Robin’s Rambles – “Supernatural” 7.20 “The Girl With The Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo”
Episode 20, Season 7
Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel
At the cabin, Sam thanks someone for looking, hangs up, and tells Dean Noah didn’t see any connection to the Dick sites either. Dean has nothing but local lore 50 miles in common of all of ’em. He opens Bobby’s flask and takes a swig. “Old dirt–what’s Dick lookin’ for?” The lights go wonky, the brothers unholster their guns. It’s only Bobby. “Go easy, idjits,” he cautions, “sorry for the jump-scare.” “How does this work?” asks Dean–I leave the cap off and you just Genie your way out? (ref to “I Dream of Jeannie” or Aladdin). “I wish it were that easy,” says Bobby, and winks out. Frustrated, Sam calls “Bobby!” “Dammit,” complains Bobby, reappearing, “It’s hard to stay focused, I’m still kinda worn out.” “You’ve been pretty busy for a dead guy,” says Dean. “Listen,” says Bobby hurriedly, “I don’t know how long till my next ghost nap–those numbers I gave you–” “The empty lot in Cheeseville,” remembers Dean. “It ain’t gonna be empty for long,” says Bobby. “I got a gander at Dick’s big plan right before he Lincolned me–they’re building as we’re yammering.” (And there’s a flashback to Frank telling the brothers about a building about to go up months before.) “It’s all right here,” says Bobby, “You’ve been kinda busy killing ghosts the past few days–but Dick is about to get into the Soylent Green business.” We see someone wheeling something into a Biggerson’s. Sam consults a computer and Bobby continues, “That site’ll show you they’re building a biotech lab, right?–biotech my ass!–it’s a state of the art slaughterhouse, and WE’RE the beef!” (People are being hauled into cages.) “Don’t you think that’s bold–even for Dick?” asks Sam. “Betcha no one will even notice,” predicts Bobby, “he’s gonna dumb us all down with turducken-style munchies and make us docile–it’s in the meat.” “We haven’t been to a Biggerson’s since that whole fiasco,” says Dean. “Biggerson’s?” repeats Bobby, “He’s bought a list of places 10 miles long!–Next, he’s gonna cure us of all the biggies–cancer, AIDS, heart disease–let’s just say they got an affinity for stem cell research–they’re not hunting anymore, they’re engineering the perfect herd–this is about knockin’ us off the top of the food chain–this is about those Levi’s livin’ here forever one-percenters style, while we march our dopey fat asses down to the shiny new death camps at every corner.”
We see a woman busily working with a hard drive, hacking into a computer.
Dean and Sam receive a message from Frank. “He’s alive?” says Sam. “That jackass is always stealing my thunder,” grumbles Bobby. “Sam and Dean, if you’re reading this, I’m dead–or worse–this email was sent because some princess is trying to hack into my hard drive this second, so unless it’s you, you got trouble.” Sam reads, “My drive is full of compromising info, hang out where you hid your car.” Sam looks to see where Frank’s hard drive is and finds it at Richard Roman Enterprises. Perfect, it’s in the middle of the Death Star, says Dean. They all look at each other in consternation.
Five hours earlier – A young woman pulls into a parking space at a fancy company on a Vespa, takes off her helmet, puts on some headphones playing “Walking on Sunshine” and goes inside. She goes into the elevator, pushes the fourth floor button, and proceeds to dance, apparently very happy. Arriving at her floor, she drops a piece of hair from her mouth she’d been chewing, dance over, and heads to her cubicle, which is filled with nerdy action figures. She types in something about a wire transfer to Animal Lovers and Lovers of the Planet. A co-worker asks her how it went last night, telling her he lives vicariously through her. She hands him her phone, replete with pictures, and says if you can’t score at a reproductive rights benefit, you simply cannot score. “Wait, is that legal?” he asks. “We were two consenting adults,” she says. “No, that,” he says, pointing to the ten grand she gave to the Animal Lovers, then asks why she insists on breaking the law on company property. “Faster internet connection,” she says. “If Pete finds out, he’ll fire you–or get you arrested,” he warns her. “Teddy Bear Pete?–please,” she scoffs. “I’ve been doing this for like a month–I can cover my tracks, Harry.” “Charlie, my office, now,” her boss orders. “I love you,” says Harry. “I know,” says Charlie, smiling.
