The Con Page
Planning on going to a Supernatural Convention? Have been to a Supernatural convention and plan on going again? Are you done with conventions but will always cherish the memories of the one(s) you attended? This is the page for you!
– Are you a first timer and want to meet up with other fans? Are you someone who’s been to cons before and would like to welcome first timers? Are you a con veteran and are always looking to meet other fans? Plan your get togethers here.
– Got a con story to share? This is a great place to do it too.
– Got any other con questions? I’m sure someone here will have an answer.
For more information on upcoming cons, go to for cons in the US and Canada. For international cons, Supernatural Wiki has you covered!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I’ll be at Vegascon and Dallascon this year in the States and AHBL4 in Sydney.
If anyone has any questions about cons I’m always happy to answer what I can.
Vegas will be my 5th Creation one. So I’ve done a few but not as many as some!
Hi Sweetondean, I just finished reading your reply to Winmomwannabe (a little lower) about what to have signed. I’m going to the Toronto con in October, and I’m well aware it’s a little far into the future, but I’ve been thinking about it since I bought my ticket in November! It will be my first con and I’m going with the gold ticket weekend. My question was (and I do have one 🙂 ) is about Sunday, the J-day. There is the breakfast, and then I assume the picture op? I have the one with the two of them, I want a sandwich pic! 😳 I really wanted to know about the time constraints, because there are a whole bunch of really interesting people on Sunday, including Jim Beaver and Misha Collins. Will I have the time to see everyone? I don’t want to miss a single moment of it all. Oh, and are we allowed to ask a celebrity for two autographs? For Jensen, I have my DVD copy of “Ten-inch Hero”, but I also have a whole bunch of SPN stuff also that I mean to bring.
Thanks so much for doing this, I’m geeking out over the whole thing, and I know age doesn’t really matter, but I’m going to be fifty and I feel like a teeny-bopper! 😀
Hey Sylvie
Usually what happens is the breakfast is first thing on Sunday – depending upon the city and when the boys have to fly out that evening, will depend on the time, Torcon will be fairly early I’d imagine. Earliest I’ve done is 7.30 for an 8.45 start with the Js. Get to the breakfast early. Though you are assigned a table – you are not assigned a seat, so you want to get the one with the best vantage point! The boys will be there for 30 minutes. It’s really fun and casual. The breakfast is great!
After the breakfast you go and wait for the photo ops with the Js, they do theirs straight after breakfast – Creation will tell you where to go sit and how it’s all going to be organised – Creation are pretty good at the organising.
Normally it goes Jensen, J2, Jared in photo op order.
So you go get your Jensen op, go back to sit and wait for J2, go get your J2 op, go back and wait for Jared, go get your Jared op. We always get called row by row.
While Jensen is doing his ops, Jared is doing his private Q&A and vica versa – so if you do get the Q&A, Creation organise for you to go first in the photo line, so you can get to the Q&A. You just tell them you have the Q&A – they may want to see the ticket.
I just checked the site and Misha is on Saturday – Jim and Rob are on Sunday. You’ll find one will go before the boys, one will go after. Sometimes, the last panel runs at the same time as the boys are doing autos – which is fine because we’re all in the auditorium anyway, sitting waiting to be called up for our turn. I’ve been to a couple where Jim has just been on stage pretty much the whole time the autos are happening – just answering questions, telling stories – he’s awesome. The boys pop their heads out occasionally when that happens too.
With autos – you get a lot with the Gold ticket – check to see which are included and which are additional. The boys are always included. You can get anything you want signed at the auto sessions – but you can only get one thing signed per auto ticket – as in, your ticket allows you one auto only – if you want an additional one you must buy it. Creation will check off your tickets (or your number on your lanyard) and then take what you need signed and line it up for the guys – the Js do hundreds of signatures, so this speeds it along! There will be plenty of people in front of you to see what’s happening and by Sunday you’ll be an expert!
Personalisation is from con to con – some con’s you’ll get a personalised auto – meaning including your name – from all cast except the Js, they never personalise. Sometimes Creation don’t allow Misha to personalise either, though sometimes he ignores that! Sometimes no-one is allowed to personalise – though some will ignore this too. This is a Creation thing and is different each time. It’s purely a time thing. With so many guests to get through, they often limit personalisation.
Don’t worry about missing a panel because of photos – that rarely happens. Sometimes if they are running late you might need to nip out before the end of a panel – but seriously, that’s only happened to me a couple of times and never on the Sunday. You’ll never miss the Js. And if for some reason you have something clash, Creation may organise for the cast to be available later for you. When I did the Jensen/Jason jam, it clashed with 2 ops, but Creation had them standing by after the jam so that I could still get my ops done. I’ve seen them bring back cast on a number of occasions to get a couple of shots for people that somehow missed the op – obviously only on the day they are scheduled! If you do have a clash, make one of the Creation officials aware of it and they’ll tell you what to do.
My big tip is, read the run down really clearly and highlight/circle or whatever all the activities you have that day – including panels, photos, autos and special events if you get any (VIP, meet and greets). That way you can see straight up if there is a clash and organise around it.
I hope that helps! 🙂
Thank you so much, that really helps to give me a clearer view of how things will go down. I kind of figured that the autos would be limited to one, so I’m going SPN all the way. I’ll be looking forward to reading up on the cons you’ll be attending this year, it’s always a hoot. 😆
Thank you sweetondean. I was wondering some of those questions myself. Going to the Las Vegas con-2nd one- and I just did not know how the schedules worked.
Im going to my first Con in Vegas Im so excited but nervous too. We purchased them thur Facebook & got the Silver Weekend Package & im wanting to know does the Autographs opps in that package include a picture. I want to get my picture done but at this time they are all sold out unless I could find someone wanting to sale theirs. Im also worried about how much Money I should have to Enjoy myself. I live in vegas so that expense isnt a worry but we are maybe going to get a room anyways. I think talking with to someone who has been to one before might be usefull & help with the nervous stomach.. I just dont what to expect Ive never done anything like this…. Thanks for any answer that you might have… Mindy
Any Suggestion for me??
Hi Mindy
Like nightsky said, keep your eyes peeled on Facebook and eBay for tickets – if you’re a member of a Vegascon FB page that can help, but just keep checking around.
You can buy things in the vendor room to get signed – or bring anything you like.
I’ve always stayed at the venue – mind you I come from Australia! But even at the Sydney convention – I live in Sydney – I stayed the weekend in town at the hotel where the VIP events were taking place. It was easier. Certainly for the Creation events – they can be such long days with the autos going for hours, staying at the venue makes everything much more convenient as you can run and pop stuff away or grab stuff as you need it etc.
As for money – that’s a toughie! The vendors room has bits and pieces, shirts, hoodies, jewellery, magazines, books etc. But it’s pretty small.
I always end up buying extra photos or autos “accidentally” and I’ve also “accidentally” bought 3 banners at the auctions! 2 Jensen and 1 J2. I think I get the convention crazies…though the banners are beyond awesome. I am going to desperately try not to buy one in Vegas. Please wish me luck!
Hope nightsky and I have helped – let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi Mindy,
The silver package includes autograph signings but not pictures. I often see them for sale on eBay a short while before each con. Twitter also gets retweets of people trying to sell their pics.
I have not been to the Vegas Con. I went to the Chicago con, though, and did not get a room. I commuted back and forth each day to save money. It meant that I was traveling late each night . The mornings were easier since Silver packages don’t have anything that starts before say 10 in the morning (in contrast, gold packages have a breakfast that starts quite early).
The only money I spent there was
1. in the vendor room. I bought pics to be signed and paperback books. I put it all on credit, though. Our vendor room was very small and limited. Not nearly as much stuff as I expected.
2. lunch and dinners. I don’t know what the Vegas arrangements will be for food. We only had the option of big restaurants in the hotel (credit card again), or Starbucks sandwiches for lunch.
3. I bought an extra autograph, which I again charged.
Other than that, you are so busy listening to the talent that you don’t have time to spend money!
Thank you for mentioning that the pics were not included in the silver package. I thought they were and mis-read the auto’s for photo’s. I would have been so disappointed to get there and not have gotten photos. I’m going to LV in 2014 – so photo tickets were still available for me. THANK YOU tons for the heads up!
I will be at the Vegascon and it will be my first one but am willing to get together with anyone that is going to be alone so we can share the experience. I am bringing my 19 yr. old grandson that I have managed to get hooked on the show also and he is just as excited to be going to his first con.
Trucklady- nice to read all this great info on the convention scheduling and stuff. I had wondered about a lot of it.
I will be going to Las Vegas with my daughter-she is not coming to the SPN con, she is A Walking Dead fan-but this will be my 2nd time. Went last year to the Burbank con. around the same time of year. Loved it!!!
I do not tweet and try not to use facebook at all, so maybe just a general time and area to meet on one of the days.
How interesting that you are bringing your grandson. Nice to have company.
Looking so forward to this-I am 57 and feel slightly silly doing this but I just grin and bear it. Haven’t had this kind of excitement over tv stars since James Garner in Maverick. Still love his work.
[quote]Trucklady- nice to read all this great info on the convention scheduling and stuff. I had wondered about a lot of it.
I will be going to Las Vegas with my daughter-she is not coming to the SPN con, she is A Walking Dead fan-but this will be my 2nd time. Went last year to the Burbank con. around the same time of year. Loved it!!!
I do not tweet and try not to use facebook at all, so maybe just a general time and area to meet on one of the days.
How interesting that you are bringing your grandson. Nice to have company.
Looking so forward to this-I am 57 and feel slightly silly doing this but I just grin and bear it. Haven’t had this kind of excitement over tv stars since James Garner in Maverick. Still love his work.[/quote]
EireneS, I’m sure we can continue to contact each other thru this sight and find a time and place to meet up. Alice will more than likely clean this page up after each con so there isn’t this overlap between each one.
