another day.[/quote]
The talk should be of Jensen and Jensen only. This is the only warning.
People have been asking where is sweetondean. She quit. Bardicvoice can’t write anymore either because of all the negativity in the comments, and Ardeospina is pretty much gone too. The problem is, in my busy life, I’ve lost control of this site. It’s turned too negative, and veered away from the lively constructive discussions we used to have.
I’m working on a server switch and then this site is going back to basics. We are going back to being purely happy fans we were when this site started. That means I’m going to have change too, because I haven’t been following that either. Any criticism will be constructive, and if you don’t know what that means read sweetondean’s reviews. Chances are very good I’m going to have to start approving all comments before posting them too.
So, the ground rules are set. If you aren’t in this thread to talk about Jensen (the title talk is off limits too) your comment will be edited or unpublished.
Thank you. Back to happy thoughts.
Lovely article, Alice. Nice complementary piece to the Dear Jared letter from earlier this year.
Unfortunately, the minute I read it I knew it would bring out the same individuals with the same complaints and would devolve in to the equivalent of monkeys throwing poop at each other. Some people aren’t happy unless they are complaining or taking personal offense at something; guess it’s the times we live in. To those people I say – GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!! Just because we are all entitled to our own opinions does not entitle people to act like dicks.
Lovely article, Alice. Nice complementary piece to the Dear Jared letter from earlier this year.
Unfortunately, the minute I read it I knew it would bring out the same individuals with the same complaints and would devolve in to the equivalent of monkeys throwing poop at each other. Some people aren’t happy unless they are complaining or taking personal offense at something; guess it’s the times we live in. To those people I say – GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!! Just because we are all entitled to our own opinions does not entitle people to act like dicks.
Is it ok to ask if we can talk sweetondean in to reconsidering? That is the most unhappy news ever.
Is it ok to ask if we can talk sweetondean in to reconsidering? That is the most unhappy news ever.
[quote name=”cheryl42″]Is it ok to ask if we can talk sweetondean in to reconsidering? That is the most unhappy news ever.[/quote]
I hope all 3 reconsider; have always enjoyed reading their take on things.
[quote]Is it ok to ask if we can talk sweetondean in to reconsidering? That is the most unhappy news ever.[/quote]
I hope all 3 reconsider; have always enjoyed reading their take on things.
Jared is a fantastic actor I agree but jensen is a gifted actor he is naturally talented its like good footballer and talented one people always remmber the talented one more buz he is unique iam from egypt and when I watch supernatural dean the only charchter makes me really feel all sort of feelings he take my breath a way and make me staring at him till the last minute buz not only his amazing looks but his way in acting really makes u wonder r the amarican directors and producers are blind ?
Jared is a fantastic actor I agree but jensen is a gifted actor he is naturally talented its like good footballer and talented one people always remmber the talented one more buz he is unique iam from egypt and when I watch supernatural dean the only charchter makes me really feel all sort of feelings he take my breath a way and make me staring at him till the last minute buz not only his amazing looks but his way in acting really makes u wonder r the amarican directors and producers are blind ?
Beautifully written alice. I am totally bi-bro, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take a moment to celebrate them separately. I’m always amazed at how Jensen can find that special something. No matter how weak the writing is, he always finds a way to rise above it and make something special. That’s not to say that Jared hasn’t blessed us with just as many wonderful performances, but this one was for Jensen, so thanks.
It makes me sad that the negativity and bad manners have driven away some of the writers for this site. I definitely don’t agree with everyone’s point of view, but that doesn’t mean that I should be rude and discount what others have to say. So let’s grow up and learn to play nice, please. Otherwise there is going to be no one left to have these discussions with.
Beautifully written alice. I am totally bi-bro, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take a moment to celebrate them separately. I’m always amazed at how Jensen can find that special something. No matter how weak the writing is, he always finds a way to rise above it and make something special. That’s not to say that Jared hasn’t blessed us with just as many wonderful performances, but this one was for Jensen, so thanks.
It makes me sad that the negativity and bad manners have driven away some of the writers for this site. I definitely don’t agree with everyone’s point of view, but that doesn’t mean that I should be rude and discount what others have to say. So let’s grow up and learn to play nice, please. Otherwise there is going to be no one left to have these discussions with.
Thanks for writing this wonderful article. Jensen’s portrayal of Dean Winchester always leaves me in awe. I have decided to re-watch every episode during the hellatus so I can catch all the amazing scenes that were mentioned, plus all those that weren’t!. Can’t wait for January 14!
Huh, so if your father is a lawyer than you should be able to spout the law…by osmosis? Interesting. I could say more, but I won’t. Again, I think Alice has made it abundantly clear, praising one does not diminish the talents of the other. It is Christmas time, you know, the time of peace and goodwill.
I have it set for comments to pop up in my email because I love reading how much Jensen means to his fans, love sharing the joy of this amazing actor and wonderful man. How totally unpleasant it is, and not Christmas-like, to get the nasty comments.
I get it, you love Jared as Sam and you feel he is being slighted. Get over it. We all love Jared and Sam, just as Jensen loves Jared, and Dean loves Sam. Family. Let’s be the kind of family that makes it pleasant to get together at Christmas, instead of the ones the cops are called out to break up the ruckus. Please?
Huh, so if your father is a lawyer than you should be able to spout the law…by osmosis? Interesting. I could say more, but I won’t. Again, I think Alice has made it abundantly clear, praising one does not diminish the talents of the other. It is Christmas time, you know, the time of peace and goodwill.
I have it set for comments to pop up in my email because I love reading how much Jensen means to his fans, love sharing the joy of this amazing actor and wonderful man. How totally unpleasant it is, and not Christmas-like, to get the nasty comments.
I get it, you love Jared as Sam and you feel he is being slighted. Get over it. We all love Jared and Sam, just as Jensen loves Jared, and Dean loves Sam. Family. Let’s be the kind of family that makes it pleasant to get together at Christmas, instead of the ones the cops are called out to break up the ruckus. Please?
All negative comments will be unpublished immediately. The ground rules were established, this is a happy zone!
Thank you.
All negative comments will be unpublished immediately. The ground rules were established, this is a happy zone!
Thank you.
[quote name=”alice”]Aww man, this wasn’t a speech I wanted to do on this thread, but okay.
I see a lot of names back here that I haven’t seen in a while. That’s great! I welcome you all back with open arms. But yes, this has veered into Jared vs. Jensen territory and I don’t like it one bit. Sue B just said EXACTLY what I feel about this thread:
[quote]IMO (In MY Opinion…in case there was confusion), this particular thread is not the place for a balanced discussion of acting talents. It just isn’t. Save that discussion for a “strengths and challenges” thread on another day.[/quote]
The talk should be of Jensen and Jensen only. This is the only warning.
People have been asking where is sweetondean. She quit. Bardicvoice can’t write anymore either because of all the negativity in the comments, and Ardeospina is pretty much gone too. The problem is, in my busy life, I’ve lost control of this site. It’s turned too negative, and veered away from the lively constructive discussions we used to have.
I’m working on a server switch and then this site is going back to basics. We are going back to being purely happy fans we were when this site started. That means I’m going to have change too, because I haven’t been following that either. Any criticism will be constructive, and if you don’t know what that means read sweetondean’s reviews. Chances are very good I’m going to have to start approving all comments before posting them too.
So, the ground rules are set. If you aren’t in this thread to talk about Jensen (the title talk is off limits too) your comment will be edited or unpublished.
Thank you. Back to happy thoughts.[/quote]
Alice, I completely support you in this. There are plenty of sites where people can bash each other and the characters all they want. I love that this could be a grown up site where bad manners are not tolerated and true debate is encouraged.
[quote]Aww man, this wasn’t a speech I wanted to do on this thread, but okay.
I see a lot of names back here that I haven’t seen in a while. That’s great! I welcome you all back with open arms. But yes, this has veered into Jared vs. Jensen territory and I don’t like it one bit. Sue B just said EXACTLY what I feel about this thread:
[quote]IMO (In MY Opinion…in case there was confusion), this particular thread is not the place for a balanced discussion of acting talents. It just isn’t. Save that discussion for a “strengths and challenges” thread on another day.[/quote]
The talk should be of Jensen and Jensen only. This is the only warning.
People have been asking where is sweetondean. She quit. Bardicvoice can’t write anymore either because of all the negativity in the comments, and Ardeospina is pretty much gone too. The problem is, in my busy life, I’ve lost control of this site. It’s turned too negative, and veered away from the lively constructive discussions we used to have.
I’m working on a server switch and then this site is going back to basics. We are going back to being purely happy fans we were when this site started. That means I’m going to have change too, because I haven’t been following that either. Any criticism will be constructive, and if you don’t know what that means read sweetondean’s reviews. Chances are very good I’m going to have to start approving all comments before posting them too.
So, the ground rules are set. If you aren’t in this thread to talk about Jensen (the title talk is off limits too) your comment will be edited or unpublished.
Thank you. Back to happy thoughts.[/quote]
Alice, I completely support you in this. There are plenty of sites where people can bash each other and the characters all they want. I love that this could be a grown up site where bad manners are not tolerated and true debate is encouraged.
Hi Alice
Thank you for this beautiful tribute to Jensen. He is such a wonderful and versatile actor. I have found myself in awe of his performance of Dean on many occasions.
Hi Alice
Thank you for this beautiful tribute to Jensen. He is such a wonderful and versatile actor. I have found myself in awe of his performance of Dean on many occasions.
I’ve never loved an actor as much as I love Jensen Ackles. He moves me in ways I never thought I could be be moved by an actor playing a role. I think it’s because(as others here have stated) he is more than just talented, professional, and hard-working, he is also “gifted” as an actor, in ways that so few others in this business are. This show, the network, and the fandom have been exceedingly lucky to have had him in the role of Dean Winchester for as long as we have, IMO. I look forward to following this wonderful actor/director anywhere that he might choose to go in the future. Thanks for the article and I couldn’t agree more with the title.
