Updated 5/3/2012: Jared has officially cancelled the Paris convention in June as well.
Jared Padalecki has officially cancelled his scheduled appearances for Asylum 8 and AECON 3 in May. Rogue Events confirmed the withdrawal this weekend with the following announcement:
Dear attendees…
As you may be aware there has been some mutterings via Twitter this afternoon that Jared Padalecki would not be attending our upcoming May conventions. After speaking to his representative who is in Rome at this very moment we are very sorry to say this rumour is in fact true and Jared is pulling out of the May events.
The reason we have been given by his representative is that being away from the baby has been tough and therefore Jared is unable to attend the May events hosted by Rogue Events in the UK and Germany.
While we are very disappointed at the decision we have to understand that Jared has just recently become a father for the first time and obviously this decision has not been taken lightly, his representative wishes he could have made it work for the fans and is just as disappointed as us that this has happened and at they way it was unofficially announced by a fellow fan on twitter.
We still have a great line up of guests attending and we look forward to seeing every one of you at the events in a few weeks time! We know the guests attending can’t wait to meet you all again or for the first time and everyone will have a blast!
Kind Regards
EDIT: Contrary to what is being spread on certain social forums/networks we at no time lay any blame towards Jared for this it is simply one of those things that happens, we wish both Jared, Genevieve & Thomas all the very best, we have and hope to continue to have a fantastic working relationship with Jared in the future.
This past weekend at Jus In Bello con in Rome (which from the reports was another big success), Jared said that he was not planning on attending both conventions, and he wasn’t aware he was listed as an official guest. The confusion is being blamed on a miscommunication between Jared’s management and convention organizers. It’s certainly understandable, since these appearances were booked before a baby was on the radar. He was already scheduled to do the Rome con this past weekend and then the Roadhouse con in Brazil this upcoming weekend, and must travel alone without his family. He’s still confirmed to do the Paris convention in June as well.
For AECON 3, they have been able to add one new guest to replace Jared. Sebastian Roche has been officially announced as a con guest. He will not be at Asylum 8.
Here’s the official guest list now for both conventions:
AECON 3 – May 11th – 13th, Germany
Jim Beaver
Mark Sheppard
Misha Collins
Steven Williams
Mark Pellegrino
Jim Michaels
Matt Cohen
Carrie Ann Fleming
Jason Manns
Sebastian Roche – just announced
Asylum 8 – May 18th – 20th, Birmingham, England
Jim Beaver
Mark Sheppard
Misha Collins
Steven Williams
Mark Pellegrino
Kim Rhodes
Jim Michaels
James Patrick Stuart
Matt Cohen
Carrie Ann Fleming
Jason Manns
Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I am going to Aecon and I am still looking forward to it. There are a few guests I never met like Steven Williams, Mark Pellegrino, Carrie Ann Flemming and Sebastian Roche. Most of all I am looking forward to met Jim Michaels.
Maybe I can met some more Family members of the WFB there.
Sometimes being a Daddy is rough.
Jared wants to be with baby Thomas and still wants to be as available for fan stuff as he was before he became a ‘family man’. I do not know why people do not understand that.
I completely agree. I am going to my first con this fall in Chicago.(YAY!) I would be very disappointed if Jared has to cancel, but I would completely understand. Being away from a new born is hard for a few hours-let alone days on end. Maybe once the baby gets bigger he can come too-like Misha’s son.
Just an update, but Jared has now also cancelled the Paris convention.