You know we only live once and I just don’t care what people think about how giddy I get at my age over boys that are younger than my oldest son. It’s my guilty pleasure and I’m gonna enjoy it to the greatest experience that I can. Just reading this blog and on FB it is very easy to see that we are not alone here and being at the con will enforce the fact that it is just not the young that attend and follow. So from one giddy person to the next, bring it on Vegas, I’m ready for fun!!!
Trucklady, my friend and I are both attending our first con also. When are you getting in? We are both coming Thursday around noonish and leaving on Monday. I am coming from South Dakota. Bobby’s home town of Sioux Falls!!! I am not sure how we can make contact without giving out personal info. I’m not too comfortable with that.
Sweetondean I hope to meet you while there although I realize several people probably seek you out. I love your reviews. I am curious how soon one has to get in line to ask a question of the J2’s. And I am having a terrible time trying to figure out what I want autographed. I have ideas for Jim and Jared, but can’t decide for Jensen. I have made up my own photo collage, but do you think any other items are better or more memorable? I am also hoping I don’t turn in to a blubbering idiot when I see him.
Hey winmomwannabe
At some point I’m going to try and arrange a meet up with WinFamBus users/members. It’ll most likely be Sunday as Saturday is going to be FULL ON and I have Jensen’s private Q&A in amongst all of that and I’m always in a twirl on J-day! But I’ll definitely try and tee up something!
You have to get in line very early to ask the Js a question. I never do it because I like to be in my seat enjoying the experience and taking lots of photos! I also always do Jensen’s private Q&A and I’ve also done Jared’s so I don’t feel compelled to ask a question at the panels. But people start standing in line a good 30 minutes or more before their panel – easy, probably more. Best thing to do, is in between whichever panel is on before them and their panel, stay in the auditorium. They usually have some form of entertainment or an auction or something. With Misha and Jim also being on J-day, it’s going to be pretty busy anyway…just as soon as people start lining up, join them – but be prepared to be standing up for a while!
As for signing….wow, it’s always so hard. I have had photos signed, ones of just the cast member, ones of the cast member and me, a moose, Sam and Dean Mr Potato Heads, Sam and Dean Coke bottles! I have a banner of the Impala I’m working on getting signed by all the cast at the moment and I have Fangasm’s Fandom at the Crossroads book which I’m going to have with me too. It boils down to do you want to get individual signatures or do you want to get something with all cast members. Gosh, I’ve had a friend get her iPhone signed, some lego, big wooded SN letters! It’s really totally up to you. A lot of people get their lanyards signed too.
My advice would be, take a couple of things with you – you’ll know what you want signed when the time comes – I can’t tell you how often I change my mind!
Jensen will turn you to jelly – I’m sorry, there’s no way around it! Happens to me every time! I get all awkward and weird! Strangely, in the Q&A I’m articulate and intelligent – I even teased him once! But in the photo and auto sessions, I get a bit overwhelmed. It’s all kind of fast and you want to make the most of the moment.
My best advice is, just breathe, try your hardest to relax, smile and be polite and friendly. Remember to speak to him – I can’t tell you how many people have complained to me that Jensen never spoke to them during the auto session – and I always say, “What did you say to him?” and they always say “Nothing”…. If you talk to Jensen, he’ll look you in the eyes and talk back to you, that’s in the auto and the photo.
In the photo, just say hello, – know what you want and ask him if he’s cool with your pose idea – I always ask if it’s ok to hug him, because that’s kind of polite – though he seems to recognise me now I think, at least he seemed to a Vancon, he said it was good to see me again 😆 Then remember to say thanks and bye – even if your brain is mushy and all Jensenated!!! Tip too – remember to thank Chris the photographer – I think both the Js appreciate that. Chris is beyond awesome.
At the auto – just remember to look at Jensen and say hello, thank you for the day, whatever you want to say – you won’t have a lot of time, but take your moment! To be honest…he really is so sweet and polite and he has this nice calm air about him and he knows we all lose it around him and you can tell he tries to make sure we’re ok and comfortable….
But be prepared….he’s even better looking than you think he is…just be ready for that. It’s pretty amazing!
All of this goes for Jared too by the way!
Bottom line, you’re going to have so much fun and I promise, you’ll do better than you think! 🙂
Speaking of photos, how does that work? I have seen so many photos and videos on YouTube from cons.(How else do you suppose I got so addicted and wanted to attend a con!) but get the impression one isn’t allowed to take either while a panel is going on. Are they all sneak shots? I’ve seen comments about being warned, etc. Can you tell me more about this?
I actually bought an iphone this fall so I would have a good camera on my phone. I had this huge old digital thing I didn’t want to drag around in Vegas. I’m probably too far back to get any good ones anyway. I’m in row P, but towards the middle. Just curious.
From everything I’ve read and seen, photos are allowed but no video. Any video you see on YouTube was creative sneaky recording. I am in row Q so behind you but I am bringing a smaller, high zoom capability camera plus my phone. Hopefully I will get some good shots.
sweetondean could definitely give more insight on this.
Pictures are no problem at all. Last year I was in Row Q and got some good shots with my digital zoom. Videos are not allowed. I got a few short ones of the show’s guest stars, but the “video police” (i.e. volunteers) were relentless when the Js were on stage. Impossible to get even 30 seconds.
Photos are fine. And flash photos are also fine – they don’t stop you taking photos throughout the panel.
The furthest I’ve been away is row G for my first LAcon. I was G for Chicago and Burcon too…it was odd!! I was C for Van and I’m C for Vegas.
I never bother with trying for (illegal) video – I’m having too much fun to be bothered with the stress! Creation bust people all the time. Who needs it…someone more daring than me will no doubt be videoing!
I have a pretty good camera and I have a lens – which I christened the Jensen lens – big wide zoom! And my dad got me a fancy flash for Christmas, because I was complaining that the onboard camera flash gave red eye…so I will use it in Vegas, get great shots and think of my dad at the same time. 🙂
If you want to see any of the photos I’ve taken – I’m sweetondean on photo bucket – all open folders, help yourself. My Vancon and ABHL3 photos are the new lens. I’m hoping for better this time now I have a proper external flash to help out.
You won’t get anything from P with your iPhone. I have an iPhone5 – great camera, but not under those conditions. Plenty of people take brilliant pics – I suggest just snagging them later!
Does that answer your questions? 🙂
We don’t get in until about 9 am Friday morning and leaving Monday late afternoon. I couldn’t get a hotel room for Thursday night at the Rio and didn’t want to change hotels for one night. 🙁 I’m coming from Phoenix, AZ.
I’m on Facebook and Twitter but we’ll have to work on how to connect safely. Maybe just set up a time and place at the Rio to meet up. I know there is a very wide open area where the restaurants are in the casino building but Amy might be a better resource for this since she has done these before.
I also am trying to decide on what to get autographed. I have put books together for my grandson and myself but was hoping there would be items at the vendors area that would work well also. I’ll keep thinking on this one myself. :-*
Amy it was good to hear that you get a little jelly in the knees also because I know I will and also hope to not be a blubbering idiot. 😆 I got photo ops with Jared and then with Jensen, Jared, and Misha so this is all just so exciting. You are so lucky to get the Q&A with the boys. How do you do that? I’ve seen some of those on YouTube and they look so cool.
“I also am trying to decide on what to get autographed. I have put books together for my grandson and myself but was hoping there would be items at the vendors area that would work well also. I’ll keep thinking on this one myself. :-* “
The vendor room sells lots of great 8X10 pics ($6) and large posters to be signed. That is what I used at my first con. They also sell calendars and t-shirts. Other ideas include brining your DVDs and DVD cases, or any SPN book (“Essentials?).
The Q&As are via auction through Creation. 20 tickets for 30 minutes with each of the boys and all others with the guests are 10 tickets for an hour. Misha always takes his group for a walk!
They’re not on YouTube – you can’t film them or anything. Sometimes they take your bags and pretty well frisk you! Sometimes they don’t. But it’s no photos, audio, video recording and there’s security and Creation officials to ensure everyone behaves.
The boys get pretty comfy and casual and open in them. Jensen has had us all huddle around him so he could show us a video of him shooting guns on his iPhone. 20 of us, literally huddled around him. Bless his heart.
I’ve got single ops with each J, J2 and J2M….I think the J2M is going to be so much fun. The boys are playful enough without adding the mischievous Mr Collins into the mix! 😀
Hey sweetondean!
Maybe I missed it somewhere, but I can’t find where you actually bid on the Q&A tickets. In your podcast you talked about watching the prices, but I didn’t see anything on the Creation website. Although, I’m looking at Dallascon. Maybe they don’t have one there?
Also, I’m planning on being at Dallascon for the Friday Karaoke and Saturday. I would love to meet you! We can squee over how gorgeous Jensen is. This’ll be my first con so I’m looking to make as many friends as I can!!!
Hey there!
Nope Q&As aren’t up yet. It’s usually around a 6 weeks to a month before. Depends on the con cycle. Make sure you’re on the Creation newsletter for the information!
Definitely catch up! We’ll work it out somehow 🙂
Sweetondean I am giddy with anticipation after your comment. I’ve heard you say things before about Jensen so I’m trying to be prepared. Since I am in my 50’s I am hoping I will be able to control myself a little better than 30 years ago when I met James Doohan from Star Trek. Total geek out!
I look forward to meeting you so will watch for your updates here. Have fun at the Q&A’s. I have seen a ticket or two on auction and just can’t swing that. I wish they would be more accessible since I get the feeling the same people are often attending them. But it is what it is and I’m not going to whine about it. I am just excited I am going. And have a photo op with Jensen. Thanks for the heads up on questions. I can take 30 minutes. I was thinking it might be hours and my ‘old’ back probably couldn’t do that. Ha.