Charlie goes into her boss’ office and finds herself in a face to face with Dick Roman. “I’ve been running things for a while,” he says, “feels like before the time of man–I always had a vision, and I feel like I’m close to realizing that dream–I don’t wanna brag, but the world is my dinner plate–and I don’t want anything to jeopardize that, definitely not the actions of one tiny little person.” “Sir, I can fix this,” promises Charlie, “please don’t fire me.” “What’s she talking about?” Dick asks Charlie’s boss. “Is that about hacking those super PACs?” asks Dick–“’cause that was adorable.” Charlie looks into her boss’ eyes and knows it was anything but. “Tell me, how does a high school dropout become one of the brightest minds of Roman Inc.?” asks Dick. “I’ve had this problem with authority–no offense,” stammers Charlie, “so I realized the only way I could get away with being me is to be as indispensable as possible–sorry.” Dick smiles. “You’re kinda completing me right now, Charlie,” he says. “You have that spark, that thing that makes humans so special–not everyone has it, you know–those people can be replaced–people like you are impossible to copy.” “Copy?” she stutters “Take the compliment,” he orders. He picks up a hard drive. “This belonged to one Frank Devereaux,” he says, “Thought he could bring down the whole company–he was wrong–let’s keep him wrong–it’s encrypted, or whatever you crazy kids say these days–break it open and bring it to me.” “I’m on it,” she promises, “and thank you.” “You’re welcome,” says Dick, “You have three days or you’re fired.” Her smile fades. “Good talk!” says Dick, exiting the room. “Is this real life?” Charlie asks her boss.
Back out by her cubicle, Charlie shows Harry the hard drive she was given, and that the “Eye of Sauron” is on her. “If you need anything, I’ll be back in the Shire,” he says. “All right, H, it’s just you and me now.” she says to the red-headed doll on her desk (Hermione), and she goes to work on the hard drive, trying to access Frank’s password. After many “access denied” messagess, She’s offered a nice game of chance. “Wait a second, seriously? WarGames? Shall we play a game bitches? That was hardly The Chamber of Secrets, right? Boo-ya!” She slaps five with Hermione, but then she gets a NICE TRY, ZERO CHARISMA and is blocked out of the drive. “Back to square one,” Charlie tells Hermione.
Now that they know Frank’s hard drive is located in Chicago, Dean wants to drive there. Bobby protests–they know their mugs, he suggests they mail the flask there. “It’s not like Dick can kill me twice–you got a better plan? he asks, seeing their doubting faces. “Come on, just because I’m dead doesn’t mean I don’t know how to do my damn job!” “That’s Dick’s office,” Sam reminds him. “What Sam’s trying to say is, what if you run into Dick and you know, go vengeful?” asks Dean, “You know that’s not something you can just shake off.” “Come on, give me some credit,” says Bobby, annoyed. “What, I’m just supposed to ride the pine?” “Sorry, Bobby,” says Sam. They leave.
Back at Roman Enterprises Harry checks Charlie’s cubicle and finds her asleep. “Did you go home last night?” he demands. He’s getting them coffee, and putting crack in hers. “Yes, please,” she says, staring at the screen. ACCESS GRANTED! “Finally. Who is this d-bag?” She finds files on the desktop, one labeled Dick Roman Enterprises. “Don’t do it–Roman said to bring it right to him. You’re right, H–you’re always right.” She clicks on the file. What’s a Leviathan? she wonders–and reads, hearing in Frank’s voice that they are as old as time, how to stop them, how to kill them–everything. She exits the file and tells Harry she spent the last 24 hours hacking into a loony bin. “Where’s Pete?” “Probably snuck down to the garage for a smoky treat,” says Harry.
Down in the parking garage, getting cigarettes from his car, Paul runs into Dick Roman and Harold, one of his henchmen. Paul tells them Charlie was working on the hard drive all night and promises to keep a watchful eye on her. No, you won’t,” says Dick. “Bruce Springsteen, Eli Manning, our own little Charlie–irreplaceable. You’re more of a Tim Tebow, Joe Biden type–you got no spark in ya–the fact is, there’s nothin’ in ya–except Harold’s dinner. Harold turns into Paul and devours him,splattering blood all over Paul’s car.
