sweetondean’s Review – Supernatural 7.16, “Out With The Old”
Review “Supernatural” episode 7.16 “Out With The Old”
By sweetondean
Warning: contains spoilers.
“You see a Winchester, you don’t eat him! You tell me and I eat him!“
On first viewing I wasn’t sure what to make of “Out With The Old.” Admittedly I had a bit of a bad run with the watching. I was watching it on my laptop and it kept freezing and I missed a tiny bit at the beginning, like when the dancer’s feet exploded (neat!), so I decided not to make any judgements and try again. This time it was on my big screen TV, just how Dean’s meant to be watched, I mean just how Supernatural’s meant to be watched, and well, I dozed off! I didn’t hold this against the episode,I went out the night before and had a bit of a late, slightly boozy one and, well,the Winchesters are so dreamy they must have lulled me to sleep. Heh. Note to self,don’t lie on the couch to watch TV when feeling a bit, um, well, like Dean must feel many a morning (no, not hot). So take three and a great big coffee and I finally managed to watch the whole thing through! On third, but actually first real viewing, I discovered, I very much liked “Out With The Old.” It turned out to be the kind of Supernatural episode I particularly dig. Initially it had a fun vibe, there were some ominous undertones mixed in, a mystery was brewing and then it morphed into something completely unexpected. Like much of season seven it felt old school. I’d call it a strong outing. Since coming back from the Christmas hiatus I’ve felt this season has been particularly strong. If only it weren’t for all the damn breaks in the schedule trying to ruin our momentum,.

“Out With The Old” had more turns than that ballet dancer with the cursed Pointe shoes. It kicked off with a nice bit of gore (yes..awesome) and moved into what looked like an amusing MOTW story complete with crazed cursed objects, including some vintage porn,”A vintage men’s magazine sold to Peter Yanket, 27 Johnson Lane” (HA!!!) and the vision of Dean watching “Black Swan”,twice,and lovingly eyeing off a pair of pretty ballet shoes,in his size. Oh the vision in my head that created. I wonder how long before the fan art reveals itself. Then being the clever clogs hunter he is, Dean starts to get suspicious of the real estate dealings in town and with a bit of help from Frank, puts two and two together and discovers it adds up to Leviathan. I so love it when Dean’s all smart hunter,. All the while, Sam is slowly unravelling due to lack of sleep because his bunk-buddy Lucifer will not shut-up. Then during the showdown with the gooey Leviathan S.O.B’s, we are left with a rather startling revelation, the “หBig Mouths’ are here to help. They’re going to cure cancer. W.T.F?ย

Of course the words pants on fire come to mind when thinking of what George told the boys, but still. Mind. Blown. Maybe we’re heading down the road of a philosophical conundrum. Can we turn a blind eye and sacrifice a few people as food for a cure that will help billions? Somehow I don’t think it’ll come to that. I’m sure the Leviathan plot is something nefarious. I really don’t see them as being a power for good. Remember what Chronos, the God of time said, “I know your future. It’s covered in thick black ooze. It’s everywhere. They’re everywhere. Enjoy oblivion.” Yeah, see, that doesn’t sound real positive! Either George was lying or he doesn’t know the big picture plan. He seemed pretty far down the food chain, if you’ll pardon the pun. Cue the rather ominous but excellent use of “Bad Moon Rising” and we discover an empty, bloodied, trashed trailer and no cranky-pants Frank. Of course last time we heard “Bad Moon Rising” it signified one hell of an ending to “Devil’s Trap” and also a hospital visit and near, very near, death experience for one of our brothers. Knowing what’s coming next week, I totally adored that this song made another appearance. Every hair on my body stood up, O-oh.

The thing about season seven is that so many episodes have been like this. Just when you think it’s going one way, it turns you on your head and goes another. I’m enjoying that. I feel like I’m being kept on my toes. It plays into the mystery. I like the fact that the Leviathan just randomly pop up. That feels right to me, because the whole idea of the Leviathan is that they’re supposed to be working their way into our society unseen. They aren’t banding together all in one place, plotting and scheming like some evil cult, they’re organised, they’re spread out across the country and presumably the globe, doing whatever it is they’re doing while passing as every day people. They could be anywhere. They could be anyone. It makes sense that the boys might accidentally bump into them. For those who don’t feel the Leviathan constitute a significant threat, think about that. Like Dean said in “Repo Man”, any minute the boys could walk into a crime scene and come face to face with a whole bunch of “หBig Mouths’ because why not? They’ve infiltrated us as corporate highfliers and small town real estate agents, so who knows where they’ll turn up next. That’s the point and as far as I’m concerned that’s scary and interesting and cool. The other thing I thought about these nasty, gooey guys is; what better way to position yourself to conquer humanity than to offer to the world a remarkable gift? Say they do cure cancer. Say it’s then revealed to the world that it’s Dick Roman and his corporation that finally put an end to this awful disease. This would make him God like in the world’s eyes. Can you imagine the access that would afford him? He’d be welcomed with open arms in every country. He’d be able to meet and mix with, and then presumably have a ‘Big Mouth’ shift into and eat, our world leaders. This could make the Leviathan unstoppable and if taking over humanity is their goal (which I don’t know, but I’ve always assumed it is), then this one act of apparent good, could put them into a position of power and adulation where anything is possible. This is the direction my thinky thoughts have been going. Big, VERY BIG picture. Not just securing their food source. But securing their position in the world. Hmmmm. Do they seem dangerous enough now? Of course, this is only my over thought out, random idea, but I really like it and I think the writers should listen to me! Or you know, give me a job. Heeeee.