Trucklady, I am also on fb and twitter. My WFB name is not anywhere on FB because my sons would totally make fun of me. Or, maybe be jealous since I call the J’s my boys too! But it is my @name on twitter. So you could try to contact me that way. Envious of your photo op with the 3 guys. Bet it will be a hoot. I had a budget limit so of course I had to pick Jensen.
One more month!!!!!!
Hey age is just a number. I’ll be 60 this Aug but you only live once so I plan on enjoying every bit of this trip.
I found you on Twitter and sent you a tweet and asked you to follow me then we can do a direct message to each other. Once you get that you’ll see my name and can use that to find me on Facebook.
I don’t know if I will ever be able to afford another one of these so I’m going all out on this one. 32 days and counting. I’m like a little girl at Christmas!! 😆
I’ll be writing up the Q&A with Jensen…I always do, so I’ll share that experience! You’re right, I see a lot of the same faces in the Q&As I do and yes, they’re $$$$ but the boy is worth it! 😆
Thanks for all the great tips and information ladies! Sweetondean let me know if you decide on something for Sunday. I am staying until Monday so even if it is late I would love to meet you.
Found you Trucklady. We will connect for sure.
I went to Vancon last year loved it and
Oops hit keyboard and messed this up will start again. I had a great time met some great people. Spent most of the time with 2 gals from Australia and one lovely german girl who took some amazing pics.
I talked for quite awhile with Chris the photographer he was really sweet.
I was a complete numnuts with Jensen could barely get out a hello in the photo op but managed and said thank you he was very sweet and I love my pic with him. I did manage to talk to him in the autograph line just said I loved him and the show and he thank me ,as I was leaving I said God Bless You and he turned around from the autograph he was signing and gave me the best smile as said thank you sooooo much. Now to find out he is having a child I love it. He is totally beautiful but so unlike Dean completely different person for those who think he may be like the character a testiment to his acting props and facial expressions.
Jared blew me away SPN does not do him justice at all he is really extraorindarily handsome in person.
Besides Jensen my favorite person was Mark Pelligrino he was REALLY hung over after the Karoke night (where by the way he was over the top fanatastic) but was so engaging and I talked with him about his acting school briefly and he was very taken with that and appreciative.
I went on The Misha cruise but would not do that again it is alot of money and you get very little time with him, it is more like a scenic tour of Vancouver. I would spend my money on the location tours, or one on’s.
I wanted to go again but could not afford it so I volunteered to work the convention and lo and behold I am, I am also going to Los Angleles this month to work their Burbank Scifi convention where there will be tons of guests.
So hopefully I will meet some of you there in August by the way they may be still looking for volunteers for Vancouver.
Chrisgranny, that’s a lovely Jensen story, he really is a very sweet person.
I adore Mark P. He was super fun at Vancon.
In October last year, he came to Australia for the Armageddon Expo (along with Jim, Seb, Aldis and Chris H).
I was lucky enough to have dinner with Mark. Myself and 2 others.
He was incredibly smart and funny. Super warm…just such a warm guy, and very affection. Was very huggy and handholdy. Just a sweet, sweet man. It was so great to have the opportunity to talk to him about acting, in Supernatural and in other shows. He’s so articulate. It was a real treat. I’m looking forward to seeing him in Vegas!
Chrisgranny–How and where did you find out about volunteering for a convention?? What a great idea. Will being “on duty” enable you to watch the guests?? And how does one go about volunteering. I am on a very fixed budget but I would love to be able to afford the LA/Burbank/Las Vegas conventions.
I wanted to go again but could not afford it so I volunteered to work the convention and lo and behold I am, I am also going to Los Angleles this month to work their Burbank Scifi convention where there will be tons of guests.
I wanted to go again but could not afford it so I volunteered to work the convention and lo and behold I am, I am also going to Los Angleles this month to work their Burbank Scifi convention where there will be tons of guests.
So hopefully I will meet some of you there in August by the way they may be still looking for volunteers for Vancouver.[/quote]
Man I would love to hear more about how you can volunteer at the conventions. I really want to go to a Vancouver one but really can’t afford two in one year but would certainly try for that experience.
How great that you got to go out to dinner with Mark he is really lovely and easy to talk to, you do not feel star struck around him.
As a rule I am never star struck and have met a ton of celebs and politicians but Jensen just turns me to jelly. The only other person who did that to me was Tom Selleck when he was in his twenties ,Oh my the Malboro Man stunning I was an idiot and he was sweet about it.
I’m the same. I work in TV and rarely get phased by anyone…but Jensen…. yeah….
RE VOLUNTEERING!! go to the Creation Con WEbpage then supernatural page ex. Vancon 2013 usually on the left hand side they will have a blurb about volunteering and Toni Dermarich email and name I know I spelt her name wrong. AnyWHO they will send you an application to fill out they will tell you right away if they are filled up on volunteers. I just got a notice a few days ago and they were still looking for Vancon and Lax volunteers and some east coast ones.
You do not get paid but you get a volunteer packet. I do not know what is in it but suspect it has autograph photos in it and maybe a chance photo op with someone. You get to work the rooms where the events are held so you get to see the panels. If you luck out you help out a celeb with their autographing the more senior volunteers who have worked before get the cherries like sitting next to Jensen or Jared and grinning like an idiot.
If you are new you most likely will be put in the store room but some of the supporting actors sign in there ex. Jim Beaver.
I am volunteering this week at Burcon with the Being Human crowd, teen wolf star trek ect . Since my daughter lives in La I figure this would be any easy way for me to get my foot in the door and gain some experience then maybe I will get a better positiion at Vancon.
They also use volunteers for their other cons such as Vampire Diaries, ect.
Good Luck!
Thanks for the information chrisgranny. I’ll have to decide on another convention I would like to attend and then check it out. 🙂
Thanks for the info on volunteering. I have contacted the volunteer coordinator and am waiting for more info. So exciting!
I am as giddy as a teenager! 😆
I got a Gold ticket to DallasCon from the Best Hubby in the world for Valentines Day! 😀
I may not survive this.
That is great st50. What a wonderful gift. So happy for you 🙂
Oh WOW that is just excellent! 😀 Can’t wait to hear all your stories from the weekend!
And photos!
There had better be photos, you hear?
I so happy for you. And so completely jealous. 😀
OMG st50! I will be at Dallascon!!!
I am as giddy as a teenager! 😆
I got a Gold ticket to DallasCon from the Best Hubby in the world for Valentines Day! 😀
I may not survive this.
But WHAT A WAY TO GO! :o[/quote]
I am so very, very thrilled for you!!! I am going to quote what YOU said when you read my con article back in Nov: “I envy you your exerience and your memories and applaud your bravery…and I’m coming to steal that picture, just warning you”.
So now you will get a picture of your own!! I am as excited for you as I was myself last year. Jared is absolutely a thrill to meet (and HUG!!). I would love to share your excitement as the Dallas con approaches!
Thanks, nightsky!
I still can’t believe it’s real.
Thanks guys.
No way I ever thought I’d be going (though of course I’ve wanted to). Still can’t believe it. Pinch me!
God, he even got me a photo op. I’m gonna die.
Hoping I’ll get to meet a few WFB folks there. Anybody else going to this one?
Me me me! 😆 😀
I hope we can connect there, sweetondean! I’ll be the one with the permanent deer-in-the-headlights look.
Ah well then, you’ll look like everyone else! 😀
Um… At least I can hide in the crowd then. That’s more my thing anyway. 🙂
Have to connect some other way.
Oh yes, we’ll connect!
Who is your photo op gift with?
Surprise. Hubby knows me well. 😀
Awesome! I hope his veins in his arms pop when he hugs you 😛
Oh sweet mother of…..
Don’t do that to me, sweetondean! 😳
Are you trying to scare ST50 to death?? 😀
EVIL, eilf. You are EVIL.
Just for that, I won’t bring you any pictures. 😛
Aw *is downcast*
How am I supposed to live vicariously through you then?
I wish you could hear me laughing!!! 😀
Well, if he really squeezes you tight…they will! Enjoy the moment! 😉
He’d better not.
I’ll already be having trouble breathing.
oh congrats st50! we want to hear all about it, you can do it!
get a good hug, wow! good hubby! lol
He’s the best hubby, that’s for sure, aelaine. And he knows I appreciate him. 🙂
I’m hoping to be brave enough to ask for that hug. 😮 😳
[quote]He’s the best hubby, that’s for sure, aelaine. And he knows I appreciate him. 🙂
I’m hoping to be brave enough to ask for that hug. 😮 :oops:[/quote]
You better get that hug or I will hound you when you come back about not getting it! lol you know you want to SO bad do it! lol
Hey all. Question. When you have photo ops with Jensen and Jared, how okay is it to ask for a hug, or similar pose? Is it not recommended, or do lots of people ask for it? No doubt, you’d ask the guys nicely when it’s your turn for the photo, but do they often agree?
[quote]Hey all. Question. When you have photo ops with Jensen and Jared, how okay is it to ask for a hug, or similar pose? Is it not recommended, or do lots of people ask for it? No doubt, you’d ask the guys nicely when it’s your turn for the photo, but do they often agree?[/quote]
Hugging is fine, they are happy to hug, Jared is a big hugger. But yes ask, I always ask if it’s ok to have a hug photo. It’s simply polite and polite goes a long way with these two.