Charlie witnesses this entire scene and runs from the parking garage in terror. She gets a call from Pete and apologizes for leaving without telling him, she wasn’t feeling well; it’s a lady thing and she’ll be in first thing. Gotta go–cramps. About to leave, she runs into Dean. “I’m not gonna hurt you,” he promises. She grabs one of her swords. “Get away from me, you shapeshifter!” she says. “We’re not shapeshifters,” Sam assures her. She whacks him with the sword, breaking it. “We’re not Leviathans,” says Dean, “and to prove it,” pours Borax over both his and Sam’s hands. “Your turn,” says Dean, and she splashes some of the Borax on her own hand. “Who the hell are you guys?” she demands.
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The brothers Winchester tell Charlie who they are and what they do for a living. “There are other monsters?” she asks. She decides she’d rather not know. She knows how they found the drive, straight GPS, but how did they find her? Jack’s webcam. “Welcome to Frank,” says Dean. “It’s creepy, and I’ll give it to him,” she says. “So you’re telling me everything he had on his drive is true?” “That and more,” says Dean. “How long did it take you to crack into Frank’s drive?” asks Sam. “A day or so,” she says. “Is there anything you can’t hack into?” asks Sam. “Not yet,” she brags. “How about Dick Roman’s email?” says Sam. “Why would I. . .oh, he’s one of them,” she realizes. “No, he’s their leader,” says Sam with a bitter smile. “What’s the endgame–steal our resources, make us his slaves?” she asks. “Planet-wide Value Meal–we’re the meat,” reveals Dean. She giggles. “You can’t be. . .serious,” she says, then looks at their faces and realizes they are. “Okay, let’s do this,” she says, going to her computer, “what am I looking for?” Her desktop picture is Arwen from LORD OF THE RINGS. Dean tells her to look for archeological dig sites, for starters. “Like Indiana Jones stuff?” she asks. “All we know is that Dick’s been digging all over the world,” says Dean, “and we need to know what he’s looking for.” “You know,” she says, “I was having a rather good week–I met someone, downloaded the new Robyn album, everything was coming up me–oh, crap.” “Look,” says Sam, “we get it sucks.” “No, not that, this,” she says, pointing to the computer. “Dick’s email isn’t on the company server, it’s on a private one, in his office–you can’t get in it unless you’re at his phone or his desk.” “You’re saying if we’re inside Dick’s office we can hack his email,” says Dean. “YOU can’t,” she says, “only someone like. . .but I sure as hell ain’t doing it, I am doing my job, what are the chances I see everything on that drive and Dick lets me live, anyway?” “I think you know,” says Sam grim-faced. “So, I erase the drive first,” she says, “protect me and you, then I go back to my old life, right?” “It’s not that easy,” says Dean, “you’re on Dick’s radar, which means you don’t have an old life anymore.” “I’m gonna die,” she realizes. “I shoulda taken that job at Google.” “Look, Charlie,” says Sam gently, “it’s okay if you can’t do it, I mean, you didn’t volunteer for this.” “Totally, exactly,” she agrees–“but now I volunteer.” “What?” says Sam. “I gotta go back in anyways, to wipe Frank’s drive, I might as well break into Dick’s office too.” “Are you sure?” asks Sam. “No, but these things are gonna eat everyone I know,” she says. “What kinda douchebag stands by for that? (That would be a good enough reason for me.) However, I’ve never broken into anything in real life before, so, plan?” “You got a Bluetooth?” asks Dean. “Yeah,” she says. “Security system, can you get into that?” asks Dean. “I can re-route any surveillance cameras we need,” she assures them. They sit at the desk with her. “All right, let’s start with that”, suggests Dean. “Do you have a key card to get into the building?” The camera pans back to show that Bobby is in the room with them.
