Looking Back at Supernatural Season 8: Rank The S8 Episodes in 5 Minutes
Welcome to Summer Hellatus 2013! Just like we have the last few summers, we’ve got some great “Supernatural” related activities/articles planned to help us get through this longer than ever Hellatus. As part of our tradition, we kick off the 2013 Hellatus with a season eight audience participation game – rank the “Supernatural” episodes in five minutes.
You don’t have to go through demonic trials to do this activity. The rules are simple. Below is a list of all the “upernatural” season eight episodes. It’s your job to rank them from best to worst in your opinion in five minutes. There’s no second guessing…the idea is to capture your gut reaction. So make your list and then share your answers, for we’re all about sharing here.
You don’t have to have your list typed in five minutes, just your order jotted down. Share your rationale for choosing this order if you wish, but honestly, we’re not judging here. Unless “Man’s Best Friend With Benefits” comes in at your number one. Then we’ll know there’s something serious wrong with you (I’m joking!).
Be sure to check out page two, which are my rankings. This was tougher this year. I came in at 4 minutes and 58 seconds. However, I am an expert with plenty of “Supernatural” encyclopedic knowledge, so if that timer on your smart phone or computer goes a little bit over five minutes, don’t worry, none of us will know. Fine, the cat will know, but just remind him or her who does the feeding. No taking time to rearrange after the five minutes are up. That would be cheating and you need to set an example for Fluffy.
One question is, why do this? Because, the differences from everyone’s responses is staggering. The results are usually quite fascinating! So don’t think your choices matter, because they do.
Okay, ready? Without further delay here are the season eight episodes. Good luck!
We Need To Talk About Kevin
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Blood Brother
Southern Comfort
A Little Slice of Kevin
Hunteri Heroici
Citizen Fang
Torn and Frayed
LARP and The Real Girl
As Time Goes By
Everybody Hates Hitler
Trial and Error
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
Remember The Titans
Goodbye Stranger
Freaks and Geeks
Taxi Driver
Pac-Man Fever
The Great Escapist
Clip Show
My ranking, from best to worst:
The Great Escapist
Everybody Hates Hitler
LARP and The Real Girl
Goodbye Stranger
Pac-Man Fever
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error
As Time Goes By
A Little Slice of Kevin
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
We Need To Talk About Kevin
Blood Brother
Southern Comfort
Clip Show
Hunteri Heroici
Remember The Titans
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
Freaks and Geeks
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Clip Show
The Great Escapist
Pac-Man Fever
As Time Goes By
LARP and the Real Girl
Everybody Hates Hitler
Citizen Fang
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Hunter Heroic
Remember the Titans
Torn and Frayed
A Little Slice of Kevin
Taxi Driver
Blood Brother
Trial and Error
Goodbye Stranger
Freaks and Geeks
Southern Comfort
Man’s Best Friend with Benefits
I hope I got them all.
Ok so best to worst is not the same as favorite to least favorite.
This is my favorite to least favorite list:
Everybody Hates Hitler
The Great Escapist
Remember The Titans
Citizen Fang
Torn and Frayed
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Taxi Driver
A Little Slice of Kevin
Goodbye Stranger
As Time Goes By
Hunteri Heroici
Clip Show
We Need To Talk About Kevin
Pac-Man Fever
Trial and Error
LARP and The Real Girl
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
Freaks and Geeks
Blood Brother
Southern Comfort
I have said this before but I seriously dislike SC and would leave it off the list altogether cause it annoys the hell out of me. Blood brother seems like it is from a different show. Bitten makes me seasick.
Having said that those three are better thought out and produced episodes than (at least) MBFWB and F&G (the internal show logic being poor in both of these, and F&G being the (for me) ‘oh my god why is Sam in this show at all?’ last-straw episode) so for best to worst the last 5 would probably be:
Blood Brother
Southern Comfort
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
Freaks and Geeks
This is fun 😀
We Need To Talk About Kevin
A Little Slice of Kevin
Trial and Error
Taxi Driver
Everybody Hates Hitler
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Pac-Man Fever
Clip Show
Goodbye Stranger
The Great Escapist
LARP and The Real Girl
As Time Goes By
Remember The Titans
Blood Brother
Hunteri Heroici
Citizen Fang
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
Freaks and Geeks
Sacrifice-Love 😥
Pac Man Fever
The Great Escapist
Taxi Driver
Everybody Hates Hitler
Hunteri Heroici
LARP and the Real Girl
Clip Show
Goodbye Stranger
A Little Slice of Kevin
As Time Goes By
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Blood Brother
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Citizen Fang
Trail and Error
Freaks and Geeks
Torn and Frayed 🙁
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort- Grrrrr :sigh:
Man’s Best Friend with Benefits 😡
Some of my choices were purely emotional choices, not always about if the episode was well-done or not.