I’ve hugged every time – I’ve been mashed between them to the point of no breath. They’re good guys. Just ask first. 🙂
[quote]Hey all. Question. When you have photo ops with Jensen and Jared, how okay is it to ask for a hug, or similar pose? Is it not recommended, or do lots of people ask for it? No doubt, you’d ask the guys nicely when it’s your turn for the photo, but do they often agree?[/quote]
Hugs are the BEST! When it was my turn for the photo, I simply looked at Jared and asked “Arms around hug?”. He said “Sure!” and then he did all the rest. These guys have taken so many thousands of photos (plus their training before SPN as models) that it only takes a split-second for them to get into great poses with you!
Now here is my situation I could use suggestions on since this is my first con, I have two ops, one with Jared so that will be a no brainer but then I have the one op with Jensen, Jared, and Misha. Now what I am having trouble deciding on is how to get the best shot taking into consideration my 19 year old grandson will also be in the picture with us. I told him I get dibs on being between the two Js but I want this to be the best it can be for both of us. Any suggestions from those of you that have been through these before?
One idea is to think 3-dimensionally! For ex, your grandson could kneel or crouch down in front of you and 2 of the guys (your pick). Have the 3rd guy also kneel/crouch down with your grandson. You could extend your hand onto the kneeling star (shoulder?) if you wanted.
I have also seen the group hug idea. With you and your grandson in the middle, have all the guys on the outside with their arms reaching around everyone in a big hug.
Thank you nightsky. Those are two great ideas. I considered the group hug thing but I also like the first idea with my grandson kneeling with one actor. It will give us something to discuss on the plane ride, although I’m sure we’ll discuss before that since he comes over ever Wednesday night he isn’t working to watch the newest episode with me.
Hopefully we will get to meet at a convention one day. I’m sure I will want to attend more than just this one. I know I would love to do the Vancouver one, maybe next year.
I was thinking about heading to the Dallas convention this year since I live in the great state of Texas. No clue where to start … Looks like a few of you will be there too so please give me advice and let me know if you want to meet up.
Hey krystal!
If you get to Dallascon, for sure we’ll have to meet up. Check out the website for details. [url][/url]
I am trekking to Supernatural Mecca this year aka Van Con. If you want to meet me there, let me know. I love meeting SPN Family.
It will be my third Con, my first one not going Gold. Don’t worry, I made up for it by getting the Location Tour, so look for that report afterwards. Mary (Bardicvoice), will also be on that same tour, I believe. I also, if I can get the capital to afford it, will try for a M&G with one of the boys. Haven’t decided which one yet.
See y’all there!
Far Away Eyes.
I will be going to Van Con this year also. My 3rd con. and the first with a gold ticket. Also, my first time in Canada.
I would love to at least meet you and Mary. I am a big fan of both of your writings on this site.
Anyway, if you have any suggestions of places to see and places to go, please let me know.
I was wondering about the gold ticket activiities-does the breakfast with J2 include breakfast for us fans? Can we bring food and drink (coffee/water) into the con?
Will there be places selling food/beverages at the con?Will there be more vendors at the VanCon than at LA Con?
I went to the LA Burbank con. last year just on the spur of the moment-found my way to the Burbank location after getting lost for an hour-good way to learn my way around, went into the con. on Sat. and asked if there were any tickets available. I bought a day ticket for Saturday and Sunday. I LOVED it!!
Will be going to the Las Vegas con. this March just on day tickets. But for Vancouver, I decided to go gold ticket.
Any thing to know for the Canada area?
Hi EureneS
I’ll jump in. Yes, the breakfast includes breakfast. It’s a continental style breakfast, fruit, pastries, juice, coffee – that kind of thing.
I would definitely suggest bringing some food and drink to the con. There’s not a lot of time to get food, so if you pack snacks and water that means you’re sorted for the day. Also the Sheraton Wall doesn’t have a lot of eating options and there’s not a lot of nearby convenient places – though there’s a 7-11 next door. But I’ve found just throwing in a bottle of water and a few snacks gets me through.
When you say Vendors – you mean the vendor room? I’ve found they’ve all been much of a muchness. There wasn’t a particularly big selection at Van – think the best was probably Chicon for stuff in the vendor’s room. They’re all pretty similar.
As for what to do around Vancouver – how long are you planning on staying?
The city itself is not huge so you can walk around and see a fair bit – down to the water etc. There are tours too.
Myself and friends got a couple of cars so we did a road trip to Whistler – via a bunch of Supernatural locations of course!
We did a couple of self guided ex-location tours – had an absolute blast! And happened upon them filming which made my…life probably!!!!! If you’re not doing Russ’ tour, try and get out to a couple of past locations yourself.
Otherwise – there’s plenty to see around the city and plenty of veteran con goers at Van who can tell you the best spots!
I’ll be at Vegas too – I’m Gold.
I hope that has helped. 🙂
Thanks SweetonDean for the info. I am going with some of my family for a week so we will find none Supernatural related things to do there I am sure. The Russ tour of locations sold out before I could get a ticket but maybe next time. I am just going to go with my day pack full of water and protein bars and an apple and take pictures and have a good time.
I see Amy was sweet enough to answer most of the questions.
This will be my first trip to Canada, so I’m just as in the dark about places to go.
You’ll enjoy the Gold experience. It is exciting and fun. I am bringing a friend, and I just couldn’t afford to spring for two Golds again, so we went GA Weekend. It allowed for extras, too, so that’s always a bonus.
I look forward to meeting you, too!
Thanks FarAwayEyes-
As I said above, the info is great to have. It helps to be prepared. The idea of actually being in a room with a limited amount of people with the J2’s is exciting as all get out. Hope they don’t mind pictures being taken at the breakfast ?
Photos at the breakfast is fine. All photos at the breakfast and panels must be taken from your seat, so make sure you get a good position at the table for the breakfast!
Ah. Photos. I am either a dunderhead when it comes to my camera or my camera just sucks. I tried in both NJ 2011 and Chicago 2012 to take photos. All I got was a big, dark blur. After the first few attempts I just gave up and sat back to enjoy. I hope you have a high quality camera for that purpose!
ChiCon: Host
Hi all! I will be at the [b]Chicago Con [/b] again this year and will be happy to [b]host[/b] a get together with WFB friends! I can also try to answer any questions you may have before the convention starts. I found it really does help to have the safety net of knowing you will meet someone at the con if it is all new to you!
If anyone is considering going to a con and is curious what it is like, I bared my soul about my experience at my first con last year.Press here[url][/url]
(Ok, so I have to figure out how to do this button/link thing !)
Hi nightsky!
I just got tickets last night for Chicago for me and my 14 year old daughter-we would love to meet up! Anyone else signed up for Chicago yet? This is our first con and we are super excited. 🙂
Alize, I went to Chicago last year (my first con!) and would love to go again this year and meet up, but I don’t know that it is feasible right now. But if I’m able to, I’ll post it on here. I tried to get one of my nieces or nephew to come with me last year but didn’t work with their school stuff. So I’d be happy to have someone to talk to this year if I can go.
Congratulations on going to your 1st con! You will love it! Which days will you be there – all 3 or just a specific day? I will be happy to meet you and your daughter (there were a lot of young teens on Sunday last year). No one else has signed up yet, but it is early. We can make arrangements to meet in the lobby at a certain time, depending on when you arrive. I haven’t made any solid plans yet. I am waiting until it gets closer.
Hi nightsky & Kelly,
We are getting there on Thursday and leaving Sunday evening (unless they go late on Sundays, then we would fly back home on Monday). I haven’t made flight arrangements yet, but we would probably get there earlier in the day on Thursday because it is my daughter’s first time in Chicago and I might take her downtown during the day before registration opens (registration does open on Thursday, doesn’t it?).
So let me know when you make plans and I’ll let you know as well – whoo!
(OK, I am way too excited about all of this… :p)
Yes, registration opens Thursday night. It is rather important for Gold ticket holders to register Thursday, but it is truly optional for everyone else. Last year, I was Silver and registered Friday morning with no problem.
The schedule obviously isn’t out yet. To give you an idea, though, last year at the Chicago convention the J’s autographs started at 4 on Sunday, and it could take a few hours to get through that line (depending on where your seat is in the auditorium). Photo ops, autographs and meet and greets with other cast members went until 7pm (these are all special tickets). After everything is done, you can wait for the photos to be printed to take them with you. If I remember, I waited at least 1 hour (maybe more) to pick up the photos. This is optional – a lot of people leave to catch planes before this. I think I finally left about 9pm (but I wasn’t in a hurry).
It woud be great to visit downtown! You can only get a sense of this fabulous city by getting out of the airport vicinity and touring downtown!
Sweetondean, I have another question. I have a SPN black t-shirt with the driver picks the music pic on it. One of my friends suggested I have Jensen sign it with a bleach pen. Do you know if that is a good idea? Or does it run and make a mess? Don’t want to ruin my shirt.
Hey winmomwannabe
I’ve never heard of anyone doing a bleach pen – I suggest if you want to do that, test it out on something first to make sure that it works and is easy for Jensen to do.
The other thing you could do would be in silver in a permanent marker that works on cloth? I’ve seen lots of people getting tshirts signed.
I’m probably going to get him to sign my Mac because I have this cool Dean and the Impala decal on it – thought Jensen’s autograph would look good on it too! But I had to buy a special pen to do it – so I will have to ask him to use the pen!
My friend had her iPhone signed by him – he thought that was weird! 😀
I hope that helps!
Thanks for the tip. I will check out the permanent marker idea. So do people usually bring the shirt or wear it!?
Another idea besides the permanent marker is a fabric pen. Go to your local craft store (e.g. Hobby Lobby) and ask them about fabric pens. Crafters use them all the time.
