Jeremy Carver Interview – Supernatural at Comic Con 2012, Press Room
I got to admit, I had a fan girl moment. I have never met Jeremy Carver before, and I have been a huge fan of his ever since season three. It was “Mystery Spot” that was the first ever review I did and what inspired me to get into “Supernatural” blogging. It’s amazing how far this has come for me (that conversation came up a few times among fellow bloggers at Comic-Con).
So when he sat down, I gushed over how excited I was to finally meet him and how much of a big fan I was. Everyone at the table was in agreement that we were so glad he was back.
Now, the questions.
Here’s the video in it’s entirety for those who would rather watch the whole interview. We had more time with Mr. Carver than anyone. The summary is below for those that can’t play video due to various reasons.
I asked the first question, it’s one that has been bouncing around the site for a while. Who is the writing staff this year? It’s the same as last year actually. The list of names he went through were very familiar, the first writer being the only change.
Jeremy Carver
Adam Glass
Ben Edlund
Eugenie Ross Leming and Brad Buckner
Andrew Dabb and Daniel Loflin
Robbie Thompson
What’s the overall arc?
“What you’re going to see is obviously the boys coming together after some time apart. That’s “to be determined” time right now. It’ll be through flashbacks exploring what each of them went through in the past. We’ll be spending a good amount of time with flashbacks, really informing us of how they are present day. We are really biting off on a slightly different structure for us. We’ve really gone whole hog with that, a story within a story.
You’re going to see the boys come together. How they come together in episode 1 could be interesting but they do come together. They’re going to come together in pursuit of one thing that’s very very personal for them. It harkens back to their earliest days. It signals the moment that these guys are really trying to play off as getting something that they really, really want. If there was a slightly cheesy sounding theme for the first half of the season it would be “This time it’s personal.” Put that on a poster, put that on a bumper sticker, there were go.
While they’re on this quest this together and we’re doing these flashbacks, I’m understanding that the two guys that are riding in that car are probably even more mature than they were at the end of last season.”
“A lot of the season is all about perception. You might think something will seems to be one way at the beginning, I think the fans hopefully will be pleased with that. It’s never quite how you think it is in a very raw emotional way.”
What can he say about monsters?
“You’re going to see some ancient Gods again, you’re going to see the boys have a much more contentious relationship with Crowley, you’re going to see Vampires (I couldn’t make it out, but I think he said “enjoy boating”), also we’ll encounter angels and demons.”
Are comedy episodes coming? Yes, they’re trying to come up with a few. He credited Ben Edlund for handling those types of stories.
What are his goals now that he’s taking charge?
“I just feel like the boys have been together for eight years now and they’ve gone through so much, not that it wasn’t but even more so needs to be reflected growth in each guy. You’re a different a guy when your riding around in the car with someone when you’re 22 and when you’re however. He’s your buddy from high school, then at your ten year reunion there’s different kinds of implications. It’s a different way of talking to each other. It can be a little more upfront, a little bit more forward, a little less cagey. Because of the result of their time away from each other they’re sort of, and I think Jared said this in the panel, they’re re-examining who they are and what they want and they’re not afraid to express that with each other.
“Is that a reason why you brought in a love interest from Sam?” Carver had a one word answer. “Yes.”
I asked him if he could tell us exactly how much of a time jump there is. “Not yet,” he answered.
And that was our time with Jeremy Carver. Up next, Ben Edlund. He has as usual some very interesting things to say.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
As long as Sam and Dean actually do “express that with each other” and we do not get the bland impersonal honesty of season 7, this could be better. I don’t want Sam and Dean just as business partners, I want them to act like brothers again.
I’m so disappointed that Sam doesn’t look for Dean or Kevin at all though. That is such a lame cop out for treating Sam’s character badly over the summer break. They pull the Sam-hating stunt every season now since season 4 aired. I’m sick to death of them doing this to Sam.
And Dean is angry at Sam and resentful of Sam. Like always. So sucky and lazy.
Maybe part of that character development will be Dean learning to not be angry or resentful of Sam.
And no one (to my knowledge) ever said that Sam “doesn’t look” for Dean. I think it’s more that he gave up after a time and made the best of a hopeless situation. In the S7 finale, WE (the audience) know Dean’s in Purgatory. Sam doesn’t, because Crowley doesn’t tell him outright. For all we know Sam believes Dean is dead and has no leads that say otherwise.