Fun! Thanks for doing this. I have found that my choices change once the DVD comes out and I can watch the season as a marathon. But – until then, here are my rankings:
The Great Escapist
Goodbye Stranger
Clip Show
As Time Goes By
Larp and the Real Girl
Taxi Driver
Hunteri Heroici
Citizen Fang
Everybody Hates Hitler
Pac-Man Fever
Trial and Error
We Need to Talk about Kevin
A Little Slice of Kevin
Blood Brother
Torn and Frayed
Remember the Titans
Freaks and Geeks
Southern Comfort
What’s Up Tiger Mommy?
Man’s Best Friend with Benefits
goodbye stranger
Blood brother
the great scapist
citizen fang
clip show
taxi driver
trial and error
A little slice of Kevin
we need to talk about Kevin
as time goes by
what’s up tiger mommy
larp and the real girl
Pac man fever
hunter heroic
southern comfort
torn and frayed
everybody hates hittler
remember the titans
freaks and geeks
man’s best friend with benefits
Everybody Hates Hitler
Trial and Error
The Great Escapist
Clip Show
Goodbye Stranger
As Time Goes By
Citizen Fang
Hunteri Heroici
Pac Man Fever
LARP and the Real Girl
Torn and Frayed
Blood Brother
A Little Slice of Kevin
What’s up, Tiger Mommy?
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Southern Comfort
Taxi Driver
*Episodes I didn’t like threshold*
Freaks and Geeks
Man’s Best Friends with Benefits
I feel, just from ranking the episodes, that this season was very strong.
Hehe! This is fun! Here’s my list:
1 Sacrifice
2 The Great Escapist
3 Everybody Hates Hitler
4 Pac Man Fever
5 Trial and Error
6 Goodbye stranger
7 Torn and Frayed
8 Clip Show
9 LARP and the Real Girl
10 As Time Goes By
11 Southern Comfort
12 Blood Brother
13 Citizen Fang
14 Remember the Titans
15 A Little Slice of Kevin
16 Hunter Heroici
17 We Need to Talk About Kevin
18 What’s Up Tiger Mommy
19 Heartache
20 Bitten
21 Freaks and Geeks 😮
22 Taxi Driver 😮
23 Man’s best friends with benefits 😡
I was actually pretty happy overall with most of the episodes all the way until my number 17. I’ve placed SoCo, Blood Brothers and Citizen Fang higher than most people. Even though the boys were at each other’s throats I found those episodes easier to take than the reveal of Sam not looking for Dean (that awful, horrid plot choice!!! arg!) that we got in the first three eps, so for me, those are placed lower on the list. I had a terrible time with the last three and I felt that they were all awful. Dislike Krissy the wunderkind, but the wholesale destruction of canon in Taxi Driver and the unmitigated BLICK factor of Man’s Best Friends… have those two tied for worst of the year for me, and possibly worst of the series. So all in all, 17 strong episodes and 2-3 decent ones with only 3 stinkers seems like a good season IMO.
The Great Escapist
Pac-Man Fever
Everybody Hates Hitler
LARP and The Real Girl
Goodbye Stranger
Trial and Error
We Need To Talk About Kevin
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
As Time Goes By
Blood Brother
Clip Show
Taxi Driver (solely for the Benny goodbye and the Sam/Dean hug! Otherwise a terrible episode).
Citizen Fang
Hunteri Heroici (this low because of the clunky use of flashbacks that never ended up meaning anything)
A Little Slice of Kevin
Freaks and Geeks
Remember The Titans
Episodes I will never watch again. I’ve never had to have a category like this before. )-:
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
For me, a season of highs and lows, with Sam’s story in the first half dragging down the season.
Whooo I’m one of the few people who actually liked ‘Bitten’ a lot… amd doesn’t have ‘Sacrifice’ as #1. Oy! Here’s my list.
Pac-Man Fever
Everybody Hates Hitler
Goodbye Stranger
Trial and Error
LARP and The Real Girl
Hunteri Heroici
The Great Escapist
Clip Show
As Time Goes By
Taxi Driver
Torn and Frayed
We Need To Talk About Kevin
A Little Slice of Kevin
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Citizen Fang
Blood Brother
Southern Comfort
Remember The Titans
Freaks and Geeks
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
Hi, I’m going to cheat and just list my top favorites and then the ones I didn’t like. Number 1 – The Great Escapist, Sacrifice, PacMan Fever, Larp and the Real Girl, Goodbye Stranger and Taxi Driver. My least favorite were Southern Comfort, Citizen Fang, Torn and Frayed, and We Need to Talk about Kevin. Some of those listed in my least favorite were good stories but they left me highly distressed 🙂 The rest of the episodes were OK, but I am excited about next year. I just hope they don’t skip a few months – I want a continuation of the last episode. Thanks!
