You MUST See This! MTV Geek: Supernatural By The Numbers
I usually reserve sharing links for fan articles to our Twitter and Facebook, but this is just WAY too good not to share. Some very awesome fan on Tumblr compiled a whole bunch of fun facts about Supernatural through it’s 8 seasons. It’s described this way:
Tumblr user writingspeaks compiled a series of charts of repeating themes, phrases and occurrences that appeared in seasons 1-8 of “Supernatural”. Now you can finally lord over others that you know exactly which percentage of Sam Winchester’s hookups have died afterwards, how many times Wendigos are mentioned, and how many times Castiel must have had to replace Dean Winchester’s liver, based on Dean’s alcohol consumption through the series… okay, maybe not the last one, but you know, it’s implied. There’s no way in hell he could have survived this far into the series without at least three full liver replacements.
Go to the below link on MTV’s geeks news. My favorite statistic, that Sam’s lovers have only died 64% of the time. I figured that number would be higher!
Briliant, just love it!!
Just wish they had counted the number of time Dean says “we’ll figure it out”
and the number of times Sam clears his throat! Has anyone noticed that
They on the CW accustomed me to this weekly order – first goes promo, then sneak-peek, finally there’s time for show. Now they’ve shown the promo and sneak-peek. Where is the ep!?! 😉
Is Dean making contract with Death? Work contract?The old guy must be short of labor as his reapers are getting out of hand lately.
And kaz1, you’ve hit it. “We’ll figure it out” became a mantra for Dean, the means for reassuring himself that he is still in control over the situation however bad it was.
No.2 Novi
Is Dean making contract with Death?
I would rather Dean make a deal with Death than Crowley. However, it looks like the deal Dean makes to save Sam causes him serious guilt (again) which apparently drives the season, so I guess the deal isn’t going to be with Death (he has done that before without feeling guilty), it has to be something very very bad indeed and it’s going to cause the brothers to reevaluate everything!! We don’t have too long to wait now!!
Alice this was a fun article! Did I miss it, but did they not count how many times the boys say “awesome”?
Novi, I was trying to figure out a few weeks ago who would be powerful enough for Dean to deal with (and ruled out Crowley and Metatron for obvious reasons) and could only come up with Death. Now there could be some new players but ….
Oh and hi Kaz! 🙂
Hi Leah, you might want to avoid the preview clip…. spoilers galore!
That’s so cool! Hmm, I can’t remember all the Sam relationships that actually lived. Who other then Amelia, the doc. from Sex and Violence, and the hippie chick?
[quote]That’s so cool! Hmm, I can’t remember all the Sam relationships that actually lived. Who other then Amelia, the doc. from Sex and Violence, and the hippie chick?[/quote]
Ok so assuming that the pictograms each represent one woman it is 5 alive and 9 dead. So I think it is:
Annie the hunter lady from season 7
3 women in ‘Unforgiven’
Hippie chick
girl from hookman
Becky (if kissing counts then being married has to count even if it is while drugged)
Doctor lady from Sex and Violence
Dean seems to think Meg counts but that is a dangerous topic so we won’t go there…
Wait! did Sam sleep with MEG? When? and I don’t think he slept with the girl from Hookman either; they “connected” but he was still too raw from Jess, and Ms. Prim Laurie Whatever would never have put out, not even for Sam. And Becky even admitted that there was no consummation of the marriage thank god! I thinks it’s more 3 alive and 9 dead. It doesn’t help his ratio much though does it. 😛 Poor Sam.
My absolute fav of all the counts is the plaid shirts:
Dean 46, Sam 220. Hah!
I’m guessing “hook-ups” does not mean sex. For sex there aren’t really that many: 3 alive and depending upon how nuch sex he had while soulless the numbers for either could change, but I’ll say 8 dead. That’s a 62% mortality rating.
However, hook- ups that include just a kiss, date or conversation at a bus stop might mess up that rating. Still…poor Sam.
I agree with E andThisoldbag, if it’s just counting the sex act as a hook-up, then you have to remove Amy – they only kissed as teenagers and never had time for anything more, the girl from hookman, Meg and Becky…. Of course, since we never saw the Stanford years before Jess, or the rest of SoullessSam’s year, the true numbers could be just about anything….
Anyway, for canon-confirmed “active hook-ups” that’s 8 dead and 3 alive, by my count. Yikes!
E – that plaid shirt count is hilarious. Gotta attack Sam’s wardrobe this year! Burn ’em all! Who cares if he has nothing to wear….. :-*
You know who we missed? The ‘next one’s a freebie, here’s my phonenumber’ hooker from the Soulless Sam episodes.
No indication that she is dead.
I think we may all have been a little distracted by the scene before that conversation 😉
[quote]Wait! did Sam sleep with MEG? When? [/quote]
He didn’t, exactly, but Dean called what happened ‘pretty naughty’ 🙂 (BUABS)
#12 – You’re right! How’d we miss Ms ‘I forgot about my money’ Hooker?
Yes, absolutely, the blame falls on exercising, shirtless Sam – can we have more of those?
( *What a discussion!* 😮 )
Leah unlogged No.4
Hiya Leah, long time no chat. I can’t believe we are going to see our boys in action in 3 weeks, the wait has been horrendous. I only got into SPN last September, and back then had no idea about hellatus and 3 month between season helluvawaitus. 😉 I am so excited for the next lot of angst and can’t wait to start speculating and discussing. I am dying to talk about the sneak peek but am too scared to do it here because most ppl are spoiler shy. I think it is going to be one helluva ride though. Carver, Singer and all seem so excited and their enthusiasm for this season is great to see.
#12. You are so right. That poor actress, she had more lines than most guest performers and she is hardly remembered in light of the perfection which is JP.
Also, does it count the lady Sam bedded when that kid was in his body in Swap Meat? She’s another one that survived ( as far as we know ). His odds are improving!
Hi Kaz @15, Yep right there with ya. Really looking forward to the premiere! I am sure there will be a spec thread soon! I have been seeing a lot of spoilers around the threads though. I think certain things are out of the bag at this point 🙂 The Supernatural News and Spoilers (on the home page) is usually a safe place to discuss spoilers, 🙂
What? No one counted how many times Sam says “Dean” – oh wait, I’m guessing too many to count!!!