Promo Photos – Supernatural Episode 8.14
The CW today was busy today with promo photos! On top of “Everybody Hates Hitler, they released “Trial and Error” as well, the episode due to air on February 13th. “Trial and Error” is really episode 8.13 and was shot first. However, looks like The CW changed the airing order of the episodes, and “Trial and Error is now scheduled to air after “Everybody Hates Hitler. So my episode designations are going by airing order, not shooting order.
Either way, here’s some photos. There’s one really scary one, so I’ll warn you. Sam Winchester is actually smiling!! 🙂
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Now….there’s two photos in amongst this with SMILES! SMILES! Oh and also…kiss. Yay. 😀
The woman looks like the woman who was in Kripke’s show Revolution. Any idea if that is the same actress?
She does look like the woman who plays Nora! That’s what I thought. It’s possible.
Thanks for the heads up there Alice! I think I would have fallen off my chair otherwise! 😆 Sam & Dean are smiling, Dean gets to kiss the girl, all is right with the world… well, maybe not for Kevin, his nose is bleeding.