Please no more lessons for Dean. He’s had enough of them.
BE says Dean is slightly resentful of Sam and questions why Sam didn’t try to look for him. BE’s words strongly imply that Sam didn’t bother to look for Dean, which is straight up character assassination!
Sam would look for Dean, and I’m calling BS to anyone – incl. JC, BE, or JP – who says he wouldn’t!
Just because Dean has the perception that Sam didn’t look for him, doesn’t mean Sam didn’t. There’s a BIG difference.
And if Sam didn’t look for him, we all know he must have had a good reason (i.e. believing his brother was dead).
They’ve grown up since the days of making demon deals when one of them dies. They’ve learned their lessons in that regard. Both characters were weary all through S7. If he believed Dean was dead, it makes since that Sam would try to move on. As someone else said, other than suicide (which no one wants to see) what other choice does he have? He lost everyone. In any case, right now there are so many questions and we’ll just have to wait for S8 for the answers.
All some of us are saying is the writers are going to need to EXPLAIN why Sam doesn’t look for Dean, and it has to be better than Jared’s “Well, Bobby, Dean, Crowley, and Cas are gone so there’s nothing Sam can do.” Hahahaha!
That’s WEAK SAUCE man! LOL! Weak!
If that’s Sam’s excuse, then he goes down several notches in my book, and I love Sam. I’m bi-bro! That would be a character assassinating type of thing to write in MY view.
It makes zero sense that the writers of Supernatural, who have been crafting these characters over 7 years, who’ve invested so much in the show and have a very real interest in it doing well, would engage in character assassination of one of the main characters.
I get your opinion about the spoiler – but your reasoning is ad hominem.
Everything Sam’s done, even bad things, were done with good intentions. And Dean’s made mistakes just like Sam has. That’s not character assassination. That’s character development. These characters are first and foremost HUMAN. They have frailties, weaknesses, flaws, desires, and their will to fight is not limitless. Who knows why Sam didn’t look for Dean – I choose to believe there’s a reason, because nothing demonstrates to me otherwise. The writers have ALWAYS given compelling, albeit controversial reasons for the characters’ actions.
HA! This is funny.
That have been my exact words after first reading the spoilers.
I so hoped the writers would have learned something. There’s a point when you can’t damage a character any more. Like you said, they pulled the same stunt since season 4. I hoped that they would let it rest. Actually that was my only wish for S8 (and that the brotherly bond might return). Unfortunately I seldom get what I want….
^^^^^ Exactly! I mean how much further in the ground do they want to stomp Sam?
He’s no longer smart. He can’t hunt on his own. He needs someone to hold his hand through life. He is unfeeling. He’s highly resilient. He’s whatever the writers want him to be in that moment. Yeah.
The one trait they hadn’t screwed w/was his love and devotion to Dean, and now that’s gone as well. Way to [i]develop [/i]Sam, Writers! Good job!
Wow! I’m still so excited for this season! I think this interview proves that there is a lot that the writers, and JC, are not telling us and the way he talks about the boys growth and development has me intrigued for what kind of change we might see in their dynamic.
Thanks for the great video, Alice! I’m still high-rolling on the positive vibes! (even though the writers announcement was a little meh…I was hoping for some turnaround but; still reserving all judgement).
Bring on season 8!!!!
Totally agree.
Another great interview, Alice! 😀
Great interview Alice. I wanna ask you, do you get any financial benefit by running this website or doing this Supernatural fan service? Just curious! I know its none of my business. But I gotta really really appreciate you for this.
Exciting interviewing. Promising more and more of my favorite brotherly love. And I am wondering what the “personal thing” is? Can any one guess what it is? Is it Samulet? Or is it their father’s or mother’s soul? Please, don’t tell me they are trying to find Castiel for the first half of entire season.
And are there any ideas about the guy who helps Dean to escape purgatory? Based on the information available I believe he is Gordon Walker or YED.
My previous comment didn’t appear. Any idea why?
