Fun With Supernatural Facts – Brothers Bound
After sharing the MTV Geek – Supernatural By Numbers article, Det_Coverdale wondered if anyone out there had compiled stats on how many times Sam and Dean had been bound by captors, or each other! When the answer was no, Det_Coverdale went to work and came up with the whole detailed breakdown by episode and season! Here’s my quirky little way of presenting such…statistics. Warning, it might trigger feelings of naughtiness, perversion, or perhaps the need for a cold shower afterward. Please forgive me and my very evil mind.
Every one in a while, we like to get crazy here at the Winchester Family Business and overanalyze certain statistical trends. If there is one true occupational hazard with Sam and Dean Winchester, it’s that they have this knack for always finding trouble. There are plenty of bad guys out there with some ropes or cuffs handy that jump on the chance to bind them and show them who’s in charge. Um, I mean, tie them down real tight so they can’t get away, and then have their way with them. No, no, not have their way, I’m talking about making sure Sam and Dean can’t fight back when bad things are done to them. Eek, not that either, I mean… how about some pictures to explain my point?

Number of times Sam has been restrained: 37
You see, it’s purely some evil villain getting hard…I mean making it hard for Sam and Dean to prove how truly wicked they are. The villain I mean, not Sam and Dean. Here, maybe more photos will show you what I’m trying to say.

Number of times Dean has been restrained: 28
You see? It’s just simple domination…I mean maintaining control…I mean, uh- For example, law enforcement too love throwing around their authority, making sure Sam and Dean don’t get the upper hand. They always have those handcuffs handy to keep those boys in line.

Number of times the brothers have been cuffed:
Dean – 10
Sam – 8
There are even times when Sam and Dean cuffed have each other (Wait, in a non-sexual way of course! We all know they don’t swing that way).

Number of times Dean has tied/cuffed Sam: 5Number of times Sam has tied/cuffed Dean: 1
Then there’s the multiple ways that villains use to keep those Winchesters down. The most common choice is rope. Often it’s the nice thick kind, that should make escape kind of easy, but strangely it usually works against our heroes. It also seems to be the preferred choice for keeping Sam down more than Dean. I guess it works on freakishly tall guys.

Number of times the brothers have been bound by rope:
Dean – 12
Sam – 19
So what is the point I’m trying to make with all these statistical facts? Here’s some supporting graphs.

I said GRAPHS, not GRAPHIC! You know, how many episodes by season Sam and Dean have been restrained by ropes, chains, cuffs, shackles, leather straps, maybe some strange things like electrical cords, cobwebs, ski boots…

It’s amazing how Sam and Dean’s job keeps them so tied up. Good thing they’re big boys that can take it. Like this:

Number of Times Bound by Other (not cuffs or rope):
Dean – 5
Sam – 12

Number of times both Sam and Dean have been restrained in the same episode: 12
Number of times in the whole series Dean and Sam have been gagged:Dean – 1
Sam – 2
So you see, we’re just sharing simple statistics on the number of times Sam and Dean have been tied up and forced to take it. Wait, that didn’t come out right. It’s harmless fun with facts! Curious about the total breakdown by Episode? We’d be remiss if we didn’t have all the details.
Episode |
Character |
Device |
By Whom |
Season One |
Pilot |
Dean |
Cuffs |
By Police |
Wendigo |
Dean |
Bound (rope) |
By Wendigo |
Skin |
Dean(once) & Sam(twice) |
Bound (rope) |
By Shapeshifter |
Scarecrow |
Dean |
Bound (rope) |
By The Locals |
The Benders |
Dean |
Cuffs |
By Cop |
Dean | Bound (rope) | By the Benders | ||
Shadow |
Dean & Sam |
Bound (rope) |
By Meg |
Season Two |
Bloodlust |
Sam |
Bound (rope); Gagged |
By Vampires |
The Usual Suspects |
Dean |
Cuffs |
By police (for majority of episode) |
Hunted |
Dean |
Bound (rope); Gagged |
By Gordon |
Born Under A Bad Sign |
Sam |
Bound (rope) |
By Dean and Bobby |
Folsom Prison Blues |
Dean & Sam |
Cuffs |
By Police/Corrections |
What Is And What Should Never Be |
Dean |
Bound (rope) |
By Djinn |
Season Three | Bad Day At Black Rock |
Sam |
Bound (duct tape) |
By Kubrick |
A Very Supernatural Christmas |
Dean & Sam
Bound (rope) |
By Pagan Gods |
Dream A Little Dream Of Me |
Sam |
Bound (rope) |
By Jeremy |
Jus In Bello |
Dean & Sam |
Cuffs |
By Police |
Ghostfacers |
Sam |
Bound (rope) |
By spirit (Dagget) |
Long Distance Call |
Sam |
Bound (electrical cord) |
By Crocotta |
Time Is On My Side | Sam | Bound (leather straps) | By Doc Benton | |
No Rest For The Wicked | Dean | Bound (chains and hooks) |
By Hell |
Season Four |
Monster Movie |
Dean |
Bound (metal bars) |
By Shapeshifter |
Criss Angel is A Douchebag |
Dean & Sam |
Bound (noose – Dean, metal shackles – Sam) |
By Charlie |
Jump The Shark |
Sam |
Bound (rope & straps) |
By Ghouls |
When the Levee Breaks |
Sam |
Bound (straps); |
By Alistair (dream) |
Sam |
Cuffs and chains |
By Bobby and Dean |
Season Five |
Good God Y’All |
Sam |
Bound (rope) |
By Rufus |
The End |
Dean |
Cuffs |
By Future Dean |
Fallen Idols |
Dean & Sam |
Bound (rope) |
By Leshi |
Changing Channels |
Dean & Sam |
Bound (ski boots) |
By Trickster |
Sam, Interrupted |
Sam |
Bound (leather straps) |
By Wraith |
Swap Meat |
Sam |
Bound (rope) |
By teenagers |
My Bloody Valentine |
Sam |
Cuffs |
By Dean |
Point Of No Return |
Dean |
Cuffs |
By Sam |
Season Six |
You Can’t Handle The Truth |
Dean & Sam |
Bound (rope) |
By Veritas |
Family Matters |
Sam |
Bound (rope) |
By Dean |
Caged Heat |
Dean & Sam |
Bound (rope) |
By Meg |
Appointment in Samarra |
Sam |
Cuffs |
By Dean & Bobby |
Unforgiven |
Dean & Sam |
Bound (cobwebs) |
By Arachne |
Sam |
Cuffs |
By Sheriff |
And Then There Were None | Sam | Bound (zip ties) | By Rufus, Bobby & Dean | |
Season Seven |
Meet The New Boss |
Sam |
Bound (chain around neck) |
By Hallucination |
Defending Your Life |
Dean |
Bound (chains) |
By Osiris |
Slash Fiction |
Sam |
Cuffs |
By Police |
Season 7, Time For A Wedding |
Sam |
Bound (rope); Gagged |
By Becky |
Adventures In Babysitting |
Sam |
Bound (rope) |
By Vetala |
Time After Time After Time |
Dean |
Cuffs |
By Police |
Repo Man |
Dean |
Bound (rope) |
By Jeffrey |
The Born-Again Identity |
Sam |
Bound (leather straps) |
By Hospital |
Season Eight |
Citizen Fang |
Dean |
Cuffs |
By Martin |
As Time Goes By |
Dean & Sam |
Cuffs |
By Henry |
Sam |
Bound (rope) |
By Abaddon |
Freaks and Geeks |
Sam |
Bound (rope) |
By Victor |
The stats don’t lie! In the end, a little bondage never hurt Sam and Dean. As a matter of fact, they’re kind of better for it. Or maybe that’s us.
