One Crazy Awesome Sunday With The J’s – Part 3 – Jensen Ackles Meet and Greet
One Crazy Awesome Sunday with the Js – Part 3 – Jensen!
By sweetondean
*all photos used are by me
(For part one of sweetondean’s report, go here: Â
For part two, go here: Â
So yeah. I pretty much fly around the world…well over the Pacific…just for this guy. I don’t even remember how it started. Well, I guess it started with Dean and blossomed into Jensen. The more I found out about him, the more I dug him. Of course now, I’ve met him a few times and each time seems more awesome than the last.Â
Once again, I had a really good photo op experience with him. This time, I was surprisingly lucid! Jensen was in incredibly high spirits. Maybe it was the birthday party the night before, maybe it was just being home in LA. I don’t know, but he was obviously feeling good and he was looking fine! So, to say I was excited about my meet and greet with Jensen at Burcon would be, well, an understatement would be an understatement!
Jensen’s Meet and Greet…Or 30 minutes in Heaven.
I had front row for Jared’s meet and greet, but unfortunately for Jensen, I was in the back. Hazel sacrificed her 2nd row seat to come and sit next to me. It was her AMOK act for the day. We’re a little joined at the hip at these things so I was very happy she did. I managed to orchestrate a moving of the seats. I suggested we squish the rows up, anything to get closer to the man, and everyone did. I then sort of sat/knelt on my chair to get a bit of height and waited!
I love the way Jensen moves. There I said it. He has a way to his stride that feels very familiar, amongst other things. Maybe it’s those bandy legs of his. So when he came into the room…striding….I was all sixes and sevens. I so dig being this close to him. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to him just coming in and saying “Hi” all friendly and relaxed and then recognising a bunch of us. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to sitting with him in this kind of situation, in this little room, with him right there. Never, ever. Which is kind of nice right? It’s almost too much for my Jensen lovin’ heart to cope with. Plus he was looking particularly spectacular in a soft, black, wool hoodie and scruffy jeans, with a bit of scruffy stubble….yup…..
One of the things I really love, well one of the million things I really love, about Jensen, is his listening face. That’s what I call it. He has this expression. He really concentrates when you speak to him. He leans right forward in his chair, one eyebrow arched, as he listens intently to what you have to say. Then he sits back, has a think and then answers, zeroing right in on you, holding eye contact while he thoughtfully responds to your, probably months in the making, question. It’s amazing, it makes you feel special, it makes you feel like he’s interested in talking to you, like he’s enjoying interacting with you and, well, it’s completely discombobulating!
Anyhoo, the first thing Jensen said was, what was with the separate buildings? He joked that they needed a tram to get everyone back and forth. He wasn’t kidding. It was like a mini marathon every time you had to go from one place to the next! It was funny that he mentioned it. I mean he had to go from the photo room at the back of the other building all the way over to another wing for the meet and greet and then back again for the panel! I wish I’d seen that, him being walked past the fans with that ridiculous caricature of a security guard that was with him the whole time (not Clif, some man mountain who never took off is sunnies and looked like he came straight out of a box from the cliche security guard store), but I was sitting in a small room waiting for him to arrive, with baited breath, so I missed that particular circus!
He rocked up with a friend called Chris who sat in on the meet and greet to “Audit the class” as Jensen put it. From something Jensen said later I got the sense that he was a pal from high school. I wonder what on earth he thought of the 19 women and 1 man hanging on every word his buddy had to say! Weirdness I’m sure.
Right of the bat we heard how Jensen found the shooting of Bobby shocking. He was busting to read the follow up script to “How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters”. Usually the scripts are emailed to him, but not this time. The script for “Death’s Door” was hand delivered. Because of that, he knew something was up and it must be big. It wasn’t a complete surprise as he and Jared had been given a heads up, but he was still blown away by it. And though I get the distinct feeling neither of the guys are at all keen on the killing of Bobby storyline, they both admit that “Death’s Door” was an amazing episode, their favourite in fact.