It’s very interesting that a overwhelming majority have the same best and worst! I think that’s something that’s never happened in the other years. There’s still plenty of others to give their lists though, but I’m surprised. Okay, maybe not about the worst!
LOL! I am usually out in left field on these lists, and I am pretty different on some of my choices in between, but you are right – I think best and worst were slam dunks. Even folks that do not have them in the number 1 and number 23 lts – I bet they are close.
1. Sacrifice
2. Pac-Man Fever
3. LARP and the Real Girl
4. The Great Escapist
5. Clip Show
6. Goodbye Stranger
7. Trial and Error
8. Everybody Loves Hitler
9. As Time Goes By
10. Taxi Driver
11. Torn and Frayed
12. Hunter Heroici
13. Southern Comfort
14. We Need to Talk About Kevin
15. Blood Brother
16. Citizen Fang
17. Freaks and Geeks
18. A Little Slice of Kevin
19. Remember the Titans
20. What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?
21. Heartache
22. Man’s Best Friends with Benefits
23. Bitten
The top two are way above the rest just as the bottom two are far, far below the rest!
Thanks Alice! This was fun 😀
GAH. I timed myself! This was hard!
The Great Escapist
Everybody Hates Hitler
Blood Brother
Goodbye Stranger
Trial and Error
As Time Goes By
We Need To Talk About Kevin
Citizen Fang
Torn and Frayed
Clip Show
Taxi Driver
Pac-Man Fever
LARP and The Real Gir
A Little Slice of Kevin
Hunteri Heroici
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Freaks and Geeks
Remember The Titans
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
Southern Comfort
All in all – bloody strong season!
As Time Goes By
Blood Brother
LARP and the Real Girl
A Little Slice of Kevin
We Need To Talk About Kevin
Hunteri Heroici
Citizen Fang
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Taxi Driver
Goodbye Stranger
The Great Escapist
Pac-Man Fever
Clip Show
Everybody Hates Hitler
Trial and Error
Remember The Titans
Southern Comfort
Freaks and Geeks
Torn and Frayed
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
The Great Escapist
Pac-Man Fever
Remember the Titans
Goodbye Stranger
Clip Show
Southern Comfort
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error
As Time Goes By
Taxi Driver
LARP and the Real Girl
A Little Slice of Kevin
Blood Brother
Everybody Hates Hitler
Torn and Frayed
Freaks and Geeks
Hunteri Heroici
We Need To Talk About Kevin
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
4 min, 27 seconds… And I realized once again what a good season this was once it got rolling, because this was hard to do!
Okay, I’m going to be the first to put my reasons for my rankings. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself after I finished ranking them in the allotted 5 minutes. It was too much fun 😛
1. Sacrifice – Sublime, almost perfect episode; kudos to the actors and creative teams 😀
2. Pac-Man Fever – Charlie, her Mum & The Hobbit storyline had a personal connection for me.
3. The Great Escapist – Metatron’s introduction & Sam resonating (his Sir Galahad memory is one of my favourite scenes of the season) 😥
4. Everybody Hates Hitler – Classic Ben Edlund script; it contains my favourite line of the season (“Oh my God… these guys are psychoticâ€) 😆
5. LARP and the Real Girl – Pure escapist fun. Dean and Sam in costume 😉
6. Clip Show – Tense, on the edge-of-my-seat drama.
7. Goodbye Stranger – Brutal opening scene, farewell to Meg & one of my favourite season 8 endings (Cas on a bus; Supertramp blaring).
8. As Time Goes By – Introduction of Men of Letters. Totally awesome!
9. Citizen Fang – Learning Benny’s backstory; plus some of the best camera angles of the season (including that scene of Dean driving up to Elizabeth, who was sitting on the diner’s doorstep).
10. Torn and Frayed – The brothers chose each other.
11. Taxi Driver – I loved this episode; it’s only lower in the ranking because I think it really needed to be two episodes & there was some shaky writing. But it contained some of the best scenes of season 8 (Dean & Benny/Crowley & Kevin/Sam & Bobby/Sam & Dean).
12. Hunter Heroici – I love it when Supernatural tries something new like introducing Looney Tunes; plus it was wonderful to see Mike Farrell (aka BJ in MASH).
13. We Need to Talk About Kevin – Sam & Dean back together, finding Kevin & the revelation about closing the gates of Hell.
14. A Little Slice of Kevin – Castiel is back; Crowley gets serious.
15. Blood Brother – Dean reuniting with Benny for the first time & Sam’s handyman flashbacks 😉
16. Trial and Error – Loved the completion of the first trial and the brother moments; didn’t care much for the family they saved.
