Supernatural Bingo – “Out With The Old”
Winchesters and ballerinas. Ah, the possibilities. Throw in some bingo cards in that mix, and now we’re talking!
Below are this week’s bingo cards. You know the rules. Match five in a row, down, across or diagonal, or be really ambitious and try to fill a whole card. Play one card or play all five. If the episode is intense enough, saving the game for the rewatch is okay. Since this week’s episode involves a ballerina dancing herself to death, perhaps the bingo celebratory win dance can be put off for pure gloating.
All guesses are based on pure speculation from previews and don’t contain any secret intel. Have fun!

B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Dick and or Leviathans are referenced
Flashbacks are seen
A brother talks to Frank over the phone
Brothers seek outside help for information |
Sam gets grouchy due to lack of sleep
Brothers pretend to be FBI agents
Dean gets cursed with “Happy Feet”
Cursed artifacts/objects are discovered
Lucifer appears and messes with Sam’s head |
Sam collapses
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used
A Brother suffers thru a humiliating or awkward situation |
A spell is performed
A Brother has an emotional moment
Dean worries about Sam |
A death shown with mere blood splatter
An Antique shop is visited
Dean makes a movie/tv reference
Dean punches someone or something
Lucifer is referenced
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes
Research is done on a laptop
Brothers stay at a Motel
Coffee is drank
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Research is done on a laptop
Brothers seek outside help for information |
Coffee is drank
Sam collapses
Dean worries about Sam |
Flashbacks are seen
Lucifer is referenced
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes
Brothers pretend to be FBI agents
Dick and or Leviathans are referenced |
A brother talks to Frank over the phone
Dean punches someone or something
A Brother suffers thru a humiliating or awkward situation |
Dean gets cursed with “Happy Feet” |
A spell is performed |
Dean makes a movie/tv reference
Sam gets grouchy due to lack of sleep |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used
Cursed artifacts/objects are discovered
Brother’s stay at a Motel
Lucifer appears and messes with Sam’s head |
A death shown with mere blood splatter
An Antique shop is visited
A Brother has an emotional moment
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
A death shown with mere blood splatter
Sam collapses
A Brother has an emotional moment
Dick and or Leviathans are referenced |
A spell is performed |
Brothers seek outside help for information |
Brothers stay at a Motel
Lucifer appears and messes with Sam’s head |
Flashbacks are seen
Research is done on a laptop
Coffee is drank
Cursed artifacts/objects are discovered
Dean punches someone or something
Lucifer is referenced
A Brother suffers thru a humiliating or awkward situation |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used
Dean worries about Sam |
A brother talks to Frank over the phone
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes
An Antique shop is visited
Brothers pretend to be FBI agents
Dean makes a movie/tv reference
Sam gets grouchy due to lack of sleep
Dean gets cursed with “Happy Feet”
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Dean makes a movie/tv reference
Dick and or Leviathans are referenced |
Dean gets cursed with “Happy Feet” |
Research is done on a laptop
A Brother suffers thru a humiliating or awkward situation |
Sam collapses
An Antique shop is visited
Brothers pretend to be FBI agents
Brothers seek outside help for information |
A death shown with mere blood splatter
A Brother has an emotional moment
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes
Cursed artifacts/objects are discovered
Brothers stay at a Motel
Dean punches someone or something
A brother talks to Frank over the phone
A spell is performed |
Coffee is drank
Lucifer appears and messes with Sam’s head |
Sam gets grouchy due to lack of sleep |
Flashbacks are seen
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used
Dean worries about Sam |
Lucifer is referenced
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used
Research is done on a laptop
Lucifer is referenced
A death shown with mere blood splatter
Dean punches someone or something
Dick and or Leviathans are referenced |
Sam gets grouchy due to lack of sleep
Flashbacks are seen
Sam collapses
Dean makes a movie/tv reference
Dean gets cursed with “Happy Feet” |
Lucifer appears and messes with Sam’s head |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes
An Antique shop is visited
Cursed artifacts/objects are discovered
Coffee is drank
A Brother suffers thru a humiliating or awkward situation |
A Brother has an emotional moment
Brothers pretend to be FBI agents
Dean worries about Sam |
Brothers seek outside help for information |
A brother talks to Frank over the phone
A spell is performed |
Brothers stay at a Motel
Here’s the .pdf attachment so you can print these out and have them right in front of you come showtime.
Supernatural Bingo – Out With The Old
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