I got to ask Jensen a question. Having been in the Chicago meet and greet and hearing how he sometimes has to ‘Deanify’, as I like to put it, dialogue, I wondered if he ever had to tackle anything in the script, around an action or plot point, that just didn’t feel right and how he dealt with that. He said, yes sometimes an action but rarely a storyline or plot point. More often than not it’s simply just a tweak to the dialogue to make the script sound true to Dean. He spoke again about how they have one outside writer a season submit a script. He asked his buddy Chris about this, as apparently, Chris is a writer. Chris didn’t know. Jensen chastised him. We all grinned like idiots. He then spoke again about the scene where Sam finds out that Dean killed Amy, and how it sounded like a rom-com until they rewrote it while sitting in the makeup trailer and he said Amy…while looking right at me. Amy. That’s me. Amy! I think my heart shot out of my mouth! Yes, I’m that ridiculous….
One of my favourite moments was Jensen’s Bob Singer impersonation. Bob seems to talk to Jensen in some kind of, mumbling, body language, arm-waving code. He basically just has to shrug his shoulders and make an “Ermmmmm” sound, put his hands in the air and walk away and Jensen has it! It means, slow it down, make it longer, or do something different. Jensen got up and acted the whole thing out complete with crazy arm movements and funny faces. Bless.
Like Jared, he also talked about hitting the reset button. He wants to get “the band back together” as he put it. He wants all the old characters back, the dead ones. He also said he didn’t think they’d be listened to because they’re the actors not the writers. But I thought it was really interesting that they both want this. I don’t think it’s necessarily that they don’t like the direction of the season, because both commented on the old school vibe of season seven, which they both like, but I think it’s more as actors, having an ensemble to work off is more rewarding than just having the two of them and as Jensen said, this far into the series, really, they’re making the show for us now, they’re not going to get a slew of new viewers, so if the fans want people back, that should happen. I love that they think they’re making the show for us. It makes me appreciate everything they do, all those long hours away from home, even more. I have to say I don’t mind the reset concept, but not the lose a whole season, disregard what the brothers, but more importantly we, have invested and gone through over the last year or more and just throw it in the trash concept. Uh-ah. Not like! Seems like a jip to me. But I know many people do like the idea. Having said that, I would love to see the band get back together. I would love to see some of my favourite dead guys and gals come back. But if they do it, it better be perfection, s’all I’m saying. I didn’t say any of this to Jensen of course. That would have required me to be coherent!
One thing to look forward to, the Air Supply, All Out Of Love scene in “Slash Fiction” has an extended version that’ll hopefully make the gag real. The song was in the script but then they took it out because it was too expensive. But John Showalter thought they should do it anyway. So in true Jensen style, he went for it. They did the whole song and John said, “You just cost Warner Bros 20 grand” because he knew there was no way they couldn’t use it once they saw it. Personally, that was one of the highlights of the season for me! I loved the moment…when Dean turns, closes his eyes, scrunches up his nose and nods his head to the beat….gold. I can’t wait to see the long version! Jensen can be a huge goof.
Hazel asked a question. She asked if post Supernatural, is there was anything he wouldn’t do. Like, if there was a role that was morally opposed to his beliefs or if there was a line that he wouldn’t cross. He was beautiful about it. He said his grandmother once said to him about acting that it’s in here – points to his head – not in here – points to his heart. So for him, there is an intellectual separation between the content and his personal beliefs. But yes, there are lines he will not cross. He didn’t share what they were. Not that I expected him to. It’s funny, Hazel and I discussed this question and both said, he won’t tell us what that line is. I like that about Jensen. I like that level of privacy.
Someone else commented to him about how amazing the end of “Adventures In Babysitting” was, with the fake smiling. He talked about how that was in the script and sometimes that makes him nervous, when a reaction is actually written into the script like that. He’s worried that he’s reading it right, that he’s doing what the writer wanted. But the fan that asked the question said it was amazing. Jensen thanked her. I wanted to tell him, I barely know a single soul who can get through that scene without bursting into tears. But I couldn’t get my brain and my mouth to connect quickly enough. Blame it on the Jensen effect. Jensenated. Totally.
He also talked, once again, about how his music taste is very much like Dean. He loves classic rock. Add a bit of blues and a bit of country and you have Jensen. He turned to his friend Chris and said how he’d been like that since high school right? Chris smiled and nodded. Poor Chris. Honestly…what on earth must he have thought? He looked like he was enjoying it though, but I wonder if it was an eye opener for him, to see his pal in the light of adulation.