I’ve never loved an actor as much as I love Jensen Ackles. He moves me in ways I never thought I could be be moved by an actor playing a role. I think it’s because(as others here have stated) he is more than just talented, professional, and hard-working, he is also “gifted” as an actor, in ways that so few others in this business are. This show, the network, and the fandom have been exceedingly lucky to have had him in the role of Dean Winchester for as long as we have, IMO. I look forward to following this wonderful actor/director anywhere that he might choose to go in the future. Thanks for the article and I couldn’t agree more with the title.
I’ve never loved an actor as much as I love Jensen Ackles. He moves me in ways I never thought I could be be moved by an actor playing a role. I think it’s because(as others here have stated) he is more than just talented, professional, and hard-working, he is also “gifted” as an actor, in ways that so few others are. This show, the network, and the fandom have been exceedingly lucky to have had him in the role of Dean Winchester for as long as we have, IMO. I look forward to following this wonderful actor/director anywhere that he might choose to go in the future. Thanks for the article and I couldn’t agree more with the title.
I’ve never loved an actor as much as I love Jensen Ackles. He moves me in ways I never thought I could be be moved by an actor playing a role. I think it’s because(as others here have stated) he is more than just talented, professional, and hard-working, he is also “gifted” as an actor, in ways that so few others are. This show, the network, and the fandom have been exceedingly lucky to have had him in the role of Dean Winchester for as long as we have, IMO. I look forward to following this wonderful actor/director anywhere that he might choose to go in the future. Thanks for the article and I couldn’t agree more with the title.
Thanks for the article, Alice. Lovely tribute to Jensen.
Please never give up this site. It really is the only place fans can come and for intelligent conversation and opinions. I hope the other lovely ladies reconsider and come back because we will all be poorer without their writing.
Thanks for the article, Alice. Lovely tribute to Jensen.
Please never give up this site. It really is the only place fans can come and for intelligent conversation and opinions. I hope the other lovely ladies reconsider and come back because we will all be poorer without their writing.
Alice, you gave me warm fuzzies plus tears all the way through your beautiful article. Thank you so much. I’m still tearing up.
But now I’m crying because sweetondean quit. I love her!
I also began to cry in earnest when I read the comments. They began just fine, then deteriorated. I have never understood the hatefulness. It more than alarmed me when I arrived here at the site, and it depresses me now.
I love the Js. I love Sam and Dean. I can’t picture my life without them. I can praise one at a time. It does not mean the other is not worthy of praise. I love them both.
Jensen is perfect as Dean in my eyes. Every emotion, every nuance. This article was beautiful.
I’ve been watching live since the Pilot. I’ve had time to develop lots of complaints. My love outweighs any complaints I can think of.
Alice, we need you! Please don’t give up on the people that love Supernatural.
Alice, you gave me warm fuzzies plus tears all the way through your beautiful article. Thank you so much. I’m still tearing up.
But now I’m crying because sweetondean quit. I love her!
I also began to cry in earnest when I read the comments. They began just fine, then deteriorated. I have never understood the hatefulness. It more than alarmed me when I arrived here at the site, and it depresses me now.
I love the Js. I love Sam and Dean. I can’t picture my life without them. I can praise one at a time. It does not mean the other is not worthy of praise. I love them both.
Jensen is perfect as Dean in my eyes. Every emotion, every nuance. This article was beautiful.
I’ve been watching live since the Pilot. I’ve had time to develop lots of complaints. My love outweighs any complaints I can think of.
Alice, we need you! Please don’t give up on the people that love Supernatural.
Beautiful article from the title to the final “Thank you.” This was pure passoin for a show that has become a big part of Alice’s life, as it has for the commentors here on WFB. This article reminds me of sweetondean’s review of “Bad Boys.” When the words come from the heart, it is more like hearing music than reading the words. This hit the spot during our hellatus.
Beautiful article from the title to the final “Thank you.” This was pure passoin for a show that has become a big part of Alice’s life, as it has for the commentors here on WFB. This article reminds me of sweetondean’s review of “Bad Boys.” When the words come from the heart, it is more like hearing music than reading the words. This hit the spot during our hellatus.
First time stopping by here to read a commentary. As a Dean fan, I’ve often been warned off this site as one that is unreasonably, unnecessarily, and unpleasantly hyper-critical of Dean.
I’m glad I took the step to come read this particular article. Dean has always been the character with which I identify most. (That’s probably not always a good thing. Heh.) Jensen quickly became one of my favorite actors when I was introduced to the show in 2007. He possesses one of the qualities that always draws me to an actor–a passion for his art. His professionalism, leadership, and passion . . . well, I long ago ran out of words to express my admiration for the guy.
He is a class act, and what I know of him from my little corner of the world, well worthy the kudos given to him.
Thanks for the great tribute, Alice.
First time stopping by here to read a commentary. As a Dean fan, I’ve often been warned off this site as one that is unreasonably, unnecessarily, and unpleasantly hyper-critical of Dean.
I’m glad I took the step to come read this particular article. Dean has always been the character with which I identify most. (That’s probably not always a good thing. Heh.) Jensen quickly became one of my favorite actors when I was introduced to the show in 2007. He possesses one of the qualities that always draws me to an actor–a passion for his art. His professionalism, leadership, and passion . . . well, I long ago ran out of words to express my admiration for the guy.
He is a class act, and what I know of him from my little corner of the world, well worthy the kudos given to him.
Thanks for the great tribute, Alice.
Jensen is absolutely amazing actor. I constantly in awe of what he can convey with a single look or with body language. If there was any justice he and Jared would have a shelf full of Emmy’s.
Jensen is absolutely amazing actor. I constantly in awe of what he can convey with a single look or with body language. If there was any justice he and Jared would have a shelf full of Emmy’s.
[quote name=”velaike”]First time stopping by here to read a commentary. As a Dean fan, I’ve often been warned off this site as one that is unreasonably, unnecessarily, and unpleasantly hyper-critical of Dean.
I’m glad I took the step to come read this particular article. Dean has always been the character with which I identify most. (That’s probably not always a good thing. Heh.) Jensen quickly became one of my favorite actors when I was introduced to the show in 2007. He possesses one of the qualities that always draws me to an actor–a passion for his art. His professionalism, leadership, and passion . . . well, I long ago ran out of words to express my admiration for the guy.
He is a class act, and what I know of him from my little corner of the world, well worthy the kudos given to him.
Thanks for the great tribute, Alice.[/quote]
I don’t understand where the idea that this site is critical of Jensen has come from. I’ve never found it to be anything but equal opportunity to both boys. In fact, it seems to be the only one out there that is. It’s like if Jared is included in the praise at all, then Jensen can’t be, and vice versa. I just don’t get it.
[quote]First time stopping by here to read a commentary. As a Dean fan, I’ve often been warned off this site as one that is unreasonably, unnecessarily, and unpleasantly hyper-critical of Dean.
I’m glad I took the step to come read this particular article. Dean has always been the character with which I identify most. (That’s probably not always a good thing. Heh.) Jensen quickly became one of my favorite actors when I was introduced to the show in 2007. He possesses one of the qualities that always draws me to an actor–a passion for his art. His professionalism, leadership, and passion . . . well, I long ago ran out of words to express my admiration for the guy.
He is a class act, and what I know of him from my little corner of the world, well worthy the kudos given to him.
Thanks for the great tribute, Alice.[/quote]
I don’t understand where the idea that this site is critical of Jensen has come from. I’ve never found it to be anything but equal opportunity to both boys. In fact, it seems to be the only one out there that is. It’s like if Jared is included in the praise at all, then Jensen can’t be, and vice versa. I just don’t get it.
[quote name=”sylvia37″]
I don’t understand where the idea that this site is critical of Jensen has come from. [/quote]
As a first-time visitor, I only know the site by reputation. Please note, though, that I said the site has a reputation for being hyper-critical of Dean, not of Jensen. I haven’t heard anything about this site being hyper-critical of Jensen. As Alice’s article demonstrates, it seems Jensen’s talent is recognized and appreciated.
I don’t understand where the idea that this site is critical of Jensen has come from. [/quote]
As a first-time visitor, I only know the site by reputation. Please note, though, that I said the site has a reputation for being hyper-critical of Dean, not of Jensen. I haven’t heard anything about this site being hyper-critical of Jensen. As Alice’s article demonstrates, it seems Jensen’s talent is recognized and appreciated.
Apologies if this gets posted twice.
[quote name=”sylvia37″]I don’t understand where the idea that this site is critical of Jensen has come from. [/quote]
As a first-time visitor, I only know the site by reputation. Please note, though, that I said the site has a reputation for being hyper-critical of Dean, not of Jensen. I don’t recall hearing that the site is hyper-critical of Jensen.
Apologies if this gets posted twice.
[quote]I don’t understand where the idea that this site is critical of Jensen has come from. [/quote]
As a first-time visitor, I only know the site by reputation. Please note, though, that I said the site has a reputation for being hyper-critical of Dean, not of Jensen. I don’t recall hearing that the site is hyper-critical of Jensen.
Hi Alice. What a wonderful article you’ve written. The reason I agree that Jensen is the heart and soul is because Dean is the heart and soul of Supernatural. Dean is the one who cares about family and is constantly trying to create his own version. Whether it only includes Sam or Bobby, Ellen, Charley, or Kevin, Dean does not give up. Maybe it’s because dad told him long ago to look after Sammy or because he’s the oldest, or that he lost his only home when young, Dean needs a place to nest. He thinks of the bunker as home by his careful decorating of “his” room. Sam just throws his stuff around as though it’s a motel and he will be leaving in a day or to. And what about that coffee carafe that surely Dean found? This does not mean one brother is more important, but rather these are two distinct personalities. I think when Sam would talk about leaving hunting in the past his thinking was more abstract.