From what I saw, people bring the shirts to be signed. It would be very awkward (both physically and socially) for the actors to try to sign the shirt while you are wearing it. They are behind long tables, so they would have to stand up and stretch across the table to reach you. Instead, the shirt will be handed to the volunteer, who slides it along the table in a production line of CDs, posters, pics, etc. waiting to be signed. Hope that helps!
Bring the shirt – Creation wouldn’t allow you to get it signed while being worn. Everything to be auto’d is taken off you and passed to the guest for signing.
Sounds great, Greeneyed mom.
I’m not great in crowds, so it would be nice to meet a few friendly folks.
I am still thinking about going. My birthday is this month so I am hinting to my husband (or more bluntly asking) for tickets as my gift. I’ll let y’all know. Have y’all gotten your tickets yet?
Yep, I’ve gone Gold. I come such a long way, it’s not worth doing anything else!
Okay I just got a Silver Ticket!!!!! OMG!! So excited!!!! 😀 Now I need to start making plans with my SPN friends here!!!!!
YAY! krystal!
I understand how excited you are – I am too!
My husband is travelling with me, but he won’t be attending the con. I’d love to get to meet you – and anybody else going.
I know it’s early to talk about NJ con in May, but I’m going with a group. Wondering who will be there. We have assigned seats, not gold or silver, and this time we won’t be doing photos or autographs( 🙁 ) but I’m taking my hubby, mom (age 92), kids, and a few friends, and we’re meeting a few friends there! Would love to meet some of you. And I hope Jensen makes it. Don’t know when the baby is actually due, and he’s keeping that a big secret, but while I am so happy for him, I would be sad to miss him and Jared together on stage.
I’m going one up on you Fanotheboyz, I will be going to the Toronto Convention next October! Anyone thinking of going to that one? I got my gold ticket weekend the day they came out! Actually my big sis bought it for me for my 50th (in August) just so I’ll shut up about it I think! 😆 I bought the J2 pictute op and I’m thinking really hard on what I want, I’m so bloody nervous about it! I’m probably going to look like a deer caught in the headlights! Beautiful headlights though. 😳
I am going to the Toronto convention also. Hope to see you there. I feel better knowing other “older” fans will be there, lol!
This is my first convention ever and I am SOOO excited. I can’t wait to see the itinerary. My husband is coming with me since I got him hooked on the show. Can’t wait to meet other SPN fans too!
Las Vegas Volunteers/I just got an email asking me to Volunteer alas I cannot, so if anyone here can contact Toni at Creation. Don’t know if I am supposed to do this but what the Hey, warning you will be worked to the bone 8 to 12 maybe 14 hours in a day for 3 to 4 days if you do set up but worth it if you cannot afford the price otherwise. But hotel and airfare etc is all on you
Can someone tell me how far in advance con tickets are released. I know it’s a long way off but I’m thinking about VanCon in 2014. Oh, and Russ’ tour.
Usually, tickets go on general release sale a couple of weeks post a con. First gold, then silver, then they roll in the rest after that. The location tour goes up very early for Van. Best bet is to get onto the Creation eNewsletters, their facebook page and their twitter. Visit their site for all that information! Vegas is the only 2014 convention on sale at this stage.
I would like to know how far in advance tickets can be purchased
I want to go gold, not sure yet which one, but my small airport just added a direct flight to Dallas so maybe that one, although would love to do Vancon-maybe 2015 ha thanks!!
Don’t want to miss out on a gold ticket and meet and greet with Jensen!
I just got my ticket for Dallas. No more Gold and only a few Silver left. Need to book soon if you want the high end packages it seems.
go to the creation convention site some cons are up a year in advance some 2014 are already on there. Gold tickets go FAST even tho they are expensive. Also during a con ticket holders at that convention get first pics to sign up for tickets for the next year. Any Jensen events go first and the tour with Russ always sells out.
Thanks chrisgranny will go check it out! come on payday!
NJ con is getting close! Anybody going?
Yes! I’m going. I have only had to miss one NJ con due to a family commitment. This year is going so different from the others though. This con is huge!
Anyway, I’ll be doing any hosting duties on behalf of The Winchester Family Business for NJ con, unless someone else wants to volunteer. I know Bardicvoice is going as well.
I will be there!!! First convention and so exicited. Just hope I don’t hyperventilate and pass out and miss all the fun!
If anyone has any recommedations for accommodation in LA, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and/or Vancouver, feel free to let me know. This is ‘recon’ for next year.
Muchos gracias.
Scratch that, folks; I’ve found accommodation in each city.
sweetondean, st50, Greeneyed Mom and Teresa – Sounds like I’ve got some new friends to meet in person! I just booked a hotel room so I won’t have the hour commute and can have more fun!
Just found out that there are still tickets available for AECON 4 next weekend. Guess that I am going. Will anyone be there too’?’
If there are any Aussies here, I’ll be at AHBL4 in Sydney on May 31 (cocktail party) and June 1 – so come say hi! 😀
I am attending my first convention this year so yay to that! I am going to ChiCon and have some questions that are a bit basic I guess. I have a one day (sunday) preferred seating ticket, and a photo op with Jared. So here are my questions:
1. Since I am only attending Sunday, what time should I get there? I know they do the photo ops relatively early, but I live 3 hours away from Chicago so I really need to know! I don’t want to miss out.
2. Will there be staff there to direct me in the right areas? I’m going alone, so I want to make sure SOMEONE can help direct me in the correct area for my Jarpad photo op.
3. How is the parking? Since I will be driving up that day, I’m a bit concerned about parking. Chicago is nearly impossible to park in, so I’m worried.
4. Can you lose your preferred seating if you’re a tad late? I saw someone say that it’s kind of like first come first serve with those seats, or were they meaning gen admission?
I’m sure I have more questions, but this is all I can think of at the moment. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!!! 🙂
I can help! I’ve been to every single one of the Chicago cons, and I do plan on going again this year.
1. The schedule will be published a few days before the con starts on the website. Photo ops usually start right after the Gold member breakfast, but we aren’t exactly sure if they’re doing that this year or a lunch. I would get there at least one hour before your photo op. Those happen before the panel, which is mid afternoon usually. The check in lines on Sunday get really long.
2. Oh yes. You’ll have plenty of people helping you. They’ll make sure you’re in the right place. Photo ops for Chicago are downstairs. Just go down the escalators and you know you’re in the right spot.
3. Parking at the hotel is plentiful. The problem is, they charge $15 to $20 a day to park. What I do is park at the commuter station across the street (the other side of the bypass). It’s only $5 there, and on Sunday there are many, many spots.
4. You will never lose a ticketed spot. Creation is adamant about that. Being late is not an issue and you can enter at anytime once the theater is open. Just be aware if you arrive late during Richard and Matt/Rob’s panel. They like making fun of latecomers! 🙂
Let me know if you have more questions. I’d be happy to answer them.
On number 2, I forgot, they have you line up in the ballroom first for all photo ops on Sunday and then take you over to the room. So you’ll definitely be in the right place. Show your photo op ticket to the person at the ballroom, and they’ll get you in line. It’s a simple process, and people tend to not get lost that way.
Thank you so so so much. You’re an angel! 😀 I am super excited for my first convention, and a lot less nervous now. I have one more question, Alice! So with my photo op with Jared, I know you can ask for like certain poses. I know a lot of people ask for the “arms around hug” but I want to do something off the wall with him. My friends don’t think it’d be a problem but I am afraid to ask him because he might think it’s inappropriate or something. I wanted to ask him to do a squeeze/pick me up hug (I’m very thin and let’s face it, Jared can pick up probably anyone) and take the picture like that. My spn friends say he’d totally do it, but I wanted to know if I should even attempt to cross that line lol.
Sorry for the stupid question but thanks again so much for your help!!!
He has certainly done that tons of times in the past! Whether he’s allowing it that day or not will be anyone’s guess, but if you’re not allowed to ask for custom poses, Creation will let you know up front.
Awesome thank you so much!
Sign up on the Creation Entertainment site for email updates! This is the latest update just released:
It is getting closer? one of our favorites of the year as Creation Entertainment’s Salute to SUPERNATURAL comes to the gorgeous city of Vancouver, BC on August 23-25, 2013! We have a great line-up of conventions coming during the rest of the year and into 2014 and we hope to see you along the way. As always our bulletins strive to keep our audience up to date as these conventions tend to sell out early, particularly on the day that Jensen and Jared appear. Here’s the latest, filled with new info from our last message, noted in bold RED TYPE. Make your plans now to be part of the live excitement: if you love Supernatural on television, you’ll love it even more after you get to enjoy the fantastic stars in person!
VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA August 23-25, 2013
Confirmed guests include JENSEN ACKLES & JARED PADALECKI, MISHA COLLINS, MARK SHEPPARD, RICHARD SPEIGHT, JR., JAMES PATRICK STUART, ROB BENEDICT, CHAD LINDBERG, EMILY PERKINS, JIM MICHAELS, MARK PELLEGRINO, MATT COHEN, SEBASTIAN ROCHE, RACHEL MINER, TY OLSSON, DJ QUALLS, Location Manager RUSS HAMILTON, and ALEX ZAHARA. The Karaoke Kings have announced their theme for the free party Friday Night and it is “Class of Supernatural 13”! Sold out items are: Gold Weekend, Location Tours, Autographs with Jensen and Jared, the J & J duo photo op and the Jensen solo photo op! Jared solo photo ops are now sold out. Only 22 Silver Packages remain, these include “J and J” in person autographs which are sold out otherwise. General Admission for Sunday is now sold out and Saturday general admission is getting tight. RICHARD SPEIGHT, JR. HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED AS THE SHOW MASTER OF CEREMONIES FOR THE ENTIRE CONVENTION.