There was also a question about his best and worst working experiences. His best of course is “Supernatural”. He said it was the best thing that every happened to him. That he’d made life long friendships and that the crew was like family. The worst was “Devour”. He suggested we don’t watch it…we all shuffled uncomfortably, because obviously, we’ve all watched it! He said that the movie was rewritten as they were making it, so the movie he signed on for was not the movie that came out. I found myself wondering if that chair scene was in the original script or not. You all know what I’m talking about. Do not pretend for a minute you don’t! Anyway, Jensen said he still couldn’t figure out what the Hell the end meant. I have to agree with him, I have no clue either! He also said that “Ten Inch Hero” held a special place in his heart, because that was where him and Danneel fell in love. Nawwww.
I can’t remember what the question was, but Jensen ended up talking about when Supernatural ends. He said he’s looking forward to getting back to his life. To seeing his wife again, to going and spending some time with his family in Dallas, to being able to hang out with friends. He said he’s not there yet, he still loves the show and doing the show, but he can feel it’s coming and he can feel that he’s going to want to move on and have a change, just not yet. This is what I was saying in the Jared report when he discussed 8 and a possible truncated 9. I got the distinct feeling they’ve got a vision for the next couple of years. We know that they’re all for one and one for all, so I guess maybe they’ve discussed it. I must admit I found it a tad confronting. But realistically, we all know it has to end in the next couple of years and we all know that this, brilliantly talented pair have to move on eventually. Of course we will follow them! They can’t get rid of us that easy! At the end of Jensen discussing this subject, me being the smartarse I am, said “But what if after Supernatural you got offered the most an amazing opportunity on an amazing show, and it shot in Vancouver?” He looked at me and said he’d knock it back. If it was in LA yes, but he’s done with working away from home…
I saw him do a little nod so I knew the whole thing was coming to an end. Hazel rounded it out with a question about the giant slinky, did he really love it as much as it looked like he did? He laughed out loud. I gotta say, Hazel was beyond stoked that she made him laugh like that! No, he wasn’t in love with the slinky…he was acting. Well, yeah, we knew that, but it was fun to see you bust out a laugh Mr. Ackles.
And it was over. He got up and thanked us for coming. He said it’d been a pleasure to talk to us and I believed him. Jensen puts so much thought into his answers. I love how thoughtful he is. He’s respectful and conscious of giving us all the time we need. He makes sure he gets to everyone who has a question. Man, I can’t even….Â
Then he strode out of the room and I knew I’d have a long, long wait until I got this opportunity again. But I also knew that I would definitely have this opportunity again, because like I said in part 1 of this longer than long report, I just can’t see me ever giving up the opportunity to sit in a small room with him. I just can’t. Jensen’s meet and greet is the cherry on a huge pile of delicious convention ice cream and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
That’s it! I guess if you didn’t know before how much of a Jensen fan I am, you sure do now!
I hope you enjoyed my reports. Thanks so much for reading. See you next time.
(For part one of sweetondean’s report, go here: Â
For part two, go here: Â
Awesome, Amy. Just awesome. I don’t expect to ever get a chance to go to one of these conventions, but I sure feel like I know a lot from the reports that have come out. And your pictures are golden. (And yeah. I know the chair scene because of course I saw Devour and who cares what happened! It was just a pleasure watching Jensen.)
Thanks for sharing!
I know others love Jensen/Dean but I must say you might have me beat! Thank ;you for sharing! That was wonderful. I think I smiled through the whole thing! 🙂
Thanks for these wonderful reports! I love that you & Alice & others take the time to write up these con reports!
I’ll probably never get to do a meet & great (just not in the budget!), so I am very happy to find out what fun you had with these, and to get the extra info you learned about our guys!
If you’re going to Chicago, I hope to meet you there. I’m bringing 2 friends who have never been to any con before, & I cannot wait for them to experience it & meet new friends!
I’m sure information about voting for Supernatural in the 2012 TV Guide Favorites contest must be on this site somewhere, but I don’t see it. Consequently, thought I would add the following link to the voting site and say the voting ends on March 16th.
I may be slow, but I haven’t found where you can vote. I need a link.
Ginger, you have to like their page on FB first in order to vote.
Thanks for the reminder, Keridwen. I voted last week but you can clearly do it more than once, which I did.
Wow! Thank you so much!
I love Jensen/Dean but you just make me love him even more. What an awesomely truly nice guy he is!