17. Remember the Titans – Not a huge fan of the Gods’ episodes, but I did enjoy this episode.
18. Freaks and Geeks – It was good to see Krissy again.
19. What’s Up, Tiger Mommy? – Loved the sassiness of Kevin’s mom.
20. Southern Comfort – Favourite Garth episode & I loved the shout-outs to Bobby in it.
21. Heartache – Fairly average monster of the week story.
22. Bitten – I applaud the risk taking by the creative team at Supernatural, but I personally felt no emotional connection to the young protagonists in this episode.
23. Man’s Best Friends with Benefits – I think it’s the only time I’ve ever felt really flat at the end of an episode. Maybe because this was about a friend of Sam & Dean’s we’d never met. There was even less connection for me here than in Bitten.
Goodbye Stranger
the Great Escapist
LARP and the Real Girl
A Little Slice of Kevin
Hunteri Heroici
Torn and Frayed
The Clip Show
Everybody Hates Hitler
Southern Comfort
PAC Man Fever
We need to Talk About Kevin
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Taxi Driver
As Time Goes By
Remember the Titans
Freaks and Geeks
Bitten (only here because I was fascinated by it even though I was annoyed that the boys were hardly in it)
Blood Brother
citizen Fang
Trial and Error
Mans Best Friends with Benefits
Heartache ( the only one I really thought was a waste … Not Jensen’s fault as I’ve loved his previous outings as director but the story just did nothing for me)
Ok here’s my list.
I didn’t time myself as I knew I would surpass the 5 minutes. :-*
Some of the Titles are simular so I had to look up the synopsis to make sure I had right ones. 😳
The Great Escapist
Everyone hates Hitler
LARP and the Real Girl
Hunteri Heroici
Pac-Man Fever
Goodbye Stranger
As Time Goes By
Blood Brothers
Trial and Error
Torn and Frayed
A Little Slice of Kevin
Clip Show
Taxi Driver
Remember the Titans
We Need to talk about Kevin
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Southern Comfort
Citizen Fang
Freaks and Geeks
Man’s Best Friend with Benefits
Clip Show
The Great Escapist
Pac-Man Fever
LARP and The Real Girl
Taxi Driver
Torn and Frayed
Blood Brother
Southern Comfort
Goodbye Stranger
As Time Goes By
Hunteri Heroici
Citizen Fang
Everybody Hates Hitler
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Trial and Error
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
A Little Slice of Kevin
We Need To Talk About Kevin
Remember The Titans
Freaks and Geeks
Great Escapist
PacMan Fever
Everybody hates Hitler
Hunteri Heroici
Southern Comfort
As Time Goes by
LARP and the real girl
Taxi Driver
Goodbye Stranger
Trial n Error
A Little slice of Kevin
We need to talk about Kevin
What’s up Tiger Mommy
Blood Brother
Man’s best friend w benefits
Remember the Titans
Citizen Fang
Freaks n Geeks
Such a good season – so difficult to rate.
1. We Need To Talk About Kevin
2. Sacrifice
3. Pac-man Fever
4. Citizen Fang
5. Everybody Hates Hitler
6. Goodbye Stranger
7. Southern Comfort
8. Larp and the Real Girl
9. A Little Slice of Kevin
10. As Time Goes By
11. What’s Up Tiger Mommy?
12. Blood Brother
13. Taxi Driver
14. The Great Escapist
15. Clip Show
16. Torn and Frayed
17. Freaks and Geeks
18. Trial and Error
19. Hunter Heroici
20. Remember The Titans
21. Friends With Benefits
22. Bitten
23. Heartache
The top five and the bottom five were quick and easy picks but the middle episodes might have been arranged a little differently if I had time to think about them a little more. Overall I really enjoyed S8 but I’m having a hard time even guessing where S9 is going to take us. It’s going to be one long summer.
Wow… this is a lot tougher than I thought; very few episodes I didn’t particularly care for this season.
1. The Great Escapist
2. Sacrifice
3. As Time Goes By
4. Pac-Man Fever
5. Everybody Hates Hitler
6. Torn and Frayed
7. Goodbye Stranger
8. Clip Show
9. LARP and The Real Girl
10. Hunteri Heroici
11. Citizen Fang
12. Trial and Error
13. Taxi Driver
14. Southern Comfort
15. We Need To Talk About Kevin
16. A Little Slice of Kevin
17. What’s Up Tiger Mommy
18. Bitten
19. Heartache
20. Blood Brother
21. Remember The Titans
22. Freaks and Geeks
23. Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
The Great Escapist
Pac Man Fever
Taxi Driver
Clip Show
Trial and Error
Everybody Hates Hitler
As Time Goes By
Goodbye Stranger
Remember the Titans
Torn and Frayed
Hunteri Heroici
A Little Slice of Kevin
We Need to Talk about Kevin
Southern Comfort
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Blood Brother
Freaks and Geeks
Man’s Best Friend with Benefits
So I haven’t done my list yet but why does everyone seem to hate Southern Comfort so much? Is it because of what Dean said when he was being possessed by the spector?? Cause I don’t get it, I thought it was a good episode. Gotta love Sam’s “Burn a Confederate solider in a town full of rednecks…Sure!”