“A lot of the season is all about perception. You might think something will seems to be one way at the beginning, I think the fans hopefully will be pleased with that. It’s never quite how you think it is in a very raw emotional way.â€
I am SO hanging on to this statement in light of the other spoilers we’ve been given.
There is [b]hope[/b] yet for every plot and characterization issue I’ve thought of, and this could go in such interesting ways. 🙂 Thank you Jeremy Carver! 🙂
– And thanks Alice! –
I’m betting (not that it matters much at this point in the game) that the thing they’re going after is Dean’s amulet. Nice way to bring that back in after the ‘drop it in the trash’ heartbreaker.
[quote]“A lot of the season is all about perception. You might think something will seems to be one way at the beginning, I think the fans hopefully will be pleased with that. It’s never quite how you think it is in a very raw emotional way.†I am SO hanging on to this statement in light of the other spoilers we’ve been given. There is hope yet for every plot and characterization issue I’ve thought of, and this could go in such interesting ways. 🙂 Thank you Jeremy Carver! 🙂 [/quote]
Yes, yesssss. My only ray of light for this season. I hope he knows what he’s doing. I’m gonna pray or something haha.
“We’ll be spending a good amount of time with flashbacks, really informing us of how they are present day. We are really biting off on a slightly different structure for us. We’ve really gone whole hog with that, a story within a story.”
This could be really interesting but I seriously hope that nooky w/ Amelia isn’t all that Sam was doing – to me that’s dull. (except for the shirtlessness, of course)
I’m really excited aobut the quest portion of the story. I hope its back to the roots of S1 – and its John Winchester’s soul they’re looking for.
Hope Chuck is listening.
I was so impressed w/ Carver in this video. I felt that he gave off some kind of an awesome vibe…IDK, I lack the words…but it was something great, IMO.
I love the concept of a story within a story and that the brothers are finally!, hopefully!, please let it happen!!! going to each evolve into their own person. It is past time, IMO. Long past time.
I don’t really know what you mean. The boys are 2 different human, each one is a person and they have different personalities and traits.
Just because they ‘live together’ and need each other doesn’t mean they’re not individuals.
Not caring about Dean and his life/death is not being individual or anything, it’s being selfish and cold-hearted.
[quote]I don’t really know what you mean. The boys are 2 different human, each one is a person and they have different personalities and traits.
Just because they ‘live together’ and need each other doesn’t mean they’re not individuals.
Not caring about Dean and his life/death is not being individual or anything, it’s being selfish and cold-hearted.[/quote]
Sage, I agree with you. The boys are definitely their own people with their own thoughts, their own ways to handle conflict, their own beliefs, etc.
I never quite understand the belief that they aren’t their own people. They have very distinctive personalities.
In a nutshell, I’m happy that it seems like Carver is going back to the original conceptions of the two main characters-the thing that first drew me into this show. Sam has wanted “normal” since he was a child. Dean had no interest in normal from the moment we met him. He was the consummate road warrior. They’ve both done their back and forth dance as regards this through the seasons, but I’m happy that it appears that Carver has decided to re-examine it yet again, because that nonsense in Swan Song of Sam sending Dean to Lisa with that stupid promise and Dean going because of it, never felt right to me. It felt more like Sam’s dream than Dean’s and I saw Dean as being written completely OOC there, because the Dean I knew woud have never gone to Lisa, not even because of a promise, not even in his grief, knowing that he would be bringing danger to her doorstep. And while I can well believe that he might have wondered about the normal life and longed for a family of his own-as any human being would-to me, the character always knew that deep down inside he couldn’t have a “normal” family and he never really wanted a normal life.
It would seem that the Sam character is getting the same type of treatment from the writers now. Perhaps, in the writers minds, Sam’s aching desire for “normal” is being addressed again because it never really went away-which is what I’ve thought all along.
Yes, the brothers are different. Very different. And one of the biggest differences about them stems from this very thing, IMO-and it’s been the greatest influence on how each of them views “family”, IMO. Going by these spoilers, and going by what the writers and JP have said in them, their intention is not to make Sam look “selfish” or “cold-hearted”-self-involved, maybe-but aren’t we all, at times-and yes, even Sam. But considering the childhoods that thye’ve both had, everything that they’ve done and has happened on the show so far becomes more understandable to me, in hindsight. And what Carver is seemingly proposing to do here promises some permanent and tangible growth for the better for both characters, IMO. So I’m looking forward to it.
