The Spoilery Robert Singer/Jeremy Carver TV Guide Comic Con Edition Interview
I finally got my copy of the special TV Guide/Warner Brothers Comic Con Edition for this year’s event! Besides the fact that Sam Winchester with the five o’clock shadow on the front and Dean with the five o’clock shadow on the back looked mighty, mighty pretty on that newstand, I finally got to read the so called spoilery Robert Singer interview that was quoted on Spoiler TV recently.
Except, the whole interview was a Jeremy Carver/Robert Singer interview, the questions were actually even and fair, and the answers came from both producers, not just Robert Singer. Sadly, it seems that the Spoiler TV article came with a slant that was designed to promote controversy, or at least get noisy fans in a tizzy.
Below is the entire interview that was printed in this edition. There will be no commentary from me in between the lines. What you see is what is on the page. FULL Credit for the interview completely goes to Ileane Rudloph at TV Guide Magazine. If an online link becomes available for this, I will have that here.
The sky is falling! Supernatural’s eight season came to a close with angels cast out of Heave and crashing to Earth. Adding to the Winchesters’ worries, Sam was in agonizing pain, the result of his grueling attempts to lock demons in Hell. Executive Producers Jeremy Carver and Robert Singer offer a taste of what to expect when the show returns this fall.
What are you planning for those fallen angels? Will they work with human or against them?
Carver: You can absolutely expect that different angels will have different reaction to life on Earth. That will lead to a lot of exciting, dangerous and fun stories to explore.
Singer: They’re not happy about being earthbound. They lost their wings, so while they have powers, they can’t teleport. Different factions will find each other.
Did Crowley (guest star Mark A. Sheppard) really experience emotional pain when Sam was trying to make him human? Will we see a change in the King of Hell?
Carver: Crowley was genuinely affected as he was undergoing the transformation. How much of that will linger is an open question because, in the end, he didn’t become human.
Singer: While he won’t admit it, Crowley enjoyed that brief feeling of humanity. That idea will color him throughout the season.
Will he stop trying to kill Dean and Sam?
Singer: He’s still under the boys’ control when the season opens, but also there’s someone else who wants to take over the reins of Hell. That person is an enemy to the boys, so there’s a certain “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” feeling between them.
What’s going on with the angel and demon tablets? Will Kevin Tran (guest star Osric Chau) continue to work on translating them?
Carver: In the beginning, the tablets won’t be front and center, but they are still coveted by all sides. The boys will still need a prophet to interpret them.
Are we going to learn more about the Men of Letters?
Carver: Absolutely. We’ll discover how far the Men of Letters reach back in the Winchester family’s history. And they’ll be a source of new characters and [storylines].
In the season finale, Dean made an emotional declaration of support to Sam. Will their relationship be tight when the show returns?
Carver: We saw the brothers come to an understanding when Dean convinced Sam not to close the gates to Hell in order to stay alive. They aired some dirty laundry, and despite the fact that Sam collasped, the brothers emotionally ended up in a good place.
Singer: When we start the season, Sam is quite ill. How he comes back from this is a real spoiler.
And that’s the interview! This edition also has a whole article on the Men of Letter’s cave, including a blueprint of full layout! It’s around 4500 square feet, and has a lot of symbols underneath it that were designed to ward off demons. There’s also an interview with Misha Collins in which he dodges all the important questions in perfect Misha fashion. Here’s one spoilery question and answer (again, credit to Ileane Rudolph):
Where will Castiel be when Season 9 opens?
We find him in the woods as a human. We haven’t seen Cas deal with mortality or a complete loss of powers like we are planning to do. In Season 5, they played around the edge of that, but I’ve hoped they would let him fall and be human for the first time.
Feel free to speculate and debate, but the true intent of the interview is to tease based on where we left off from “Sacrifice.” More info will be coming this weekend, so stay tuned for coverage of the events right here. I’ll be there, sharing new info as soon as I get it!
Since this is a spoiler thread, I’ll leave the debate pretty loose. Just no insulting other fans, and watch the Sam vs. Dean stuff.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Thanks for sharing Alice. I would love to get a copy of the guide, but in Australia I’m not sure if it’s possible. Do you know?
So it all starts now… lots and lots of hints about the new season, which makes hiatus even more difficult. I have a love/hate relationship with spoilers… I can’t stop myself from reading them, even if it’s sometimes better not to know 😉
Thank goodness I have VanCon between now and October 😀
SPOILER – Jim Beaver just tweeted that Bobby was coming back to Supernatural. Sounds like 1 episode is definite.
Wow, that’s great news! That’s likely episode 9.02, which is really the season premiere. They’re filming out of order. I know they are casting for that episode right now. Curious!
I think that Castiel will be able to communicate with Bobby, Ellen and Co. as he still has his powers! That is the role I think Bobby is going to play. Which means we could see Ellen Jo etc again (says me while doing the jig fandango) It’s like meeting old friends again I tell you.
PS what was that about the error msg “system crash”. I couldn’t get into WFB for about 4 hours!!!
I am so excited for this show. There are so many possibilities… I find myself thinking about all those angel factions AND they are going to have their powers!
I don’t speculate very well but I would love to hear thoughts WRT Sam and the (spoiler) healing thing. I have racked my brains but the juices aren’t flowing. So please speculate ppl!! I think WFB should offer up a prize to the person whose guess is closest!!
Add me to the So Excited list too! I haven’t been this excited about a season in a long time and even these tiny spoilers really wet the appetite.
Ticked off angels, no doubt gonna cause probs for the boys.
Sam will recover, but the how will remain a mystery I’m sure until we actually see it happen…anticipation much? ha!
I very happy that S9 will take up right after S8, so we get to see how the boys deal with what was just thrown their way with Sam’s illness and Crowley within their hold. I wonder if that’s why we saw the Men of Letters dungeon (is that what Dean called it?) toward the end of last season. A place to keep Crowley?
Sounds like there’s gonna be a ton of pressure on Dean to start off the season, dealing with Sam, Crowley, and I’m sure Cas issues and trying to figure out next steps.
Now, is it October yet?
you make a good point about S9 taking up right after S8. Maybe that is where there was so much conflict with the beginning of S8. Too much time had elapsed with Sam before Rufus’s cabin, so it didn’t feel ‘real’ in a sense. Taking up where they left off makes far more sense
Add me to the very excited list. I love that there is no time jump and that S9 is picking up right where s8 left off. I was dreading s9 starting so many weeks/months later and Sam would already be better. I really wanted to see the fallout of doing the trials and to see Sam struggling with that so I am happy. Also, I am intrigued over how Sam does recover.
Thank you for posting this, Alice.
Forgot to add….I love the Crowley stuff too and that we are going to find out more about the Mol.
[quote]I am so excited for this show. There are so many possibilities… I find myself thinking about all those angel factions AND they are going to have their powers!
I don’t speculate very well but I would love to hear thoughts WRT Sam and the (spoiler) healing thing. I have racked my brains but the juices aren’t flowing. So please speculate ppl!! I think WFB should offer up a prize to the person whose guess is closest!![/quote]
My theory is the MOL bunker heals Sam. It has magical/mystical powers…lights/electricity when it shouldn’t. Hides cell phone signals. My geuss is the bunker somehow heals Sam and they form a sort of symbiotic relationship.
Kind of like te Ship and Pilot in Farscape.
That is kind of awesome Amyh!