The scene that stole my heart and made me tune in next week was the last of the pilot. Sam tells Dean he can hunt alone without Sam and Dean replies, “But I don’t want to.” The little boy who lost his home came out and his desire for a place to have some peace with his brother, if only for a little while
Hi Alice. What a wonderful article you’ve written. The reason I agree that Jensen is the heart and soul is because Dean is the heart and soul of Supernatural. Dean is the one who cares about family and is constantly trying to create his own version. Whether it only includes Sam or Bobby, Ellen, Charley, or Kevin, Dean does not give up. Maybe it’s because dad told him long ago to look after Sammy or because he’s the oldest, or that he lost his only home when young, Dean needs a place to nest. He thinks of the bunker as home by his careful decorating of “his” room. Sam just throws his stuff around as though it’s a motel and he will be leaving in a day or to. And what about that coffee carafe that surely Dean found? This does not mean one brother is more important, but rather these are two distinct personalities. I think when Sam would talk about leaving hunting in the past his thinking was more abstract.
The scene that stole my heart and made me tune in next week was the last of the pilot. Sam tells Dean he can hunt alone without Sam and Dean replies, “But I don’t want to.” The little boy who lost his home came out and his desire for a place to have some peace with his brother, if only for a little while
[quote name=”velaike”]Apologies if this gets posted twice.
[quote name=”sylvia37″]I don’t understand where the idea that this site is critical of Jensen has come from. [/quote]
As a first-time visitor, I only know the site by reputation. Please note, though, that I said the site has a reputation for being hyper-critical of Dean, not of Jensen. I don’t recall hearing that the site is hyper-critical of Jensen.
Sorry. I actually meant Dean. 🙂 I think you’ll find if you stick around that this site is unbiased. It’s one of the few that is. It actually praises and criticizes both brothers pretty equally. The love is spread around.
[quote]Apologies if this gets posted twice.
[quote]I don’t understand where the idea that this site is critical of Jensen has come from. [/quote]
As a first-time visitor, I only know the site by reputation. Please note, though, that I said the site has a reputation for being hyper-critical of Dean, not of Jensen. I don’t recall hearing that the site is hyper-critical of Jensen.
Sorry. I actually meant Dean. 🙂 I think you’ll find if you stick around that this site is unbiased. It’s one of the few that is. It actually praises and criticizes both brothers pretty equally. The love is spread around.
[quote name=”velaike”]First time stopping by here to read a commentary. As a Dean fan, I’ve often been warned off this site as one that is unreasonably, unnecessarily, and unpleasantly hyper-critical of Dean.
I’m glad I took the step to come read this particular article.[/quote]
Now that you’ve taken the step of coming to this site to read this article, I’m sure you will agree that this reputation you’ve heard is completely and egregiously incorrect. Wouldn’t you agree?
Goodness knows, I’ve never seen any of WFB writers be hyper-critical of Dean at all, certainly not in a unreasonable, unnecessary or unpleasant way, and I’ve been reading this site farther back than 2007.
[quote]First time stopping by here to read a commentary. As a Dean fan, I’ve often been warned off this site as one that is unreasonably, unnecessarily, and unpleasantly hyper-critical of Dean.
I’m glad I took the step to come read this particular article.[/quote]
Now that you’ve taken the step of coming to this site to read this article, I’m sure you will agree that this reputation you’ve heard is completely and egregiously incorrect. Wouldn’t you agree?
Goodness knows, I’ve never seen any of WFB writers be hyper-critical of Dean at all, certainly not in a unreasonable, unnecessary or unpleasant way, and I’ve been reading this site farther back than 2007.
Thanks Alice. I know we can never fully appreciate everything you do (and all that you have to put up with). So sorry to hear about sweetondean & bardicvoice.
Too bad there aren’t immediate repercussions from nasty posts. Maybe a mild shock administered through the interwebs? The more nasty posts the stronger the shock 😉
Thanks Alice. I know we can never fully appreciate everything you do (and all that you have to put up with). So sorry to hear about sweetondean & bardicvoice.
Too bad there aren’t immediate repercussions from nasty posts. Maybe a mild shock administered through the interwebs? The more nasty posts the stronger the shock 😉
[quote name=”Rick D”]
Now that you’ve taken the step of coming to this site to read this article, I’m sure you will agree that this reputation you’ve heard is completely and egregiously incorrect. Wouldn’t you agree?
Goodness knows, I’ve never seen any of WFB writers be hyper-critical of Dean at all, certainly not in a unreasonable, unnecessary or unpleasant way, and I’ve been reading this site farther back than 2007.
This writer did indeed write a wonderful commentary, and one with which I heartily agree. As I originally posted, Jensen has been one of my most admired actors since I discovered SPN and started investigating his other work back in 2007. Dean is the character I most relate too, and for me, Jensen’s portrayal gives the show that extra something that made me more than simply a casual viewer, but a fan. I’m invested in Dean and that which affects him.
The writers of the articles, perhaps, are equal opportunity in their love and criticism of the characters (and actors). But when I refer to the “site,” I’m referring to the site community as a whole. Reading through the comment thread was a bit of a different matter. It quickly devolved into the same complaints, gripes, contention, and tit-for-tat that I’ve seen elsewhere when such praise is given to one without note of the other. As a point of curiosity, I went back and perused the comment thread for the “Dear Jared” article. It took seven pages of comments before someone started with what was essentially, “But what about Jeeeennnnssseeennnn?!?!” while it took less than one page of comments before a commenter took issue with this author’s opinion of Jensen, less than two before things started getting nasty. Seven pages of praise for Jared (and, to be fair, Jensen as an occasional add-on), and only one page before the “If you praise Jensen without mentioning Jared, you diss Jared” comments started on this article.
Do with that what you will. It’s just an observation I made.
Add to that the disclosure that an author with the handle “sweetondean” has quit writing for the site, along with two other authors, and I’m not left with the impression that the site’s reputation is wholly unwarranted.
So I went and read some of the comments on some other recent articles. I get that not everyone sees Dean the way I see Dean, and I often have to have Sam’s POV pointed out to me because Dean is my default setting. But I found pretty much what I expected to find. Too much to delve into right now (and this is not the thread in which to do it anyway), but I saw the same things I see elsewhere that put me off of discussion as way too exhausting, circular, and disheartening.
Obviously, YMMV, and this is all just my observation and interpretation. I’m a stranger to this site, and if someone has lived here for a long time, you’re more familiar with the ins and outs and tone of the site than I am. As I said, do with this as you will.
I don’t want to leave this comment on a glum note, though. So in light of the fact that I long ago ran out of words to describe Jensen, I’ll simply say Yay Jensen! *o/* and wish everyone a happy holiday! 🙂
Now that you’ve taken the step of coming to this site to read this article, I’m sure you will agree that this reputation you’ve heard is completely and egregiously incorrect. Wouldn’t you agree?
Goodness knows, I’ve never seen any of WFB writers be hyper-critical of Dean at all, certainly not in a unreasonable, unnecessary or unpleasant way, and I’ve been reading this site farther back than 2007.
This writer did indeed write a wonderful commentary, and one with which I heartily agree. As I originally posted, Jensen has been one of my most admired actors since I discovered SPN and started investigating his other work back in 2007. Dean is the character I most relate too, and for me, Jensen’s portrayal gives the show that extra something that made me more than simply a casual viewer, but a fan. I’m invested in Dean and that which affects him.
The writers of the articles, perhaps, are equal opportunity in their love and criticism of the characters (and actors). But when I refer to the “site,” I’m referring to the site community as a whole. Reading through the comment thread was a bit of a different matter. It quickly devolved into the same complaints, gripes, contention, and tit-for-tat that I’ve seen elsewhere when such praise is given to one without note of the other. As a point of curiosity, I went back and perused the comment thread for the “Dear Jared” article. It took seven pages of comments before someone started with what was essentially, “But what about Jeeeennnnssseeennnn?!?!” while it took less than one page of comments before a commenter took issue with this author’s opinion of Jensen, less than two before things started getting nasty. Seven pages of praise for Jared (and, to be fair, Jensen as an occasional add-on), and only one page before the “If you praise Jensen without mentioning Jared, you diss Jared” comments started on this article.
Do with that what you will. It’s just an observation I made.
Add to that the disclosure that an author with the handle “sweetondean” has quit writing for the site, along with two other authors, and I’m not left with the impression that the site’s reputation is wholly unwarranted.
So I went and read some of the comments on some other recent articles. I get that not everyone sees Dean the way I see Dean, and I often have to have Sam’s POV pointed out to me because Dean is my default setting. But I found pretty much what I expected to find. Too much to delve into right now (and this is not the thread in which to do it anyway), but I saw the same things I see elsewhere that put me off of discussion as way too exhausting, circular, and disheartening.
Obviously, YMMV, and this is all just my observation and interpretation. I’m a stranger to this site, and if someone has lived here for a long time, you’re more familiar with the ins and outs and tone of the site than I am. As I said, do with this as you will.
I don’t want to leave this comment on a glum note, though. So in light of the fact that I long ago ran out of words to describe Jensen, I’ll simply say Yay Jensen! *o/* and wish everyone a happy holiday! 🙂
[quote name=”Rick D”]Goodness knows, I’ve never seen any of WFB writers be hyper-critical of Dean at all, certainly not in a unreasonable, unnecessary or unpleasant way.
I’ve never found the writers on this site to be hyper-critical of anything SPN–Dean included–many of the posters, however, can be. I find the editorial staff here to mostly celebrate all things SPN. You might try just reading some of the articles and skipping the comments (or just skimming them as I do), There’s lot’s of variety with the writers here depending on what their interest in SPN is–you might find one or two that strikes you just right.
