After Much Anticipation, Here’s The Supernatural Harlem Shake Video
What can be said? I must be getting old, because I didn’t get this fad before, and now I don’t know what to say! Please, share any clues you pick up on this as to who’s doing what. It’s nuts!
For all the latest Supernatural videos, visit the Supernatural playlist at TV For The Rest of Us’ YouTube channel.
Alice: If you haven’t seen very many Harlem Shake vids, I can understand your confusion. But I think this is freakin’ hilarious!
All Harlem Shake vids follow the same formula: they start off with only one dancer who is moving conservatively to the music for about ten seconds – and then boom! you cut to a whole room full of people in outlandish costumes dancing wildly. (Did you see the suicidal Teddy Bear?!)
According to a tweet from Guy Bee, this whole project was all Jensen’s idea.
Going by what Clif has tweeted: Jensen is in a white hockey shirt, Jared is waving a red padded seat cover, Guy Bee is far right in a camo hat, Osric Chau is squirming around in the body bag, Brian Rose is the crazy iridescent green guy in the tighty whitey, and the [i]REAL[/i] Brad Creasser is dancing in the lower right in front of Osric.
(How many of you remember both Jared and Jensen getting up at one of the cons to demonstrate how bad Brad Creasser dances? Well now you can clearly see what they were mimicking!)
So of course, the Supernatural Shake opens up with the Impala at a crossroads with a giant demon trap. It is fitting that Jensen opens the vid (He’s such a ham! Remember Eye of the Tiger?) But can I just say, that man has moves!!!
I think this vid is just one more example of how much fun the cast & crew have together. The fact that they sent it out to all the loyal SPN fans just includes us in the fun!
OMG Brad Creasser! That is hysterical! I want to hang out with those guys.
That was hilarious. I remember them talking about and doing it. But I have to say I don’t think the quite did Brad justice. 😀
[quote]That was hilarious. I remember them talking about and doing it. But I have to say I don’t think the quite did Brad justice. :D[/quote]
Really? If I remember correctly, I think Jensen absolutely nailed what I can see in this video! I have rewatched it a dozen times, and I am still belly laughing watching Creasser every time!
Here is the story of the Harlem Shake [url][/url]
It is one of the best Harlem Shakes I’ve seen, my favorite was the Miami Heat’s, but now is this one and only because of Jensen’s moves!!!! did I said WOW!! I just hope that they include this in the gag reel, I know it suppose to be only for 30 seconds, but I want more!!
I just have and idea… Supernatural Fans Harlem Shake at the Con. Surprising the J2 of course!! That will be awesome!
The actual REAL Brad Creasser. My favorite part. Jared and Jensen have his dance stylings down to a T.
Jensen is in the white hockey shirt
Jared is in the black parka waving the red thing around
Osric is in the body bag
Brad Creasser is the one at the front wearing black doing his famous Creasser? dance
Brian Rose is the one ine the green at the front
Guy Bee is the one in the far right wearing the zebra pimp hat
Clif is in the Impala waving his arm around
Apparently, Genevieve is the one with the dogs!
I had heard of the “Harlem Shake,” but this was the first video I saw. I thought it was absolutely hilarious so it inspired me (on my snow day from work – YAY) to look up other Harlem Shake videos. I would recommend the Miami Heat, the Norwegian soldiers, and the underwater swim team one! All very amusing!
Or just go to YT and search do the harlem shake.
[quote]Apparently, Genevieve is the one with the dogs! [/quote]
While I totally agree that it [i]looks[/i] like her, according to the tweet from Clif, Gen Padalecki does not appear in this video.
I had seen one either so I just loved it without knowing what was going on. So thanks suzee51 and Manstrad for your info.
Thanks everyone! I’ve heard of the Harlem Shake, my teenage daughter is on YouTube every waking minute, but I’m just saying I never really quite understood the craze. I love this, it’s just quite a thing to dissect!
OMG! This is hilarious! Thank you for sharing this. Looks like everyone was having a great time.
My husband and I only just learned about this new craze on Sunday night after The Simpson’s did it as their opening.
My daughter explained what it was all about after she noticed the “WTF was that!†expressions on our faces.
I guess there is always going to be new trends after all I’m from a generation where the ‘Hooky Pooky’ (Hocky Pocky?) and the ‘Chicken Dance’ was all the new rage at weddings. 😀 😮
haha aww! love the lil dancing bit by Jensen at the start
BEST Harlem Shake video! 😀