Time To Nominate Supernatural for the People’s Choice Awards
Yes, it’s that time again! Time to nominate Supernatural for the People’s Choice Awards. The process is a little convoluted it seems, so here’s a little intel from Suzee51 that explains the process:
Good luck voting, and hopefully it’ll be enough where we’ll be sharing instructions on how to vote for the awards next!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Alice, so everyone knows without having to go through all the categories, Supernatural is one of the listed choices in the Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Show category, and both Jared and Jensen are listed choices in the Favorite Dramatic TV Actor category (and you can vote for up to five so we can vote for both of them!).
Yes, please vote in the two categories Deborah listed above. But PLEASE DON’T FORGET to write in Supernatural for[b] Favorite Network TV Drama[/b], too. I can NOT believe that despite the fact that SPN won in that category last year, they did not even list it as a choice this year!
So in the category “Favorite Network TV Drama” please take the time to check the “Other” box, write in the name Supernatural, and then you MUST put a check mark in one of the other shows listed in this box or they won’t count your vote for SPN!
Thanks for showing your support for SPN by voting.
P.S. If you use Firefox as your browser when voting in the TV Drama category, it will save you having to type out the whole word “Supernatural” every time you write-in vote. Firefox recognizes when you type capital “S” and provides a drop down box to click on. This is MUCH less difficult and allows you to vote faster!
Category Favorite TV Fan Following – we are what? Bleck!
Gotta fix this! Alice, how might we get this done….
[b]Question for anyone out there who is voting for the PCA Nominations[/b]:
Category – Favorite Network TV Drama
Has anyone else noticed that all of a sudden you are NOT required to put a check mark in front of one of the shows named in order to submit a write-in vote for SPN? What is going on?
I don’t want my votes not to count, but I would prefer NOT to have to vote for any other show than SPN.
Are you noticing this too?
I thought that rule seemed weird when it was mentioned above. I can’t work out the statistics on it but it really does add a huge amount of weight against any write-in vote compared to those listed, and they already have an advantage. Considering how much of a storm the PCA people walked themselves into last year (and how much it was deserved!) the above rule was a major mistake, and I guess they realized it.
On the other hand if they put the rule back you would need to vote a different one of the other shows each time you vote or you will just be wasting your time after a while. I think I am right on this but it is pretty late 😀
If Supernatural fans (or any other group) have been voting for SPN and voting for another one because they HAVE to I would be willing to bet ‘Major Crimes'(whatever that is? Seriously I have never heard of it) is getting a major boost in votes because it’s closest to the write in box! Idjits (PCA I mean)
eilf, I’m think you are voting in the Favourite Cable TV Drama if Major Crimes is there. The posts above state to vote in the Favourite Network TV Drama. We don’t want to waste our precious votes for our favorite show. At the moment we are only voting for the top five nominations, then voting for your favorite begins on November 15th. It would be nice to get SPN in the top five for Fav Network Drama, I still can’t believe we are not already listed in the nominations after winning last year!
LOL sorry I did say it was late last night when I was commenting. My point about the system as it was still stands though.
As you say if they don’t even include the winner from last year then not only did they snub the SPN fans then, they intend to do it this year as well. The whole thing makes me angry, and it would if it were any cult show with a passionate following and not just because I like this one.
Hey fellow voters! Someone from another board has informed me that PCA “changed” their original rule. From this point on [b]DO NOT vote for two[/b]! Simply write-in the word Supernatural and submit. This is most definitely in the category “[i]Favorite NETWORK TV Drama[/i]”.
I don’t know why they changed their rule but IMO if you think about it: I am hoping most SPN fans when [i]FORCED[/i] to submit two names were probably choosing shows they felt were NOT very popular like “Smash” or “Scandal”. SPN fans most likely were not supporting our major competitors – shows like Grimm or Once Upon a Time or Revenge. As a result, I am certain that the PCA people started to realize the unintended consequence of their stupid rule. That is, the WRONG shows (unpopular or perhaps not the ones they want) were gaining huge numbers.
As far as I am concerned, once again the PCA tried to screw SPN and keep us off the final ballot. Please keep voting so we prove them wrong!
But isnt spn listed under favorite sci fi/fantasy drama?? Why bother with the other categories?? And I voted for like a million times..Idont think its limited to only 5 votes..
[quote] [i]Why bother with the other categories?? And I voted for like a million times…[/[/i]quote]
suparna: THANK YOU very much for voting “a million times” in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy category. That’s great! And we will need those votes when going up against “The Vampire Diaries” and “Once Upon a Time” in the finals. But last year the SPN fans were able to score a MAJOR victory for our show by not only winning in our specified category but also in Favorite Network TV Drama as well. It’s a real coup to be able to say that our show means MORE to us than just a simple “horror” show.
Did you happen to see the video that J2 made to thank the fans last year for both category wins? In it they explained that EVERY member of the production crew got to have their pic taken while holding both glass trophies. So these wins have value to more than just the two J’s. It’s our way of being able to thank everyone responsible for making this show.
thanks,suzee for the heads up..will definitely write-in for spn in the network drama category..wasnt really sure how this process worked. so i went on voting in the sci fi group where it was listed..
p.s. and i’m sure there is no chance in hell that we’ll let down the j’s this year either if we go on at this rate 😆
go all out,lovely people!!
happy voting!!!!!
[i]”suparna: …wasnt really sure how this process worked.”[/i]
Hey suparna: Just wanted to say that if you ever have any kind of questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. All of the people at this website are really kind and we all realize that each of us became fans at different times. So if there is something you don’t understand, just ask. We don’t call it the Supernatural “family” for nothin’! 😉
PCA nomination voting ends Nov. 2nd, this coming Friday.
Come on SPN Family! [i][b]Let’s get this done![/b][/i]