Supernatural Spoiler Update, October 7th
Here’s a couple of tidbits that were revealed at Toronto Con this weekend:
– Misha let a small wardrobe spoiler slip. He’s not going to be in scrubs anymore. They’re putting him right back in the suit!
– Jared revealed in the panel today there’s going to be an ep coming up set at a Renassiance Fair. Okay, who do you think the writer is? I smell Carver or Edlund on that one.
– Jared talked about a scene coming up in an episode where a man falls over a huge ledge. He was pretty nervous filming the part of that scene where Sam and Dean come in as FBI guys to investigate and Sam looks over the edge to see what happened. That was supposed to be shown as a wide shot so Jared couldn’t use any kind of safety harness. It was a pretty big drop down below.
– I think Jared accidentally let a big spoiler slip. They were asked in the panel today about difficult situations on the set. Jensen’s answer was Misha has one, and it’s Jared. Jared then told the story about how they were filming two days ago (I got the impression it was episode 8). There was a new director (they called him Paul) who was warned about Jared’s hijinks, but he didn’t think it would be a problem. There was a scene where Sam and Dean were asking Castiel if he was going to come with them, and Misha had to give a stoneface. The director was trying to block Jared with a flag to prevent him from screwing up Misha, so Jensen jumped in and…wiggled his junk let’s say (sorry Jensen demonstrated the move on stage, so it’s beyond description).
While the story is funny, I do believe that it was not revealed previously that Castiel would be getting out of purgatory. What Jared said implied he was out. Perhaps I heard the story wrong, or maybe Jared misspoke, but I find that reveal pretty huge if that’s true.
– Jensen mentioned that there won’t be much emphasis on Dean’s drinking this season. There won’t be an excessive amount. It seems that a year in Purgatory where there were no liquor stores was enough to fix that problem!
That’s all that was revealed. There was more than most cons, but nothing too extreme.
Cas, Dean and Sam working together were revealed by the set photos that were posted on the web Friday. So no surprise!!
Trust me, it was a surprise to those of us at the con! I guess we were too busy with the weekend festivities to check BTS photos. I will have to find those though. Thanks for letting me know they’re out there.
Yes, there were set photos that showed the 3 of them working together on ep 8…I didn’t realise until I looked at the photos and then went OMG! D’OH! Oh well….
Yes, but there is no way to know that what is happening in episode 8 isn’t a flashback, so maybe the context isn’t as clear as we think? Just a thought.
Dean went through Purgatory detox! That’s too good.