Supernatural Nashcon 2012: Day One Report
Here I am, still marveling how I ended up back here in Nashville, Tennessee. I didn’t think I’d make it to this weekend’s Salute to Supernatural initially. After all, the con was moved from a weather and family friendly early June to the worst possible weekend in February, Super Bowl Weekend. Come Tuesday though, it looked like the weather would be spring like, there were plenty of tickets left, and I found a great deal at a nearby hotel. Couple that with the fact that I missed out on last year’s fun thanks to illness and Creation announced this would be the last con in Nashville, and all that was left on my part was a six and a half hour drive, a drop in the bucket for me.
So far, Nashcon has been enjoyable. It’s been very low key I’ll admit, but considering most cons are circuses I’ll take low key. The guests have been fun, the fans seem to be enjoying themselves, and best of all, it’s freaking February 4th and I’m not knee deep in snow. It’s all good!
So here’s a somewhat jumbled report based on all the fun that’s been had since last night’s Karaoke Party and today’s panels involving Rob Benedict (Chuck), Kim Rhodes (Sheriff Jody Mills), Gabriel Tigerman (Andy), Matt Cohen (young John Winchester), Richard Speight Jr. (Gabriel/The Trickster), Sebastian Roche (Balthazar), and Misha Collins (Castiel).
Fun With T-Shirts
This should go along the line of “what happen’s at karaoke stays at karaoke,” but hey, since it spilled into Saturday’s panels, I’ll bring it up.
The fun thing about these cons, even for someone like me who’s been to a ton of them, is some cons run some sort of gimmick or theme that ends up defining that con. For example, last year’s con in Vancouver was all about the ducks, and that theme was twisted perhaps way more in the perverted direction that most would have figured.
At Nashcon, it’s all about t-shirts. As in if you want to sell a bunch of t-shirts you need a gimmick. Lucky for a room full of hormonal women, all that’s needed is one very well ripped young man to get the ball rolling.
Yes, that’s Matt Cohen, who somehow got into the idea that the best way to sell Dick and Matt Karaoke t-shirts was to allow any woman to buy the shirt off Matt’s back. All anyone had to do was give him $30. Oh yes, women were waving $30 at Matt all weekend like they were stuffing dollar bills in a g-string. As a result, Matt Cohen spent a lot of his con time taking off his shirt and putting a new one on for sale. Turns out Matt is very ripped! The ladies were eating it up.
Misha Collins decided to run with a t-shirt theme too, offering a t-shirt to the person with the best question at his panel. He even got his own model for the shirt, one very willing Sebastian Roche. Sadly, Sebastian didn’t follow Matt’s lead and go all shirtless, but it got everyone’s attention! Especially when Sebastian went for the “it’s covered in my sweat” angle. Sorry, but I like Matt’s tactics better! Misha did at least have fun undressing Sebastian.
(Photo courtesy of Winchester Bros)
The Impala Is In The House!
Remember the report I ran last week about a fan who rebuilt a 1967 Chevy Impala to look just like Dean’s baby? How it was going to be on display at Nashcon? It’s here and whoa, he did a freaking amazing job. It’s like I’m looking at the real thing. I took some photos and yes, it looks WAY better in person. I’m so in love.
Kim Rhodes Plays The Only Female Card Well
If you notice from the guest list, only one female made it this time. Kim Rhodes, Sheriff Jody Mills, was on the stage with Rob Benedict and Gabriel Tigerman. She played being the only woman very well. Like when they were asked by a fan what their best on screen kiss was. When Gabriel Tigerman said he never had one, Kim proceeded to give him a big huge one right there. Later when Rob Benedict was in a similar situation, she did that same with him as well! She was definitely loving this con!
As far as the kiss comment, she brought up having to kiss Jim Beaver over and over again. “It didn’t suck,” she said. She was in awe over her time with Jim and was very upset to find Bobby was killed off. She got pretty emotional talking about the scenes with him in “Slash Fiction.” In that final scene between them when there was that long pause of them staring at one another, she was surprised they kept it in the final edit. She was glad though, because it was so beautiful. Then Jim leaned over and softly kissed her on the cheek. That was all him.
Kim also revealed that it was made very very clear in the script for “Time After Time” that there was to be no sexual tension whatsoever between Jody and Sam. That’s why she had to use her mom voice! She said that if there was any traces of sexual tension there, it’s because Jared is so damned hot she couldn’t avoid it.
This is my favorite comment from her though. “There needs to be more estrogen on this show.” Amen to that!
Play God Once and You Can Never Let People Forget It
The first thing I can say about Rob Benedict is that I’m very looking forward to seeing my first Louden Swain concert at Salute To Supernatural in LA next month. His rendition of “My Sharona” at Karaoke was quite inspired!
Here’s a tweet of mine after Rob was asked a question in the panel: @RobBenedict can’t think of an answer to the question because he “karaoked his balls off last night.” He most certainly did!
Someone did ask him where he thought Chuck went. I did love this answer. He thinks Chuck went up to Heaven. It was Kripke’s goodbye, so Chuck had to go too.
