Supernatural Bingo 9.09 – “Holy Terror”
Well we’re here, the last episode sending us into the dreaded Winter Hiatus. This episode looks like it’s going to get very intense and very emotional. I’ll have to make sure I have all my survival supplies ready.
Like a warm blanket to hide under, a pillow to hug, plenty of Kleenex, snacks and most importantly BOOZE! To calm what will be left of my shattered nerves.
Enjoy the episode and playing Bingo!
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Kevin interprets new information from the Tablet |
The Bunker becomes an unsafe haven |
Castiel gets into serious trouble |
A Brother suffers an emotional moment |
Crowley either escapes or is released |
Metatron causes havoc |
Zeke takes permanent control over Sam’s vessel |
Dean and Ezekiel have a heated discussion or argument |
Flashbacks are seen |
Blood is shed by one of the brothers |
Blue glowing eyes are seen |
Further plans of Metatron is exposed |
Crowley makes a deal or an ultimatum |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes and or bitch-face |
Big betrayal occurs |
Ezekiel is not who or what he says he is |
The brothers and Castiel have a have a bonding moment over some brews |
Dean is extremely worried about Sam |
Sam learns the truth about Zeke |
Abaddon and or Bartholomew is referenced |
Kevin and or Castiel’s survival becomes questionable |
Angel killing sword is used |
Ezekiel provides important information |
Ezekiel gets recognized |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Angel killing sword is used |
Abaddon and or Bartholomew is referenced |
Ezekiel gets recognized |
Kevin and or Castiel’s survival becomes questionable |
Ezekiel provides important information |
Ezekiel is not who or what he says he is |
The brothers and Castiel have a have a bonding moment over some brews |
Big betrayal occurs |
Sam learns the truth about Zeke |
Dean is extremely worried about Sam |
Further plans of Metatron is exposed |
Crowley makes a deal or an ultimatum |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes and or bitch-face |
Castiel gets into serious trouble |
Crowley either escapes or is released |
A Brother suffers an emotional moment |
Blue glowing eyes are seen |
Kevin interprets new information from the Tablet |
The Bunker becomes an unsafe haven |
Dean and Ezekiel have a heated discussion or argument |
Flashbacks are seen |
Metatron causes havoc |
Zeke takes permanent control over Sam’s vessel |
Blood is shed by one of the brothers |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Metatron causes havoc |
Dean and Ezekiel have a heated discussion or argument |
Blood is shed by one of the brothers |
Flashbacks are seen |
Zeke takes permanent control over Sam’s vessel |
A Brother suffers an emotional moment |
Blue glowing eyes are seen |
Crowley either escapes or is released |
The Bunker becomes an unsafe haven |
Kevin interprets new information from the Tablet |
Crowley makes a deal or an ultimatum |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes and or bitch-face |
Castiel gets into serious trouble |
Ezekiel gets recognized |
Ezekiel provides important information |
Kevin and or Castiel’s survival becomes questionable |
Further plans of Metatron is exposed |
Angel killing sword is used |
Abaddon and or Bartholomew is referenced |
Big betrayal occurs |
Sam learns the truth about Zeke |
Ezekiel is not who or what he says he is |
The brothers and Castiel have a have a bonding moment over some brews |
Dean is extremely worried about Sam |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Ezekiel is not who or what he says he is |
Big betrayal occurs |
Dean is extremely worried about Sam |
Sam learns the truth about Zeke |
The brothers and Castiel have a have a bonding moment over some brews |
Kevin and or Castiel’s survival becomes questionable |
Further plans of Metatron is exposed |
Ezekiel provides important information |
Abaddon and or Bartholomew is referenced |
Angel killing sword is used |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes and or bitch-face |
Castiel gets into serious trouble |
Ezekiel gets recognized |
Blood is shed by one of the brothers |
Zeke takes permanent control over Sam’s vessel |
Flashbacks are seen |
Crowley makes a deal or an ultimatum |
Metatron causes havoc
Dean and Ezekiel have a heated discussion or argument |
Crowley either escapes or is released |
The Bunker becomes an unsafe haven |
A Brother suffers an emotional moment |
Blue glowing eyes are seen |
Kevin interprets new information from the Tablet |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
A Brother suffers an emotional moment |
Crowley either escapes or is released |
Kevin interprets new information from the Tablet |
The Bunker becomes an unsafe haven |
Blue glowing eyes are seen |
Flashbacks are seen |
Crowley makes a deal or an ultimatum |
Zeke takes permanent control over Sam’s vessel |
Dean and Ezekiel have a heated discussion or argument |
Metatron causes havoc |
Castiel gets into serious trouble |
Ezekiel gets recognized |
Blood is shed by one of the brothers |
Dean is extremely worried about Sam |
The brothers and Castiel have a have a bonding moment over some brews |
Sam learns the truth about Zeke |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes and or bitch-face |
Ezekiel is not who or what he says he is |
Big betrayal occurs |
Ezekiel provides important information |
Abaddon and or Bartholomew is referenced |
Kevin and or Castiel’s survival becomes questionable |
Further plans of Metatron is exposed |
Angel killing sword is used |
Download the Bingo cards here: Supernatural Bingo – Holy Terror.pdf
SPOILER ALERT! Holy Terror!Metatron is one lonely douche! We know that Sam was able to separate from Lucifer because he is strong(which was a point I was trying to make in the last article on last week’s episode) so how much did he hear from Dean in this current state. The possibilities of entering Heaven abound. Where is an archangel when you need one- when a prophet is at risk? Oh yes the bunker is warded-knew there was a down side to this Well, that leaves Crowley-the king of spells. And Cas sort of. One long hiatus.
SPOILER ALERT! Holy Terror!Metatron is one lonely douche! We know that Sam was able to separate from Lucifer because he is strong(which was a point I was trying to make in the last article on last week’s episode) so how much did he hear from Dean in this current state. The possibilities of entering Heaven abound. Where is an archangel when you need one- when a prophet is at risk? Oh yes the bunker is warded-knew there was a down side to this Well, that leaves Crowley-the king of spells. And Cas sort of. One long hiatus.