I can’t say that spending a bunch of time in the past via flashbacks sounds great to me.
I have listened to all the interviews and I am so excited. Particularly about the character development. And maturing of Sam and Dean ( and not in the the way their father matured.) I really love the idea that along with Sam and Dean there is a third character and it is them. Wonderful.
I am glad they have decided to tell the story of away through the flashbacks as it will open up and deepen the present day story we are watching. Plus the rolling out of the monsters, the bad, and the Angels and Demons the vehicle that tells our story sounds great and marvelous fun. Roll on Season 8…
Wootwoot! Give me that character development and brothers arc, Carver!
I’m excited for this show for the first time in two years. Three cheers for a showrunner who isn’t mired in the dysfunctional co-dependency and is prepared to leave it behind for a more realistic exploration of how relationships evolve. I find the Sam-and-Dean-joined-at-the-hip trope utterly tedious and repetitive, and I think the show suffered for it during S7, when it became abundantly clear how bereft of ideas the showrunner was when it came to depicting the brotherly dynamic in a fresh way. I’m looking forward to seeing Sam and Dean look outside of each other and am also loving J2’s obvious enthusiasm for these changes, as well as Jensen’s obvious enthusiasm for having Misha back. I’m looking forward to seeing some quality Dean-and-Cas scenes this season and seeing how the profound bond is repaired. 🙂
Thanks so much for all these interviews. It’s good to put a face to the guys behind this thing. Enjoyed this and the Edlund interview very much. Put me down in the group that is excited by the news and the feel brought by Carver.
I’m particularly interested in the idea of making flashback so sustained. It’s like if you do it just once you’re saying ‘this is the answer’, ‘this is [i]why[/i]’; but if you keep doing it and it grows and has its own order and its own presence, then the past is more realistic and more volatile.
In earlier seasons they’ve shown the guys affected by nightmare, say, and that’s a way to get the past into the present and to suggest a motivation, but it sounds like this flashback stuff is going a lot deeper. The limitation with nightmare is that the character is in control of how much they disclose, how much they suppress; well, they’re out of control because what happened has got into their psyche and is disturbing their sleep, but they can try to manage the situation. Flashback doesn’t ask questions or give them those choices. It just is. It has to be reckoned with as an equal to the present rather than being filtered / intensified / rendered safe through a particular consciousness. So even though it’s done and dusted, on another level it isn’t finished and it isn’t tame.
Given Carver’s statement about ‘perception’ and point of view, that background gives a whole lot of potential.
It’s a good quick insight too into the value the new show runner can bring, the fact that he can so deftly add in a fresh dynamic to the show in its eighth year. I guess the edits in and out of past and present will be pure narrative voice — why do you put [i]this[/i] next to [i]that[/i]? — and that’s a whole new and unpredictable character on Supernatural. At base it sounds to me like the show might be edgier and more grown up under Carver.
I like the parallels with the pilot that I am seeing. Sam is assimilated as a civilian, Dean is entrenched in supernatural activities. They reunite over a common quest that is close to their hearts. Yes I think this could work nicely!
Pendactyl specualted about 8 before spoilers and I think she had a similar view: “The possibility that appeals to me the most right this moment is having Sam be stable, in the manner of Season 6 Dean (minus the lame suburban-ness and dad haircut and tucked in jeans…why would you do that to such a good looking guy?!), and Dean be extremely driven and angry and the other end of the spectrum from his apathy this season (like what we were supposedly getting when he was in revenge mode, but I didn’t really see it). Have Sam act as an anchor to draw Dean back to the middle, neither apathetic nor obsessed, have Dean act as an an agent in propelling Sam into motion.”
We’ve been promised that Supernatural would return to an earlier seasons vibe for several seasons now and it’s never happened. This is the 1st time that I feel like I can see the wheels moving to make that happen. I’m liking what I hear thus far.
The only thing that will ruin it for me is if I start hearing about a bunch of silly meta episodes. A couple of them were very well done but I really want the show to be more of the dramatic series it started out as.