The other thing going on in “Out With The Old” was all about Sammy. He’s falling apart at the seams. Slowly but surely being driven down the road to crazy town by his imaginary ‘friend’ Lucifer. What I like here is that Sam came clean about it. After we saw him get engulfed in a wall of flames at the end of “Repo Man”, I felt sure Sam was going to do his usual, keep-it-all-hidden-from-Dean act, but no. He told his brother he can’t sleep, he told him that Lucifer is yelling at him the whole time, or singing “Stairway To Heaven” over and over, oh how I would have loved to have seen that. He told Dean sleep deprivation is like torture. He’s agitated, crabby and distracted and he’s being honest. Honest to Dean. Praise Chuck. And Dean to his credit is obviously concerned, but not freaking out, yet. I read a few comments (I really shouldn’t) about how Dean is selfishly ignoring Sam’s plight, but on the contrary, I see him as being strong and steady for Sam and not being cloying and over protective with his younger brother. In my eyes, there’s been a definite shift in the Winchester’s relationship towards more of an equal partnership rather than the traditional older/young brother dynamic. This has been since Sam’s return from Hell. And it’s as it should be. Because these guys are both grown men. Dean is obviously concerned. He’s asking how Sam is, he’s trying to get him grab some sleep at every opportunity, he’s aware and watching, but he’s not forcing his will on Sam. It all seemed very grow’d up to me. Sure, he probably has no idea how bad it really is because though Sam is being honest, he’s also being flippant, probably for the same reason Dean isn’t being overbearing, so as not to totally freak his brother out. They both have had so much on their plates this season, I see them both treading gently with each other, for fear that one or both of them will become unglued,.which of course is about to happen. When you love someone, you don’t necessarily give them the whole bad story, you let them know what’s happening, but more often than not, you also protect them somewhat from the complete truth. I think that’s what Sam is doing and in response I think Dean is trying to remain calm for Sam and to some degree, himself. Lord knows, Dean is the King of denial after all. The moment I loved the best was when Dean suggested Sam sleep in the car and that he’d find him a soft rock station because it, “Always knocks you right out.” Adorable. That was a big brother/little brother moment right there and it was also a history together moment and it made my heart all full of Winchestery brotherly love. I so adore these brothers…why do they always hurt me so?

And then there was Frank and his bloodied, totalled trailer. Is he really dead? Eaten by the Leviathan? My bet is, nup. It could go three ways, 1. He’s faked it because he’s realised he’s got in too deep? I don’t see him walking out on the Winchesters though. As much as he’s a self-protecting, paranoid nutbag, he seems to have developed and bitchy accord with Dean and I don’t see him deserting Dean now. 2. The Leviathan have grabbed him to find out what he knows? Nah, if they shifted into him they’d find that out and then they could chow down on him too, so I can’t see that the Leviathan would gain anything from holding Frank hostage, unless it was to coax the boys into a situation where they had to save Frank. Possible. 3. The demons are finally getting back into the action? I’m waiting and waiting for the demons to come back into play. That serial-killer-coach demon said they’d be back “Back in black” and there’s no way on the face of this earth, that Crowley would have taken his muffin basket and faded into the background, so at some stage, I see him making a play to regain his former glory. Maybe they grabbed Frank to find out what he knows? Maybe they grabbed Frank to coax the Winchester brothers out. Or you know, I guess maybe Frank’s dead. What ever the outcome, Dean was right, “Not good.” There’s definitely a bad moon on the rise. YAY!

“Out With The Old” left me feeling all tingly for the end of this season. Not that I want it to finish,but I really want to see what happens next. I’m excited! We’ve got 7 episodes left and I feel like that’s a good amount of time to really get our teeth into this Leviathan arc (as before, no pun intended) and possibly resurrect a couple of loved ones, Yes,next week’s promo made me squee. I’ll admit right here and now in front of you all that, though I love Castiel, I haven’t found myself missing him or pining for him in the least, but, that promo for next week made me go “HELLZ YEAH!” I seriously can’t wait! Though I have a feeling, once again, my heart is going to shatter into a million pieces. But hey, if I didn’t like angst, I sure as hell wouldn’t be watching this show now would I?
What did you think of “Out With The Old.” I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Thanks for reading, see you all next week, if we survive,again.
Oh and please enjoy this cap of Dean and pie,.