I didn’t hate it. I had it for #7. There were just so many good episodes to choose from. I personally would like to see more of Garth. Like Charlie he seems to be able to relate to both brothers and he’s inept but in a good, funny way.
1) Sacrifice (doesn’t need explanation)
2) The Great Escapist (BE, you’re great)
3) Clip Show
4) Citzen Fang (I hate the boys fighting, and this one was them at their lowest, but the episode was amazing. I was tense, at the edge of my seat the whole time)
5) A Little Slice of Kevin
6) Torn and Frayed
7) Goodbye Stranger
8) Hunteri Heroici
9) As Time Goes By
10) Everybody Hates Hitler
11) Trial and Error
12) Blood Brothers
13) We Need to Talk about Kevin
14) Heartache
15) Pac-Man Fever
16) Taxi Driver
17) What’s Up Tiger Mommy
18) Remember the Titans
19) Southern Comfort
20) Bitten
21) LARP and the Real Girl (just because I don’t like the fairy/other dimension mythos – too much True Blood for me)
22) Freaks and Geeks (I can’t warm up to Krissy enough to fully enjoy an episode she’s in)
Under another cathegory entirely;
– Man’s Best Friend With Benefits (this one is simple the worst of the SERIES, not only the season. The only one EVER I’ve watched once and don’t intend to watch again. Just want to pretend it never existed).
Sorry but this was too hard so I’m just grouping my favorites together, then to ok episodes, then my least favorites. I pretty much agree with KG_SPN on the reasons for each episodes. Here it goes:
We Need To Talk About Kevin
Hunteri Heroici
Citizen Fang
Torn and Frayed
LARP and the Real Girl
As Time Goes By
Trial and Error
Goodbye Stranger
Pac-Man Fever
The Great Escapist
Clip Show
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Blood Brother
Southern Comfort
A Little Slice of Kevin
Everybody Hates Hitler
Taxi Driver
Man’s Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Freeks and Geeks
Out of 23 only 4 were my least favorites, so I’d say that’s a pretty good season. I can’t wait to see where Carver takes us in S9.
Take care,
This is really fun! 😛 My list is purely emotional. I hope that is ok. So it is probably not exactly best to worst, which would require analysis, but good feelings to bad feelings. I wrote this note after I failed the test at almost 7 minutes, so, “Why not write a paragraph?” I said to myself. My emotions made me start with my worst and best and try to order the rest.
1. Sacrifice
2. Great Escapist
3. Pac-Man Fever
4. Clip Show
5. Everybody Hates Hitler
6. LARP and the Real Girl – Sam’s ponytail, Dean having fun 😉
7. Goodbye Stranger
8. As Time Goes By
9. Taxi Driver – Bobby’s soul, big hug 🙄
10. We Need to Talk About Kevin – Didn’t look for Dean? 😥
11. Citizen Fang
12. What’s Up Tiger Mommy? – Don’t like obnoxious Ms. Tran.
13. A Little Slice of Kevin
14. Hunter Heroici – love Looney Tunes; can’t help it.
15. Blood Brother
16. Trial and Error – Could not even remember the woman or the family.
17. Remember the Titans – Don’t like impotent gods. 😀
18. Freaks and Geeks – creepy ex-shtriga bringing kids into his house? Teaching them to put themselves in danger. Really?
19. Southern Comfort
20. Torn and Frayed – I need burning faces, torture and screaming in smaller doses.
21. Heartache
22. Man’s Best Friend With Benefits – Yuck
23. Bitten – When is SPN going to begin? It’s over? Seriously?
I don’t need to see MBFWB or Bitten ever again. Yuck and no SPN did it for me.
The finale was so wonderful that for me it was “wondrous.” (But of course, it left me some things to wonder about. *sorry, please, i can’t help it*
Most/some fans are impatient with this and keep saying that we have learned all that we are going to learn. But those fans said the same thing before Sacrifice aired!
I understand that Sam had multiple reasons why he didn’t look for Dean. It would just make my soul happy to know what he did immediately after Crowley told him he was alone until he ran into Amelia’s office. Now that the boys are talking, you never know!
