Interview With Supernatural Executive Producer Robert Singer – Comic Con 2013
There was a bit of history happening at this year’s “Supernatural” appearance at Comic Con. For the first time ever, Executive Producer Robert Singer made an appearance. Considering he is the only writer/producer left that’s been with the show since season one, not to mention a huge influence on the show’s direction, I’d say his presence was long overdue!
Singer does give away some spoilers for season nine here. It’s what producers do. I do love what character he compared Crowley to! Although, I’m thrilled I also got to ask him a burning question that’s been posed many times by fans on this site, what happens when good continuity goes bad. I have to admit, he gives an answer that I can relate to when putting myself in his position.
Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
He had on his best politician hat to sidestep that continuity question. 😀
I don’t think I’ve thanked you for posting all these. I tried to get tickets last year but they were sold out long before I was up in the queue (this year it wasn’t even a possibility). So I really appreciate your taking the time to summarize the panel and then do all this interviews. It really is appreciated.
Thanks, Alice! I’ve always loved Bob Singer and what he brings to [i]Supernatural[/i]; I’ll never forget Kripke saying that left to himself, what he creates is [i]Boogeyman[/i], and it was Bob who both pointed out that the story here isn’t the monsters but the brothers, and made the Winchesters so psychologically complex and emotionally deep. Kripke learned a lot from Singer and has carried it forward; just look at what he’s done with Bass and Miles in [i]Revolution[/i]!
If you ever get the chance to raise the question again, though, I think tossing him a specific example or two (Grand Canyon? Visible Reaper?) might elicit a more focused answer specifically on the continuity point. But I thoroughly enjoyed his “cooking dinner for friends” analogy on the overall creative process! I’ll always come to the table with good appetite and appreciate the effort that went into its preparation, even if it turns out that the main dish recipe included cilantro – a taste I personally don’t enjoy, although many others do. Then I just concentrate on the other parts of the meal that appealed to me more, even if that’s just dessert and wine. And I’m happy to have been invited and to have shared the meal with friends, and I look forward to our next gathering with anticipation – although I’ll admit with a chuckle that if that dish is served again, I’d prefer it without cilantro! *grin*
Always great to hear from Bob Singer, since it’s so rare. 🙂 He’s been such a rock for SPN for so long.
I too enjoyed his response to the continuity question. Funny. Although I have to say the continuity stuff doesnt bother me really (sometimes I dont actually notice)…I’m willing to forgive a show for certain things, esp when that show has so much depth, detail and complexitity behind it and constantly with new writers coming in, etc…things will never be perfect…as long a they keep churning out good stories and as long as the boys are there battling the monsters, I’m there! 🙂
Thanks for all the videos!
If you ever get to ask Carver or Singer this question I will give you my soul: When will Sam get a relationship outside of Dean?
Thanks so much for all your work – and for posting all the summaries and clips. It is so wonderful for someone like me that will never get to attend one of these. I really appreciate it! I don’t think I have been this psyched for a new season since the end of season 3. (Although, truth be told, I have always looked forward to each season.)
After reading all the comments, though – I am NOT talking about the ones on this site, but on some other sites – I am amazed these guys are willing to say anything in answering questions. Everyone is so critical and takes everything out of context. Jensen has only read 2 scripts and when asked about the arc for his season, he essentially said they had a lot of possible roads. There are people that took that to mean no story for his character and that he was not happy. No way that is what he expressed! Jared could not have seemed more excited about the season if he jumped up and down, and some grumbled that he is not getting a story. The two stars talked about not having the tool of Cas’ power to use anymore, and some took that to mean Cas was not the character’ friend. They never said that. In fact, they actually explained at one point that they it is their friends they ask for help. I really hope these guys don’t read those comments, because I think it would make them gun shy to do these interviews.
Anyway, thanks again. Hope you are getting some rest, because while I am jealous of how much fun that must have been, I know it was also a lot of work.
Thank you so much Alice for all your reports. Just want you to know how appreciated they are. 🙂
After reading all the comments, though – I am NOT talking about the ones on this site, but on some other sites – I am amazed these guys are willing to say anything in answering questions. Everyone is so critical and takes everything out of context. Jensen has only read 2 scripts and when asked about the arc for his season, he essentially said they had a lot of possible roads. There are people that took that to mean no story for his character and that he was not happy. No way that is what he expressed! Jared could not have seemed more excited about the season if he jumped up and down, and some grumbled that he is not getting a story. The two stars talked about not having the tool of Cas’ power to use anymore, and some took that to mean Cas was not the character’ friend. They never said that. In fact, they actually explained at one point that they it is their friends they ask for help. I really hope these guys don’t read those comments, because I think it would make them gun shy to do these interviews.