I’ve always thought that everyone here is fan, and everyone is welcome. At the end of the day we all just love the show and want to talk about it. I’m hoping that once the dust settles, we all realize that we were arguing the same point–we all love Jensen and Jared–and that the rest wasn’t really all that important to be so shouty about.
Sorry, I know this is slightly off-topic–I lurk a lot, but only comment when inspired to do so. I will totally understand if you feel the need to remove it.
[quote]Goodness knows, I’ve never seen any of WFB writers be hyper-critical of Dean at all, certainly not in a unreasonable, unnecessary or unpleasant way.
I’ve never found the writers on this site to be hyper-critical of anything SPN–Dean included–many of the posters, however, can be. I find the editorial staff here to mostly celebrate all things SPN. You might try just reading some of the articles and skipping the comments (or just skimming them as I do), There’s lot’s of variety with the writers here depending on what their interest in SPN is–you might find one or two that strikes you just right.
I’ve always thought that everyone here is fan, and everyone is welcome. At the end of the day we all just love the show and want to talk about it. I’m hoping that once the dust settles, we all realize that we were arguing the same point–we all love Jensen and Jared–and that the rest wasn’t really all that important to be so shouty about.
Sorry, I know this is slightly off-topic–I lurk a lot, but only comment when inspired to do so. I will totally understand if you feel the need to remove it.
[quote name=”velaike”][quote name=”Rick D”]
Now that you’ve taken the step of coming to this site to read this article, I’m sure you will agree that this reputation you’ve heard is completely and egregiously incorrect. Wouldn’t you agree?
Goodness knows, I’ve never seen any of WFB writers be hyper-critical of Dean at all, certainly not in a unreasonable, unnecessary or unpleasant way, and I’ve been reading this site farther back than 2007.
This writer did indeed write a wonderful commentary, and one with which I heartily agree. As I originally posted, Jensen has been one of my most admired actors since I discovered SPN and started investigating his other work back in 2007. Dean is the character I most relate too, and for me, Jensen’s portrayal gives the show that extra something that made me more than simply a casual viewer, but a fan. I’m invested in Dean and that which affects him.
The writers of the articles, perhaps, are equal opportunity in their love and criticism of the characters (and actors). But when I refer to the “site,” I’m referring to the site community as a whole. Reading through the comment thread was a bit of a different matter. It quickly devolved into the same complaints, gripes, contention, and tit-for-tat that I’ve seen elsewhere when such praise is given to one without note of the other. As a point of curiosity, I went back and perused the comment thread for the “Dear Jared” article. It took seven pages of comments before someone started with what was essentially, “But what about Jeeeennnnssseeennnn?!?!” while it took less than one page of comments before a commenter took issue with this author’s opinion of Jensen, less than two before things started getting nasty. Seven pages of praise for Jared (and, to be fair, Jensen as an occasional add-on), and only one page before the “If you praise Jensen without mentioning Jared, you diss Jared” comments started on this article.
Do with that what you will. It’s just an observation I made.
Add to that the disclosure that an author with the handle “sweetondean” has quit writing for the site, along with two other authors, and I’m not left with the impression that the site’s reputation is wholly unwarranted.
So I went and read some of the comments on some other recent articles. I get that not everyone sees Dean the way I see Dean, and I often have to have Sam’s POV pointed out to me because Dean is my default setting. But I found pretty much what I expected to find. Too much to delve into right now (and this is not the thread in which to do it anyway), but I saw the same things I see elsewhere that put me off of discussion as way too exhausting, circular, and disheartening.
Obviously, YMMV, and this is all just my observation and interpretation. I’m a stranger to this site, and if someone has lived here for a long time, you’re more familiar with the ins and outs and tone of the site than I am. As I said, do with this as you will.
I don’t want to leave this comment on a glum note, though. So in light of the fact that I long ago ran out of words to describe Jensen, I’ll simply say Yay Jensen! *o/* and wish everyone a happy holiday! :-)[/quote]
Unfortunately you’re probably right in that the comments do tend to devolve into the usual divided sides that you find on other sites. The difference I find is that, for the most part, people try to be respectful of each other’s opinions here even if they don’t agree and the mods shut down immediately on anyone who isn’t.
As for the Jared article, I think that Jared fans feel safe praising him here because the mods are so diligent whereas on other sites, it can get pretty nasty. And most of the Sam fans here love Dean as well.
Anyway, hope you stick around. And to get back to the topic, Yay Jensen!!
Now that you’ve taken the step of coming to this site to read this article, I’m sure you will agree that this reputation you’ve heard is completely and egregiously incorrect. Wouldn’t you agree?
Goodness knows, I’ve never seen any of WFB writers be hyper-critical of Dean at all, certainly not in a unreasonable, unnecessary or unpleasant way, and I’ve been reading this site farther back than 2007.
This writer did indeed write a wonderful commentary, and one with which I heartily agree. As I originally posted, Jensen has been one of my most admired actors since I discovered SPN and started investigating his other work back in 2007. Dean is the character I most relate too, and for me, Jensen’s portrayal gives the show that extra something that made me more than simply a casual viewer, but a fan. I’m invested in Dean and that which affects him.
The writers of the articles, perhaps, are equal opportunity in their love and criticism of the characters (and actors). But when I refer to the “site,” I’m referring to the site community as a whole. Reading through the comment thread was a bit of a different matter. It quickly devolved into the same complaints, gripes, contention, and tit-for-tat that I’ve seen elsewhere when such praise is given to one without note of the other. As a point of curiosity, I went back and perused the comment thread for the “Dear Jared” article. It took seven pages of comments before someone started with what was essentially, “But what about Jeeeennnnssseeennnn?!?!” while it took less than one page of comments before a commenter took issue with this author’s opinion of Jensen, less than two before things started getting nasty. Seven pages of praise for Jared (and, to be fair, Jensen as an occasional add-on), and only one page before the “If you praise Jensen without mentioning Jared, you diss Jared” comments started on this article.
Do with that what you will. It’s just an observation I made.
Add to that the disclosure that an author with the handle “sweetondean” has quit writing for the site, along with two other authors, and I’m not left with the impression that the site’s reputation is wholly unwarranted.
So I went and read some of the comments on some other recent articles. I get that not everyone sees Dean the way I see Dean, and I often have to have Sam’s POV pointed out to me because Dean is my default setting. But I found pretty much what I expected to find. Too much to delve into right now (and this is not the thread in which to do it anyway), but I saw the same things I see elsewhere that put me off of discussion as way too exhausting, circular, and disheartening.
Obviously, YMMV, and this is all just my observation and interpretation. I’m a stranger to this site, and if someone has lived here for a long time, you’re more familiar with the ins and outs and tone of the site than I am. As I said, do with this as you will.
I don’t want to leave this comment on a glum note, though. So in light of the fact that I long ago ran out of words to describe Jensen, I’ll simply say Yay Jensen! *o/* and wish everyone a happy holiday! :-)[/quote]
Unfortunately you’re probably right in that the comments do tend to devolve into the usual divided sides that you find on other sites. The difference I find is that, for the most part, people try to be respectful of each other’s opinions here even if they don’t agree and the mods shut down immediately on anyone who isn’t.
As for the Jared article, I think that Jared fans feel safe praising him here because the mods are so diligent whereas on other sites, it can get pretty nasty. And most of the Sam fans here love Dean as well.
Anyway, hope you stick around. And to get back to the topic, Yay Jensen!!
[quote name=”velaike”][quote name=”Rick D”]
Now that you’ve taken the step of coming to this site to read this article, I’m sure you will agree that this reputation you’ve heard is completely and egregiously incorrect. Wouldn’t you agree?
Goodness knows, I’ve never seen any of WFB writers be hyper-critical of Dean at all, certainly not in a unreasonable, unnecessary or unpleasant way, and I’ve been reading this site farther back than 2007.
This writer did indeed write a wonderful commentary, and one with which I heartily agree. As I originally posted, Jensen has been one of my most admired actors since I discovered SPN and started investigating his other work back in 2007. Dean is the character I most relate too, and for me, Jensen’s portrayal gives the show that extra something that made me more than simply a casual viewer, but a fan. I’m invested in Dean and that which affects him.
The writers of the articles, perhaps, are equal opportunity in their love and criticism of the characters (and actors). But when I refer to the “site,” I’m referring to the site community as a whole. Reading through the comment thread was a bit of a different matter. It quickly devolved into the same complaints, gripes, contention, and tit-for-tat that I’ve seen elsewhere when such praise is given to one without note of the other. As a point of curiosity, [b]I went back and perused the comment thread for the “Dear Jared” article. It took seven pages of comments before someone started with what was essentially, “But what about Jeeeennnnssseeennnn?!?!” while it took less than one page of comments before a commenter took issue with this author’s opinion of Jensen, less than two before things started getting nasty. Seven pages of praise for Jared (and, to be fair, Jensen as an occasional add-on), and only one page before the “If you praise Jensen without mentioning Jared, you diss Jared” comments started on this article.
Do with that what you will. It’s just an observation I made.
[b]Add to that the disclosure that an author with the handle “sweetondean” has quit writing for the site, along with two other authors,[/b] and I’m not left with the impression that the site’s reputation is wholly unwarranted.
So I went and read some of the comments on some other recent articles. I get that not everyone sees Dean the way I see Dean, and I often have to have Sam’s POV pointed out to me because Dean is my default setting. But I found pretty much what I expected to find. Too much to delve into right now (and this is not the thread in which to do it anyway), but I saw the same things I see elsewhere that put me off of discussion as way too exhausting, circular, and disheartening.
Obviously, YMMV, and this is all just my observation and interpretation. I’m a stranger to this site, and if someone has lived here for a long time, you’re more familiar with the ins and outs and tone of the site than I am. As I said, do with this as you will.