Oh, I love this game. 🙂
Here goes:
[u]Top 5:[/u]
The Great Escapist
Pac-Man Fever
Citizen Fang
Blood Brother
Taxi Driver
Trial and Error
As Time Goes By
Everybody Hates Hitler
Goodbye Stranger
Hunteri Heroici
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
LARP and The Real Girl
Remember the Titans
We Need To Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
[u]Least Favs[/u]:
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
A Little Slice of Kevin
Freaks and Geeks
[u]Deserving It’s Own Category of “Worst”:[/u]
Man’s Best Friend with Benefits
1. Sacrifice
2. The Great Escapist
3. Citizen Fang (love Benny)
4. Torn and Frayed (too much gore, but scary Cas)
5. Goodbye Stranger
6. Pac-Man Fever
7. Heartache
8. Hunteri Heroici
9. LARP and the Real Girl
10. Blood Brother
11. We Need to Talk About Kevin
12. Taxi Driver
13. A Little Slice of Kevin
14. As Time Goes By
15. Everybody Hates Hitler
16. Trial and Error
17. What’s Up Tiger Mommy
18. Southern Comfort
19. Remember the Titans
20. Clip Show (this is low as I hated Sarah being killed)
21. Freaks and Geeks
22. Man’s Best Friend with Benefits (Icky)
23. Bitten (Boring)
If I had more time I would rearrange the middle ones a bit.
From about 11 to 16 anyway.
For anyone interested in the tally up to now
Top 4 episodes (1st/2nd/3rd place votes)
Sacrifice 22/3/0
The Great Escapist 2/10/7
We Need to Talk About Kevin 2/1/0
Pac Man Fever 1/4/6
..and the lowest ranking episodes (23rd/22nd/21st place)
Man’s Best Friend with Benefits 14/8/2
Bitten 4/6/4
Southern Comfort 2/1/1
Heartache 2/0/7
Freaks and Geeks 1/6/3
I wish I could say that I got this done in the specified time, but I’ll honestly say it took me twice that. Probably because I try not to watch the episodes again after the air-date so that when I get the DVD it feels semi-new again, and I get to make all new discoveries. So I had to read a couple episode guides to match up title to memory. This was so hard.
1) Sacrifice-This one has made it into my top five now, I think.
2) Trial and Error
3) The Great Escapist
4) Torn and Frayed-I was on the edge of my seat during Samandriel’s torture
5) Goodbye Stranger-On the edge of my sanity watching Cas pummel Dean
6)A Little Slice of Kevin
7) Clip Show
8) Southern Comfort-Garth has so grown on me. I like him so much.
9) As Time Goes By
10) Pac-Man Fever
11) Hunteri Heroici
12) Taxi Driver
13) LARP and The Real Girl
14) Everybody Hates Hitler
15) Blood Brother
16) Heartache
17) Freaks and Geeks
18) What’s Up Tiger Mommy
19) Citizen Fang
20) Remember The Titans
21) We Need To Talk About Kevin
22) Bitten-I liked the idea behind this one, but I couldn’t connect with the kids at all.
23) Man’s Best Friend With Benefits-I can’t bring myself to actually dislike this one outright, there’s always something I can find to like about an episode. But it’s iffy.
This was fun!
sacrifice (just WOW)
Torn and frayed (because the brothers needed to get to that point)
The great escapist (Sam’s POV finally)
LARP and the real girl
Pac-Man fever (ok so I wuv hugs… and Charlie)
Clip show
Hunter Heroici
Everybody hates hitler (nice Golum)
Southern Comfort (crunch time for the brothers)
As time goes by
Citizen fang (passionately loved and hated this ep)
Trial and error
Goodbye stranger (poor meg)
Taxi driver (cannot excuse the canon bashing)
We need to talk about Kevin (the Dean & Sam meeting ..huh!)
Remember the titans
A little slice of Kevin (seriously Mrs Tran u have to go)
What’s up tiger mom (sorry Mrs Tran but u[i] have[/i] to go)
Heartache (zzzz)
Blood brother (no Benny you can’t replace Sam)
Freaks and geeks (precociousness on crack)
Man’s best friends with benefits (seriously! a dog and a human)
Bitten (who are Dean and Sam again)
Pac-Man Fever
The Great Escapist
Goodbye Stranger
As Time Goes By
e Need To Talk About Kevin
Taxi Driver
Clip Show
Southern Comfort
Hunteri Heroici
LARP and The Real Girl
Everybody Hates Hitler
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Blood Brother
A Little Slice of Kevin
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error
Remember The Titans
Torn and Frayed
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
Freaks and Geeks
My favorites from each season always tend to be some of the final eps of that year. This is one show that really knows how to crank up the angst for that final stretch run.
My top 2 for this year though pulled away from the pack, Sacrifice and Pac Man Fever.
The bottom 3 didnt work at all for me. The supporting casts in the first 2 were pretty bad. And making Sam and Dean supporting cast in their own show for Bitten was a misstep. But every season has their blah eps. The rest of them…enjoyed them all.