– sweetondean
heheheh Dean and his pies lol!!!! and hey, who can blame him? LOL
I love your reviews and this one is great! I too have really enjoyed the twisty season we’ve had and the “old school” SPN vibe that has been infused. Somehow they’ve made old stuff new and fresh.
This episode was a good look at Sam without being in-your-face with Sam’s mental meltdown (that’s coming, I suspect, and I’m kind of looking forward to it and seeing how it’s handled). I agree with your assessment of Dean being the stalwart big brother. Wrapping each other in bubble wrap and sobbing into ice cream isn’t the Winchester way. Quiet support though? Totally a Winchester thing.
I too doubt Frank is dead, for many reasons including that we haven’t seen his body. No body on this show, and I’m suspicious. I also can’t believe we’d end the character so abruptly with that little fanfare.
Don’t quite know what to make of the Leviathan/Cancer thing – but I’m interested. I really, really like this villian because it’s unusual and as you said, supremely organized and omnipresent, which equals a very big threat. I read somewhere a great description about how the boys world has been getting smaller and smaller all year, while this big bad has quietly been gaining and growing. I’m excited to see it all come to a head.
Only 7 episodes left? Eek. I’m not ready for the season to end.
Great review!
I’m not ready either! I hope we have renewal before it ends!
Thanks for the great comment!
It will be interesting to see how the writers finish up the Leviathans. maybe cancer kills them? the writers always give me a good surprise. One of the reasons I love this show. Jensen ( and jared) were amazing as usual
Yes, that’s the other thought that cancer kills them…but then, how do you give them all cancer? It’s very interesting!
That’s so funny. I just suggested this idea to my sister last night. I was thinking it would almost have to be some at a cellular level that kills them. And since cancer is mutated cells…. But I don’t know exactly how that would work to kill them on a mass scale.
Thank you sweetondean for a great write up. I agree with you on the way Dean is handling Sam’s problem. I saw a lot of concern from Deam, but since Sam is still functioning I don’t think he needs to panic (yet). That will come when Sam ceases to function, next week.
I also don’t think Frank is done just yet, or maybe I’m wishing he isn’t gone. But I think they did kill George. Not sure what else they could have done.
As usual a fabulous review. I just have to say I LOVED this episode! It was funny yet serious at the same time.
I laughed so hard at the dead ballerina (yes, it was yuck and tragic but SO funny!), enjoyed the set up for the hot water drinking (I was thinking ‘meat grinder – oh where is this going??) and the mention of cursed porn was just unphhhh.
Dean talking about loss and moving on was touching and Sam really looks like he needs more than a nap.
The episode stood on it’s own yet tied in to the series arc nicely. Looking forward to seeing Misha next week!
As usual great review. I love the way you express yourself . I loved this episode. You always have me smiling, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, ROFLMAS, as just as quickly sniffling, something getting in my eyes and they start to moisten up, then tears flowing freely, sobbing my heart out and dealing with a flood in the room, hollering NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Did you say something about loving angst – we are sick puppies to keep doing this to ourselves.
Dean coveting ballet slippers oh damn the image of Dean dancing in those is like Sam’s Luci singing Stairway to Heaven over and over Ouch! Poor Sam my heart is breaking and it’s just starting. Frank – better not be DEAD! Laugh at all the various endearments he comes up with for Dean. Not dead not dead. Another really gross episodes with delicious gore esp dancer dancing her feet off literally.
Cure cancer. Say What!!! Leviathans helping humans? Year right I got some nice land for sale in Florida if you buy that crap ๐ Wonderful brother moments. Had to laugh at opening scene with Dean and Sam at the river and see all the snow. I;m in Toronto we have had no snow & we are warmer than Vancouver. Hey show come to Toronto we have no rain here either and great film industry ๐ Episode A+ can’t wait till next week
Another great review. I love reading your write ups. Thanks for making me giggle and for all your obvious show love. It is infectious! ๐
Excellent article on an excellent episode! I’m so ready for the next one! Bring it on. Meg and Cas…together again…wonder if Cass will remember about the “pizza man”? ๐
Nice take on an episode that I was only lukewarm to, but it left me with two questions that I’ll be looking for between now and the end.
One was how Dean and Sam are interacting with each other, and I pretty much agree with your take on them. I think you are right in that they are working their way through being equal partners, and I like that aspect of their relationship. It does take the old emotional attachment away, but it is time that the little brother, big brother dependency was gone. The boys are too old for that. That old co-dependency has to be replaced with something, though, and I don’t think the dust has settled on that. I’m not sure that the writers will satisfactorily solve that issue for a lot of the fans, but I’m okay with where they are right now.