In a van outside Roman Enterprises, Dean gets in the van and asks Sam how’s it going. “Great, since she set all this up.” Sam shows Dean that he caught each camera on a prerecorded loop, giving Charlie 15 minutes, which they both agree isn’t much time. Charlie said if it took longer than that to hack his desktop, she deserved to be eaten. “I like that girl,” says Dean. They realize that Bobby put his flask into Charlie’s bag–and after they told him to cool his jets! Should they call the whole thing off? “We only got one shot at this,” says Dean. Dean calls Charlie and finds her singing. “I sing when I’m nervous–don’t judge me,” she says. He tells her to check the side pocket of her bag. Finding the booze, she says, “Good idea,” and takes a swig. “It’s a family heirloom, a good luck charm,” says Dean, “don’t lose it.” “Copy that,” she agrees, “Let’s do this.” He repeats her name twice, but she confesses she’s having a hard time moving. “You can do this,” Dean assures her. “I’m not a spy,” protests Charlie, and she’s close to panicking and giving up when Sam asks who her favorite Harry Potter character is. “Hermione,” she reveals. “Did Hermione run when Sirius Black was in trouble?” asks Sam–“or when Voldemort attacked Hogwarts?” “Seriously?” teases Dean. “No, of course not,” says Charlie. “What did she do?” asks Sam. “She. . .kicked ass,” says Charlie. “She actually saves Harry in practically every book. And then she ends up with the wrong-” “Uh, stay on track,” interrupts Sam. “Okay, so she kicked ass, right? So, then, what are YOU gonna do?” “I’m gonna kick it in the ass,” vows Charlie. “Good girl,” praises Sam. She heads for the door. “You go, Dumbledork,” says Dean.
Charlie enters using her employee badge. “I’m in,” she tells Sam and Dean–“I’ve always wanted to say that.” Bobby rides the elevator up with her. She reports there’s a big ass guard up there guarding the door. “What do I do?” “Just wait him out,” says Dean. The guard sits down, reading something. “He’s not going anywhere,” reports Charlie. Dean tells her to walk right up to him and flirt her way past. “I can’t–he’s not my type,” she protests. “As in, he’s not a girl”. “Oh, oh,” says Dean. “Pretend he has boobs.” “Worse,” she says. “Well, I dunno,” says Dean, “do you have any tattoos?–give him a sneak peek–all tattoos are sexy.” “Mine is Princess Leia in a slave bikini straddling a 20-sided die. I was drunk, it was Comic Con.” “We’ve all been there,” Dean assures her. “I’m gonna walk you through this–start with a smile–relax–you just got home, Scarlet Johanssen is waiting for you.” Charlie smiles big. “Hey,” Charlie sidles up. “Bill, Charlie from IT.” He asks if she’s burning the midnight oil. “Just like you,” Charlie answers, I mean when you’re not at the gym. What do you do, work out with all your free time?” “I try to get to the gym at least three times a week,” says Bill, “trying to get back to my fightin’ weight.” “It shows,” coaches Dean, “you look amazing.” This never happened, Dean warns a grinning Sam. “You ever do anything else with your free time, like take a girl out for a drink?” asks Dean. Sam laughs, Dean says, “Stop laughing Sammy,” Charlie repeats, “Stop laughing, Sammy.” She pretends Laughing Sammy is a bar, plays with her hair, and asks if he wants to take her out–pencil that in. She asks to use the upstairs washroom because the one downstairs is nasty, winks at him, and makes her way in. “I feel dirty,” she reports to the brothers. “You and me both,” Dean says. “The eagle is landing, going radio silent,” Charlie says. “Let us know when you’re out,” says Dean. “Guess we just wait,” says Sam. “Yeah,” agrees Dean.
Charlie sits down to hack into Dick’s password, which turns out to be w1nn1ng with two 1’s. Fail, declares Charlie. She’s downloading, but her guard pal is wondering what’s taking her so long in the ladies’ room. He goes to check and Bobby sees him outside the wash room. He coaches himself to close and lock Dick’s office door. The guard unlocks the office and finds Charlie coming out of the bathroom. “What are you DOING here?” he asks, annoyed. “You said first door on the left,” she says. “No, first door on the right,” he corrects. “Silly me, I am always forgetting things,” she says, noting her download is at 93%. “Do you know what else I forgot to do? Give you my phone number.” She reaches for a pen and writes a phone number on the guy’s hand. “Uh, we really shouldn’t be in here,” Bill says. “Mr. Roman doesn’t like people in his office.” “I’m sure–have you SEEN his bathroom?” she asks. She puts down the pen, quickly grabbing her flashdrive from the computer at the same time. “Call me,” she says girlishly, quickly leaving the room.
Out in the van, a nervous Dean says, “Awesome. New plan–we just stay in the van and send in the 90 pound girl.” “Dean, every chomper on earth knows our face. How many do you think are in that building?” “I know–doesn’t mean I have to be happy about sending in Veronica-freakin’-Mars.” “She’ll be fine,” Sam assures him, “or we’ll go in.” “Get as far as we can,” agrees Dean, “damn right.”
