Supernatural Moments in 2012 That Make Me Smile, Part One
I went to work on my review of “LARP and the Real Girl,” and found that my two word result, “LOVED IT!” didn’t exactly qualify as a proper review. Ardeospina, Sofia, and sweetondean all pretty much summed it up for me, so I’m falling back to something I’ve done for the last two years.
For the third year in a row, I’m looking back at all the episodes aired in 2012, and found a little something in each that make me smile. They can be big moments, or just small little bits that you may have missed. Whatever they may be, all I have to do is I remember them and they prompt a silly smile on my face. It’s usually that time that people wonder what sort of happy pills I’m on, but that’s straying from the purpose here.
In part one, I’m recalling all those fun little bits from the 2012 episodes of season seven (in some cases they were super hard to find). Coming up later in part 2, the moments from season 8.
Adventures in Babysitting
I can be pretty shallow at times as you all know (this statement becomes more obvious when you see some of my choices on this list). This wasn’t a very good episode in my mind. It was actually a real downer. So, when I see the title of this episode, only one thing makes me smile, and it’s warped. Sam Winchester, tied to a chair, talking smack to a vetala who’s mighty hungry. It was so damned cold, you thought for a minute there that soulless Sam had taken over. When that vetala took a bite, I was feeling quite envious!
Time After Time
Duh. Dean Winchester. Fedora. Wool coat. Zoot Suit. Tommy Gun. Thud. Floor. Me. Any questions?
As a bonus though, I never tire of a brotherly game of rock, paper, scissors!
The Slice Girls
Oh come on, isn’t it obvious? Pictures are worth thousands of words!
Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie
What didn’t make me smile? You’re actually making me pick one moment? Okay, this is moments that “make me smile,” not laugh my ass off so hysterically I hurt myself. That means I can’t pick something like a killer unicorn that farts rainbows. Or Sam falling into sheer terror over the sight of a clown, let alone the two that were magically summoned to beat him to death, and it all ending in them exploding in glitter, leaving Sam all twinkly. Or the ending when twinkly Sam has to face up to Dean’s ribbing and the gift of a clown doll. Nope, I’m going with this:
Meet Dean Winchester, five year old.
Repo Man
For some reason this part stands out the most, just because I love the offbeat, no one would ever think to say this, wit of Ben Edlund. When Lucifer is taunting Sam in the motel room when they arrive, he has quite the critique. “It’s like a men’s room with beds.” He even admires the “avocado grime” that’s accumulated on the wall. “Takes years to build up a patina like this.” Then he pulls it from the wall and eats it. My, my, those hallucinations are quite unsanitary, aren’t they?
Out With the Old
You know, this show just does not have enough of Sam or Dean chopping off the evil being’s head with a classic sword. This must be a weekly thing. However, as someone who’s a little jaded by corporate life, I do love George the Leviathan’s intense agitiation with his boss. Even ancient monsters have the same struggles! They have a much better way to deal with it though. I especially laugh hard when they asked George why he helped them off Joyce. His answer is too damn good. “Because I am dying to know what that bitch tastes like!”
The Born Again Identity
I wanted to pick a part with Sam, but his story was just so damn sad. The whole episode was a big bummer, well, except for one bit. Castiel, upon learning the truth he was an angel, is told to go smite the demons guarding the hospital where Sam is. He apprehensively tries, and to the unexpected tune of the Yardbirds “Turn into Earth,” he easily does so, all the memories flooding back in the process. This is of course right after Meg declares her faith with a smile in “the little tree topper.” No wonder Castiel retained an affection for her!
Party on Garth
It’s one thing to see Dean with a katana (another great sword!), but when he has to get a shinto blessing in a running spring for it to kill a Shojo, Dean’s gotta get creative. Turns out all he needs is a bottle of spring water, a Japanese speaking chef, and a back alley meeting behind a Japanese restaurant. I could see all the Haikus written about this moment! The great back alley warrior of Kansas.
Of Grave Importance
This is just the perfect season for Dean Winchester gratuity, no? Two words. Shower scene.
Girl With The Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
Charlie, our heroine of this week, needs a pep talk. Who would have guessed Sam knew so much about Harry Potter? “Did Hermione run when Sirius Black was in trouble or when Voldemort attacked Hogwarts?” That actually worked! Dean though, not so impressed. “Oh, you go, dumble-dork.”
Reading is Fundamental
This one is a real hard episode to pick one. Usually in any Edlund script, I love all the little subtle bits of humor he throws into his writing. The delivery is usually spot on and always makes me smile.
However, one part had me howling. I have no freaking idea why, but every time I see this scene I’m laughing hard. Sam, Dean, Kevin, and Meg are in the car, and Meg gets a call from Castiel. He’s in Perth. First she tells Dean to shut up, and Castiel offers to stop talking. She tells him to go on and he’s in a rather confused state.
Castiel: I’m surrounded by large, unhappy dogs.
Meg: Yeah, they’re unhappy ’cause the rabbit is fake.