And I wish that the show would never end. (It won’t for me as I will have all the dvds. 😛 )
And I know what the chair scene is all about. Mmmmmm-m! Poor guy! He must know we’ve all watched it. :-*
I really enjoyed all your write ups! Thanks for capturing the flavour of the meet and greet.
I can understand why Jensen would like to work closer to home next time–8 (possibly 9!) years away from your home base is a LONG time. He probably had no idea when he signed up he would essentially be moving to Vancouver for close to a decade. Vancouver’s a lovely city, but boy does Jensen put in a lot of airmiles.
I have to say I’m not thrilled at the reset idea. I adore so many characters who have been killed off, but that’s the story so far and if any come back, that needs to be explained by the story and explained well. Particularly since the death episodes tend to be great. I don’t want to have to dismiss the emotional impact of Ellen, Jo or Bobby’s deaths. If they come back, they have to come back with an episode as wonderful as the one that killed them.
I think the Supernatural writers are bringing Castiel back in a way I think works better than a reset: find a way he fits into the present story line and support his re-entry logically. I’d love them to figure out a way to do this for Bobby, so his death episode remains powerful, but we get him back as a valuable relationship for the boys. I think the writers can do it.
Jensen has already been working away from home for 10 years now. Two years in Vancouver before Supernatural for Dark Angel and Smallville, and one year in North Carolina for Dawson’s Creek. So yeah, I can understand too even if I don’t want the show to ever end. They could film it in L.A. There have to be monsters in sunny states too. 😉
Yes;but he also has the means to fly home every weekend,they often have long weekends, and they get a long time off in the summer.
I’m loving the Butch and Sundance theme of season 7 but would really like characters to be brought back for season 8 without a this-year-never-happened reset. They have ways of bringing people back from the dead, it’s not like they haven’t done it before, lol! Just resurrect Bobby already.
Thanks so much for sharing this Amy. I’ll never get to go to one of these, so it’s really nice I at least get to experience it vicariously.
It is such a treat to read your comments! Coining terms like: “Deanify” and “Jensenated” absolutely resonates with me. I love the fact that you explain seemingly insignificant details like the way he walks, or how he looks while listening to questions. It is details like that which allow those of us not privileged to be there to really “feel” as though we are in the room with you. Your obvious enthusiasm spills out of this report and is SO infectious! A very big “thank you” for sharing your experience with all of us.
I feel as though I have been “Jensenated”! ; )
Thank you so much for writing these reports. I feel like I was almost there with you. Wonderful job.
“I loved the moment…when Dean turns, closes his eyes, scrunches up his nose and nods his head to the beat….gold.”
Yes! THAT is the part that made me crack up laughing. Can’t wait for the gag reel. This season’s is going to be the best ever.
Even though I know it has to come, it’s so sad to think about the ending of SPN in a year or two. At least it’s not like Smallville that got dragged out so poorly. I can safely say that I think SPN will have a sufficient ending we can enjoy. I don’t think J2 or the rest of the SPN staff would let it happen otherwise.
Thanks again for the write-ups!
Great writing. Makes me feel like I was there with you guys (which, unfortunately, I may never be).
Love how you captured the atmosphere and Jensen all over more than the question themselves. Thanks for sharing.
This makes me want to have a meet and greet with Jensen. He and Jim Beaver are the only major cast members I haven’t met yet. I am fascinated by how calculated and conscientious he really is. He really thinks about his job and he gives it his all—and when it comes time to interact with his fans, he does it with poise and care. I like that.
Let’s hope we do get those last two seasons!
You know what, poise is absolutely the perfect word.
I now have a new favorite word, Jensenated. That any of us should be so lucky as to experience it live. The pics were absolutely gorgeous and really reflected different facets of Jensen that you commented on. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for sharing these Amy. I probably will never make it to one of these cons, let alone a meet and greet, but your reportage is so great, it almost feels like I was sitting there with you all. And I am definitely stealing the term Jensenated! You should trademark that right now.
I have followed Jensen’s career for a long time now, and as sad as I will be to see SPN go, I will be looking forward to his future projects. Let’s hope Hollywood comes knocking. I’d love to see him in a big popular movie. Same goes for Jared. These two guys have paid their dues and then some.