Charlie plugs in the flashdrive, tags a swig from Bobby’s flask and calls Sam and Dean to let them know she’s sending them all the flagged Dick files. “Charlie, you are a genius!” praises Sam. “I know,” she exults–“it’s a problem.” Pete enters. She tells him she’ll give him a full progress report in a few hours. He squeezes her arm. “Hit that deadline, right?” he says, “call me if you get anything.” She grins in agreement. “Who the hell was that?” asks Dean. “Just my manager, the monster,” she says. “LEAVE,” orders Dean. “I can’t,” she says, “I have to act normal–I told him I’m working; let’s just finish this. There’s a memo indicating that Dick stopped digging days ago. Why?” asks Charlie. “I guess he found what he was looking for,” says Dean–“can you check?” “Way ahead of you,” says Charlie, going through the memos. “Something in a suitcase left Iran last week–whatever it is, it’s coming here, for Dick, tonight. . .so, what the hell is it?” “I dunno,” says Dean, “whatever it is, he wants it bad, which means we gotta grab it and destroy it.” “It’s leaving from a private airport–crap–right about now,” says Charlie. “Exact landing time is 42 minutes,” reports Charlie. “Can you make it?” “We can try,” says Dean. “Okay, one more favor, then get the hell outta there.”
On his cell phone, Dick tells someone, “Outstanding! And you’ll call as soon as the package is in hand.” “Absolutely,” says the person on the other end of the line. “I’m here waiting–in fact, I’ve got time for a light snack,” (spying a short person he figures on eating, gross, gross, gross)! Charlie packs up her gear to go and runs smack into DICK ROMAN! “Hi, Charlie,” he says smoothly, “I was hoping I’d find you here.”
The container is picked up at the airport and brought to Dick at his office. “I’ve been waiting for this for a very very long time,” declares Dick. Opened, the suitcase reveals a Borax bomb. “Now who could have done that?” Dick asks aloud. The bomb explodes. . .
TWO HOURS EARLIER – Dean’s favor to Charlie is more time. “Let’s get you some,” she says, furiously tapping on the computer keyboard. The package going to Dick Roman is going to be 30 minutes delayed, courtesy of Charlie’s memo. “I’ll finish mopping you guys up to dry,” she says (I think), “and then I’ll get outta Dodge,” says Charlie. “Call us when you’re clear,” says Dean. “Picture from the border, bro,” she says.
At the airport, Sam and Dean, dressed as baggage handlers, smoothly exchange their Borax bomb for what Dick REALLY wanted delivered to him on the container filled with luggage. They leave the scene of their crime.
Charlie comes face to face with Dick Roman as she’s trying to exit the scene of HER crime. “Hi, Charlie, I was hoping I’d find you here,” he says. “Hey Mr. Roman, “she greets him. “Please!–Dick,” he says, turning to her boss–“Pete, we’re good here–why don’t you go grab a bite.” Pete exits without a word. “Show me what you found,” invites Dick. She looks terrified.
“So now what?” Sam asks Dean. “See what we’ve won,” says Dean, opening the suitcase. “Did we just steal a hunk of red clay?” asks Sam after they uncover it. “Good question,” says Dean. “We’ll know the answer to that a few dozen miles away from here–where is Charlie?”