I don’t want to leave this comment on a glum note, though. So in light of the fact that I long ago ran out of words to describe Jensen, I’ll simply say Yay Jensen! *o/* and wish everyone a happy holiday! :-)[/quote]
1)The first bolded part —-It is not so simple.But I will not elaborate in this article.
2)While I am sad that sweetondean has quit and I want her to return,This not the first time a writer has quit.
Now that you’ve taken the step of coming to this site to read this article, I’m sure you will agree that this reputation you’ve heard is completely and egregiously incorrect. Wouldn’t you agree?
Goodness knows, I’ve never seen any of WFB writers be hyper-critical of Dean at all, certainly not in a unreasonable, unnecessary or unpleasant way, and I’ve been reading this site farther back than 2007.
This writer did indeed write a wonderful commentary, and one with which I heartily agree. As I originally posted, Jensen has been one of my most admired actors since I discovered SPN and started investigating his other work back in 2007. Dean is the character I most relate too, and for me, Jensen’s portrayal gives the show that extra something that made me more than simply a casual viewer, but a fan. I’m invested in Dean and that which affects him.
The writers of the articles, perhaps, are equal opportunity in their love and criticism of the characters (and actors). But when I refer to the “site,” I’m referring to the site community as a whole. Reading through the comment thread was a bit of a different matter. It quickly devolved into the same complaints, gripes, contention, and tit-for-tat that I’ve seen elsewhere when such praise is given to one without note of the other. As a point of curiosity, [b]I went back and perused the comment thread for the “Dear Jared” article. It took seven pages of comments before someone started with what was essentially, “But what about Jeeeennnnssseeennnn?!?!” while it took less than one page of comments before a commenter took issue with this author’s opinion of Jensen, less than two before things started getting nasty. Seven pages of praise for Jared (and, to be fair, Jensen as an occasional add-on), and only one page before the “If you praise Jensen without mentioning Jared, you diss Jared” comments started on this article.
Do with that what you will. It’s just an observation I made.
[b]Add to that the disclosure that an author with the handle “sweetondean” has quit writing for the site, along with two other authors,[/b] and I’m not left with the impression that the site’s reputation is wholly unwarranted.
So I went and read some of the comments on some other recent articles. I get that not everyone sees Dean the way I see Dean, and I often have to have Sam’s POV pointed out to me because Dean is my default setting. But I found pretty much what I expected to find. Too much to delve into right now (and this is not the thread in which to do it anyway), but I saw the same things I see elsewhere that put me off of discussion as way too exhausting, circular, and disheartening.
Obviously, YMMV, and this is all just my observation and interpretation. I’m a stranger to this site, and if someone has lived here for a long time, you’re more familiar with the ins and outs and tone of the site than I am. As I said, do with this as you will.
I don’t want to leave this comment on a glum note, though. So in light of the fact that I long ago ran out of words to describe Jensen, I’ll simply say Yay Jensen! *o/* and wish everyone a happy holiday! :-)[/quote]
1)The first bolded part —-It is not so simple.But I will not elaborate in this article.
2)While I am sad that sweetondean has quit and I want her to return,This not the first time a writer has quit.
I’ll permit the discussion about the tone of the site, just because you guys are keeping it civil and grounded.
First, welcome velalike and ME! I do always like seeing new posters around here.
As the editor in chief, and the one person that’s been here through the history of the site, we’ve had a lot of writers come and go, and we’ve had a lot of regular visitors come and go. This site is welcome to everyone, but I know that any community is not going to be able to appeal to everyone, especially when this fandom is so split with it’s interests. I try to keep the writing fair and balanced among the staff, but I’ll never have control over the people who choose the post here. Often times the comments are even overwhelming for this moderator. I’m always looking for new ways to get our discussions out of the same repeating patterns.
I’ve tried to keep a variety of options open for people. For example, the real opinionated stuff goes in our Let’s Discuss and Let’s Speculate articles. The fun stuff (which I concede we don’t do as much as we should) have a more happy fan tone. This all falls in our “Mystery Spot” and “Lighter Side” categories usually. Episode reviews, which dominate when new episodes air, are a mixed bag at best. I can’t control the opinions, and the reviews are often varied.
If you want something that isn’t so polarizing with the fandom for example, try our “Don’t Objectify Me” thread. It’s a lot of fun! We’ve had three so far. I’ll try to keep more of these happy threads going in the future.
I’m also wide open for suggestions on any discussions you want to have explored here. I’d really like to offer more to Dean fans, but when we have this reputation we don’t appeal to Dean fans, it’s kind of hard to get those things going.
I’ll permit the discussion about the tone of the site, just because you guys are keeping it civil and grounded.
First, welcome velalike and ME! I do always like seeing new posters around here.
As the editor in chief, and the one person that’s been here through the history of the site, we’ve had a lot of writers come and go, and we’ve had a lot of regular visitors come and go. This site is welcome to everyone, but I know that any community is not going to be able to appeal to everyone, especially when this fandom is so split with it’s interests. I try to keep the writing fair and balanced among the staff, but I’ll never have control over the people who choose the post here. Often times the comments are even overwhelming for this moderator. I’m always looking for new ways to get our discussions out of the same repeating patterns.
I’ve tried to keep a variety of options open for people. For example, the real opinionated stuff goes in our Let’s Discuss and Let’s Speculate articles. The fun stuff (which I concede we don’t do as much as we should) have a more happy fan tone. This all falls in our “Mystery Spot” and “Lighter Side” categories usually. Episode reviews, which dominate when new episodes air, are a mixed bag at best. I can’t control the opinions, and the reviews are often varied.
If you want something that isn’t so polarizing with the fandom for example, try our “Don’t Objectify Me” thread. It’s a lot of fun! We’ve had three so far. I’ll try to keep more of these happy threads going in the future.
I’m also wide open for suggestions on any discussions you want to have explored here. I’d really like to offer more to Dean fans, but when we have this reputation we don’t appeal to Dean fans, it’s kind of hard to get those things going.
Thanks again Alice, you have gone above and beyond, as always. You’ve even helped me err on the side of not responding further to certain people.
I don’t envy you the task of undoing this alleged “reputation”, as it has no basis in fact, so . . . what are you supposed to do? It’s like trying to convince some people that Obama isn’t a Muslim- some will just never believe.
Thanks again Alice, you have gone above and beyond, as always. You’ve even helped me err on the side of not responding further to certain people.
I don’t envy you the task of undoing this alleged “reputation”, as it has no basis in fact, so . . . what are you supposed to do? It’s like trying to convince some people that Obama isn’t a Muslim- some will just never believe.
What is sad is that most of these people have never even tried this web site because of it’s supposed reputation. This is a safe haven for Sam and Dean fans. I am fairly sure that sweetondean was not chased off this site because she was a Dean fan. It was probably because like everywhere in the fandom the tone is unbearably negative at times.
What is sad is that most of these people have never even tried this web site because of it’s supposed reputation. This is a safe haven for Sam and Dean fans. I am fairly sure that sweetondean was not chased off this site because she was a Dean fan. It was probably because like everywhere in the fandom the tone is unbearably negative at times.
Thank you, Alice, for the welcome, and for the overview of discussion options. I appreciate your (and others) effort to welcome a total stranger. Running a website is a daunting task, particularly with such a variety and intensity of opinions, and when you have a RL to attend to, as we all do. 🙂
As far as what to do to appeal to Dean fans, I don’t know what to say. Neither would I expect you to take advice from a total stranger on how to run your site, if, indeed, I had any advice to give. I’ve waxed poetic(ish) on many aspects of Dean over the years, so I’m not sure I have anything new to say, either.
This is neither the time nor the place for any treatise I might have it in me to write, so I’ll stop there, maybe lurk a bit. Have a pleasant holiday, and an awesome 2014 (better than Zach’s projection, at least). 😉
Thank you, Alice, for the welcome, and for the overview of discussion options. I appreciate your (and others) effort to welcome a total stranger. Running a website is a daunting task, particularly with such a variety and intensity of opinions, and when you have a RL to attend to, as we all do. 🙂
As far as what to do to appeal to Dean fans, I don’t know what to say. Neither would I expect you to take advice from a total stranger on how to run your site, if, indeed, I had any advice to give. I’ve waxed poetic(ish) on many aspects of Dean over the years, so I’m not sure I have anything new to say, either.
This is neither the time nor the place for any treatise I might have it in me to write, so I’ll stop there, maybe lurk a bit. Have a pleasant holiday, and an awesome 2014 (better than Zach’s projection, at least). 😉
What a wonderful article. But the comments, ugh, so much stans are too afraid Jensen got more compliments than Jared. Calm down.
What a wonderful article. But the comments, ugh, so much stans are too afraid Jensen got more compliments than Jared. Calm down.
Jensen Ackels is excellent in Supernatural I love his character Dean.
Jensen Ackels is excellent in Supernatural I love his character Dean.
We’ve gotten some very nasty, biting negative comments posted here about this article, and I’ve unpublished them because that is against the spirit of this article and the rules. However, I received on Facebook this post from spcmla86. It disapproves of the article, but this person has written so in a constructive, heartfelt way that is worthy of sharing. I do not oppose opposition. I do oppose negativity though, and I want to share this in hopes that this is the kind of posts we get in the future when there is disagreement.
Dear SPN “Family”,
I would like to start by saying that I have been a fan of the show even before it started airing. And just so everyone doesn’t have to speculate anymore, I love both Jared and Jensen and Sam and Dean but admittedly, I am more of a Jared/Sam fan than a Jensen/Dean fan.