He materializes between her and Kevin within seconds, freaking out Kevin. He gets questions from Sam and Dean, but he can’t stay on focus. “You know, those racing dogs were absolutely miserable. They can only think in ovals.” Dean – “Cas, don’t make me pull this car over!” Castiel wonders why Dean is angry, touches Kevin’s nose calling him a hot potato, and gets his hand slapped away from Kevin. “Please stop that.” I’m already laughing, then this happens:
Ah yes, the off the wall conversation per Edlund. Just classic.
There Will Be Blood
This just because I’m a technical junkie. The hubby and I lurve our gadgets! I’m already trying to figure out how to get a computerized projector like this on my basement ceiling. The best Devil’s Trap ever!
Survival of the Fittest
It’s a clear winner, even if I’m a widely grinning fool more than someone with a smile. The return of baby.
Coming next, part two, aka the moments in the first half of season eight.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
You’ve picked some great moments from a season that was pretty damn sad 🙁
My favourite Sam moment was his fearful interaction with the clowns; and that phone conversation with Dean when he didn’t want to go to Plucky’s… “What did they do to you?”
Oh, and of course… sparkly Sammy… what’s not to like about that 😛
My favourite Dean moments were his scenes with Elliot Ness. I’m a huge fan of ‘The Untouchables’ so I got all the references and Dean’s “I’m never going to watch that film again” was so funny!
I also really liked Lucifer in the library scenes of Repo Man… it was terrible, but just deliciously wicked at the same time. It might make me a bad person, but those scenes definitely made me smile.
Felicia Day’s first appearance on Supernatural was a big highlight of Season 7 for me… so I was really happy to see her back for LARP and the real girl. Her episodes have been pure gems… and I’ve smiled (and laughed out loud) right through both of them!!
One of my favourite moments was from Plucky’s when Sam got Dean the giant slinky.
I loved little kid Dean trying to get one himself.
Then Sam surprises him with one.
SAM: By the way, to celebrate…
DEAN: What? No!
SAM: Yes.
DEAN: Did you win this?
Bless. Just bless the pair of them. I really loved that little moment. It made me all squishy! 🙄
This series of articles makes me so happy! Even if an episode is bad, there is always at least one redeeming scene!
I loved that scene you mention in Repo Man. Lucifer is truely Sam’s OCD come to life to say everything Sam probably thinks about the various hotel rooms.
One of my fave moments is from Repo Men: Satan sticks his tongue out at Sam and it’s forked, of course.
Also one of the highlights of season 7: dean’s little boy delight at the presentation of the giant slinky. Of course the Plucky Pennywhistle episode is one of my top favorites, especially the rainbow farting unicorn and Dean’s comments about the Landshark (SNL-1970s) and the Octovamp.
Definitely the slinky scene. Agree that Plucky’s had a ton of moments. Just the look on Sam’s face every time they showed him with the clowns (even the painted ones) makes me laugh.
Loved Dean being so proud to show off his computer skill in Time After Time. That ep had a lot of little moments to.
Of Grave Importance, you missed one of my all time favorite scenes. When they are talking about being in a foxhole with Annie. The looks they exchanged are just so adorable I must have watched that scene several dozen times.
Loved Sam giggling in the background when Dean is coaching Charlie on how to flirt.
Reading is Fundamental- I think my favorite scene is the one between Cas and Sam. It is a little bittersweet, but it still makes me smile.
Lovely list. Definitely smiled at the slinky scene from Pluckys. The rainbow farting unicorn was priceless.
The paper,scissors, rock scene from TAT as the boys get ready to battle each other makes me smile, a call back to the old days, and Dean’s sulky reaction after, lol.
In TWBB, Dean’s freak out when he realizes that there is no more fast food – ‘I can’t live on rabbit food, I’m a warrior!’
The fist pumping in the car during AIB was lame I agree, but definitely smile worthy, ‘What year is this?’
Loved your list of course! For me, just one little scene missing. Before Jensen gets his shirt ripped off… … … mmm… he is in the Cobalt Room looking gorgeous in the blue lighting. Every pose he hits makes me smile. Every single one.
Alice, thank you so much for always finding a way to make me smile! I agree with all of your choices, but I have to add one or two. I watch Reading is Fundamental whenever I need to lighten my mood or when I just need to laugh. My absolute favorite bit is the exchange between Dean and Sam about Metatron vs. Megatron. Sam looking so confused and saying “What??” over and over. Jared’s timing as the straight man on this is my favorite funny moment of the whole series. Put that together with Meg’s timing explaining the Perth dogs to Castiel (my second favorite); Dean asking “What is that?” when he first sees Kevin (instead of “Who is that?”); Sam running after Kevin in the yard…OK, I added more than two! I just love this episode!
Thanks for the walk down memory lane. 🙂 Loved Dean in “Time After Time”, for that matter, Dean dressed up in any period costume does it for me. 😳 Man, he looked good in that fedora. I also love all the references to “The Untouchables” in that episode. And thanks for choosing the moment Castiel remembers who he is in “The Born Again Identity”. Best. Montage. Ever. And to a great song.