Supernatural Season 7 on DVD & BluRay To Be Released Sept 18th. See The Cover! and TV Shows on DVD are both listing "Supernatural" Season 7, the complete season, to be released on DVD and Blu-Ray September, 18th in the US. Sets can be pre-ordered on We have that link now available in our Amazon ads on the right hand side of each site page for your easy access!
Here’s the front cover for the DVD set. Amazon doesn’t have it yet, but it’s being circulated as reliable. What do you think?

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I hope they keep this cover cuz I love it and placed my order weeks ago on Amazon, lol. I’m just a little obsessed….
I love it! I will get the DVD Blue Ray as always to add to my collection.
I like this cover, hope they keep it.
I already ordered it when the 7th season started. I too am obsessed.
I’m happy.. yeah yeah.. but is That a necklace?! Dean? necklace?
I do like this cover-very simply and nicely put together. Yes, that is a necklace that Dean is wearing but it is not THE NECKLACE!. Jensen seems to wear that necklace on his own time-not in the episodes (although I have seen it peeking out on one episode a while ago). You can see it in a lot of pictures of him.
I love the cover. At least it gives us an idea of the main enemy of the season. Not to say the other covers didn’t rock, but they never depicted any potential badguys. Idk, still looking forward to picking it up!!!
Amazon has a different cover for the Amazon Instant Video of Season 7…it’s hysterical. It looks like a crazy fusion of the covers of Benjamin Button and Star Wars: Episode III. I’m posting the link here, but if it doesn’t work then go search Supernatural Season 7 on Amazon. This (amusingly awful) cover is not to be missed : )