I am writing this letter so I can express my disappointment about an article written by Ms. Alice Jester in the Winchester Family Business website entitled “Jensen Ackles: The Heart and Soul of Supernatural”. First and foremost I would like to say that I do not think the article is wrong and that I agree with almost everything Ms. Jester has written, except for one. That Jensen Ackles is the heart and soul of the show. I understand what Ms. Jester wanted to convey with this article. She wanted to show her appreciation of Jensen’s amazing talent and dedication for the show. There is just one thing I would like to point out. And I know that everyone who is a fan of this show knows this, there are two persons/actors carrying this show, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. And that if I were in the place of any one of them, and a writer/website that is read/followed by a lot of the show’s fans and, I’m sure by the actors themselves, wrote something that singles out the other actor, wouldn’t you be disappointed? Or even hurt a little? I understand from Ms. Jester’s responses in Twitter that she only wanted to balance things out after some fans asked her to write an article for Jensen after, if I’m correct, publishing the open letter about Jared’s performance in the final episodes of Season 8 by one of her contributing writers. What I want to know is, why does everything have to be balanced out? Just because some fans wanted an article about the actor who, admittedly, is favored more by almost all of this show’s fans? If they believed in the open letter article enough to publish it, then why do they have to justify it by writing an article about Jensen? Why not just leave things as is? Especially since Jared has not been given enough credit for his performances, talent and dedication by those who are supposedly “fans” of the show. I understand Ms. Jester’s frustration about some of the fans’ reactions to her article. You can never satisfy everyone and I know it’s especially difficult for someone in her position. But I hope that she also doesn’t dismiss the frustrations of a lot of Jared’s fans when they feel that Jared is getting the short-end of the stick in something that we all know is equally his.
I’m sorry if this came out as rather rambly and a bit clichéd. I am not a native English speaker and am not used to writing in the language. But as I said initially, I have been a longtime fan of the show and have seen/heard/read a lot of things about it, whether it be for or against the show or the guys (actors and characters). And I just wanted to express my opinions about it.
Thank you.
We’ve gotten some very nasty, biting negative comments posted here about this article, and I’ve unpublished them because that is against the spirit of this article and the rules. However, I received on Facebook this post from spcmla86. It disapproves of the article, but this person has written so in a constructive, heartfelt way that is worthy of sharing. I do not oppose opposition. I do oppose negativity though, and I want to share this in hopes that this is the kind of posts we get in the future when there is disagreement.
Dear SPN “Family”,
I would like to start by saying that I have been a fan of the show even before it started airing. And just so everyone doesn’t have to speculate anymore, I love both Jared and Jensen and Sam and Dean but admittedly, I am more of a Jared/Sam fan than a Jensen/Dean fan.
I am writing this letter so I can express my disappointment about an article written by Ms. Alice Jester in the Winchester Family Business website entitled “Jensen Ackles: The Heart and Soul of Supernatural”. First and foremost I would like to say that I do not think the article is wrong and that I agree with almost everything Ms. Jester has written, except for one. That Jensen Ackles is the heart and soul of the show. I understand what Ms. Jester wanted to convey with this article. She wanted to show her appreciation of Jensen’s amazing talent and dedication for the show. There is just one thing I would like to point out. And I know that everyone who is a fan of this show knows this, there are two persons/actors carrying this show, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. And that if I were in the place of any one of them, and a writer/website that is read/followed by a lot of the show’s fans and, I’m sure by the actors themselves, wrote something that singles out the other actor, wouldn’t you be disappointed? Or even hurt a little? I understand from Ms. Jester’s responses in Twitter that she only wanted to balance things out after some fans asked her to write an article for Jensen after, if I’m correct, publishing the open letter about Jared’s performance in the final episodes of Season 8 by one of her contributing writers. What I want to know is, why does everything have to be balanced out? Just because some fans wanted an article about the actor who, admittedly, is favored more by almost all of this show’s fans? If they believed in the open letter article enough to publish it, then why do they have to justify it by writing an article about Jensen? Why not just leave things as is? Especially since Jared has not been given enough credit for his performances, talent and dedication by those who are supposedly “fans” of the show. I understand Ms. Jester’s frustration about some of the fans’ reactions to her article. You can never satisfy everyone and I know it’s especially difficult for someone in her position. But I hope that she also doesn’t dismiss the frustrations of a lot of Jared’s fans when they feel that Jared is getting the short-end of the stick in something that we all know is equally his.
I’m sorry if this came out as rather rambly and a bit clichéd. I am not a native English speaker and am not used to writing in the language. But as I said initially, I have been a longtime fan of the show and have seen/heard/read a lot of things about it, whether it be for or against the show or the guys (actors and characters). And I just wanted to express my opinions about it.
Thank you.
Alice does this mean the door is open to discuss the “title” issue again? I have a few thoughts I would like to share. If not please feel free to edit or unpublish. I will not be offended.
I have been very conflicted about this issue. I was excited to see an article praising Jensen’s acting skills. I am not aware of the general fandom’s proclivities because I stick to this site as a general rule where things are pretty fair and balanced. When I saw the title my first thought was “oh no” this is not going to go over well at all. My stomach sank because I knew the storm that would follow would take away from an article that was suppose to be, and was, a nice tribute.
Taking into account Alice’s reputation and her sites reputation for not allowing things to get ugly, I do not think that Alice would deliberately cause a shitstorm just to get hits. It is just not a characteristic move for Alice to take a swipe at Sam for controversy.
I also do not think it is appropriate for fans to dictate to any writer, be it the show’s writers or anyone else, what they should write. Or in this case how it should be titled. I, at first, thought maybe Alice should change it but now I realize it is her choice even if many feel it was ill-advised or a deliberate move to cause fan dissention.
I am upset that people have left the site over this. Some I consider friends. I can understand how they feel though, if they thought Jared was dismissed as being a vital part of the equation. I would have felt bad if someone had titled an article Jared the “Heart and Soul” of Supernatural as would most of Jensen fans. Again, I do not think this is what Alice meant so the whole matter just saddens me.
Alice does this mean the door is open to discuss the “title” issue again? I have a few thoughts I would like to share. If not please feel free to edit or unpublish. I will not be offended.
I have been very conflicted about this issue. I was excited to see an article praising Jensen’s acting skills. I am not aware of the general fandom’s proclivities because I stick to this site as a general rule where things are pretty fair and balanced. When I saw the title my first thought was “oh no” this is not going to go over well at all. My stomach sank because I knew the storm that would follow would take away from an article that was suppose to be, and was, a nice tribute.
Taking into account Alice’s reputation and her sites reputation for not allowing things to get ugly, I do not think that Alice would deliberately cause a shitstorm just to get hits. It is just not a characteristic move for Alice to take a swipe at Sam for controversy.
I also do not think it is appropriate for fans to dictate to any writer, be it the show’s writers or anyone else, what they should write. Or in this case how it should be titled. I, at first, thought maybe Alice should change it but now I realize it is her choice even if many feel it was ill-advised or a deliberate move to cause fan dissention.
I am upset that people have left the site over this. Some I consider friends. I can understand how they feel though, if they thought Jared was dismissed as being a vital part of the equation. I would have felt bad if someone had titled an article Jared the “Heart and Soul” of Supernatural as would most of Jensen fans. Again, I do not think this is what Alice meant so the whole matter just saddens me.
I applaud your shared letter’s civility, and I can understand to a point what she’s saying. It isn’t always necessary to have a balanced approach–unless, of course, you’re trying to present your site as being a balanced and welcoming place for all fans. I agree that Jared’s letter of praise can stand on its own. I can understand Jared fans might be frustrated that he doesn’t seem to get the credit he deserves for acting, but at the same time I’m not sure the answer to that is to begrudge Jensen getting praise as well. Which I don’t think this letter writer is saying at all, but it seems to me that the implication is that the only purpose of this letter is because the site has to be “fair.” But, if we were to take into account what the letter writer was saying about the leads reading articles and being hurt about being left out, I would think that Jared would be the first to praise this article. After all, he was recognized for his acting by the site, so he would be happy to see Jensen receive the same, just as Jensen would if the situations were reversed.
I would be sad to think that a counterbalancing article praising Jensen would only be written to “balance things out.” After all, the letter writer can agree, as I’m sure many of us do, that Jensen is certainly worthy of praise, and I really don’t think that was the sole motivation behind the article. Again, I don’t think that praising Jensen is a hit against Jared, nor should his fans take it as such, just as Jensen fans should not take the earlier letter about Jared’s acting as a negative slight.
So in closing, I understand the letter writer’s perspective, but I think if we are to support our two leads, it also means understanding that they are also each other’s fans and would not begrudge the praise of their best friend. I’m not sure why balance would be considered a terrible thing, though I certainly like to think praise for Jensen is not being delivered merely for balance, but because he deserves it–just as Jared does.
I applaud your shared letter’s civility, and I can understand to a point what she’s saying. It isn’t always necessary to have a balanced approach–unless, of course, you’re trying to present your site as being a balanced and welcoming place for all fans. I agree that Jared’s letter of praise can stand on its own. I can understand Jared fans might be frustrated that he doesn’t seem to get the credit he deserves for acting, but at the same time I’m not sure the answer to that is to begrudge Jensen getting praise as well. Which I don’t think this letter writer is saying at all, but it seems to me that the implication is that the only purpose of this letter is because the site has to be “fair.” But, if we were to take into account what the letter writer was saying about the leads reading articles and being hurt about being left out, I would think that Jared would be the first to praise this article. After all, he was recognized for his acting by the site, so he would be happy to see Jensen receive the same, just as Jensen would if the situations were reversed.
I would be sad to think that a counterbalancing article praising Jensen would only be written to “balance things out.” After all, the letter writer can agree, as I’m sure many of us do, that Jensen is certainly worthy of praise, and I really don’t think that was the sole motivation behind the article. Again, I don’t think that praising Jensen is a hit against Jared, nor should his fans take it as such, just as Jensen fans should not take the earlier letter about Jared’s acting as a negative slight.
So in closing, I understand the letter writer’s perspective, but I think if we are to support our two leads, it also means understanding that they are also each other’s fans and would not begrudge the praise of their best friend. I’m not sure why balance would be considered a terrible thing, though I certainly like to think praise for Jensen is not being delivered merely for balance, but because he deserves it–just as Jared does.