Agreed, Sylvie. The only thing that keeps me thinking that I WILL survive the conclusion of Supernatural is knowing that Jensen has got a future in movies and while I do not do it for anyone else – ever – I will be in the opening day audience for anything he does. Oh wait. I did do it for the husband of a friend of mine when his movie came out, but that’s it! His and Jensen’s and no one else! 😀
Me too…what ever he does, I will be there supporting, opening day, front and centre! He’s stuck with me! 😆
“And it was over. He got up and thanked us for coming. He said it’d been a pleasure to talk to us and I believed him. Jensen puts so much thought into his answers. I love how thoughtful he is. He’s respectful and conscious of giving us all the time we need. He makes sure he gets to everyone who has a question. Man, I can’t even…. “
I think I may love him so much because of this; and because of how incredibly REAL! he seems to be when he interacts with the fandom. Love that about him. Thanks so much for sharing your up-close and personal experience with him, with us. 🙂
I wish to god that I could go. Being a 14 year old girl, I don’t have any transportation or funding for these, so all I can do is watch Supernatural and pray that I run into them on the streets of Prescott, az. *Sigh* It sounds like you had a more than amazing time, and I wish I could go. Or, actually, just meet them, just so I could say I had an intelligent conversation with the two most amazing men in the world.
I wonder if they think it’s weird, the dedication we have to them. Or if it’s just flattering. Because I understand that they know they’re celebrities, but some fans know some creepy stuff. I don’t know much about either, honestly, and I’ve never seen anything they’ve been in (With the exception of Friday the 13th) other than Supernatural, and I honest to god know hardly anything about them, and I’m not wanting to find out. I think everybody deserves privacy to a certain level, and these guys just don’t seem to get that.
I don’t think they think it’s weird. They say they appreciate it. They say they are thankful for the support because they know a lot of their success, the longevity of the show and all it gives them can be partially attributed to the fans devotion and continued support. And I believe them. They are gracious in their accepting and appreciation of this. I’m sure they are flattered. I’m sure they occasionally have fan experiences that come across as weird, but for the most part I think they see this interaction as positive. These two men are so gracious and generous. If they didn’t want this fan interaction they wouldn’t do it.
As for privacy, the fans only know what is out there. Jensen, particularly is a very private person and he keeps a lot close to the cuff, we only know what he allows us to know and for the most part, the fans respect that.
I think you also have to remember that part of the inherent nature of an actor is to WANT attention. They may not want it to the extent that some endure, but they want to be before people and you have to be willing to be a little vulnerable when you do that. But if you don’t want to share something with the world, that’s your right even in a public profession like this and you can certainly keep it to yourself, and hopefully you are surrounded by trustworthy people who help protect your privacy too, which Jensen seems to be.
It makes mesd JA is now talking like he soon wants to end the show, in the beginning of the season at a con he was asked by some fans if they woudl ask him back for an 8th he would do it and he said yes they kept asking however and he kept saying yes and then added you know Smallville had 10 seasons.Wonder what changed their mood again although I am already grateful if they do not make the 8th the definite last.I´can´t say I would care for movies with them, I mean their acting is so great of course but I just didn´t like the ones I saw cause of well plot etc. I just love the whole show so much and the characters Dean/Sam/Cas.
Well 10 Inch Hero is something I would have watched if Jensen were in it or not. But sometimes the plot of a movie has nothing to do with why a person sees it. And really, I wonder, if Jared and Jensen weren’t in Supernatural would it really be as far along as it is? The actor sometimes makes the show or movie and you can appreciate them without liking the project overall. Jensen is a good actor. I’m not willing to go that far with Jared, but he’s a sweet guy, that’s for sure and I will pay attention to his career too after it’s all over, just out of curiosity. And by the way, I saw House of Wax before I knew who he was and I recall thinking it was “eh” but it had its moments. I wonder what I would think now.
I respect that you love Jensen, but come on, Show some Jared love. 😉 I forgot about the fact that they WANTED to be actors, so now that I think of it they got probably more than they asked for, which I’m really grateful for for them.
I’m definitely gonna keep up with Jared more than Jensen when the show’s over. He’s been my favorite for years now and I can’t wait to see what life has in store for both of them!!!
Oh believe you me. Sam? With Madison? That got me looking at him in a WHOLE NEW way. lol! And I love how he did the Soulless Sam stuff. Trust me. Jared got a new level of appreciation from me and he entertains me on Twitter as well. He’s quick. I like that.