DALLAS, TEXAS September 20-22, 2013
We’re coming back to the beautiful Westin headlined by home state favs Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki! “The Boys” are joined by Misha Collins, Richard Speight, Jr., Matt Cohen, Mark Sheppard, Rob Benedict, James Patrick Stuart, Mark Pellegrino, Rick Worthy, and Osric Chau. The Karaoke Kings have announced their theme for the free party Friday Night and it is “Class of Supernatural 13”! Jared and Jensen’s autograph tickets are now sold out. Silver Weekend Packages are now sold out, thanks! Preferred single day tickets now available, on sale now are General Admission Weekend Packages and Single Day General Admission. We expect Sunday, the day “The Boys” are appearing will be sold out quickly. Jensen and Jared duo photos are NOW SOLD OUT, please hurry with Jensen’s solo photo op as they are going VERY fast with under 25 left! RICHARD SPEIGHT, JR. HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED AS THE SHOW MASTER OF CEREMONIES SO LOOK OUT!
TORONTO, CANADA October 11-13, 2013
Guests are JENSEN ACKLES, JARED PADALECKI, JIM BEAVER, MISHA COLLINS, RICHARD SPEIGHT, JR., JAMES PATRICK STUART, MARK PELLEGRINO, SAMANTHA SMITH, TY OLSSON, ROB BENEDICT and RICK WORTHY. The Karaoke Kings have announced their theme for the free party Friday Night and it is “Class of Supernatural 13”! GOLD WEEKEND PACKAGES are now sold out, thanks, SILVER WEEKENDS are nearing sell out with about 33 left. Weekend General Admission is going fast as well as single day preferred (reserved) seating on Sunday. A limited number of general admission single day tickets will be available soon. Autographs with Jensen and Jared are sold out. 8 Duo photo op with Jensen and Jared remain available at the time of this writing. RICHARD SPEIGHT, JR. HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED AS THE SHOW MASTER OF CEREMONIES FOR THE ENTIRE CONVENTION.
CHICAGO October 25-27, 2013
We return to the lovely Westin O’Hare Hotel in the city that started it all! In person celebrities include JENSEN ACKLES, JARED PADALECKI, MISHA COLLINS, MARK SHEPPARD, SEBASTIAN ROCHE, MARK PELLEGRINO, RICHARD SPEIGHT,JR., JULIE McNIVEN, SAMANTHA SMITH, OSRIC CHAU, with more to come! The Karaoke Kings have announced a special HALLOWEEN THEME FOR THEIR FREE FRIDAY NIGHT PARTY! GOLD WEEKEND and SILVER WEEKEND PACKAGES now sold out as are Jensen and Jared autograph tickets. General Admission Weekend and General Admission Single Day Tickets have just gone on sale. J and J duo photo ops are now sold out, under 20 Jensen solo photo ops remain. Only 65 Preferred Single Day Tickets (reserved seating) remain for Sunday. General Admission Weekend and General Admission Single Day Tickets are now available for purchase. We expect these to sell out very quickly. RICHARD SPEIGHT, JR. HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED AS THE SHOW MASTER OF CEREMONIES FOR THE ENTIRE CONVENTION.
BURBANK, CA November 22-24, 2013
Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki star with Mark Sheppard, Mark Pellegrino, Richard Speight, Jr., Matt Cohen, The GHOSTFACERS AJ Buckley and Travis Wester, Corin Nemec, Osric Chau,Ty Olsson, Amy Gumenick, DJ Qualls, Sebastian Roche, Felicia Day and Rob Benedict. Rob’s fantastic band LOUDEN SWAIN will headline a Saturday Night Cabaret which will also tentatively feature some of our celebrities, and then we will have a Gold Exclusive After Party. Louden Swain’s concert is included in Gold Packages on a complimentary basis as is the after party. A small amount of Gold Weekend Packages remain, Silver Weekend and General Admission Weekend Packages have just gone on sale. Single day ticket options will be announced soon. Friday night will feature The Karaoke Kings Koncert, free to all and hosted by Richard Speight, Jr. and Matt Cohen, with a “Class of 2013” them. RICHARD SPEIGHT, JR. HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED AS THE SHOW MASTER OF CEREMONIES FOR THE ENTIRE CONVENTION.
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA March 13-16, 2014
We are thrilled to be coming back to the entertainment capital of the world and the gorgeous Rio Suites Hotel and this time we’re FOUR full days and nights of live entertainment with all the stars we love! Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki headline in what will be our biggest line-up of Supernatural celebrities ever! So far, already booked are Aldis Hodge, with just added Misha Collins, DJ Qualls, Rachel Miner, Ghostfacers Travis Wester and AJ Buckley, Kim Rhodes, and Rob Benedict and lots more to come. A special THURSDAY NIGHT CONCERT by Louden Swain, complimentary for Gold Weekend Patrons has been announced, with tickets $10 general admission for all others. Popular ELASTIC WASTE BAND returns as the convention “house band” after a rousing reception in 2013. Gold Weekend Packages are now sold out, thanks to all! More than half of the Silver Weekend Packages are now sold: we appreciate the amazing support as we make this the wildest, greatest one yet! RICHARD SPEIGHT, JR. HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED AS THE SHOW MASTER OF CEREMONIES FOR THE ENTIRE CONVENTION. At the moment our duo photo op is about 1/2 sold through, so we’re okay on that as we are on the single photo ops with the Js.
WHIPPANY, NEW JERSEY September 5-7, 2014
Thanks to all for making our 2013 visit an amazingly fun time for all and we particularly loved the hotel which we are returning to (The Marriott Hanover). Thanks, of course, to JENSEN, JARED AND MISHA for graciously signing up so early so their fans worldwide can make early vacation plans and come and visit this beautiful part of the country (which is relatively close to NYC). We will send out an announcement when this event goes on sale!
Your friends at Creation Entertainment
Follow us at:
Creation Entertainment
217 S. Kenwood St.
Glendale, CA 91205
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As VanCon 2013 gets closer, I’d like to know what other WFB folks will be attending! I’d like to meet as many of my Supernatural Family as possible. I will be in GA Weekend seating, so I’ll be in the back mostly.
I am getting more and more excited everyday to visit Supernatural Mecca! Can’t wait to see y’all there!
Yikes! VanCon is getting close, isn’t it. This will be my third time in Vancouver, and it’s the only SPN convention I go to. That’s mostly due to money constraints… but if I’m going to attend just one, VanCon would be it. As you say… Supernatural Mecca!
Very cool. It’ll be my first. It’s going to be awesome. What seat do you happen to have? There’s other people in the fandom I know are going, but the more the merrier in the GA section!
I’m at E37, I picked an aisle seat so I’d hopefully get great pictures without heads being too much in the way. At least it was an aisle seat when I bought it. Hopefully Creation won’t rearrange the seating.
Is this your first creation convention, or just the first time in Vancouver?
This will be be my third convention.I attended New Jersey 2011 and Chicago 2012. It’ll be my first time heading to Vancouver—or out of the United States for that matter.
You’ll be in Gold, eh? Cool. I do hope you get great photos. I had Gold my first two cons and my camera just didn’t take anything worth looking at so I gave up.
Any extras for the con? I may not have been able to go Gold, but I do have a ticket to the Location Tour for that Monday.
The location tour sound like a great time, and is definately unique to VanCon. I haven’t done that yet. Maybe next time…
No extras bought yet. I spent money on photo ops the last couple of years and got one of those banners that all the guests sign after each panel. Maybe I’ll look at some M&Gs this year.
I figure if it is possibly my only chance to make it there I should go on it and I was lucky to get one of those tickets.
I’m looking at a M&G, too, but money is a bit tight, so we shall see. I do have a photo op with Jared and Jensen, though. Not sure who else I’ll go for. I’d like to buy one of those banners in the vendors room, though, and start having everyone sign that. We’ll see.
How long are you looking at staying? I’m going to be there from the Thursday night before the Con to the following Thursday. I’d like to get a chance, aside from the official tour, get to see Vancouver and take some great photos of the place. I hear it is very beauitful. A few others i know are going on our own SPN type Location Tours, too. It’s going to be so exciting!
I’m coming in Thursday and flying out Monday morning. I was going to stay a couple of days afterwards, but apparently my work can’t survive without me for me than a few days. That’s ok – they’ll make it up to me big time next year.
I thought about buying a large poster for autographs as well. I might also bring coasters made with my J2 photo op from last year for Jared and Jensen to sign. I’ll probably bring the coasters and make up my mind at the time.
Vancouver is definitely a beautiful city. Location tours, official and self guided, are a great way to see the area. I’ll be looking forward to your report. 🙂
Ah. At least you’ll be there for the Con itself! As it gets closer I keep getting more excited. Two months now!
My other two conventions I never left the hotel really. I didn’t have a reason to really tour the areas that much, so seeing this city will all be bonus.
And yes, there will be a big report once I’m home along with some pictures if I can figure out my camera this time!
Oh yes, these cons are very accommodating to the handicapped. It is doable. There have always been people in wheelchairs at these cons and it is easy to get from the ballroom to the other con rooms. Creation volunteers are helpful and will make sure your needs are met.
Chicago is on multiple levels (if you have photo ops) but they have elevators. NJ is all on the same floor so you’re good there. Both hotels have handicap facilities.
Glad you’re considering going! You really should see a con. They’re something else.
Not sure if anyone has listened to this, but Jules from Superwiki and I did our latest Women of Letters Podcast all about conventions – with information, tips and anecdotes.
You can listen at the link below or download via iTunes.
Hope it’s helpful! 🙂
Women of Letters Podcast – Convention Episode
sweetondean. When you (or any other Aussie) go to VanCon, do you fly into LA and then immediately get a connecting flight to Vancouver, or do you spend some time in LA or another city once you get to the US?