It’s amazing isn’t it, the bickering that goes on in some places? That some ‘fans’ can get an entire season storyline out of one teaser or one episode title. I’ve limited my time at some sites because it’s nothing but complaints the minute any spoiler comes out. Not sure why people watch if all they do is complain about a show. It’s one reason that I’m glad I found this site. People can disagree or be disappointed or what have you, but it doesn’t come across as just being whiny and angry..and you don’t get bashed for being positive about the show (yes, that actually happened to me).
Anyway…this site is nicer. Ya’ll are great! I just love the show for however long it lasts and am so glad they’ve got such great group willing to do these interview and give us tidbits of what’s to come.
#4 amyh. 🙂 Soul giving never goes well! But that IS a good question.
#6 Bevie, I second that. Alice’s reports are very much appreciated.
[quote] Kripke learned a lot from Singer and has carried it forward; just look at what he’s done with Bass and Miles in Revolution! [/quote]
Don’t get me started with Revolution!
I like the show, I think it got much better in the second part, but the last episodes annoyed the hell out of me!
Maybe it is my fault, because I know it’s Kripke’s and because of that I tend to see a lot of Supernatural in it, which is normal, I guess. But the similarities that used to make me smile in the beginning (like Charlie saying she had to save Danny because Danny was her responsibility since her mother told her to take care of asthmatic little Danny – ring a bell, anyone?), now annoys me because it’s shamelessly becoming a SPN rip off.
Now, all I’m able to see in the show is how Kripke is trying to turn Revolution into SPN 2 – the remake, especially concerning the relationship between Milles and Monroe. When Milles told Monroe in the finale that he would never be able to kill Monroe no matter how evil he might became because he is his brother and he loves him, I felt like I could strangle Kripke. And in the end they made the perfect scenario by putting Tom Neville in the role of the next big bad that Miles and Monroe will fight against side by side like brothers.
Because of that, it stopped being fun for me and I dread how is Kripke going to make Miles and Monroe the next Dean and Sam, now with a specialist in the more than successful write of a great brother relationship: Ben Edlund. Hahaha!
Or, again, maybe it is just me, seeing things that aren’t there. But I don’t think so. Anyone? Bardicvoice and Alice, I know you watch Revolution and I trust your judgment – am I being crazy here? I like Revolution and I want to fully enjoy the show, but these things are sucking all the fun from it, and also my respect from Kripke. Please, help!
Hi, [b]Ale[/b]!
Must admit, I’m not personally a fan of [i]Revolution[/i], although I watched most of it. 🙂 My problems started with its physics, and extended to not caring about most of its characters; none of them captured my heart the way Sam and Dean did, although I appreciated the performances by some of the actors. I walked away for the last third of the season, apart from the last couple of episodes.
I can definitely see the parallels you draw with [i]Supernatural[/i], but I suspect the evolution of the Miles and Monroe relationship was due more to the vivid chemistry between those actors (and the lack of chemistry between certain others!) than to any pre-existing, conscious desire on Kripke’s part to recreate Sam and Dean in a different context. I do think the whole family concept is likely to be at the heart of everything Kripke does simply because it’s a part of who he is. Bottom line is, I don’t see Kripke intentionally ripping off [i]Supernatural[/i], but I do think he’s drawing a fair bit of water from the same well. We all come at things from our own natural mindsets.
If you can, I’d advise you to judge [i]Revolution[/i] on its own merits. I’m planning on trying it again this season because I’m curious about what the new writing team – including [i]Farscape[/i] creator Rockne O’Bannon as well as Ben Edlund – will bring to the show. 🙂
Has anyone read Kripke’s interview in huff post? Sounds worrying. Though, there are a couple of SPN actors left who he hasn’t invited to Revolution yet. Maybe he should’ve.
Hi, Bardicvoice, thank you for answering!
I must say, I love how Kripke brings the family theme to his shows and I how it is important to him. It’s a very broad subject, though, so you don’t need to repeat the same dinamic over and over.
No, I don’t believe Kripke intentionally designed Revolution to be a Supernatural rip off. That is why, at first, the things that reminded me of Supernatural made me smile – I was just recognizing Kripke style in it.