“There’s nothing about my company?” asks Dick. She shakes her head. “What about a Sam or Dean?” asks Dick. “I’m sorry, who?” she asks. “Sam and Dean Winchester, give it a little peak, wouldja?” says Dick. She inputs the name. Bobby is there, too, fighting his rage against Dick, reminding himself the girl is right there and he must worry about her. “Is it me or did it just drop 10 degrees in here?” asks Dick. “It’s a bit nippy, yeah,” she agrees. “I’ll have maintenance check the A/C, I can’t have you cold now, can I?” asks Dick. “You miserable. . .” says Bobby, growing angrier, fighting with himself to reign it in. “Nothing about those Winchesters,” says Charlie. “If items were deleted from the drive,” says Dick, becoming angry, “would you be able to tell?” “Not if they were deleted appropriately,” she replies. “Oh they’re crafty,” says Dick. “Have all the data sent to me.” “Of course,” she says, fingers working the keys rapidly. “So really,” says Dick, “how did you do it?” Her fingers still. “Do what?” she asks. “You broke the unbreakable,” he accuses, “What’s the thought process–and ixnay the jargon.” “Nothing’s unbreakable, really,” says Charlie. “Nothing is safe if you poke at it long enough.” “Nothing’s safe, I like that,” says Dick, “that isn’t what I’m asking, Charlie. Your spark, it’s one in a million, believe me, when you got it, you invent guns and Ipads, and viruses and holy crap you can be crafty, because I can feed every fact in your brain to someone else, they still wouldn’t be able to beat you.” “I guess you can’t clone me,” she says, smiling nervously. “Don’t think that doesn’t piss me off,” he says. Dick’s phone rings. His package has arrived. “Fantastic,” he says, “bring it up to my office, I’ll be right there.” To Charlie, he says, “I think we’re onto something here–stay here, will ya, I’ll be back in two shakes.” The instant he leaves, so does Charlie, racing away downstairs as he discovers his Borax bomb.
Dick, face burnt, picks up the phone using a handkerchief. “Nothing is safe, apparently,” he says angrily. “Lock the building down–NOW!” he commands.
Charlie reaches the exit doors, but is unable to leave thanks to Dick’s shutdown. Ghost Bobby has powers that enable him to shatter that glass, and he does so, also tossing one of Dick’s henchmen against the wall and Dick himself into a radiator. Charlie has fallen to the floor, victim of a broken arm, and Sam and Dean join the fray by crashing through the cracked glass. Spotting her boss, Charlie warns, “He’s one of them!”, earning Paul a spray of Borax to the face. When Sam scoops up Charlie in his arms and sees Dean there, too, Dick says, “That would explain it–you’ve been hanging with the wrong crowd, kiddo!” Dick twists his neck. Bobby darts forward. “Not so fast, DICK!” says Bobby, shoving the Leviathan through a window. Bobby appears for a few moments, GROWLS, then disappears again. Seated on the floor, Dick snarls, “All right, enough! Show yourself! Let’s do this like real monsters!” Bobby pushes him back down (although we don’t see Bobby). Dick bursts into laughter. “You gotta do that again, that tickles,” says Dick. “Dean, come on,” urges Sam, carrying Charlie in his arms. The brothers take off in the Matador, Charlie in the backseat. “Charlie, talk to us, you okay?” asks Dean. “No,” she says tearfully, “why didn’t you kill him?” “We can’t yet,” says Sam, “but we will.” “They’re really evil, and yeah, special sword,” she says, “and I’m gonna pass out now.” Bobby sits beside her in the back, concerned.
On the phone, Dick is screaming at someone: “BECAUSE THEY HAVE IT! NOW GET IT BACK BEFORE THEY FIGURE THE DAMN THING OUT!” The man who got the wrong suitcase at the airport pleads, “Please, sit, don’t bib me!” “Bib you?–why would I waste a perfectly good meal” asks Dick, furiously, and chows down on the guy himself.
At the Cook County Terminal, Charlie tells the brothers she left the flask on the backseat of the car–worst good luck charm EVER! “We can’t thank you enough,” says Sam. “Actually, you can,” she says, “Never contact me again, like, ever–you know?” “Deal,” says Sam, shaking her hand. Dean does the same, telling her to keep her head down out there. “This ain’t the first time I’ve disappeared,” she says, “You think my name is really Charlie Bradbury? Please. So–good luck saving the world.” She gives them a “Live long and prosper” Spock hand. “Peace out bitches,” is her parting farewell. “She’s kinda like the little sister I never wanted,” says Dean to Sam. “We gotta talk,” says the latter. “Before we get back to the car?” says Dean, “The flask?” “So what the hell happened in the lobby?” asks Sam. “Man, if I had a free shot, I’d have bitch-slapped the hell out of Dick,” admits Dean. “Yeah,” says Sam, “but Charlie got her friggin’ arm broken.” “He didn’t mean to do it,” insists Dean. “EXACTLY,” says Sam, “he’s not in control, not about Dick, that was vengeful spirit crap.” “I know,” says Dean, “but it’s still Bobby.” “But if he goes there, he won’t be anymore,” Sam reminds him, “and then we won’t be able to pull him back–and then what are we supposed to do?” “I don’t know,” says Dean. “Look, let’s just figure out what that thing we stole is and then we’ll figure out what the hell to do with Bobby.” Sam isn’t happy with Dean’s response, but apparently has nothing better to suggest. He follows him out of the terminal.