I’m just curious because I’m planning to drive from LA to Seattle next year, and then catch a train up to Vancouver, and wonder if anyone else does a similar trip (or am I just a little strange/brave to be doing it myself?).
Hi det_coverdale
Well, I flew direct to Van from Sydney, but I know a lot of people go via LA with a connecting flight. It’s a bit cheaper that way, but any chance I have to avoid LAX like the plague, I will. The place is a horror show.
If I went via LA, I would definitely want to stay a few days, a bunch of people do that too.
I don’t know of anyone who has done the drive from LA to Seattle, but hey, it sounds like one hell of an adventure and is totally something I’d do!
I know people have bussed from Seattle to Van (or vica versa) but I don’t know about the train.
In short…I apparently know nothing!
I’ll be at Van next year and will be doing a trip down to Seattle at some point. Also, my cousin lives in Twisp in Washington State so I’m going to see if I can meet up with him. Whether I train it or car it, not sure yet.
I think your trip sounds awesome though! Nothing like a good road trip. I’m doing a bit of one in Texas off the back of Dallascon!
I thought I’d get into the spirit of SPN and do a road trip. Plus, I’ve wanted to do that drive for years. The fact that there’s VanCon at the end of it is a bonus.
I don’t like the sound of LAX all of a sudden. 😐 And, since it’s my first OS trip (and doing it alone), I’m not looking forward to that part. Oh, well, the price we pay for SPN, right?
Thanks for the info.
LAX is a pretty yucky airport – but as long as you don’t have a connection and you have lots of patience and enjoy people watching, it’s all good! Otherwise, all bad! 😛
A SPN road trip sound so awesome!
I have a question for con attendees about the Friday night karaoke. What time does it start? Can anyone one attend? I don’t just mean the convention goers, but people from outside also. I’m asking because I will be attending the Toronto con in October and I have family living close by that I would love to see, but before I make plans with them I’m trying to gauge if I have any free time. It’s my first con and I don’t want to miss a single minute of it! I have the gold ticket, so I do know that the rest of the weekend is booked up solid, but I figured maybe the Friday isn’t as busy. Thanks to anyone responding. 🙂
Hi Sylvie
The Karaoke is open to everyone! Now that there are no bands before hand, it will most likely start around 9.30 and go into the wee hours. You can come and go as you please. It’s a free for all (I always think of Carver now when I hear that!).
As for time to see your family. Friday is usually the quietest day panel wise etc. Depending on how many guests are planned for the weekend, it can start a little later and end a little earlier. Depending on how many autos you are getting with the Friday guests will let you know how much time you have before Karaoke. The Friday night is often the night con goers take the opportunity to grab a bite to eat together before the Karaoke kicks off, because most of the time you have a bit of free time that evening and that’s pretty much the only night you will. Especially for Gold who have the Saturday cocktail party too – though that is crazy late.
As for what time to get to Karaoke, it really depends on what you want to do. If you are singing, you have to choose your song and register during the day. You don’t know what time you’ll be called up so you really need to be there early to make sure you don’t miss your spot. If not singing, it depends on how close to the front you want to be. It’s pretty much a mosh pit around the stage! If you want to be right up the front, people start queuing outside the doors at least an hour before!
I never bother to do that and always seem to make my way into a decent position. With people coming and going, you can usually wiggle your way into the crowd. A lot of people also just hang back in the seated area enjoying the show. It’s really dependent on what you want to do.
I hope that helps, let me know if I didn’t cover anything! 🙂
Thank you Sweetondean, that helps tremendously. I’ll be able to tell my family that I’ll be in Toronto now! At first I wasn’t going to, but I felt a little bit like a shite not to. And then I wouldn’t be able to ever say anything on Facebook, because then they would know! :-*
Hey all! I’m a complete con newbie but on a whim was able to buy a gold ticket to VegasCon 2014 and I am super stoked! I don’t have anyone going with me and I would to make some connections with other people who will be at VegasCon next year. I would hate to show up and not know anyone, because Vegas with friends who love the show as much as we do can only mean a good time. Let me know if there are blogs/groups/forums/twitters that I can follow or join. I look forward to meeting you all in a few months!
Hi Jillian (#147)
I’ll be at Vegas next year. Prepare yourself! 4 days is going to be amazing and full-on!
If you are on Facebook, there is a Facebook page that is great. Lots of people to chat with there.
This is the link – but it’s a closed group so you have to request to join. Let me know if you have any problems.
Supernatural Vegas Con March 8-10, 2013
Other than that, Twitter is a good forum and there are some LiveJournal groups – but I basically go to the FB group and here. Plus I know a lot of people who will be there, after doing quite a few.
Feel free to ask any question you have!
Thanks so much for the quick response!
I found the Facebook group you mentioned and will make and effort there.
I read your write up for the VegasCon 2013 and I can’t wait for March! You’re summary made me more excited than I was wehn I bought the ticket so I can’t imagine how crazy the even itself will be!
You’ll see me around the web a lot more I think – I often use alphawolf6711 so you’ll know who I am. *urges time to move faster*
Hi everyone! I’ve never been to one of the conventions, but am definitely eyeing the one in DC next year. I was considering maybe a photo op or 2, but might bite the bullet and go for a gold package… but just wondering if there was anyone out there who’s also planning to attend? I don’t have anyone to go with right now, and it’d be really great to try and meet up with some other people.
Also, I’m a little confused by their ticket system…the site says even if we buy photo op tickets, we still have to buy the actual admission ticket, but I can’t find anywhere where we would actually buy this one. Anyone else know? 🙁
Hi hannah (#150) Only Gold tickets are available at the moment. If you scroll down on the DC page to convention tickets, the Gold are listed with a link to tickets. They sell a certain amount of Gold before they open up the next ticket level, Silver and so on and so on.
If you don’t want Gold, but you are definitely going, you can still buy your photo ops now and your ticket when they become available online later. You just can not attend the convention without an admission ticket. But you can buy your photo ops online before you buy your admission ticket online. A lot of people do that with the Js ops, if they are just going General Admission or Preferred, because the J’s ops sell out first.
I hope that cleared up any confusion! 🙂
Hi, I was wondering if anyone is going to the Toronto convention coming up on the weekend of October 11-12-13? I will be there all three days, and I’m staying at the Westin. I’d love to meet some fellow fans. I have only my niece in my immediate circle who watches the show, but she only gets them way later, so I basically have no one to gush about SPN with. I feel very lonely sometimes. 🙁
Hi Sylvie,
I’m not going to TorCon, but – as a very shy person who just got back from her first Con – let me tell you, you will have LOADS of people to gush with!
Everybody in the lines, around your seats, around the hotel – EVERYBODY is chatting SPN, and nobody seems to mind if you want to join in with your own gushing.
I actually made several new friends at DallasCon (and met SweetonDean and her Aussie/Kiwi crowd)- and I had been terrified it would be an extremely lonely weekend for me. It was not.
I’m sure there’ll be a few folks from the site you can find, but just be open to everyone around you, and you’ll be fine!! 🙂
Thanks st50, although I too am pretty shy when meeting new people, I think it will be that much easier with like minded people. I have so many butterflies in my stomach, it feels like a colony in there! 😆
For The Winchester Family Business, Karen is going to be there all weekend. It helps she lives in the area! Also there will be Lynn from Fangasm, who loves meeting new fans and Gerry from Blogcritics, who is also a good online friend. I hung out with them last year and we all had a blast!
I went last year, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it this time. Too much personal life stuff. You will have the time of your life and making friends will not be a problem. I usually go to most cons alone, but I’m never by myself on those weekends.
I can setup an intro with Karen, Lynn, or Gerry if you would like.
Thanks Alice, I would definitely love to meet them. How do we go about doing that?
hi there, i ordered tickets for toronto con. It’s my first time – how long do they usually take to email you? Thanks!!
ella, I just ordered the Washington DC 2014 ones and got them the same day. I guess it all depends on the con and just how busy Creation is but I have always gotten notification within a day or two at the most. If there is a problem (which I had once) you get notified like immediately.
maybe it’s cause its a weekend. thanks so much!!
Sylvie – Send me a message via contact us. I can get the email chain going!
Is it just me or is there no breakfast for Vancon 2014. I was checking out the prices and didn’t see a breakfast scheduled??
Oh, I see they do have a “Special Superstar Panel” on Sunday morning. That must be it, though they are not calling it a breakfast.
Hi leah d – Creation are doing this more and more at cons. Instead of breakfast, it’s a private Gold panel. The breakfast is one of my favourite Gold events. It’s a casual environment. I’m bummed that its changing. Not that I ever eat at these things! Nervous J day tummy! 😆
Reading some posts I see some fans are going to the Washington DC con. I would love to talk with some like minded folk going. My hubby bought me the Gold pass, a supernatural sandwich photo ticket
(I don’t know about Supernatural cons but Star Trek cons photo ops were so suck tastic I don’t even want to think about it-I actually got puked on by “Scotty”) ,a hotel suite, the flight, and a fist full of cash for my 40th birthday! Now just looking to make some friends to go with….for some reason Supernatural is just not popular around hear and I can’t get any friends to fan up! It sucks. I see Hannah posted about the tickets, did you decide?
