Bobby Singer Word Search
This one looks like a light and funny one. Enjoy the episode and playing Bingo. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
Welcome again to Memorable Moments of Supernatural Past! I chose this episode as this one of my favourites. The humour was endless and it introduced us to The Trickster, who I just loved and miss dearly. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
Now that we’re in the start of the hiatus and with the networks rerunning Season 10, I thought I would catch up on the Trivia for the episodes that were missed. What do you think? Are you ready to play some Trivia?Here’s your chance to test your knowledge and have some fun! Rewatching the episode…
8.19 Taxi Driver: No Reason To Think I Won’t See You Again Somewhere Down The Road Reaper shows the way. Sam frees Bobby’s Hell-trapped soul; Benny says goodbye. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
The Morning After Suspenseful and emotional. Supernatural’s “Nightmare Logic” achieved the rare feat of captivating viewers with both action and affection, alternating between unexpected twists in the case and genuine, believable, poignant character development. It engaged viewers’ minds and hearts, a trait that was Supernatural’s hallmark for so very long but hasn’t always been realized…
So we have the return of Sheriff Jody Mills..Yeah! We have Vampires.. double Yeah! And we have the brothers armed with Machete’s …Oh My…did it just get hot in here. Any ways enjoy the episode and playing Bingo! Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
Awesome! Is there one for Dean…or Sam?
Hi Katie. Yes, I do plan to do ones for Dean, Sam, Castiel, John, etc. If you are looking for more, I believe all the past puzzles I have done are somewhere on the site. 🙂
More new ones to come soon.
Sorry-new at computer skills.
How do I mark the page with my answers??
Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with your computer skills. I wish we had a way to be more interactive like that! You can’t do it on the screen. You have to select the .PDF and print it out. It’s old fashioned pen and paper.
Perhaps someday! I’m always looking for more ways to make this site more interactive and that would be fun.
Thanks. That’s OK with me as I’m old fashioned (and old) myself and pen/paper is fine.
That was fun – Thanks!