This was a terrific episode, funny, exciting, cute, with a likable, appealing guest character I certainly identified with on several levels. I’m a big Hermione fan, too!
I was so happy to see Bobby in there and helping the brothers with this case, and yes, it’s worrisome that it’s Dick Roman and he went overboard and got the pretty heroine hurt. Frankly, I was sure plucky Charlie was a goner from the get-go, given the death rate for the ladies on SUPERNATURAL, but she beat the odds and ended up alive and merely injured at the end of this episode. Congrats, Charlie!
I was sorry to get word that Frank is most sincerely dead, even though it looked pretty obvious given the looks of his office the last time we saw it. The Leviathans are a messy bunch, and don’t seem to clean up after themselves.
When are the Winchesters getting the Impala back?? I miss her so much!
1. I really liked Charlie, but can see why others might not. What was your opinion of this funny, brilliant geek-gal? She claimed this wasn’t her first time running and hiding. Do you think she was bluffing?
3. What is your opinion of the Leviathans as villains now that their end-game has been revealed? Do they seem scarier than Azazel or worse than Lucifer?
3. Dick was very worried about getting that sword back—what could possibly be so important about a sword? Come ON, a sword????
4. Re: Bobby. I am so happy to have him back, maybe I’m missing the warning signals. Do Sam and Dean have reason to be worried. Is Bobby getting mean or just careless? He has good reason to be angry with Dick, doesn’t he?
5. I really enjoyed this episode, mostly because of the fun Dean had showing Charlie how to be feminine and Sam how to bring out her inner Hermione—and how the brothers teased each other about it afterward. It was fun! And Dick was so enjoyably menacing! Do you all agree with me? Isn’t Dick a fun villain?
6. I give the ep a solid 9. How about you?
7. There were a LOT of geek references in this ep, many I got, some I didn’t. I looked them up on a web site and found out just how many I missed.
Part of the reason to rewatch this episode? Just to watch Sam and Dean in the van and especially to watch Dean play Cyrano for Charlie. Thank God they split that screen so we could listen in. Dang, that man….moving on.
I agree the geek references were over the top. Tara Larsen (I think I spelled that right) was on Twitter telling people to watch out for the WB references. I assume some of those geek references were it? Veronica Mars I got, wasn’t sure about the rest. Star Wars is my time so I understood those – Princess Leia on a 20-soded die?! I wanna see that! Harry Potter, I get. I’m not into Lord of the Rings or War Games, and Dungeons and Dragons only got as far in my world as some movie I saw when I was a kid. But that might be about it. I’m sure I missed a ton, but I didn’t miss Dean teaching Charlie to flirt! Oh wait I already went there.
I liked her. I liked her bouncing up in the corporate world, dancing to her tune and just being unique. I loved her colorful style of dressing. I loved her apartment (she’s got more going on than that job, I tell ye). I would LOVE to see her again.
The Leviathans? I just wish I could guess how they are going to be killed! I don’t see how they can, which is why they are scarier to me than the demons and angels have been who pretty much have rules to follow and you can do something about them. Seems like God would have to be the one to banish the Leviathan or something in order to have a shot at getting rid of them. I mean how did they end up in purgatory in the first place? Lather, rinse and repeat, people!
Still, there must be something out the desert that hurts them and I’m thinking it must be Old Testament stuff too, but even with that in mind I can’t think of what it could be that will solve this problem, but I do know Dick Roman was so darned delightful I don’t want him gone yet!
Bobby. I felt badly for him, but so did Sam and Dean. It was so adorable how they both bowed their heads when Bobby asked about riding the pine. I don’t know how I want that situation to be resolved so I continue to just go with whatever the writers come up with. I just hope S&D do acknowledge the help he has been. I mean come on, boys. There is no way you guys would have been able to break that glass without him and dang was THAT cool. And I was jealous of Charlie being carried off by Sam. Lucky geek!
I’m probably one of the few people not reading too deeply into any episode so for me this was as much a 10 as last week’s episode. It was fun and I love a good Ocean’s 11 feel. More! More!