Definitely. The main reason why I’m a Sam girl is because of Jared’s personality. (Not to mention that hair lol) He’s so funny and he seems like such a genuinely sweet person. I don’t know why but I haven’t really gotten that vibe from Jensen. I definitely love both though, don’t get me wrong!! 🙂
Eh. No worries, Evie. Everyone is entitled to come down on any side they want to here or no side at all. Have you checked out any of the videos here or on YouTube of these guys at past conventions and PaleyFest? You pick up a lot there and that may just sway you a bit to seeing why both these guys and others in the cast are so beloved. From a Deangirl to a Samgirl, if you haven’t already watched a ton of these, I think you may just be pleasantly surprised. 😉
[quote]I respect that you love Jensen, but come on, Show some Jared love. ;)[/quote]
I think everyone is entitled to love whoever they want to but it seems very hypocritical for you to admonish someone for their love of Jensen when YOU go on to say things like this in CRITICISM of Jensen:
[quote]The main reason why I’m a Sam girl is because of Jared’s personality. (Not to mention that hair lol) He’s so funny and he seems like such a genuinely sweet person. I don’t know why but I haven’t really gotten that vibe from Jensen. [/quote]
… especially when the person you replied to didn’t say a single bad word about Jared!
Oh and personally I think Jensen seems like a [i]genuinely sweet person[/i] AS WELL as Jared. It’s too bad you had to bring your negativity (and Jensen vs. Jared crap) to such a wonderful report about Jensen.
Whiskey, I’m issuing a warning. This was uncalled for. You think Evie was being negative? What you just did here was ten times worse.
I allow all sort of opinions here, but come on, you took way too much offense here. Evie didn’t mean anything bad. This is being way too oversensitive and we do not attack other posters like this here. It’s disrespectful. If you read our rules, it’s a violation of them.
The rules: [url][/url]
I know I take a lot of criticism for moderating posts, and anytime I take on Jared vs. Jensen I get either one side or the other accusing me of being “biased” but from day one our policy always has been allowing people to say their opinions and not get harshly blasted for them. We like to behave like adults here.
Evie’s opinion may be unpopular, but if you have objection, phrase it in a way that’s not so awful. The next comment like this will get edited.
I’m sorry if I offended you in any way Whiskey, I love Jensen as well as Jared and both I think are genuinely sweet but I would like to point out that I didn’t say anything negative about Jensen. Like I said, I don’t know why I haven’t gotten that vibe from Jensen. I’m sure my point of view on both will change if I meet them in person, I just haven’t gotten the chance. 🙂
Thank you Alice for defending me here! I ABSOLUTELY did not mean anything bad about Jensen. I believe that you can’t be a genuine fan of the show without love for both stars, but I also believe that everybody is entitled to their opinion. I’m sorry if I caused any trouble here, I didn’t mean to cause any friction.
That is just way too harsh. I don’t think she meant any disrespect to Jensen by saying she prefers Jared. I didn’t sense any negativity whatsoever to her post.
Jensen specifically said that he’s not at the point where he’s ready to move on. He said he’s still loving the show and is very excited for season 8 and was hopeful for a 9. I think they are both just being realistic. At this stage of a show, you have to start looking at your future. If it’s got 1, 2 or even 3 years left, they have to be looking forward. Also, this isn’t the first time he’s spoken longingly about getting his life back. He’s had 4 series now that have shot away from LA. The travel back and forth must be very draining. He has a wife, they want a family, all that must be ticking away in his and Jared’s minds. I love how honest Jensen is in these M&G. He’s very open with the fans and I respect that. We might want to hear that he wants to do the show for the rest of his life, but we know, because he’s said it before, thats just not the case. Jensen is very serious about his craft, I’m sure he’s excited about the possibility of stretching his talents with other projects in the future and I’m excited by the possibility of continuing to watch him do that.
I think he SHOULD be thinking about leaving if the showrunner and writers of Supernatural continue to keep him in the altogether too restrictive role of Sam’s caretaker and little else, that they’ve predominantly kept him in since the end of S5. He’s too talented to be so confined in such a limited role, IMO. Good for him for thinking about moving on-ESPECIALLY if there’s nothing better for Dean on the horizon-as awesome of an actor as he is, I’d be disappointed if he WASN’T thinking about moving on, if that were the case. That being said, I’m hopeful that we’ll be getting a better, more supernatural-type storyline for Dean in S8, after we get some kind of movement(Please writers!) on Dean’s series-long “soul-searching” storyline as we enter the home-stretch of S7.