Pac-Man Fever
The Great Escapist
Goodbye Stranger
As Time Goes By
e Need To Talk About Kevin
Taxi Driver
Clip Show
Southern Comfort
Hunteri Heroici
LARP and The Real Girl
Everybody Hates Hitler
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Blood Brother
A Little Slice of Kevin
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error
Remember The Titans
Torn and Frayed
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
Freaks and Geeks
My favorites from each season always tend to be some of the final eps of that year. This is one show that really knows how to crank up the angst for that final stretch run.
My top 2 for this year though pulled away from the pack, Sacrifice and Pac Man Fever.
The bottom 3 didnt work at all for me. The supporting casts in the first 2 were pretty bad. And making Sam and Dean supporting cast in their own show for Bitten was a misstep. But every season has their blah eps. The rest of them…enjoyed them all.
Blood Brother
Citizen Fang
Southern Comfort
Larp and the Real Girl
Pac-Man Fever
Goodbye Stranger
Taxi Driver
The Great Escapist
Clip Show
As Time Goes By
Torn and Fray
We Need To Talk About Kevin
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
A Little Slice of Kevin
Hunteri Heroici
As Time Goes By
Everybody Hates Hitler
Trial and Error
Remember The Titans
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
Favorite to least favorite–
Goodbye Stranger
The Great Escapist
Trial and Error
Taxi Driver
As Time Goes By
Clip Show
the rest just sort of dwindle down to the least liked–
Remember the Titans
Friends with Benefits
Whoops-forgot one
Right after Sacrifice, I forgot to put
Everybody Hates Hitler
Goodbye Stranger
As Time Goes By
Pac-Man Fever
Hunteri Heroici
The Great Escapist
Everybody Hates Hitler
LARP and The Real Girl
Clip Show
Blood Brother
Citizen Fang
A Little Slice of Kevin
Torn and Frayed
We Need To Talk About Kevin
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Trial and Error
Southern Comfort
Remember The Titans
Freaks and Geeks
Taxi Driver
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
That was fun 🙂
Okay, this is mine, but the list is not emotional, this is my “that episode was really well done on all fronts list” Emotionally, PAC Man Fever and LARP would be placed much higher.
The Great Escapist
Everybody Loves Hitler
Trial and Error
Citizen Fang ( seriously well written episode IMO)
Goodbye Stranger
Pac Man Fever
LARP and the Real Girl
Remember the Titans
Hunteri Heroici
Clip Show
As Time Goes By
Torn and Frayed (underwhelming but generally just fine, and the shrubbery thing continues to amuse me)
Southern Comfort ( it hurts, but it wasn’t boring)
A Little Slice of Kevin
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Blood Brother (much as I love Ben Edlund, and thought the script was okay, Benny the Middle Aged Edward Cullen was too much for me to stomach)
What’s Up, Tiger Mommy
Taxi Driver (a.k.a I Killed Canon Dead)
Freaks and Geeks
We Need to Talk About Kevin (meh)
Bitten ( music saves this from last spot)
Man’s Best Friend with Benefits
I cannot watch Heartache simply because I fall asleep midway through it every time I try to watch it, and have, as of today, never completed even a single viewing of it.
In retrospective, it IS an emotional list. I waited half a season to figure out what Sam’s storyline is, and I will love Trial and Error for proving that he DOES have a story. And Remember the Titans because I was so expecting something even worse.
I hope that it’s okay that my list is quite short. Show lost me for a while in S8 and I didn’t come back to it until As Time Goes By. After the last 4 episodes my SPN love is sky high once again.
The Great Escapist
Pac Man Fever
Clip Show
As Time Goes By
Trial and Error
Everybody Hates Hitler
Taxi driver
We Need To Talk about Kevin
Goodbye Stranger
Remember The Titans
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
Freaks and Geeks.
Trial and Error
LARP and The Real Girl
As Time Goes By
The Great Escapist
Everybody Hates Hitler
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
Blood Brother
We Need To Talk About Kevin
A Little Slice of Kevin
Hunteri Heroici
Citizen Fang
Pac-Man Fever
Clip Show
Goodbye Stranger
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
Remember The Titans
Freaks and Geeks
Taxi Driver
Torn and Frayed
Southern Comfort
Okay here’s my list. I should’ve felt weird about Man’s best friends but in my defend this episode showing how Dean and Sam frozen and being reminded of their lost and of each other. In the end Dean asks Sam about how his doing. Despite the animal turn human part, I appreciate the brotherly effort here.
My fav both have the best lines of the season. I love the brotherly banter and their lines. So there.