Being Human uses flashbacks and handles them very well. They give a lot of character insight. Also, remember that Supernatural Christmas was also told in flashbacks as was parts of Mystery Spot ( in a way). My point, Carver handles non-linear very well.
I haven’t watched Being Human, but what you said about that show and with reminding me of the SPN Christmas and Mystery Spot…I’m even more excited for the use of flashbacks, and Jeremy Carver’s presence. Yay!
I believe there’s absolutely no way Sam wouldn’t have gone half out of his mind trying to find Dean. And the writers know that we fans know this. So I chose to believe that at first they’ll make it just LOOK like Sam is all happy and normal, to us and to Dean, which is why he’d be so hurt at first, but then later down the line we’ll find out that Sam actually did go through some horrible hell over losing Dean, Dean and us fans will get a very reasonable and understandable reason for why he stopped looking, and it will bring the boys close again. My only disappointments so far with these spoilers is that Jared seems to be happy to have Sam apart from Dean(what’s up with that!), and the fact that once again, I don’t get my wish to see Dean fall passionately in love. Oh well. Maybe at least he’ll get his one night stands back. Other than that, I think there’s a real chance that both boys actually get story arcs this time after the truly mediocre season 7 atrocity.
Have faith in Sam! We know how much he loves Dean, he would never just give up on him that easy! My Sammy would never do that!
I’d say that Jared is a pretty optimistic person, he seems happy no matter what.
And let’s face it, it’d be a bit rude if, not knowing what’s going to happen, he said ‘oh I’m so angry at this, how can they make Sam look bad again? Those writers are horrible’.
I bet he respects the crew enough, and also, he has to lure us to see the show, and needs to seem enthusiastic about it.
Oh no Sage, I’m not putting Jared down, and I wouldn’t want him or Jensen to diss the writers, I love him and I hope that I just perceived that wrong. I just don’t want either Jared or Jensen to be too happy about the brothers being separated too long. I love that they really seem to love eachother in real life and that they ‘get’ the brother relationship better than anyone. So maybe I just perceived that wrong and Jared is just exited for Sam’s solo story which is fine.
Oh yeah, don’t worry, I understand. And I know you weren’t puting him down 🙂
Trust me, I was soooo mad when I saw those interviews, I think I would had made the weirdest faces if I’d been the interviewer lol
But I think Jared is only doing what he has to, that is, selling the soul, and being as charming and friendly as he is, everything seems happy (sorry, do I sound too much like a fangirl? That’s it because I am :P)
[quote] selling the soul, [/quote]
The [b]SHOW[/b]!!
poor Jared!
I would rather they were upfront with Sam and not telling us and Dean later down the line that we had got it wrong ? . Not showing things is what has caused the damage to him in the past.
Dean getting resentful and hurt by Sam is something I could of done without to be honest .
I completely agree with this. I’m holding on to the hope that there is more to this than there seems to be, but I wish they would start out with showing Sam’s suffering as opposed to he’s happy, happy good. I want to trust in the writers, but once burnt twice shy. I’ve seen the damage done to Sam when his story was held until later and this really worries me.
I think that maybe they would’ve explained Sam’s motivations and would show his suffering and struggle right off the bat, but because we fans also don’t want our boys apart for too long, I guess for the writers it was a case of trying to please everybody at once. It must be kind of hard to be a SPN writer! They know we fans can be a pain in the ass LOL!
I dont think we will get Sam’s ‘suffering’ and frankly I see no sense in waiting .Whats the point or in fact the need to wait how many episodes down the line to say ‘hey look Sam suffered and did this or tried that’ before downing tools and going ‘normal’ .If that is even something they are thinking?.
No I really dont think we will get anything in that department .They might not even see it has a issue ? this show has had no qualms in the past where Sam is concerned and maybe Sam getting angsty over Dean isnt a concern for them.
Cynical I know but maybe that just dont see it the same way we do.
This is my concern as well. Neglecting to show Sam’s pain or fear or emotions is what has happened at crucial times in the storyline, and has made Sam look far less sympathetic than Dean does. To be fair Mystery Spot and A Very Supernatural Christmas were two of the last really sympathetic looks at Sam that we got so Carver did at one point get showing Sam as a person, not a plot point. That fact leaves me cautiously optimistic.