Thank you Alice for publishing spcmla86’s comment, as she expressed exactly what I feel and was afraid to post in fear of appearing negative, harping on the title (titles do matter) or being unpublished.
I still think that Dean is the heart of SPN, but I’m sure that Jared has more of a presence on the set that Sam does on the show, and frankly I’ve been afraid that Jared might be hurt a little reading this. He obviously reads here and seems like the sensitive type.
Hopefully I didn’t overstep.
Thank you Alice for publishing spcmla86’s comment, as she expressed exactly what I feel and was afraid to post in fear of appearing negative, harping on the title (titles do matter) or being unpublished.
I still think that Dean is the heart of SPN, but I’m sure that Jared has more of a presence on the set that Sam does on the show, and frankly I’ve been afraid that Jared might be hurt a little reading this. He obviously reads here and seems like the sensitive type.
Hopefully I didn’t overstep.
I do not think that Jared fans have a issue with praise and a article for Jensen . But I would be lying if I did not say that I find the title too exclusive for me personally.
I do not think that Jared fans have a issue with praise and a article for Jensen . But I would be lying if I did not say that I find the title too exclusive for me personally.
While I love both brothers I have to admit I am definitely more of a Sam/Jared fan. And as a Sam/Jared fan it never occurred to me that the title of this article would cause so much pain to other Sam fans. I thought it was so beautifully written and brought out everything in Jensen that makes his portrayal of Dean so iconic. Every scene that Alice wrote in her article was for me just the tip of the iceberg of all the fantastic performances we are so lucky to have enjoyed over the years The title is not wrong. I can’t believe that Jared would disagree with it either. That doesn’t mean that Jared/Sam is less important or isn’t a co-star or anything other than one of the two most vital elements of the show. This was an article to praise Jensen’s talents and as far as I can tell not meant to be a slam on Jared. I can’t say that I understand where other Sam fans are coming from because I really don’t. It seems much ado about nothing.
While I love both brothers I have to admit I am definitely more of a Sam/Jared fan. And as a Sam/Jared fan it never occurred to me that the title of this article would cause so much pain to other Sam fans. I thought it was so beautifully written and brought out everything in Jensen that makes his portrayal of Dean so iconic. Every scene that Alice wrote in her article was for me just the tip of the iceberg of all the fantastic performances we are so lucky to have enjoyed over the years The title is not wrong. I can’t believe that Jared would disagree with it either. That doesn’t mean that Jared/Sam is less important or isn’t a co-star or anything other than one of the two most vital elements of the show. This was an article to praise Jensen’s talents and as far as I can tell not meant to be a slam on Jared. I can’t say that I understand where other Sam fans are coming from because I really don’t. It seems much ado about nothing.
[quote name=”cheryl42″]While I love both brothers I have to admit I am definitely more of a Sam/Jared fan. And as a Sam/Jared fan it never occurred to me that the title of this article would cause so much pain to other Sam fans. I thought it was so beautifully written and brought out everything in Jensen that makes his portrayal of Dean so iconic. Every scene that Alice wrote in her article was for me just the tip of the iceberg of all the fantastic performances we are so lucky to have enjoyed over the years The title is not wrong. I can’t believe that Jared would disagree with it either. That doesn’t mean that Jared/Sam is less important or isn’t a co-star or anything other than one of the two most vital elements of the show. This was an article to praise Jensen’s talents and as far as I can tell not meant to be a slam on Jared. I can’t say that I understand where other Sam fans are coming from because I really don’t. It seems much ado about nothing.[/quote]
The two most important elements are Heart and Soul is it not each part makes a whole ? I cannot help the way I feel about the title I have not made a big thing out of it because it was Alice’s title I just expressed a personal opinion.
[quote]While I love both brothers I have to admit I am definitely more of a Sam/Jared fan. And as a Sam/Jared fan it never occurred to me that the title of this article would cause so much pain to other Sam fans. I thought it was so beautifully written and brought out everything in Jensen that makes his portrayal of Dean so iconic. Every scene that Alice wrote in her article was for me just the tip of the iceberg of all the fantastic performances we are so lucky to have enjoyed over the years The title is not wrong. I can’t believe that Jared would disagree with it either. That doesn’t mean that Jared/Sam is less important or isn’t a co-star or anything other than one of the two most vital elements of the show. This was an article to praise Jensen’s talents and as far as I can tell not meant to be a slam on Jared. I can’t say that I understand where other Sam fans are coming from because I really don’t. It seems much ado about nothing.[/quote]
The two most important elements are Heart and Soul is it not each part makes a whole ? I cannot help the way I feel about the title I have not made a big thing out of it because it was Alice’s title I just expressed a personal opinion.
Sorry Sharon I wasn’t directing my comment on yours. I was just speaking generally since following the comments from the beginning. Everyone is entitled to their thoughts, feelings and opinions. I just expressed mine. I just don’t think that Alice’s intent was to say that Jared/Sam wasn’t just as much of the heart and soul as Jensen/Dean. At least that was my take on the article.
Sorry Sharon I wasn’t directing my comment on yours. I was just speaking generally since following the comments from the beginning. Everyone is entitled to their thoughts, feelings and opinions. I just expressed mine. I just don’t think that Alice’s intent was to say that Jared/Sam wasn’t just as much of the heart and soul as Jensen/Dean. At least that was my take on the article.
[quote name=”cheryl42″]Sorry Sharon I wasn’t directing my comment on yours. I was just speaking generally since following the comments from the beginning. Everyone is entitled to their thoughts, feelings and opinions. I just expressed mine. I just don’t think that Alice’s intent was to say that Jared/Sam wasn’t just as much of the heart and soul as Jensen/Dean. At least that was my take on the article.[/quote]
No need to apologize I know you were not specifically directing your post at me 🙂 I should say sorry if I gave you that impression.
[quote]Sorry Sharon I wasn’t directing my comment on yours. I was just speaking generally since following the comments from the beginning. Everyone is entitled to their thoughts, feelings and opinions. I just expressed mine. I just don’t think that Alice’s intent was to say that Jared/Sam wasn’t just as much of the heart and soul as Jensen/Dean. At least that was my take on the article.[/quote]
No need to apologize I know you were not specifically directing your post at me 🙂 I should say sorry if I gave you that impression.
No worries. 🙂
No worries. 🙂
[quote]Jensen Ackles: The Heart and Soul of Supernatural[/quote] and[quote]and I credit almost all of that to having someone like Jensen opposite him.[/quote] were the parts of the article I had problem with.Some others don’t seem to mind about those parts.I am okay with that.
[quote]Jensen Ackles: The Heart and Soul of Supernatural[/quote] and[quote]and I credit almost all of that to having someone like Jensen opposite him.[/quote] were the parts of the article I had problem with.Some others don’t seem to mind about those parts.I am okay with that.
It still amazes me how much the anonymity of the internet lets people forget their manners. If you walk into someone’s home and they and others are sharing warm memories about a particular person and what they feel he has contributed to their lives, do you start picking fights with them? There is a place for debate and there is a place to share positive thoughts. This is one of the times when the old adage, “If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all” really fits. Alice, I am a SamGirl, and I love your article and I love that you have shared such wonderful warm DeanFuzzies. Thank you. #MannersCount
(Sorry I lost the name of the above poster when I tried to copy their post. I love the part about manners – such a supposedly old fashioned concept for the age of technology and social media.)
As individuals, our perceptions are coloured by many things including; age, gender, race, religion or cultural belief, parental influences/conditioning and life experiences, just to name a few so it is no wonder we have so many wonderful and varied opinions. Problems arise though when our own self esteem and self worth issues seem to be tied into validation that OUR opinions are the only RIGHT opinions. Opinions are just that, opinions, not right not wrong, JUST OPINIONS. The sun still rises every morning of every day regardless of the differences we as humans have in the opinions of others.
When we let fear override our lives it colours everything we do and perceive. If we can breath into our hearts and let love have free reign we can discover the world really is a wonderful place. It is then so much easier to not react or take offence at the words or opinions of others. When we allow love to fill our hearts, it is amazing at how quickly our hurts seem to dissipate. We can then try to stop playing the role of victim and step up to take on the starring role each and every one of us is capable of and born to fulfill.
It’s simple, and it is each individuals own choice, to choose to be lead by fear or to choose to LEAD by LOVE.
I find so much joy in my life and one of those joys is watching Jensen Ackles immerse himself so totally in the portrayal of his character Dean Winchester. This gift Jensen offers fans each and every week and we are so blessed to have on our TV screens such a wonderful talent. Thank you Jensen, and thank you Alice for the article.
It still amazes me how much the anonymity of the internet lets people forget their manners. If you walk into someone’s home and they and others are sharing warm memories about a particular person and what they feel he has contributed to their lives, do you start picking fights with them? There is a place for debate and there is a place to share positive thoughts. This is one of the times when the old adage, “If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all” really fits. Alice, I am a SamGirl, and I love your article and I love that you have shared such wonderful warm DeanFuzzies. Thank you. #MannersCount
(Sorry I lost the name of the above poster when I tried to copy their post. I love the part about manners – such a supposedly old fashioned concept for the age of technology and social media.)
As individuals, our perceptions are coloured by many things including; age, gender, race, religion or cultural belief, parental influences/conditioning and life experiences, just to name a few so it is no wonder we have so many wonderful and varied opinions. Problems arise though when our own self esteem and self worth issues seem to be tied into validation that OUR opinions are the only RIGHT opinions. Opinions are just that, opinions, not right not wrong, JUST OPINIONS. The sun still rises every morning of every day regardless of the differences we as humans have in the opinions of others.