The other question, or issue, I’m looking at is the Levi. I think it was established early in the season, with the introduction of Dick Roman, that the Levi are an analogy for bad corporate America. With the curing of cancer twist in this episode, and the repeated ‘they are everywhere’ and now the ‘we’re here to help,’ I definitely felt that bad multi-national corporations vibe again. That leads me to wonder how satisfactorily the boys are going to be able to defeat the bad guys. Is there really a satisfactory answer to the ‘for the greater good’ question that SPN can give us? I’m interested to see how that political/philosophical question is going to be answered within the SPN-verse.
Oh my, oh my. What an episode. I thought it was all sorts of awesome. It started great and then only got better. I’m really enjoying this season and it’s rounding out beautifully. I’m just sorry to see Joyce go, I thought she’s was such a wonderfully evil boss, but I heard somewhere (probably on this site actually) that George will be back.
I don’t believe for a second that these Leviathans are here to help humanity, more like their own endgame. Maybe cancer is the only thing that can kill them permanently and they catch it as easily as the common cold, so by curing it they are saving themselves in the process…. I don’t know, just speculating. Like you, I’m looking forward to seeing what’s left of the season, but not anxious for it to end by no means.
I am so worried about Sam, he’s starting to look awful. Lucifer in his brain 24/7 is taking it’s toll on him. Can’t wait for next week’s episode to see what happens next.
Now, what about Frank? I kind of like the idea of the demons having him, Meg is returning also, so maybe his “abduction” has something to do with that.
Love the screen shot of Dean looking longingly at that pie, think we’ll ever see him enjoying a piece this season?
Love your reviews Sweetondean. I guess because I too am sweet on Dean. ๐
Worried about Sammy, hoping Frank survived, looking forward to Cas’s return as whoever and wishing for Crowley to help the boys gank the Bigmouths.
Enjoyed the episode and the old time feel of the curse boxes and the return of “Bad Moon Rising”. Wondering about George’s claim of curing cancer. Gotta be a clue there! ๐ฎ
Wasn’t his boss a bitchy witch? She was really a bigmouth to hate. Maybe her head will find its way back and we’ll see her again. The actress was excellent!
Love for Dean to get some pie and time to enjoy it sometime this season. ๐
Great episode and a great review. Thank you. I thought I read somewhere that the actor that plays George in this episode is also listed in the next episode and that made me think that Sam and Dean did not kill George. Hard for me to believe they wouldn’t but still… Did anyone else read that info? If they didn’t kill him then they may be able to use George to find out about Frank??Supernatural kills off and gives back life as needed. Very funny scenes with the ballet slippers and Dean. The tea pot just made me cringe-sort of like the kitchen sink food grinder and the fix it man in “Home”-scary and goose bumps. Loved the twists and turns-great writing and as usual great acting.
I don’t know about next week, but I’m fairly certain the casting sides indicated that they were casting the boss from Hell and her put upon assistant and that the assistant might be recurring, so George may well not be dead yet.
Yes I seem to recall reading something about George being a recurring character too.
I can only think of two things right now. The actions of Dick Roman would be the actions of the Antichrist and of course that made me think of the little antichrist they brought in already however long ago but they didn’t let him have a part in the apocalypse.
The second thing is War of the Worlds and the enemy is truly on the verge of annihilating mankind but in the end it was a common virus that brought the monsters down. Same thing here? Sounds like it will be.
I loved this episode for many reasons, just like I loved your review… There are certainly questions about what happens next? I loved the casting choice for Joyce, she kinda reminded me a bit of an older Liz Hurley with a touch of Cathy Bates about her! Delightful was her interaction with George! Bring on next week!
Just wanted to say how nice Sam and Dean look in their long coats when they are dressed as Feds. Very charming and they finally look warmer!
Also, I think that was apple pie Dean was gazing at in the episode. Any one else?
Did you notice, even in his long coat, Dean had his collar turned up! ๐
Great review! Yes, the leviathans are no friend of ours. And neither is George. The whole cancer curing bit is a way of placating humans into complacency and it has been done before. I can think of the 3 series that had episodes that mentioned ‘catering to human needs, give you power over them completelyรขโฌย, Twilight Zone, V, and the original Star Trek. I’m sure there are many more, but those popped into my head immediately.
Good review. I love the leviathans line in this ep too. Especially the Boss & the assistant relationship. A bid like Devil wear Prada. But hey, who can eat your boss? As for the honesty between the brothers, really blew me away. I was so sure Sam would keep it from Dean. What a happy surprise. Frank, not dead of course, it’s or else the little cliffhanger will be wasted.