He in no way at any time said anything about being dissatisfied with the show or the writing. I repeat, he said he’s still loving the show and enjoying making it, they just know that it’s coming to an end in the next couple of years.
For you Shelby, and anyone else that wants to jump on the “Jensen deserves better” bandwagon, I’m going to share a story that someone who knows Jared and Jensen well told me at Burbank con. That person shall remain nameless, but trust me, they are legit.
Both Jared and Jensen are very tight with Tom Welling. They are close friends. Tom Welling told them that after ten years of Smallville, he’s financially set for life. He can choose any project he wants at this point. No, he’s not getting major motion picture offers, but he’s got producing options, he can do independent projects, plays, all sorts of things. He has that luxury. He’s enjoying taking it easy for a change.
Jared and Jensen are fully aware this is them when Supernatural ends. They are perfectly okay with it. They may choose to pursue other acting projects, Jensen may choose to direct, they might take a long time off to be with their families, irregardless, Supernatural after its run will take care of them financially for the rest of their lives.
In the meantime, they love the crew and think of them as family. They are a very very close bunch up there in Vancouver. Jared and Jensen aren’t going to quit until everyone is ready. They won’t abandon that crew and leave them high and dry. As with any aging show, there is a reality that the upcoming season could be your last. That’s just the way it is. Jared and Jensen will go on if everyone wants it, and will stop if everyone wants it. They are okay either way.
At this point, I can well believe that both are staying for the reasons this nameless source of yours claims that they are, alice; but IMO, the roles and auditions(and these being only the ones that we know of)that they’ve had to pass on because of the show, must give them pause and have them reflecting on things, at times-after all, it would only be human-and IMO, the quality of the writing on the show has declined so drastically since S5, that perhaps Jensen, feeling the show and his character has been very affected by it(I’m sure he knows what’s going on on the boards, even if he doesn’t read them) has noticed and might think so, too-even though he would never , ever come right out and say it. All I was trying to say was that if he is thinking a little more about the show ending-and yes, possibly even looking forward to it some, I can well understand the many reasons why that might be so-and as a fan who’s felt that(strictly from an acting standpoint), Jensen outgrew this show after S4-I am glad and hopeful to hear that he’s beginning to discuss it ending and what he’d be looking for next; and this even with the full knowledge that nothing is guaranteed for him, afterwards-and for the record, it’s my opinion, even if you want to label it as just a part of some “bandwagon”.
Again, this piece was terrific, sweetondean. Big thanks for it.
You are right Shelby. The “bandwagon” thing was for future trouble makers. I wanted to head off controversy at the pass. Your opinion was fine, but I wanted you also to know that story.
I also staunchly believe (as does other fans) that Jared and Jensen couldn’t be happier that Supernatural has come into their lives. It’s way more than any actor could hope for. Good writing or bad (and I so agree it’s bad at times) it’s still work for the best fans with a crew they consider family. I don’t know if you’ve been to a con, but this is the only contact Jared and Jensen have with fans and it’s overwhelmingly 100% positive. That’s why they do them.
Okay, I’ll stop now. Continue everyone.
Thank you for your terrific reports!
[i]One of the things I really love, well one of the million things I really love, about Jensen, is his listening face. That’s what I call it. He has this expression. He really concentrates when you speak to him. He leans right forward in his chair, one eyebrow arched, as he listens intently to what you have to say. Then he sits back, has a think and then answers, zeroing right in on you, holding eye contact while he thoughtfully responds to your, probably months in the making, question. It’s amazing, it makes you feel special, it makes you feel like he’s interested in talking to you, like he’s enjoying interacting with you and, well, it’s completely discombobulating![/i]
Aw, that’s so nice!
Thank you so much for your lovely report. I’ve met Jensen a couple of times at cons and he is an absolute sweetheart. He’s very kind and gracious, and he seems so well-grounded for a “celebrity”.
I’m happy that he’s [i]happy[/i] to be continuing with the show for as long as the fates will allow.
Awesome report! Jensen is the reason I became a fan of SPN and the reason I still watch. His Dean is the heart & soul of the show and as long as Jensen / Dean is on the show, I’ll keep watching!
Thank you Jensen for being a great and talented guy. 🙂