Well, I only said that Sharon because that’s what I read in the spoilers, that Dean was a little hurt at first. Really, for all we know, both the writers and the actors could just be spinning to throw us off. The reason for my observations is that the Sammy I know and love wouldn’t, couldn’t possibly give up without going through hell and doing anything and everything he could possibly think of to find his beloved big brother. And after all that, finally resigning himself to the fact, at least as far as he knows, Dean is lost. And after going through the pain of losing Dean yet again, plus all the other losses and tragedy he’s suffered in the hunting life, deciding once and for all he’s DONE. So my only explanation is that this is what he did, and they will show it later as part of a big surprising reveal. That’s the only thing I can think of. And I certainly would not think less of Sam as a character for this. He and Dean have gone through far more than any human should have to. It’s a wonder they both haven’t ended up like Martin at this point. Or committed suicide.
I agree with Misty!
Sam could/would only give up and “retire” completely [b][i]after [/i][/b]he’d put himself through hell trying to find Dean – and failed.
That I could believe and understand.
sam was committed and he all most did suicide. and were was dean in those eps one I think he was in hell I do not even know were he was in the other.
As far as Dean’s time in Purgatory, I think it better be shown how this affected him and changed him. Even after the horrible time he spent in Hell and becoming a torturer, after a small amount of time he seemed, at least to me, to go back to being himself except for the drinking and being depressed, but I think he would’ve been far more affected than that. This time I want to really see what would have to be horrible affects from being in there for a whole year. And just what kinds of things did he have to do to survive? Did he become a monster himself? Could he possibly hurt Sam, like he almost did Lisa when he became a vampire? And what’s Crowley’s role? But I still wish I could see him fall in love, sigh.
And getting back to Sam, just what in heck does he do in this normal, happy life besides get a girlfriend? I mean, back when Dean left hunting for a year, the economy hadn’t yet crashed and it was feasible he could find a job in construction, although still kind of hard to buy being he had no experience or references( fake ones from Bobby?). But now, with Sam, also having no experience and not even Bobby around for fake references, what kind of a job could he possibly get? Is his new girlfriend just gonna let him work around the Vet clinic cleaning up or something?
I can see a woman falling for him, but would she also support him? I just don’t think a man like Sam would be happy with that. Ahh, questions.
Also if he’s so happy in this new life, what in the world would it take to pull him away and back into the misery of hunting? For Dean it was different. They showed you in montages that although he did have some degree of contentment with Lisa and Ben, in his heart he still missed being with Sam so much and his life side by side with him. His heart was never totally into his domestic life. But here we are told that Sam will be happy. So why on earth would he leave that after he finds out Dean is alive and ok? It’s not like they can’t get together and see eachother the way normal grown siblings do.
Well, Carver said that whatever it is, it’s putting them on the offense. They’re going after something personal that they’ve wanted for a long time. My personal theory is that they’re going after something that would eradicate everything Supernatural from the face of the earth. A Pandora’s Box, if you will. It’s the only thing I could think of that would put them on the offensive at this point.
Hey( forgive me for all these posts but I’m on a role) maybe the thing that unites them to go after it is, wait for it, JOHN WINCHESTER! Remember, he climbed out of Hell in season 2 and saved Dean from YED, so what happened to him after that? Maybe there’s some way to ressurect him!
Although, I don’t know why Crowely would be concerned with that. But wouldn’t it be awesome to have him mentioned again?
Oh damn, wait, I just thought of another reason; Adam! Remember the brother they lost to Michael and who for some reason hasn’t been thought of since? Do they find a way to rescue him, and will they mean they accidently free Michael and Lucifer again? Ok, I’ll try to stop posting for a few minutes. Hope I’ve brought up some good topics to discuss.
I’d love to see J. Winchester again, but I don’t think they’d try to resurrect anyone. They’ve been there, done that, and learned that “it’s all snake oil.” The overwhelming message of the past couple season has been that messing with the natural order has serious consequences. Dean learned it in S6 ‘s “Appointment in Samarra”, and it was solidified by Bobby’s parting words in the finale. “When it’s your time, [i]go[/i].” No, they’re not going to try an resurrect anyone again, not even each other. And maybe that plays into Sam’s walking away, if he believes Dean is dead. We’ll have to wait and see!