Are you going with a group?[/quote]
I am going for Sunday only with a friend. We are doing the whole DC tourist thing since neither of us have been there before. She is not as obsessed with the show like I am though. Always open to meet new SPN fans so lets get together. If you have Twitter contact me @Trucklady53
Alize and Kelly, Just a few more days until ChiCon! Way back in May you said you might want to meet there since it will be your first con. Do you still want to meet or have you made arrangements to meet up with other fans? I will be at the hotel on Thursday early evening (while a friend registers for Gold tickets) but I am not staying at the hotel. We could meet up then for a short while, or Friday night before Karaoke. I am getting so excited too! You can respond here or contact me directly at
nightsky, AWWW, thanks for think of me as well as Alize. But my going to ChiCon was dependent on finding a job a lot sooner than I did so I won’t be able to go this year. 🙁 Though I actually did go last year I would have loved to meet you, because I didn’t know anyone at all last year and I love your articles! If by some miracle (very doubtful) I’m able to go I will post on here. But otherwise have enough fun for both of us.
Kelly, So sorry you can’t go to ChiCon this year! I will be thinking of you! I go every year so maybe we can meet up in 2014!
Nightsky, I that is so sweet if I go in 2014 I will definitely want to meet you. I just wish I could have last year.
Alize, I so sorry to hear that. My mom had breast cancer about 8 years ago and it I can understand you needing to be near. I hope your mom’s outcome is as good as my mom’s. And I know I won’t be able to do DC but it’s amazing you’d be willing to open your home. So lovely.
Alize, So sorry to hear that your mother has to go through that. I’m sure she is strengthened by your support. You have your priorites in the right order.
Unfortunately, I will not be going to the DC convention. I limit myself to Chicago to try to go easy on the family finances! Another of our writers, Bardicvoice, will be going though. I wrote to her and she said she would be happy to meet up with you there. She is an experienced con goer and would love to guide you! Contact her as the con gets closer.
Good luck with you mom.
Hey chicon-goers! So from my knowledge (and from my friends that have gone previously) I thought the schedule was posted the Wednesday before the convention. Well here it is, Wednesday. And the schedule is NOT posted on the creation site and I am panicking! This is my first convention and I am driving 2 hours, and am staying at the Westin where the convention is. I’m freaking out here! I need the schedule because I have plans the whole weekend even though I’m just going to panel on Sunday but I have a photo op with Jared AND Richard. Is this normal? Also, if anyone would like to meet up, I would LOVE to since I am going alone. Your help is muuuuuch appreciated. My email is if you would like to message me personally. Thank you conventioneers! I love you all!
#174 Chloe, Well it is 4pm on Wed chicago time and there still is no schedule! Keep checking back! The photo op with Jared will absolutely be on Sunday (usual line up at like 9am, but then there is a couple hour wait!). It is possible the pics with Richard will be on another day. I will be at the Westin on Thursday night for a few hours, then again on Friday morning if you would like to meet. I will email you.
Hey guys! So I want to buy the JPEG from my photo op, but I lost Chris’s information and I don’t have his email or paypal information. If someone could comment the information or email it to me at it would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks yall! 🙂
[quote]Hey guys! So I want to buy the JPEG from my photo op, but I lost Chris’s information and I don’t have his email or paypal information. If someone could comment the information or email it to me at it would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks yall! :)[/quote]
Hey Chloe
if you go here, it’s got Chris’ email and paypal details.
Hi everyone, I already purchased photo op tickets for DC con in 2014, but I didn’t know that general admission tickets went on sale and now they’re sold out… So if anyone is selling two general admission weekend passes, please let me know! You can either comment or email me at
My husband and I are seeking 2 GOLD package tickets for the DC convention. We have waited all year to have the money to purchase them (he is a disabled veteran on a fixed income, and I had my hours cut at work recently, making it impossible for us to purchase them right when they went on sale), and unfortunately now that we have the money, they are sold out.
We have never been to a convention, and since my husband isn’t able to travel very far due to his illness and disabilities, we are limited as to where we can go. We live in East TN, so the DC Con is the closest and best option for us.
We have been religious viewers of SPN for years, and both adore the cast, crew, and everyone involved! This show has brought joy to both of us even in the worst of times (hospital rooms, ERs, surgery waiting areas, etc). We watched the entire series while my husband was recovering from a major abdominal surgery a few years ago, and it was so wonderful to see him entertained and to hear him laugh despite so much pain. As a nurse, I can say with certainty that laughter is the best medicine, and I thank SPN for providing a distraction for my husband’s suffering. SPN has been somewhat of a pastime for us, and we have many fond memories cuddled up with dinner watching episodes past and present.
His disabilities have kept us from enjoying a lot of the things that a normal couple in their 20s would enjoy, and we have had to look at life from a new perspective. We lost our home after he was medically discharged from service in 2012, and have since moved back with our families to TN. He began school last year with help from the VA, and I am happy to report that his health is much improved. That being said, he and I wanted to celebrate our new-found peace with a special trip to commemorate our time spent bonding during his most painful moments; and to remember how we faced a lot of those hard moments together, hand-in-hand, by spending time watching something that we both very much enjoyed (SPN).
It may seem corny to some, even silly, for me to say that supernatural brought us together during a tough time… but, I will tell you that it did, and also that every time it comes on (no matter what we are going through), we watch and enjoy every minute together.
My husband thought of the idea to get us GOLD package tickets last year, and had actually wanted it to be a birthday gift for me (my bday is in August), but was going to save money over those next few months to get them. It took longer than expected, but we raised the money… unfortunately, we were both devastated to see that the tickets were all gone… We feel like we’ve missed our (probably one and only) opportunity to go to the convention that we have both been dreaming of going to for years. I do not know if anyone will read this, but I want everyone in the SPN family to know how much that the SPN world means to us, and how it has truly brought us together. It would mean so much for us to get to go to the convention in DC, it would truly be the vacation of a lifetime!
We hope and pray that someone out there has two GOLD (or even Silver) package tickets that they would like to sale…if so: first, Bless you and Thank you so much! Next, please contact us at:
Hannah, I hope you and your husband can get those Gold or Silver tickets; it sounds like you’re both very deserving. Fingers crossed for you both.
Hannah, I will keep a watch for ticket posts on Twitter. I’ll email you if I see anything!
Thank you all so much… I hope that we get them as well! It would be a dream come true!
Hi y’all,
Is anyone here going to Vancouver in August? Would love to meet up!
(England, twitter @suenash19)
Hey Sue, I’ll be going to Vancon this year, going gold. This will be my first time to go to this one. Vegas last year was my first. I’m also going to D.C. this year. I live in Peoria, Arizona, U.S.A.
Susan Ladigo @Trucklady53 for my Twitter and I’m on FB.
This will be my 4th trip to VanCon. I’m bring my brother this time, and we’re going to stay a couple of days afterwards to do the tourist thing. We’re coming from Alberta, Canada – a short flight.
Gwen Taylor @glt007 on Twitter
[quote]This will be my 4th trip to VanCon. I’m bring my brother this time, and we’re going to stay a couple of days afterwards to do the tourist thing. We’re coming from Alberta, Canada – a short flight.
Gwen Taylor @glt007 on Twitter[/quote]
I’m also staying a few days after the con in hopes of doing some location touring. 🙂
We have no idea what we are going to do after the con. Anything is an option right now. I don’t even know what touristy things there are in Vancouver. I’ve always spent the entire time in the basement of the Wall Centre…
Do you have some leads for location touring? I’ve heard of others doing that. How do you know where these spots are?
[quote]We have no idea what we are going to do after the con. Anything is an option right now. I don’t even know what touristy things there are in Vancouver. I’ve always spent the entire time in the basement of the Wall Centre…
Do you have some leads for location touring? I’ve heard of others doing that. How do you know where these spots are?[/quote]
Gwen I found this sight but it only shows Seasons 1-7.
[quote][quote]We have no idea what we are going to do after the con. Anything is an option right now. I don’t even know what touristy things there are in Vancouver. I’ve always spent the entire time in the basement of the Wall Centre…
Do you have some leads for location touring? I’ve heard of others doing that. How do you know where these spots are?[/quote]
Correction: I just checked again and they have added Seasons 8 and 9 locations. YAHOO!!!
Gwen I found this sight but it only shows Seasons 1-7.[/quote%5D
Correction: I just checked again and they have added Seasons 8 and 9 locations. YAHOO!!!
Gwen I found this sight but it only shows Seasons 1-7.[/quote%5D
Most excellent! I will use the updated one to plan this year’s location hunting! ….it would be great to plan a few group outings. Let me know if you would like to do that.
If you are interested, probably the easiest way for us – and other spn fans – to get organised would be at some stage to DM each other our email addresses via Twitter? My Twitter is @suenash19
Cheers, Sue 🙂
Correction: I just checked again and they have added Seasons 8 and 9 locations. YAHOO!!!
Gwen I found this sight but it only shows Seasons 1-7.[/quote%5D
Most excellent! I will use the updated one to plan this year’s location hunting! ….it would be great to plan a few group outings. Let me know if you would like to do that.
If you are interested, probably the easiest way for us – and other spn fans – to get organised would be at some stage to DM each other our email addresses via Twitter? My Twitter is @suenash19
Cheers, Sue :-)[/quote]
Will contact you via email. For anyone else going to Vancon or would like to participate in a special project for Danneel and Genevieve that I hope to present to the guys go join our group: and get all the details. 🙂
First time to VanCon this year. I’m coming from Australia and doing a road trip on the way up (LA to Seattle). Gonna be awesome.
As a newbie to the conventions, I will be attending the one in New Jersey in about 4 weeks. Are there any “rules” that most of the fans abide by that a new convention person may not be aware. I have been a fan since the first episode, but have not really thought about conventions, but as a bucket list thing for my sister, we are going and I could get tickets to this one. Any comments about what we can expect during our first SPN convention is appreciated and thank you in advance!
There is a fandom project being created for TorCon 2015. They are trying to compile a book to present to Jared and Jensen to show them how they and the show have impacted fans lives. They are looking for submissions of fan art, pictures and testimonials. Anyone who would like to participate is welcome. Information on submissions is here