But I believe your analysis is right: the chemistry between his original characters wasn’t working. Milles and Monroe was. So, I believe he changed the story to focus on the story of these two, but as he did it, he brought the story too much to a comfortable territory, a dinamic between two brothers he knew worked very well. And that is what started to irritate me.
Because, come on! In the last episode, Tom Neville said something in the lines that Miles and Bass are erotically co-dependent! That is too much close to home for a SPN fan (speaking only for myself, of course!).
Thank you for your advice. Yes, Revolution has its own merits, there are many other things going on, other characters dinamics, so I will try to appreciate the show for all that. But I hope the Miles and Bass bromance don’t spoil my enjoyment. It will depend on Kripke. He doesn’t need to copy himself. Ben Edlund will certainly bring his creative vision to the show and will not let that happen (at least, that is what I hope).
I just read EK interview. He brought Mark Pellegrino and Colin Ford to Revolution. Now, he is talking about bringing Jim Beaver and Misha. Huumm. Can’t say he was joking or not. Or maybe he is just waiting for Supernatural to be over to bring JP and JA too. On the bright side, maybe it is our only chance to see Sam and Dean in an apocalyptic world.
Hi Ale!
It never occurred to me that he was joking (sigh of relief). Or was he? Let it better be a joke, or else… Something happened to my sense of humor. It’s aging, probably, for company’s sake…
Kripke wasn’t joking about Jim Beaver! They actually met last season to see if there could be a place for him on Revolution. That’s from a very reliable source (someone who was there). Kripke didn’t come up with anything then, but it’s still possible. As for Misha, no.
[quote]Kripke wasn’t joking about Jim Beaver! They actually met last season to see if there could be a place for him on Revolution. That’s from a very reliable source (someone who was there). Kripke didn’t come up with anything then, but it’s still possible. As for Misha, no.[/quote]
Because if Misha goes to R it means that Cas will have to die – for good (shudder. No, tremble.)
A question please, Alice- Didn’t one of the producers mention Dean getting some romantic action this season, or did I dream that?
I can’t seem to find reference to that now, but I’m hoping that, like the Abaddon reference, I just am missing it.
Rick D – I remember that. It was one of the interviews in the press room with Robert Singer I think. I’m just not sure if it was serious or not. No one was rushing and reporting that as news. Jensen certainly didn’t share that info. If I hear anything for sure, I’ll have it on the spoiler page.
Alice – I have a question about the spinoff news – not the substance of it – but how this works. We know that Kripke created Supernatural. Did he create this spinoff too? If not, is the creator of the new show able to use concepts (hunting) and interpretations of history and literature (Supernatural’s take on angels, demons, etc., using salt rounds to stop ghosts, etc.), or is that part of Kripke’s intellectual property? I am sure you understand how all this works, but it has been spinning around in my thoughts every time I hear about the spinoff, so thought I would ask.
Rick D #17 – SPOILER – watch the video of Jensen and Jared at Nerd HQ. Jensen got the question, and Jared whispered something to him, and then Jensen said Jared had read ahead and Dean would be getting some action in season 9.
Hi Grace. Yes, I’ve seen that, I never miss a Nerd HQ with Jared. I’ve probably seen the first one he did about 50 times, because “whatcha doing here, guuurl?” will never not be funny. But Jared wasn’t really sharing much, and Jensen didn’t seem to know anything, so I was hoping something more substantial came from another source.
Here I thought I was giving you a big scoop. Oh well – sorry about that. However – I owe you one. Clearly, I need to find the first nerd HQ you referenced on you tube – this was the first one I watched. Thanks for the tip.
Grace 232 – About your #20 comment, Kripke is not involved in the spinoff, unless he’s been asked to consult (no word he has). He doesn’t own the intellectual property to Supernatural, Warner Brothers does. If it’s a Warner Brothers show (which it is), they can use those concepts. They can use whatever they want in creating the planted pilot, which is in fact a Supernatural episode. I’m sure whatever concepts they use in that pilot they’ll want to carry onto the series, if it’s picked up.
Hey Grace, noproblem. But definitely check out that 1st Nerd Hq, it’s the best! In fact, when i go to Burbank con, i’m going to ask why we still dont have ninja stars
Thanks Alice. That makes perfect sense – now that you explained it. Appreciate it.
Rick D – You are right. I went back and watched both of the other other Nerd HQs. Both great. Although, I actually like this year’s best. Those 2 guys play so well off each other, that it is magic when they are on stage together. Half the fun is watching them crack each other up.