We’ve seen Sam distraught and defiant about not accepting Dean’s death before in ‘Mystery Spot’. He simply wouldn’t accept it and I loved it. So that’s why I believe that his decision to finally stop and leave the hunting life is going to be an extremely difficult one. There has to be some big story behind it which the writers wouldn’t want to explain right away as that would take away the suspense and the buildup, and ultimately the payoff for the fans later when we DO find out. I believe it will be HUGE, and hopefully worth the wait, something to keep viewers watching and keep the ratings stable. And hopefully something so juicy that it brings out the best, acting wise, for BOTH Jared and Jensen.
[quote]There has to be some big story behind it which the writers wouldn’t want to explain right away as that would take away the suspense and the buildup, and ultimately the payoff for the fans later when we DO find out. I believe it will be HUGE, and hopefully worth the wait, something to keep viewers watching and keep the ratings stable.[/quote]
Unfortunately using that logic we SHOULD have had a fantastic story showing Ruby gaining control of Sam in season four, more than the Ruby=good message of IKWYDLS. We also should have seen the build up of Sam’s insanity, how Dean lying to him affected his grip on sanity and something more than Sam pressing his hand and the “let’s give the crazy storyline to Castiel” deus ex machina. But we didn’t and that’s over and done now. Again, Carver did show that he actually cared about Sam’s mental state during his last stint on Supernatural, so he may actually pay attention to Sam. I will watch, I’ve just been let down too many times to really believe that Sam will actually get emotional development or that we we see life through Sam’s eyes this season. I live in hope, but not in confidence.
I might be a little late here, but I just wated to say, I saw the whole IKWYDLS thing a little differently. I think we were [i]supposed[/i] to see the whole “Ruby=good” thing because we were meant to doubt her and ask “Is she good?” “Or is she planning something?”. To me, that was the whole point. I suspected right from Lazarus Rising and probably earlier that she was up to something, but even I had my doubts as we went through the season. If they’d shown she was an evil bitch right from the start, I think that would’ve taken away from the end when they finally gutted her. I agree though about Sam’s insanity story.
[b]Misty[/b] I can understand where you are coming from but I just dont believe there is a big story behind this decision of Sam’s.
In season 6 all it took with Dean was a sentence to let us know he had tried to find a way of getting Sam out .
I think they will go with Sam believing Dean is ‘dead’ and deciding to opt out of hunting as it offers too much pain and the desire to hunt disappears .Then Dean reappears and off we go with whatever story.
I don’t know.
If Adam is what makes Sam leave his normal life and return to the road instead of Dean himself, I’m gonna be veeery angry.
That’s true Bamboo, I forgot about all that.
But in the case of Adam, is he really dead? So would it mess with the natural order of things if they found a way to get him out? From the spoilers I did gather that Angels will be coming back into play.
Oh darn, now I’m remembering that at first Adam DID die when the ghoul killed him. Well, if nothing else maybe they could release his soul and send him back to Heaven.
Ok then Percy well, I have no idea then, just grasping at straws. I do know that Sam loves Dean, would go insane with grief over losing him and would do everything he could possibly think of to find him. I can’t make the writers write things differently, I can only theorize on why they would arrange the storyline as they are going to.
I would like to discuss what happens to Dean as well. What does happen to him, and what things is he afraid of Sam finding out?
I HATED Ruby! Yeah I know I was supposed to, but I really hated anything that came between Sam and Dean so much. I was so happy when Dean killed her. Although I understood in the end how Sam got mislead by her. I think for me I could have dealt with him drinking her blood and doing the psychic experiments, but it was him getting sexually involved with her that made me want to throw a beer bottle through the screen. Anyway, I choose to believe that this situation won’t be like that, and we will find out that everything Sam did is understandable. He is older and more seasoned now,there has to be VERY GOOD reasons behind his actions and unfortunately we’ll just have to wait it out.
On a lighter note, I was watching a movie called’ Waiting’ on Comedy Central, and ‘Chuck’ was in it as one of the featured characters! And guess what? He’s actually kinda cute! If I was young and single I’d have gone out with him! LOL Miss that character, never thought his story was completely finished, loved his chemistry with the boys. Carver, bring Chuck back!