A massive, big thanks to Det_Coverdale for putting all these stats together and fueling my wicked creativity in this point of Hellatus where I’m desperate for material and not afraid to push boundaries.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Hope, in S9 the boys will tie into it again!
Thank you so much for the laugh, puns + pictures = the best!
Sam really gets the short end of the stick, every time! (wait, did that sound right?) Add time spent locked in a cage (Benders + Hell) and I sure wouldn’t want to be Sam!
Superwiki will be proud of you!
I don’t know, I think I’ve hit a new low. 😆
Does it make me a bad person if I say I enjoyed this article?
Wink, wink, say no more…..
But Please, Carver, continue to show us more…. 😳
M-m-m-m . . . bondage and Winchester men . . . now [i]that’s[/i] the stuff of dreams.
Thank you, Alice, for proving how much fun statistical study truly can be. Think I will be doing my own “research” tonight in my dreams!
Well….. (fans self) Let me start by saying that “We Were Robbed!!, Robbed, I say” in season 8 anyway only 6%? It seems like the banner bondage years were 3, 5 and 7.
Maybe you could add in Sam in a cage in Benders; not the normal type bondage by Winchester standards, but the boy WAS restrained….
And shouldn’t Dean bound by chains in Hell count? (No Rest for the Wicked)….
Oops… meant to mention that I loved this article.. it had me laughing out loud!
That. was. awesome. Can’t figure out how to concentrate now. Sigh.
Great article. I love scientific pursuits. I’m sure we’re all better for having this knowledge. I appreciate the hours of labor(ed breathing) to must have taken to collect the data. How you suffered.
And to think they say stats aren’t fun. What a fun treat.
Thanks Alice 😆
I think I was about to do something important before reading this article, lol. Very distracted now.
I have a challenge for you, Alice (or Det_Coverdale). How many times have Sam and Dean been restrained by demons (without physical bondage)? 😉
Also, I’d like to know how many times Sam has almost been strangled to death? It seems like every second episode someone has their hands around his throat (even an electrical cord on one occasion). Dean would also have some stats here, but I suspect Sammy (unfortunately, for him) wins this one :sigh:
Thanks, Alice, for turning my stats into a fun article. With SPN, it’s all about being a liiittle wicked.
And I did entertain recording strangling and cage stats but, then again, where do you stop? Winchesters can cause you to get a little carried away. 🙂
Okay, I ran this by a jury (fine – it was my family at dinner). The cage, while most intriguing, doesn’t not count. He’s trapped, not bound. However, Dean on chains and hooks in “No Rest For The Wicked?” Hell yeah that should be there! So, I’ve re-adjusted the stats to include, and even threw the photo in the ideal spot.
With so many episodes, I knew something was [i]bound[/i] to be missed. Hee, I made a pun.
However, if you want to see a picture of Sam in a cage, I’ll oblige!
Does this count?
Poor boys…. They’ve been through the wringer, haven’t they?.
Most impressive knot-work award goes to Jump the Shark; whenever I see the opening shot of Sam tied to the table by the ghouls, and the camera lingers on the knot-work around the table leg, I think, “Damn – those ghouls (and the crewmember who tied them) know what they’re doing.” 😉
One more for your list: In 6.16 (And Then There Were None), Dean binds Sam’s hands with one of those plastic twist-lock ties police use when they think he may have that Khan-worm thingy (technical term 😆 ) in his ear. I’ve often wondered why they don’t use those ties more often; it seems like without a knife, they’d be the toughest to get out of. Or maybe they don’t use them because of that 😉
Thanks for a fun read.
Oops. Forgot about And Then There Were None too! I’ve adjusted the stats accordingly. Thanks so much Scullspeare for pointing that out!
Wow, Sam certainly gets tied up a lot!!!! Love it. 😳 A little Winchester bondage can go a long way to make my day sooooo much better. Thanks. :-*