Pumpkin Underwear Continues To Make A Fashion Statement
Once again, Richard Speight Jr. brought up the infamous story of the pumpkin colored underwear. Even though I’ve heard the story many times, several in the crowd were hearing it for the first time and it was a great story. If you haven’t heard the story, here’s my report when it was first told at Chicon.
Check out a few of my tweets describing the underwear insanity:
“It’s good for you guys to know that Misha does use your gifts.” @mishacollins must model that pumpkin underwear on stage.”
“Now a fan is offered $100 for the pumpkin colored underwear! @mishacollins didn’t take the bait. 🙁 “
“When asked about his wardrobe during his panel, Misha claimed “I’m down to only orange underwear at this point.” Then he showed us! It was a quick flash, but wow!”
Sebastian Roche On His Best Behavior
This is the third panel I’ve seen from Sebastian Roche. Here are some quotes from him. Honest, this was him on his best behavior:
“You’re in the south and your hotel is called ‘Gaylord.'”
He ran a gimmick his whole panel getting different sections of the crowd to scream by raising his hand. “I love screaming women.”
Why does he wear a lot of v-necks? “They emphasize my cleavage.”
On the white staff used in The Vampire Diaries to kill his character Michael. “It looked like a giant dildo.”
“We Parisians tend to be be total douchebags.” I honestly don’t know what question earned that answer!
On Castiel stabbing Balthazar in the back. “You could have aimed somewhere else. I would have had a little pleasure at the same time.”
When asked about his role on General Hospital. “I was deliciously evil in that one. Like truffles.”
The latest Jared/Misha exchange:
A fan at Misha’s Q&A asked if there were any pranks he pulled on the guys. Misha ran down a list of few things. Pennies in Jared’s trailer, letting air out each other’s tires, “I got his wife pregnant…”
Yeah, that got a huge laugh in the room, but as luck would have it Clif Kosterman (@bodyguard4jandj) came on Twitter right around that time. When I told him what Misha had just said, Clif sent this message:
@WinFamBusiness Tell him Jared is asking how his son West is
Yes, fun with Twitter. Things have certainly changed since the first cons I went to, and that was only a few years ago!
I Can’t Wait to Hear Jared’s Kid Stories
I gotta say, fatherhood has certainly changed Misha. His video of his son West sharing signing the word bath and waving his arms over “what time is it?” was freaking adorable! Misha is obviously a very proud papa. He does think his boy is pretty smart, but he acknowledged it’s possible it’s the sign of a future serial killer. He wasn’t sure. West has grown in a year to be quite a cutie!
Even though West knows signs for certain words, he doesn’t know Mommy or Daddy. When Misha asked West to show the sign for Mommy, he stuck four fingers way down his throat and choked himself. Then he told the fan who somehow prompted that story, “You reminded me of that so I wanted to share.”
Other Misha Answers
Why don’t I just share some soundbites:
“I’m still going to be president someday. I’m following the Arnold Schwarzenegger/Ronald Reagan route.”
If Castiel could call a do over on anything? “I don’t know, coming to save Dean.”
Misha was asked if he could share anything from episode 7.17. He went backstage and fetched the script. He read off a bunch of legal disclaimers from Warner Brothers and claimed Jared’s address was there. “I’ll leave out the sensitive stuff.” He took away almost all of the script and handed the fan a few pages, likely the disclaimers. And maybe Jared’s address.
We did get an answer about Castiel’s wardrobe for 7.17. SPOILER ALERT. Castiel doesn’t have the trenchcoat! He also claims the new outfit is form fitting. When someone later pressed for more details, this was the answer: “A snowsuit. A full spandex suit with booties.” No orange underwear though for Castiel. “He’s not a pervert.”
In the bizarre question of the day, someone asked if he’d ever been to Disneyland or World. No, but after a long roundabout answer, he surmised that one day when the show is over and his career is finished, when he’s homeless and drunk, he’ll go there and wear the trenchcoat.
Here’s A Little Something Just Cause I Want To Tease
Here were two of the posters to my right all day. I was pretty damned warm:
That’s all I have for day one! Tomorrow, it’s Jared and Jensen. It ought to be good!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Thanks Alice! Sounds like so much fun! I can’t wait for LACon and I also can’t wait to see Louden Swain. Do you know, they have played on a day either side of my arrival or departure from LA 3 times in the last 2 years. That’s 3 times I’ve missed them by a day! I was starting to think they were avoiding me…which could be the case, remind me to tell you my somewhat embarrassing Rob story from when I met him at AHBL2 in Sydney!
Anyhoo…sounds like a blast…and look, there’s my Jensen banner hanging right next to you!
Have fun with the Js tomorrow 🙂
Re: “There needs to be more estrogen on this show.â€
My vote is no permanent female characters. I wished they would have kept Ellen as recurring, I like Kim Rhodes and an occasional recurring is fine, but I am not in favor of permanent women on the show, or even women hunters unless it’s kept to small does. Just my preference.
Thanks Alice! Glad you had fun!!
I wish I could have been there, but now I’ve got Chicago to look forward to again (was there in 2009). After going to karaoke at VanCon, I have to say that is something not to be missed!!