Wow. 5 minutes. Never managed this before and I even had to look up some of the eppies descriptions ’cause all Kevin focused and Benny focused eps kinda blur together. Funny how my faves are all from the secondpart of the season 😉
The last 5 are just simply the worst of the worst 🙁
Pac-Man Fever
The Great Escapist
Everybody Hates Hitler
Goodbye Stranger
Remember The Titans
As Time Goes By
LARP and The Real Girl
Clip Show
Trial and Error
Remember The Titans
We Need To Talk About Kevin
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
A Little Slice of Kevin
Hunteri Heroici
Citizen Fang
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
Blood Brother
Freaks and Geeks
Southern Comfort
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
Sorry, there was supposed to be a gap between “Remember the Titans” and “We Need to Talk..” ’cause those 8 epsafter the pilot go to my “Okay, I guess” category.
pilot? PILOT? 😀
Meant premiere, lol.
I am obviously over-thinking this.
I keep trying to rank the episodes, and get stuck on certain scenes in my mind. Favourite episodes had little things I didn’t like, least favourite episodes had a few great scenes….
It all boils down to this:
1. Sacrifice
2. Great Escapist.
21. Man’s Best Friend with Benefits
22. Southern Comfort
23. Bitten.
Ha, st50, why didn’t I think of that? Maybe I could have come in under the 5 mins. I spent a good deal of time juggling the middle ones and trying to remember what some of them were even about. 😉
I’ve tried several times and failed – too complicated a task. Besides, I feel like I offend the episodes if I try to rank them so instead of putting them in a column I’ve put them down in lines:
The best: Sacrifice, Goodbye Stranger, Torn and Frayed (this last one sounds like a piece of music to me, Chopin maybe, so sad and classically refined).
Good ones: Pac-Man Fever, Great Escapist, Trial and Error, Larp.., Hunteri Heroici, We Need to Talk about Kevin, What’s up Tiger Mommy, A Little Slice of Kevin, Blood Brother.
Less than stellar (but still good): Southern Comfort, Everybody Hates Hitler, Clip Show, As Time Goes By, .Remember the Titans, Citizen Fang, Heartache.
There must be Taxi Driver between the Goods and Lesses. I liked it overall, but yes, it should have consisted of two parts , so – inbetween position.
Bitten and Freaks and Geeks – the young actors were okay, but they had very little to play, asi-asi. Man’s Best Friends – you guys frightened me with tons of criticism, so I can’t bring myself to rewatch it.
It was fun indeed. 🙂
This is too hard!! I loved this season so much. I think I will try this task again after a rewatch from beginning to end. Yup, season 8 is just too much straight up SPN goodness too pick from!
Heh…this was fun, but I haven’t really thought yet about why I went with these-would be interesting to go back and look at what themes made these ones stand out for me, or made me loathe them (sorry, I am way over thinking this, aren’t I? :-))
1. sacrifice
2. the great escapist
3. goodbye stranger
4. hunteri heroici
5. pac man fever
6. everybody hates hitler
7. trial and error
8. as time goes by
9. whats up tiger mommy
10. a little slice of kevin
11. clip show
12. we need to talk about kevin
13. citizen fang
14. LARP and the real girl
15. torn and frayed
16. blood brother
17. southern comfort
18. taxi driver
19. remember the titans
20. heartache
21. freaks and geeks
22. bitten
23. man’s best friend with benefits
A Little Slice of Kevin
Goodbye Stranger
What’s Up Tiger Mommy
LARP and The Real Girl
Torn and Frayed
As Time Goes By
Blood Brother
We Need To Talk About Kevin
Everybody Hates Hitler
Trial and Error
The Great Escapist
Taxi Driver
Pac-Man Fever
Remember The Titans
Clip Show
Citizen Fang
Hunteri Heroici
Southern Comfort
Freaks and Geeks
Man’s Best Friend With Benefits
Looks like Sacrifice is the winner!
here’s mine:
goodbye stranger
hunteri heroici
as time goes by
we need to talk about kevin
everybody hates hitler
clip show
what’s up tiger mommy
the great escapist
southern comfort
a little slice of kevin
torn and frayed
tiral and error
pac-man fever
citizen fang
blood brother
freaks and geeks
remember the titans
taxi driver
larp and the real girl
man’s best friend with benefits
An approximate ranking:
Goodbye stranger
Everybody hates Hitler
The great escapist
Pac man fever
Hunteri heroici
Little slice of Kevin
Trial and error
Blood brother
LARP and the real girl
We need to talk about Kevin
Southern comfort
As time goes by
Torn and frayed
Citizen Fang
Clip show
Heartache (what – after a few hundred years a Mayan god looks white???)
Bitten (not as bad as it’s painted – but not nearly enough Winchester to make anybody happy)
Taxi driver (in & out of hell in 30 seconds flat WTF?)
Remember theTtitans (I’d rather not)
Man’s best friend with benefits (ick)
Freaks and geeks (fell asleep during this one)
Whats up tiger mommy (unpopular opinions, I know, but I hated the auction & hated momma Tran)