When we let fear override our lives it colours everything we do and perceive. If we can breath into our hearts and let love have free reign we can discover the world really is a wonderful place. It is then so much easier to not react or take offence at the words or opinions of others. When we allow love to fill our hearts, it is amazing at how quickly our hurts seem to dissipate. We can then try to stop playing the role of victim and step up to take on the starring role each and every one of us is capable of and born to fulfill.
It’s simple, and it is each individuals own choice, to choose to be lead by fear or to choose to LEAD by LOVE.
I find so much joy in my life and one of those joys is watching Jensen Ackles immerse himself so totally in the portrayal of his character Dean Winchester. This gift Jensen offers fans each and every week and we are so blessed to have on our TV screens such a wonderful talent. Thank you Jensen, and thank you Alice for the article.
[quote name=”leah d”]Alice does this mean the door is open to discuss the “title” issue again? …..[/quote]
There have been a lot of discussion on the article and title, but IMO changing the title is the same as asking the writer to edit herself, or change her opinions. Alice wrote from her heart, so there is not a word, or title, that should be changed, IMO.
[quote]Alice does this mean the door is open to discuss the “title” issue again? …..[/quote]
There have been a lot of discussion on the article and title, but IMO changing the title is the same as asking the writer to edit herself, or change her opinions. Alice wrote from her heart, so there is not a word, or title, that should be changed, IMO.
Hi Nate@121
quote name=”Nate”][quote name=”leah d”]Alice does this mean the door is open to discuss the “title” issue again? …..[/quote]
There have been a lot of discussion on the article and title, but IMO changing the title is the same as asking the writer to edit herself, or change her opinions. Alice wrote from her heart, so there is not a word, or title, that should be changed, IMO.[/quote]
Quoting myself:
“Taking into account Alice’s reputation and her sites reputation for not allowing things to get ugly, I do not think that Alice would deliberately cause a shitstorm just to get hits. It is just not a characteristic move for Alice to take a swipe at Sam for controversy.
I also do not think it is appropriate for fans to dictate to any writer, be it the show’s writers or anyone else, what they should write. Or in this case how it should be titled. I, at first, thought maybe Alice should change it but now I realize it is her choice even if many feel it was ill-advised or a deliberate move to cause fan dissension”
Just wanted to add some more of my post so that my position was clear. 🙂
Hi Nate@121
quote name=”Nate”][quote]Alice does this mean the door is open to discuss the “title” issue again? …..[/quote]
There have been a lot of discussion on the article and title, but IMO changing the title is the same as asking the writer to edit herself, or change her opinions. Alice wrote from her heart, so there is not a word, or title, that should be changed, IMO.[/quote]
Quoting myself:
“Taking into account Alice’s reputation and her sites reputation for not allowing things to get ugly, I do not think that Alice would deliberately cause a shitstorm just to get hits. It is just not a characteristic move for Alice to take a swipe at Sam for controversy.
I also do not think it is appropriate for fans to dictate to any writer, be it the show’s writers or anyone else, what they should write. Or in this case how it should be titled. I, at first, thought maybe Alice should change it but now I realize it is her choice even if many feel it was ill-advised or a deliberate move to cause fan dissension”
Just wanted to add some more of my post so that my position was clear. 🙂
I don’t think you should change the title of your article. I wouldn’t either if I were you. It’s way too late for that.
I also know from your comments how much you wish we were all nicer to each other and that you would never willingly inflame a very polarized fandom.
This is why I wish you understood the difference between “Dear Jared…” (a love letter) and “Jensen Ackles: The Heart and Soul of Supernatural (an exclusive, divisive statement).
Because, as wonderful as the article is, (and it is!) the title lights the flames in this fandom, which is the very thing you don’t want. Right? Can you imagine if Nightsky’s article’s title had been, “Jared Padalecki: The Heart and Soul of Supernatural”, at the end of a season where many Dean fans felt that Dean had been sidelined? Answer: Sh*t storm.
Your site is my favorite. I don’t post often but I read everything. I admire your love and dedication to the show, so I’m not saying this to make things worse, only to maybe clarify and maybe help you understand why some people were upset with the title.
I don’t think you should change the title of your article. I wouldn’t either if I were you. It’s way too late for that.
I also know from your comments how much you wish we were all nicer to each other and that you would never willingly inflame a very polarized fandom.
This is why I wish you understood the difference between “Dear Jared…” (a love letter) and “Jensen Ackles: The Heart and Soul of Supernatural (an exclusive, divisive statement).
Because, as wonderful as the article is, (and it is!) the title lights the flames in this fandom, which is the very thing you don’t want. Right? Can you imagine if Nightsky’s article’s title had been, “Jared Padalecki: The Heart and Soul of Supernatural”, at the end of a season where many Dean fans felt that Dean had been sidelined? Answer: Sh*t storm.
Your site is my favorite. I don’t post often but I read everything. I admire your love and dedication to the show, so I’m not saying this to make things worse, only to maybe clarify and maybe help you understand why some people were upset with the title.
[quote]When we let fear override our lives it colours everything we do and perceive. If we can breath into our hearts and let love have free reign we can discover the world really is a wonderful place. It is then so much easier to not react or take offence at the words or opinions of others. When we allow love to fill our hearts, it is amazing at how quickly our hurts seem to dissipate. We can then try to stop playing the role of victim and step up to take on the starring role each and every one of us is capable of and born to fulfill. It’s simple, and it is each individuals own choice, to choose to be lead by fear or to choose to LEAD by LOVE.[/quote]
Thanks Anita. That quote just made me smile, big time. I think we all just need a massive group hug and to move forward on the same page. There are better things to fight about.
I can only say this. The article and it’s title is done and passed. It cannot be undone or changed. I do understand why some people got upset over the title, but it wasn’t intended to be divisive, and those that took it to be really need to follow some of that advice of Anita’s. It’s just a TV show. There are bigger things to fret over than words in a title. No, a title in an article does not offend actors. Trust me, they’ve heard worse.
No worries to anyone giving their opinions here about the title. It’s been done in a very civil matter and I appreciate it. But the so-called damage has been done, and I’m moving on. It’s really the only way I can restore some sanity. 🙂
It’s my birthday. I’m blowing off the site today, getting drunk, and ringing in the new year the happiest damn Supernatural fan in the land. Happy New Year everyone!
[quote]When we let fear override our lives it colours everything we do and perceive. If we can breath into our hearts and let love have free reign we can discover the world really is a wonderful place. It is then so much easier to not react or take offence at the words or opinions of others. When we allow love to fill our hearts, it is amazing at how quickly our hurts seem to dissipate. We can then try to stop playing the role of victim and step up to take on the starring role each and every one of us is capable of and born to fulfill. It’s simple, and it is each individuals own choice, to choose to be lead by fear or to choose to LEAD by LOVE.[/quote]
Thanks Anita. That quote just made me smile, big time. I think we all just need a massive group hug and to move forward on the same page. There are better things to fight about.
I can only say this. The article and it’s title is done and passed. It cannot be undone or changed. I do understand why some people got upset over the title, but it wasn’t intended to be divisive, and those that took it to be really need to follow some of that advice of Anita’s. It’s just a TV show. There are bigger things to fret over than words in a title. No, a title in an article does not offend actors. Trust me, they’ve heard worse.
No worries to anyone giving their opinions here about the title. It’s been done in a very civil matter and I appreciate it. But the so-called damage has been done, and I’m moving on. It’s really the only way I can restore some sanity. 🙂
It’s my birthday. I’m blowing off the site today, getting drunk, and ringing in the new year the happiest damn Supernatural fan in the land. Happy New Year everyone!
Happy birthday Alice!!! I Wish all a happy new year.
Guys,How about 1 Cyber group hug to Alice on her b’day?
Happy birthday Alice!!! I Wish all a happy new year.
Guys,How about 1 Cyber group hug to Alice on her b’day?
Happy Birthday Alice! Have a great day. 😆
Happy Birthday Alice! Have a great day. 😆
#123 – Thank you, JuliaG, that was perfectly said.
Happy birthday, alice. It is indeed time to move on.
#123 – Thank you, JuliaG, that was perfectly said.
Happy birthday, alice. It is indeed time to move on.
Happy birthday Alice! Have a good one. I look forward to what you do with the site in 2014!
Happy birthday Alice! Have a good one. I look forward to what you do with the site in 2014!
Happy Birthday Alice, and Happy New Year everyone!
Happy Birthday Alice, and Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New Year to everybody at the WFB. 😆
Happy New Year to everybody at the WFB. 😆
I have to say I’m a little offended that that facebook letter states that the only reason that Alice wrote this letter praising Jensen is because she wanted balance. So, apparently, Jensen doesn’t deserve this praise from Alice and that Alice didn’t mean what she said in this article.
Alice – I would hope that the reason you wrote this wonderful article is not because of “balance” but because Jensen actually deserved to be praised for his acting and you believed what you wrote.
I have to say I’m a little offended that that facebook letter states that the only reason that Alice wrote this letter praising Jensen is because she wanted balance. So, apparently, Jensen doesn’t deserve this praise from Alice and that Alice didn’t mean what she said in this article.
Alice – I would hope that the reason you wrote this wonderful article is not because of “balance” but because Jensen actually deserved to be praised for his acting and you believed what you wrote.
What a wonderful article and quite deserving by Mr. Ackles. He has been amazing and consistently so since season 1 and he has upped his game every season since then. I do believe Jensen is the heart and soul of the show.
What a wonderful article and quite deserving by Mr. Ackles. He has been amazing and consistently so since season 1 and he has upped his game every season since then. I do believe Jensen is the heart and soul of the show.
Talking about his relationship with Castiel. Next to his brother/bobby, he is the other guy Dean consider as his family. But when it comes to that he was betrayed by Cass in Season 6, that feeling comes as a great acting on Screen. I still cryies when Dean says ‘Look me in the eyes and tell me that you are not in with Crowley’.